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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索人教版人教版(课标卷地区课标卷地区) 高考总复习高考总复习 Unit 3A healthy life选修六选修六第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 1考点探究演练考点探究演练 2单单 元元 语语 法法 3基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 5课课 时时 作作 业业 5高考真题对接高考真题对接4基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记A识记单词1_ (n. & vt.)滥用;虐待2_ (vt. & n) 禁止;取缔;禁令;谴责3_ (adj.) 欠款的;预定的;到期的4_ (vt.) 停止(做某事)

2、;离开5_ (n.) 结果;效力6_ (adj.) 绝望的;拼命的7_ (adj.) 局促不安的;笨拙的abusebanduequiteffectdesperate awkwardB联想串记8_ (n.)压力;重音(vt.)加压力于;使紧张_ (adj.)产生压力的;紧张的_ (adj.)焦虑不安的9_ (n.)青少年(adj.)青春期的_ (n.)青春期10_ (adj.)入了迷的;上了瘾的_ (n.)沉溺;嗜好_ (adj.)使人上瘾的_ (vt.)使上瘾(n.)有瘾的人stressstressfulstressedadolescentadolescenceaddictedaddictio

3、naddictiveaddict11_ (vt.)使习惯于_ (adj.)惯常的;习惯了的12_ (adj.)无意识的;自动的_ (adv.)无意识地;自动地13_ (adj.)精神的;智力的_ (adv.)精神上;智力上_(反义词)身体的;肉体的14_ (vt.)加强;巩固;使坚强(vi.)变强_ (n.)力气,力量,强项accustomaccustomedautomaticautomaticallymentalmentallyphysicalstrengthenstrength 15_ (adj.)失望的;沮丧的_ (adj.)令人失望的_ (vt.)使失望;使扫兴_ (n.)失望;沮丧1

4、6_ (adj.)感到惭愧或羞耻的_ (n.)羞愧_ (adj.)可耻的_ (adj.)无耻的;厚颜的disappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointmentashamedshameshamefulshameless.短语互译1对有瘾 _2对作出决定 _3不顾;不管 _4陷入;染上(坏习惯) _5也就是说 _6设法完成某件困难的事 _addicted todecide onin spite ofget intothat ismanage to do sth.7due to _8accustomed to _9feel like (doing) _10t

5、ake risks (a risk) _11at risk _12reach for _由于习惯于想要(做)冒险处境危险;遭受危险接触;伸手去拿.典句析练1make/find/consider/feelit宾语补足语Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are _ (发现很难把它戒掉)【仿写】马克思发现研究俄国的形势是重要的。Marx _ study situation in Russia.2every time 引导的时间状语从句_ (每当) you feel like smoking

6、a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.【仿写】每次我要求她确定日期的时候,她总是说忙。_, she always says she is busy.3It is/was被强调部分that/who的强调句型_ only when the disease has progressed to AIDS _ a person begins to look sick (正是)【仿写】就是王教授教你们英语吗?_.答案:1.finding it difficult to give it up;found it important to2E

7、very time;Every time I ask her to set the date3It is;that;Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English?Your mother tells me that you are addicted_3_ smoking and thats why I am writing to you. I know once you start smoking,it is hard to give it up. First,you become _4_(physical) addicted to nicotine.

8、 When your body becomes _5_(accustom) to it,you will feel badtempered or in pain when the drug leaves your body. Secondly, you become addicted through habits. If you do _6_ same thing repeatedly,you begin to do it _7_(automatic). Lastly,you can become mentally addicted. You believe you are happier a

9、nd _8_ relaxed when you smoke.Smoking is a bad habit and can do great harm _9_ our health. So I think it is time for you to quit _10_(smoke)Love fromGrandpa答案:1.from2.to cycle3.to4.physically5.accustomed6the7.automatically8.more9.to10.smoking考点探究演练考点探究演练 1.abuse n. & vt.滥用;虐待必会alcohol/drug abuse酗酒/吸

10、毒child abuse (abuse children)虐待儿童abuse ones power滥用权力The officials are always reminded not to _ _ _.官员们总是被提醒不要滥用权力。Its our duty to provide help for the _ children.给被虐待的儿童提供帮助是我们的职责。答案:abuse their powerabused2stress n重压,逼迫;重音;重点vt.加压力于;使紧张必会under the stress of在压力下lay/place/put stress on sth.强调某事物stre

11、ss the importance of强调的重要性stressful adj.产生压力的stressed adj.焦虑的;紧张的 He _ _ _ _ a good education.他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。Janes been _ _ since her mother was ill.自从母亲病后,简一直忧心忡忡。He was feeling very _ and tired.他感到心力交瘁。名师点拨stressful产生压力的,修饰物;stressed感到压力的,修饰人。答案:stressed the importance ofunder stressstressed3ban v

