七年级英语《Unit 1 Can you play the guitar》课件4

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七年级英语《Unit 1 Can you play the guitar》课件4_第1页
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《七年级英语《Unit 1 Can you play the guitar》课件4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语《Unit 1 Can you play the guitar》课件4(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Section B(2aself check)Aims and language points:Teaching aims (教学目标)(教学目标)1. 能用所学知识区别不同人所具备的不同能力。2. 能理解小短文的内容并为其选择正确标题。3. 能用所学知识写招聘广告。 Language points (语言点语言点)1. 词汇:1) 名词n. people, home, center, weekend, musician 2) 副词 adv. also home, today 3) 动词 v. make, teach 4)短语 be good with, mak

2、e friends, help ( sb) with sth, on the weekends2. 句型:I can and I can also I can . I can and . , too. Please call sb at + phone number. Key words check. dance swim sing play chess paint speak show join music art club violin drum guitar piano can cant What can or cant your family members do?There are

3、_ people in my family. They are _. My _is a _, and she can _ very well. My _ likes _, so he can _ very well. I like _ very much. I can _, but I cant _. 2a Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do. Fill in the chart below and talk about what they can do.Pe

4、terAlanMa Huanplay basketball, speak English, play soccerplay the guitar, play the piano, sing and danceplay ping-pong and chess, talk and play games with peopleA: What can do?B: He/she can .2b Read the ads. Match the titles with the ads. ACBQ1. If you want to help old people, what can you do?Q2. If

5、 you want to be a music teacher, what can you do?Q3. If you want to help with sports, what can you do?2c Match a person in 2a with an ad in 2b. Write A, B and C. Peter _ Alan _ Ma Huan _ABC3a Complete the ad with the words in the box.musicdanceplayguitarcancallHow do you write a good ad? WantedDo you like Can you Can you Can you Then you can Please call at Homework:(1) Recite the text in Section B, 2b.(2)Finish Self Check.励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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