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1、一二三一、下面是一组经典的广告词,你知道它们分别是哪一类产品的广告吗?AB1.Obey your thirst.a.Toothpaste2.Focus on life.b.Watch3.Good to the last drop.c.Soft drink4.Good teeth,good health.d.Coffee5.We lead.Others copy.e.Camera 6.Time is what you make of it.f.Duplicating machine(复印机) 答案:1.c2.e3.d4.a5.f6.b一二三二、将下面这些日常生活中常见的物品与它们的英文搭配1.移

2、动电话 A.air-conditioner2.电水壶B.laptop computer3.皮夹克C.cash machine4.空调D.leather jacket5.信用卡E.mobile phone6.电饭锅F.washing machine7.洗衣机G.translation pen8.笔记本电脑H.electric kettle9.电子词典I.rice cooker10.翻译笔J.mini camera11.微型照相机K.credit card12.取款机L.e-dictionary一二三答案:1.E2.H3.D4.A5.K6.I7.F8.B9.L10.G11.J12.C一二三三、用所

3、给词的正确形式填空1.It doesnt sound like a very (practice) solution.2.I hate all the traffic.Its really (noise).3.My mother is a (clean);its nothing to be ashamed of.4.You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in(translate).5.Recent studies in England have shown that many(electricity) goods bought in almo

4、st every family are not really needed.practical noisycleaner translation electric 123451.I think electric toothbrushes are not very practical.我觉得电动牙刷不太实用。考点 practical adj. 实用的,实践的【高考典句】Although this result may not surprise you,it leads to important practical advice.虽然这个结果可能不会让你觉得惊讶,但却可以引出实用的重要建议。123

5、45活学活用完成句子(1)我们制定度假计划时,妈妈常给我们提供实用的建议。When we plan our vacation,my mother often offers .翻译句子(2)Be practical!We cant afford such a large house.(3)Many things you learn at school have no practical value in the real world.practical suggestions/advice 答案:实际点吧!我们买不起这么大的房子。 答案:你在学校里学的很多东西在现实生活中没有实用价值。 1234

6、52.The signals go through glass,doors and walls.信号可穿过玻璃、门和墙壁。考点 signal n. 信号,暗号v.发信号Ive been trying to call her,but I keep getting a busy signal.我不停地打电话给她,但老占线。A red light is a signal of danger,which is even known to a five-year-old child.红灯是危险的信号,这一点甚至连五岁的孩子都知道。【高考典句】In order not to be heard,she po

7、inted her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs.为了不被人听见,她竖起手指示意楼上有人正在四处走动。12345活学活用语法填空(1)A green light is signal to pass.完成句子(2)红色的旗子常被用作危险的信号。A red flag is often used as .翻译句子(3)They received a signal for help.a a danger signal 答案:他们收到一个求救的信号。 123453.These exciting,new he

8、adphones give you freedom to move around plus top quality sound.这些令人兴奋的新型耳机给你移动的自由和高质量的音效。考点 freedom n.自由He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.他蹲了二十年监狱以后终于获得了自由。She has the freedom to do as she likes.她有按自己喜欢的方式行事的自由。【高考典句】Responsibility is the price every man must pay for freedom.责任是

9、每个人都要为自由付出的代价。归纳:freedom是形容词free对应的名词形式,通常为不可数名词。其后接不定式作后置定语时,表示“做某事的自由”。12345活学活用语法填空(1)Today,we have the freedom (decide) our own future.(2)The children are (freedom) to decide which activity they would like to do.to decide free 123454.It is no bigger than a credit card!它就像信用卡一样小!考点 no修饰比较级We expe

10、cted their house to be very big,but it is no bigger than ours.我们原以为他们的房子会很大,但是它却和我们的一样小。This computer is no cheaper than the one we bought last week.这台电脑跟我们上星期买的那台一样贵。归纳:“no+比较级+than”具有强调形容词反面性质的特点,如no bigger than强调其小,no cheaper than强调其贵等。试比较:His French is no better than mine.他的法语和我的一样差。His French i

11、s not better than mine.他的法语不比我的好。12345活学活用翻译句子(1)He is no taller than his brother.(2)Your work is no better than his.答案:他和他哥哥一样矮。 答案:你的工作和他的一样糟糕。 123455.It has an automatic focus and flash,so you dont have to worry about anything.它有自动变焦和闪光(功能),所以你不用为任何事担心。考点 focus n. 调焦,焦点Bring the object into focus

12、 if you want a sharp photograph.要照出清晰的照片,你就要把焦点对准物体。He always wants to be the focus of peoples attention.他总想成为众人瞩目的焦点。12345focus用作动词,表示“集中,(使)聚焦”。You should focus your attention on your work.你应该把注意力放到工作上。【高考典句】Most of us are more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.我们大多数

13、人在早上会比白天晚些时候更加关注工作。归纳focus既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,都可以与介词on连用。用作及物动词时的常用结构为focus sth.on,意为“把集中在”;用作不及物动词时的常用搭配为focus on,意为“聚焦于,集中在”。12345活学活用语法填空(1)The reports focus is how technology affects human life rather than business.(2)George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he (focus) more on its culture.(3)He sat there in silence,with his attention (focus) on the blackboard.on focused focused



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