12、t.禁止;取缔n禁令;谴责教材原句Do you think smoking should be banned?(P17)你认为应该戒烟吗?必会ban (doing) sth. 禁止(做)某事ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事a ban on/against sth. 对的禁令place/put. under a ban 禁止lift the ban on/against sth. 解除对的禁令 Smoking _ _ at school.学校禁止吸烟。She has _ _ _ _ for six months.已禁止她开车六个月。The new rule has

13、_ driving after drinking _ _ _.新规定禁止酒后驾车。The government banned the bad information from being emailed on the Internet.政府禁止在互联网上传递不良信息。The police lifted the ban on/against parking in this street.警察取消了不准在这条街上停车的禁令。答 案 : is banned been banned from drivingput/placed;under a ban4quit vt.停止(做某事);离开教材原句I w

14、as addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit.(P18)我之所以上瘾是有着这三个方面的原因的,因此,要戒烟就很难。必会quit doing sth.放弃干某事;停止干某事quit office/school/the army离职/退学/退伍be quit of脱离;摆脱 He quarreled with the boss and wanted to _.他和老板吵了一架,不想干了。I was trying to _ _ at that time.那时我正在尽力戒烟。Though learning gymnast

15、ics has been more difficult for her than for some of her teammates, she has never quit.尽管学习体操要比其他队友更困难些,但她从来也没有放弃。I know that he has been quit of the trouble.我知道他已经摆脱了困境。答案:quitquit smoking5effect n结果;努力教材原句When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking.(P18)年轻时,我不太了解吸烟的危害性

16、。 必会(1)have an/no effect on 对有/没有影响take effect 实行;生效come/go into effect 开始生效;开始实施bring/carry sth. into effect 使生效in effect 正在实行;实际上be of no effect 无效果的(2)effective adj.有效的;显著的;实际的 The radiation leak has _ _ disastrous _ _ the environment.辐射泄漏对环境产生了灾难性的影响。They decided to _ the plan _ _ as soon as pos

17、sible.他们决定尽快实施这项计划。The new law _ _ from tomorrow.新法令明日起实行。Emerald Valley is the only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of light pollution.Emerald Valley是唯一一个正意识到光污染的消极影响的社区。名师点拨作“影响”讲时,effect为名词;affect (have an effect on)为动词。effect为动词时,意思为“引起;使发生”。答案:had a;effect onbring;i

18、nto effecttakes effect6desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的教材原句If you feel desperate, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum.(P19)如果你的确感到很绝望,你可以找一个医生或药剂师来谈谈,帮你想点办法,如嚼含尼古丁的口香糖等。必会be desperate for极想要某物be desperate to do sth.极想做某事in desperate need of(badly

19、 in need of)迫切需要 Many people in Haiti asked for help in the _ situation.在海地,很多人们在走投无路的情况下,恳求援助。Hes _ _ a glass of water.他极想喝一杯水。The unattended children are _ _ _ _ love and attention.留守儿童非常需要爱和关怀。名师点拨“极想,渴望”的其他表达:be eager/thirsty/longing for sth.;be eager/thirsty/longing to do sth.答案:desperatedesper

20、ate forin desperate need of7ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的教材原句If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed.(P19)如果你因意志衰弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。必会be ashamed to do耻于做;因难为情而不愿做feel/be ashamed of (doing) sth.为(做)某事感到羞愧be ashamed that.对感到内疚 She _ _ _ _ failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。Im _ _ _ that I lied

21、 to her.我真不好意思说我向她撒了谎。I feel ashamed that I havent written for so long.我很久未曾写信,很是羞愧。答案:was ashamed of havingashamed to say1.due to由于;因为(一般不置于句首)教材原句I think my long and active life must be due_to the healthy life I live.(P18)我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。必会be due to do sth. 预定做某事be due for sth. 应该得到某物be

22、due to sb. 应给某人的;该付给某人的 观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义。It was a mistake due to carelessness.()Have they been paid the money (that is) due to them?( )Rent bill is due today.()Their plane is due to arrive in 15 minutes.()He is due to leave for America with his girlfriend tomorrow.()词语辨析due to侧重“起因于”,在句中多作表语,有时作状语beca

23、use of着重某种理由,在句中通常作状语thanks to突出“感激之情”,意思为“幸亏;多亏”owing to可以与due to互换,但在句中多作状语,也可以作表语答案:由于;因为应给的,应支付的到期的预定应到的约定的2be (get/become) accustomed to习惯于教材原句This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.(P18)这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。必会accustom sb./oneself to (doing) s

24、th.使某人/自己习惯于(做)某事get/become/be accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事be used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 名师点拨以上短语中的to均为介词,后面接名词或动名词。It took a while for me to _ _ _ all the new rules and regulations.我花了一段时间才逐渐适应了所有新的规章制度。_ _ _ _ getting up so early.我不习惯这么早起床。答案:accustom myself toIm not accustomed to3feel lik

