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1、 In ancient times, the ring was In ancient times, the ring was not initially used as decorations in the not initially used as decorations in the palace, but the concubines monthly palace, but the concubines monthly note king Miyuki as a special symbol, note king Miyuki as a special symbol, called ri

2、ng.called ring.在古代,在古代,在古代,戒指戒指戒指在最初并不是作为装饰品用的,而是在最初并不是作为装饰品用的,而是在最初并不是作为装饰品用的,而是宫廷中的嫔妃们每月避忌君王宫廷中的嫔妃们每月避忌君王宫廷中的嫔妃们每月避忌君王“御幸御幸御幸”时的一种特时的一种特时的一种特殊标志,殊标志,殊标志, 故称为故称为故称为“戒指戒指戒指”。ring1Today, the ring is not only beautify the living ornaments, also be a token of love在今天,戒指已不仅是美化生活的装饰品,还在今天,戒指已不仅是美化生活的装饰品,

3、还在今天,戒指已不仅是美化生活的装饰品,还在今天,戒指已不仅是美化生活的装饰品,还成为了爱情的信物成为了爱情的信物成为了爱情的信物成为了爱情的信物。2International different finger rings meaning According to Western traditions and customs, the left hand is shown is that God give you the luck,therefore, in western countries, usually worn on the left hand ring. No rings repr

4、esent single. 按西方的传统习惯来说,左手显示的是上帝按西方的传统习惯来说,左手显示的是上帝赐给你的运气,因此,在西方国家,戒指赐给你的运气,因此,在西方国家,戒指通常戴在左手上。不佩戴戒指表示单身。通常戴在左手上。不佩戴戒指表示单身。 3The left hand ring finger In the hands of ten refers to the distance from the heart recently, so the marriage ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand, so as to reflect

5、the love divine status. 在双手十指中与心脏的距离最近,所以将代在双手十指中与心脏的距离最近,所以将代表婚姻的戒指戴在左手无名指上,进而体现表婚姻的戒指戴在左手无名指上,进而体现出爱情的神圣地位出爱情的神圣地位 4(Fortune power) are worn on the left hand thumb - symbolizes the supreme right( (权势财富)左手大拇指权势财富)左手大拇指代表权利代表权利 (feelings ) said that the pursuit of each other( (感情感情) )表示追求对方表示追求对方5Wo

6、rn on the left hand forefinger戴在左手食指戴在左手食指(感情)未婚、想结婚(感情)未婚、想结婚6Worn on the left hand middle finger戴在左手中指 ( wealth and power) represents money(财富权势财富权势)代表正当财运(feelings ) has been in love(感情)已经在恋爱中 78Worn on the ring finger of the left hand戴在左手无名指戴在左手无名指 (Fortune power) on behalf of poor retired(财富权势)

7、代表清贫退隐(财富权势)代表清贫退隐 (feelings ) has engaged or married(感情)已经订婚或结婚(感情)已经订婚或结婚 9Worn on the left hand little finger戴在左手小指 (Fortune power) representing the deviation from a fortune(财富权势财富权势)代表偏离财运(feelings ) singles ( minority area also represents the gay )(感情)单身贵族(少数地区亦代表同性恋者) 10Worn on the right hand

8、little finger戴在右手小指 Symbol of mission象征使命(因此尼古拉斯凯奇演的国家宝藏-独立宣言最后像警察局探长说发现宝藏,换取坐牢赦免的条件时,镜头有一个特写探长右手小拇指上带着同济会的戒指 11Worn on the right hand ring finger戴在右手戴在右手无名指Only wear the ring has a special meaning, is indicated with a concentric.只有戴戒指有只有戴戒指有特殊含义,是特殊含义,是表示具有修女表示具有修女的心性。的心性。1212Domestic different fin

9、ger rings meaning国内不同手指佩戴戒指的含义国内不同手指佩戴戒指的含义 ancestorofgeneralprovisionsofringwornancestorofgeneralprovisionsofringwornonthelefthand.Notwearingtherightonthelefthand.Notwearingtherighthand,lefthandiseasybecause,collision,hand,lefthandiseasybecause,collision,loss,abrasion,theleftgenerallydonotloss,abra

