Unit 2《Wish you Were here 》-Word power课件1(63张PPT)(译林版必修2)

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Unit 2《Wish you Were here 》-Word power课件1(63张PPT)(译林版必修2)_第1页
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1、Beijing TempleofHeaven天坛天坛Shanghai 浙江千岛湖浙江千岛湖HongKong南京中山陵南京中山陵西藏布达拉宫西藏布达拉宫四川乐山大佛四川乐山大佛西安兵马俑西安兵马俑甘甘肃敦煌壁画敦煌壁画 洛阳龙门石窟洛阳龙门石窟扬州瘦西湖扬州瘦西湖1.Haveyoueverbeentoanyoftheseplaces?2.Tellusaboutyourtravellingexperiences?Suppose you want to plan a holiday with your friends, what kind of things will you plan to tak

2、e? What to takeWhy to take themKenyaTanzaniatheSaharaMoroccoNilesleeping-bag,atorchspecialclothing,helmet,lifejacketbackpack,food,waterWhattotakeWhytotakethemTheitemsColinwantstotakeonhisholiday life jacket pan parka bootsextra clothes for white-water rafting cook food for trekking in the mountains

3、To keep warm in the mountains tent sleeping bagto sleep in to keep warm1.DoyouthinkColinhasmadegoodpreparationsforhistravels?2.Ifyouwerehisbestfriend,whatsuggestionswouldyougivehim?Whatelse?Whatelse?digitalcamera MP3torchcandlesfoodmoneymobilephonetowelGuesswhatitis!backpacktenttowellife jacketwater

4、-proof matchessleeping bagcandlespanparka compassbootsbookscamerapocket knifetorchfoodfirst aid kitHi Colin,Im glad to hear that you are going to have so many Adventures in Africa. You must be very excited! You Will need strong (1) _ because you are going to walk a lot. A (2)_ is also necessary in c

5、ase the weather is bad on Mount Kilimanjaro. Take a (3)_ as well, because you will get wet when you go white-water rafting. Equipment is also very important. Im sure you will take your (4)_ and (5) _ for camping in the desert, but dont forget small things, such as (6)_you may need to make a fire. Al

6、so take a map of all the places you will visit and a (7)_ so you dont lose your way. A (8)_ and somebootsparkatoweltentsleeping bagwater-proof matchescompasstorch(9)_ are also good to have when it gets dark.Of course, you will probably find water. Take care though, as you will need to take your (10)

7、 _ _and place them in a (11)_ when you boil the water. While you are waiting, you could read a (12) _. Oh, I really forgot about the (13)_! Bring a lot of extra (14) _ you dont run out when you are taking pictures. The last and most important piece of equipment is your (15)_ in case you are sick. Yo

8、u can also take a (16)_ _to cut food or anything else when needed.Best wishes,Jennifer candles water purifying tabletspanbookcamerafilmfirst aid kit pocket knifeChoosethefourcorrectitemsfortakingafirstaidkitonColinstrip.你和李明参加了一次野外生存训练。以下你和李明参加了一次野外生存训练。以下5幅幅图画表现了野外训练活动的过程,请根据图图画表现了野外训练活动的过程,请根据图示写一









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