25、e (doing) 想要(做)必会feel like 还有“摸起来像;感觉像”之意。would like sth. 想要某物would like to do sth. 想要做某事would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 Do you _ _ _ _ _ with me?跟我一起去散散步怎么样?They made me _ _ one of the family.他们使我感到我像是这个家庭中的一员。It _ _ rain because of the dark clouds in the sky.因为天上有乌云,好像要下雨了。For those who would li

26、ke to be a volunteer, please contact Miss Olivia Wong one week before the activity.凡是愿意来当志愿者的人,在活动开始一周前请联系Miss Olivia Wong.What would you like me to do before the party?聚会之前你想让我做什么?答案:feel like having a walkfeel likefeels like_ _ _ the hot weather, students still practice on the playground.尽管天气炎热,学生

27、们仍在操场上训练。I studied very hard at English _ _ _ _ _ _ I didnt pass the examination.尽管那次考试我没有及格,我依然很努力地学习英语。In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford.尽管有许多次邀请,他总是谢绝访问牛津(大学)。I think he is sad, despite his smiles.尽管他在微笑,我认为他很悲伤。名师点拨in spite of为介词短语,与介词despite及regardless of一样,其

28、后可跟名词、代词和动名词,意义基本相同。though,although也有“虽然,尽管”之意,但它们是连词,后面应接句子。答案:In spite ofin spite of the fact that5take risks/a risk冒险教材原句He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking risks.(P20)他觉得每一步都得作出决定而不是冒险。必会(1)at risk处于危险之中at all risksat any risk无论冒什么险,无论如何at the risk of doing sth.冒着的

29、危险run/take the risk of doing sth.冒着的风险(2)risk ones life冒生命危险risk doing sth.冒险做某事 Never put your family _ _.绝对不要让你的家人处于危险之中。He _ _ _ _ losing his own life and saved my life in the cold river.他冒着失去自己生命的危险,在冰冷的河水里救了我的命。答案:at risktook/ran the risk of6get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)必会get into trouble 陷入困境;惹上麻烦get in

30、to debt 负债累累get into a panic 陷入恐慌get into a temper 大发脾气get into the habit of 养成/染上的坏习惯 Tell me in case you _ _ _.碰到麻烦请告诉我。If you continue spending money like this, youll _ _ _.如果你继续这样花钱,总有一天你会负债的。He had _ _ _ _ _ stealing long before.他早就染上了偷窃的习惯。She is always _ _ _ _ for an incident.她总是因为琐碎小事发脾气。答案:

31、get into troubleget into debtgot into the habit ofgetting into a temper单单 元元 语语 法法 it用法()1When _ comes to an interview day, weve got many things in mind, such as being on time and giving proper answers.答案:it考查代词。when it comes to sth.当涉及某事时,为固定结构。2He made _ quite clear that he wouldnt change his mind

32、.答案:it考查代词。 make it clear that.为固定句型,意为“表明”,其中it指代后面that引导的从句。3His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks. _ is no surprise that losing weight is just his dream.答案:It考查it的用法。句意为:他最喜爱的食物是油炸小吃和不含酒精的饮料,毫不奇怪减肥对他来说只是个梦。It在这里作形式主语。“that losing weight is just his dream”是真正的主语。4Shall I attend my frie

33、nds comingofage ceremony, Mom?No, unless you see to _ that you will be home before 10: 00 pm.答案:it考查代词。句意为:妈妈,我可以参加朋友的成人礼吗?不行,除非你确保在晚上10点之前回家。see to it that.确保,it在句中作形式宾语。5You look very beautiful in this dress and there is only one of this kind left here. I wonder if you would buy _.答案:it考查代词。根据“the

34、re is only one of this kind left here”可知,此处表示前面提到的那一条裙子。高考真题对接高考真题对接1(2014陕西改编)Its quite hot today. Do you feel like _(go) for a swim?答案:going 本题考查非谓语动词。句意:今天太热了,你想去游泳吗?feel like doing 想要做某事。2(2014江西改编)It is unbelievable that Mr. Lucas leads a simple life _ his great wealth.答案:despite考查介词用法。句意:真是令人难

35、以置信,卢卡斯先生尽管很富有还过着简朴的生活。despite尽管(in spite of),符合题意。3(2012江西改编)Ive got _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.答案:into句意:我养成了在放学回家的路上看望爷爷奶奶的习惯。get into“养成(习惯),染上(毛病)”。4They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are accustomed to not _(talk) at meals.答案:talkingbe accustomed to“习惯,适应”,to为介词,后接动名词作宾语。答句句意:他们习惯了在吃饭的时候不说话。5(2011四川改编)Lydia doesnt feel like _(study) abroad. Her parents are old.答案:studying本题考查非谓语动词的固定搭配在具体语境中的运用。feel like doing sth.。



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