10、sion,theleftgenerallydonotwork,,soaringleft.我们老祖宗一般规定戒指戴在左手上。不戴右手,因为右我们老祖宗一般规定戒指戴在左手上。不戴右手,因为右手干活,容易碰撞、丢失、磨损,左手一般不干活,所手干活,容易碰撞、丢失、磨损,左手一般不干活,所以戒指戴左手。以戒指戴左手。 13 But the ancestor has exquisite, ancestor of stress is generally not a thumb, thumb were wearing thimble.但是老祖宗有讲究,老祖宗讲究是拇指一般不

11、戴,拇指戴的是顶针。 14finger unmarried, ,want to marry食指食指 未婚未婚,想想结婚婚 15Middle finger engagement中指中指订婚婚 Middle finger can not wear, middle finger can wear, middle finger ring meaning representation are in love, talking. 中指可以不戴,中指可以戴,中指戴戒指的意思是表示正在热恋,在谈着。 16无名指结婚 Ring finger ring mean married, or engaged, not

12、available.无名指戴戒指的意思是无名指戴戒指的意思是结婚了,婚了,或者或者订婚了,名花有主了婚了,名花有主了 17The little finger - not to marry ( married widowed, etc. )小手指小手指不婚(不婚(丧偶、不婚族偶、不婚族 等情况)等情况) The little finger ring that I am celibate. A lifetime alone forever小指戴戒指是小指戴戒指是说明自己是独身主明自己是独身主义者。一者。一辈子子单干到永干到永远。 。 18The wear rings meaning memory

13、method国内佩戴戒指含义的记忆方法国内佩戴戒指含义的记忆方法 Hands together, from right to left, meaning in turn:双手并拢,由右到左,含义依次为:双手并拢,由右到左,含义依次为:【独身】【独身】【热恋】【热恋】【恋爱】【恋爱】【单身】【单身】【未婚】【未婚】【订婚】【订婚】【新婚】【新婚】【不婚】。【不婚】。 19In contrast to memory对比记忆对比记忆The left hand marriage right hand - love左手左手 “婚姻婚姻”,右手,右手 “恋爱恋爱”finger 食食 指指 the left

14、 hand - unmarried ( for lovers, plan to marry) 左手未婚(已有恋人,打算结婚)左手未婚(已有恋人,打算结婚) the right hand - single ( not the love )右手单身(还未恋爱)右手单身(还未恋爱) 20middle finger 中指left engagement 【中 指】: 左手订婚right hand be in Love右手恋爱(心有所属)21【 The ring finger 】无名指left hand ring finger - Bride (the end of love ) 左手新婚(结束恋爱)th

15、e right hand - love ( without considering whether to get married or not )右手热恋(未考虑结婚与否)22Little finger小手指The left hand - not marriage ( love ) 左手不婚(可恋爱) right hand - single (not the love ) 右手单身主义者(不恋爱)23Wedding ring结婚戒指结婚戒指 It is the custom in our country, the It is the custom in our country, the It

16、is the custom in our country, the It is the custom in our country, the engagement ring is generally worn on the engagement ring is generally worn on the engagement ring is generally worn on the engagement ring is generally worn on the middle finger of his left hand, the wedding middle finger of his

17、left hand, the wedding middle finger of his left hand, the wedding middle finger of his left hand, the wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand; if the ring on the ring finger of his left hand; if the ring on the ring finger of his left hand; if the ring on the ring finger of his left hand;

18、if the unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger and ring finger, hand middle finger and ring finger, hand middle finger and ring finger, hand midd

19、le finger and ring finger, otherwise, will make many admirers and otherwise, will make many admirers and otherwise, will make many admirers and otherwise, will make many admirers and step back.step back.step back.step back. 按照我国的习惯,订婚戒一般戴在左手的中指,结婚戒按照我国的习惯,订婚戒一般戴在左手的中指,结婚戒指戴在左手的无名指;若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指戴在左手的无名指;若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。 2425



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