七年级英语Unit 7 It’s raining Section B(1a-2c)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 7Its raining! Section B(1a-2c). 选词选词配配图图dry, cold, warm, cool, hot答案答案: 1. hot2. warm3. cool4. cold5. dry. 句型展示句型展示1. 图图片片d中的天气怎中的天气怎样样? the weatherpicture d? 2. 我在加拿大看望我姑姑我在加拿大看望我姑姑, 过过得很愉快。得很愉快。Ima great timemy aunt in Canada. 3. 你的暑假你的暑假过过得怎么得怎么样样? your summer vacation? 答案答案:

2、 1. Hows; in2. having; visiting3. Hows; going4. 我我想想给你你打打电话, 但但电话不不工工作作了了, 所所以以我我就就给给你你写写明明信信片片了。了。I want you but my phone isnt, so Im you. 5. 你你们们国家国家现现在很在很热热, 对对吧吧? Its hot in your country now, ? 答案答案: 4. to call; working; writing to5. isnt it1. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 我

3、在加拿大看望我姑姑我在加拿大看望我姑姑, 过过得很愉快。得很愉快。【自自主主领领悟悟】have a great time意意为为“玩玩得得愉愉快快, 过过得得开开心心”。后后接接动动词词-ing形形式式作作宾宾语语, 即即: have a great time doing sth. “愉愉快快地地做做某某事事”, 还还可可以以表表达达为为have a good/wonderful time doing sth. 。例例如如: We often have a great time playing basketball after school. 我我们经们经常放学后打常放学后打篮篮球球, 玩得很

4、开心。玩得很开心。【归纳归纳拓展拓展】“玩得开心玩得开心”的不同表达的不同表达【活学活用活学活用】 The children are having a great time (play)in the water. They are having a great time at the party. (改改为为同同义义句句)They are at the party. 答案答案: playinghaving fun/enjoying themselves2. I want to call you but my phone isnt working , so Im writing to you.

5、我我想想给给你你打打电电话话, 但但电电话话不不工工作作了了, 所所以以我就我就给给你写明信片了。你写明信片了。【自自主主领领悟悟】(1)want作作动动词词, 意意为为“想想要要”, 常常用用结结构构: want to do sth. “想想要要做做某某事事”。例例如如: I want to tell you funny stories. 我想要我想要给给你你讲讲有趣的故事。有趣的故事。(2)work为为动动词词, 此此处处用用来来表表示示仪仪器器、设设备备的的“运运作作; 运运行行; 工工作作”, 若若用用于于否否定定结结构构, 大大多多表表示示某某一一物物件件“坏坏掉掉了了”或或“不不运

6、运作作了了”。例如例如: The clock isnt working now. 现现在在钟钟表停了。表停了。(3)write to sb. 意意为为“给给某人写信某人写信”。【活学活用活学活用】 My mother wants(go) shopping with me. 我能今晚来你家看我能今晚来你家看NBA比比赛吗赛吗? 我家我家电视电视坏了。坏了。Can I come to your house this evening and watch the NBA game? My TV . 现现在我正在在我正在给给美国的笔友写信呢。美国的笔友写信呢。Now I my pen pal in Am

7、erica. 答案答案: to godoesnt workam writing to. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. Mary is(visit)her aunt in New York. 2. Hows your vacation(go), John? Not too bad! 3. Im so happy(see)you again. 4. Tom is(sit)under a big tree and(listen)to music. 5. We are on a vacation on the beach. Its very(relax). 答案答案: 1. vis

8、iting2. going3. to see4. sitting; listening5. relaxing. 句型句型转换转换1. They are having lunch now. (改改为为否定句否定句)They lunch now. 2. We are having a history class. (改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句) having a history class? 3. Hows the weather in Toronto? (改改为为同同义义句句)the weatherin Toronto? 答案答案: 1. arent having2. Are you3. Wh

9、ats; like4. Helen is watching TV now. (对画画线部分提部分提问) _Helennow? 5. Jim is playing basketball at school. (对画画线部分提部分提问) Jim playing basketball? 答案答案: 4. What is; doing5. Where is. 单项选择单项选择1. They are havinggreat time in Beijing. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Lisa isto the summer camp. A. go B. going C. goesD. comes3. Jenny isvisiting some of her friends in Sydney. A. also B. tooC. eitherD. and4. The weather is warm and sunny. Its just righthiking. A. to B. at C. forD. to5. you studying now? Yes, Im studying for a test. A. Do B. Could C. Can D. Are励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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