英语泛读教程第二册(第三版)Unit4 Migratory Birds and Coffee

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1、1. Text Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Vocabulary1.migratory bird候鸟2.shade-grown 阴地生长的,遮阳植物下生长的3.conservation 保护4.sanctuary: place of protection 避难所5.habitat栖息地6.warbler刺嘴莺7.redstart 红尾鸲8.woodcreeper 旋木雀9.canopy: shelter遮盖,天蓬,苍穹10.chemical fertilizer化肥11.insecticide杀虫剂12.herbicide除草剂13.fungicide杀菌

2、剂14.pesticide杀虫剂15.agronomic农 学 的 ; 农 艺 的 -agronomy 农学;农艺学;农业管理16.permanent永久的17.avifauna (一个地区或国家的)鸟类Vocabulary18.convert to:change into转变,改变19.be compatible with和.一致,相容20.maintenance-maintain保持21.overstory (Arch.) (Obs.): an upper story 上层;上层的 understory 下层;下层的22.indigenous本土的,国产的23.agroforestry农林

3、学24.mulch 林地覆盖物,护根物25.land erosion土壤流失26.nutrient营养成分 27.toxicity毒性28.reserve保护区29.biological diversity生物多样性30.orchid蓝科植物31.amphibian两栖动物32.refuge避难所33.rival相比,竞争34.in that:because因为35.benign适宜的,良性的,和蔼的Vocabulary36.respectively各自的,分别的37.revenue年产量38.agribusiness作为现代商业经营的农业;农业商业化;农业产业化39.cacao 可可(树)

4、(cacao beans)40.run-off (technical): rain or other liquid that flows off land into rivers 径流;径流量;溢流41.run-off (生产过程中排出的)废物;废液eg. burst for a run-off 急着要小便42.time-honored only before noun历史悠久的;因古老而受到尊重的43.technify 技 术 化 ; 使 技 术 化 -technified coffee 技术化咖啡种植44.acidification酸化45.micro-climate微气候46.resid

5、ent 留鸟;无迁徙习性的动物47.deliberate:thoughtful故意的,深思熟虑的48.make ends meet维持生计49.cropland 田地,耕地,农田50.cash crop经济作物Vocabulary51.safeguard:protect保护52.temperate温带的,温和的53.intensive management 集约化管理54.endangered濒临灭绝的55.ponder:think思考56.revert 改回;变回;恢复使用;重新使用;再次采用57.rodenticide 杀鼠剂,灭鼠药58.concoction 调制品,调和物 -conco

6、ct 调制;配置;混合59.organochlorine 有机氯;有机氯杀虫剂60.mart (AmE): a market or shopping centre 市场;购物中心61.verge on empty 接近没有;差不多没有;快光了;快用完了62.Neotropical 新热带的 (指中南美洲的)63.stopover 中途停留地64.suburbia郊区65.antibody 抗体 Do you know the names of these birds?Redstart Woodcreeper Black-throated green warblerParrot redstart

7、s红尾鸲7Black-throated green warbler黑喉绿刺嘴莺8woodcreeper旋木雀9Background InformationMigratory birds:很很多多鸟鸟类类具具有有沿沿纬纬度度季季节节迁迁移移的的特特性性,夏夏天天的的时时候候这这些些鸟鸟在在纬纬度度较较高高的的温温带带地地区区繁繁殖殖,冬冬天天的的时时候候则则在在纬纬度度较较低低的的热热带带地地区区过过冬冬。夏夏末末秋秋初初的的时时候候这这些些鸟鸟类类由由繁繁殖殖地地往往南南迁迁移移到到渡渡冬冬地地,而而在在春春天天的的时时候候由由渡渡冬冬地地北北返返回回到到繁繁殖殖地地。这这些些随随着着季季节节

8、变变化化而而南南北北迁迁移移的的鸟鸟类类称称之之为为候候鸟鸟(migrant)。Do you like drinking coffee?There are two kinds of coffee plantations:Shade coffee plantation VS. sun coffee plantationSun coffee plantationShade coffee plantationStructure of this text Part 1 (Para.1) Part 2 (Para.2-17) Part 3 (Para.18)12Main idea of each par

9、agraphPara .1: Coffee plantation support good populations of migratory birds and other species that prefer or are restricted to forest habitats. Para. 2: shade coffee plantation is a threatened habitat because of recent changes in coffee production and marketing.Para. 3: the danger caused by convers

10、ion from shade coffee plantation to sun coffee plantation to migratory birds.Main idea of each paragraphPara.4: shade coffee plantation is beneficial to the subsistence of migratory birds.Para. 5: assertion by J. T. “coffee and cacao make good migrant habitat.”Para. 6: constitution of a traditionall

11、y-managed coffee plantationPara .7: functions of shade trees Para .8: traditional coffee plantations can be thought as modified forest habitats.Main idea of each paragraphPara .9: large coverage of coffee plantation of the area that are heavily used by migratory birds.Para .10: other indicators of t

