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1、Lesson9 Managing Marketing Information4The Importance of InformationCompanies need Companies need information about information about their:their: Customer needsCustomer needs Marketing environmentMarketing environment CompetitionCompetitionMarketing managers Marketing managers do not need do not ne

2、ed moremore information, they information, they need need betterbetter information.information.Information Overload“In this oh so overwhelming information age, its all too easy to be buried, burdened, and burned out by data overload.”The Marketing Information SystemThe Marketing Research Process 123

3、41、Defining the Problem & Objectives2、Developing the Research PlanIncludes:Determining the exact information neededDetermining the exact information neededDeveloping a plan for gathering it efficientlyDeveloping a plan for gathering it efficientlyPresenting the written plan to managementPresenting t

4、he written plan to managementOutlines:Sources of existing dataSources of existing dataSpecific research approachesSpecific research approachesContact methodsContact methodsSampling plansSampling plansInstruments for data collectionInstruments for data collection2.2 Gathering Secondary DataInformatio

5、n that already exists somewhereInternal databasesInternal databasesCommercial data servicesCommercial data servicesGovernment sourcesGovernment sourcesAvailable more quickly and at a lower cost than primary dataMust be relevant, accurate, current, and impartialOnline DatabasesDialog puts an incredib

6、le wealth of information at the keyboards of marketing decision makers. Dialog puts “information to change the world, or your corner of it” at your fingertips.2.3 Observational ResearchThe gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions, and situations.Ethnographic research:Observati

7、on in “natural environment”Observation in “natural environment”Mechanical observation:People metersPeople metersCheckout scannersCheckout scannersObservational ResearchFisher-Price set up an observation lab in which it could observe the reactions of little tots to new toys. Survey Research Most wide

8、ly used method for primary data collection.Approach best suited for gathering descriptive information.Can gather information about peoples knowledge, attitudes, preferences, or buying behavior.Experimental ResearchTries to explain cause-and-effect relationships.Involves:selecting matched groups of s

9、ubjects, selecting matched groups of subjects, giving different treatments, giving different treatments, controlling unrelated factors, and controlling unrelated factors, and checking differences in group responses.checking differences in group responses. Strengths & Weaknesses of Contact Methods Ch

10、oosing the Sample SampleSample segment of segment of the population selected to the population selected to represent the population represent the population as a whole.as a whole.Requires 3 Decisions:Requires 3 Decisions: WhoWho is to be is to be surveyed?surveyed? Sampling unit Sampling unit How ma

11、nyHow many people people should be surveyed?should be surveyed? Sample sizeSample size How shouldHow should the people the people in the sample be in the sample be chosen?chosen? Sampling procedureSampling procedure Primary Data CollectionResearch InstrumentsQuestionnaires SampleSample segment of se

12、gment of the population selected to the population selected to represent the population represent the population as a whole.as a whole.Requires 3 Decisions:Requires 3 Decisions: WhoWho is to be is to be surveyed?surveyed? Sampling unit Sampling unit How manyHow many people people should be surveyed?

13、should be surveyed? Sample sizeSample size How shouldHow should the people the people in the sample be in the sample be chosen?chosen? Sampling procedureSampling procedure问卷设计结构:封面信、问题及答案、编码及其他资料步骤:探索性工作、设计问卷、初稿试用、修改定稿其它: 结构:封面信:说明调查者的身份:“我(我们)是谁”说明调查的大致内容:“我(们)正在进行.方面的调查”说明调查的主要目的:“我(们)这次调查的目的是.”说明

14、调查对象的选取方法和对调查结果保密的措施: “本调查以不记名的方式进行,答案无对错之分,请您不必有任何的顾虑”。 在信的结尾处,一定要真诚地感谢被调查者的合作与帮助。指导语:“请您根据自己的实际情况在合适的答案上画圈.”问题及答案:主体部分开放式问题:封闭式问题编码及其他资料:问卷编号、调查员编号、调查 日期、被调查者住地等。 结构: 步骤:探索性工作:避免出现含糊和不符合实际的问题设计问卷初稿:卡片法和框图法试用:小范围发放,回收检验修改定稿:其它:问题的语言要尽量简洁、明确、通俗、易懂问题不带有倾向性不要用否定形式提问不要直接询问敏感性问题问题的数量:20-30分钟问题的顺序:相倚问题:B

15、ACK3、Implementing the Research Plan4、Interpreting & Reporting FindingsManagers and researchers must work together when interpreting research results.Customer Relationship ManagementMany companies utilize CRMCapture customer information from all sourcesCapture customer information from all sourcesAna

16、lyze it in depthAnalyze it in depthApply the results to build stronger relationships.Apply the results to build stronger relationships.Companies look for customer touch points.CRM analysts develop data warehouses and use data mining techniques to find information out about customers.Rest Stop: Make a marketing report 实践课:第15周 ( 5月31日)任务要求:以小组为单位,选择一个品牌,对以小组为单位,选择一个品牌,对其产品其及市场营销情况做一个调查,并做一其产品其及市场营销情况做一个调查,并做一个描述性的报告,上交打印文本。个描述性的报告,上交打印文本。(1 1)文本格式:)文本格式:题目为黑体加粗题目为黑体加粗4 4号,文本字体为宋体小四,号,文本字体为宋体小四,1.51.5倍间距。倍间距。(2 2)可有图像或表格,文本内容不得少于)可有图像或表格,文本内容不得少于15001500字。字。



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