12、he importantce of coffee plantations.Para. 11: functions of shade trees in L. A and C.Para .12: main coffee producing and consuming areas.Para .13: the economical value of coffee.Main idea of each paragraphPara . 14-15: requirements and disadvantages of sun coffee plantation.Para .16: producing coff

13、ee in a traditinal way can bring a win-win situation.Para .17: crisis in coffee production in some areas.Para .18: conclusion:restate the maitainace of migratory birds rely not only on the conservation habitats but also the quality of human-managed habitats.Possible difficult words, phrases and sent

14、ences(ll. 4-5) A greater number is found in other agricultural habitats, and exceeded only in undisturbed tropical forests.在农业栖息地,发现的鸟类数目更大,只只有有未受侵扰的热带森林才会超过这个数目。17Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences(ll. 5-6) Even in very disturbed areas, coffee plantations support good populations of mi

15、gratory birds and other species that prefer or are restricted to forest habits, such as redstarts and black-throated green warblers, and residents including parrots and woodcreepers.即使在受到较大侵扰的地区,咖啡种植园也滋养着为数可观的喜欢或仅限于森林栖息地的候鸟和其他物种,如红尾鸲和黑喉绿莺,以及包括鹦鹉和旋木雀在内的留鸟。18Possible difficult words, phrases and sente

16、nces(ll. 11-12) While this manner of cultivation produces increased yields, these cannot be kept for many years without intensive management (additions of chemical fertilizers and a range of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides).虽然这样的种植方式提高了产量, 但是如果没有集约化管理(增加化肥和各种除虫剂、除草剂和杀真菌剂),这样的产量是无法维持很多年的。19Po

17、ssible difficult words, phrases and sentences(l. 48) Traditional coffee plantations can be thought of as modified forest habits.可以将传统的咖啡种植园看成经过改造的森林栖息地。传统的咖啡种植园可以看成改进的森林栖息地。20Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences(ll. 48-50) Evidence suggests that up-mountain and northward movements are tim

18、ed to take advantage of the blossoming of plantation trees.有证据显示,向山区和向北移动是依时而为,为的是利用种植园树木的花期。21Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences(ll. 81-85) While technified coffee may mean benefits to producers in terms of total crop outputthe relentless push of agribusiness to produce more coffee per

19、 unit area may have serious environmental and social consequences.虽然经过技术改造的咖啡对生产者来说可能意味着总产量方面的收益但是一味推进农业产业化从从而而使使得得单单位位面面积积的的咖咖啡啡产产量量更更高高的做法可能带来严重的环境和社会后果。22Questions for discussion:1. What is the traditional way of planting coffee?2. What are the advantages of traditional coffee plantations?3. What

20、 are the advantages and disadvantages of sun coffee production?4. What are the hidden forces that are responsible for the emergence of the new mode of production?5. Is there such a similar situation in your home town that people abandon their old good ways of life and production in favor of those tr

21、endy styles?23The main ideaMigratory birds and traditional coffee plantations are closely related in North and Latin America. The former relies on the latter. Migratory birds can find a satisfying sanctuary in shade-grown(遮阳植物下生长的)coffee plantations. These traditional coffee plantations provide a fo

22、rest-like environment for good populations of migrants. 24The main ideaPitifully, however, over the past two decades, farmers turn to sun coffee production for financial and other reasons. Such a manner of production, which produces increased yields, does not provide as a good habitat as shade coffe

23、e plantations, for migratory birds. It has been found that the diversity of migratory birds drops sharply when coffee is converted from shade to sun.25The main ideaBesides the sharp decrease in the diversity of migratory birds in sun coffee areas, the new mode of production brings forth environmenta

24、l and social problems. These problems include greater soil erosion, acidification, and higher amounts of toxic run-off(有毒废液). In addition, farmers have to do harder manual labor on such plantations. And their health is undermined when they are often exposed to toxic substances such as pesticides.26T

25、he main ideaBut it seems that the world have no way to rein in( 遏 制 ) such non-traditional, bird-unfriendly styles of production in the process of local development, due to a combination of complex factors.27 Main idea of the textPlease use 5 to 8 sentences to summary the main idea of the text.28Alo

26、ud-readingTo read the whole text loudly.Requirement:1.声音响亮声音响亮2.发音地道音地道3.连贯流利流利4.声情适切声情适切292. Reading skillsUnit 4: Understanding the TopicUnit 5: Determining the Main Idea313.FastreadingPassage132PicturesofsomespeciesofbirdsandCarsonPeregrine falcon(游隼)also known as the Peregrine, and historically

27、as the Duck Hawk in North America,is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae.33Osprey 鹗(一种鱼鹰,腹部羽毛为白色)34斯温森鹰A large Buteo hawk of the Falconiformes. This species was named after William Swainson, a British naturalist.35Rachel Carson (1907-1964), an American marine biologist and conservatio

28、nist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.Rachel Carson363.1.2ThemainideaThis passage tells about the environmental damage caused by pesticides. These chemical concoctions are particularly hazardous to bird species. In America, due

29、 to the overuse of pesticides, the numbers of many bird species began to drop sharply in the 1940s. Some species were on the verge of extinction. Many people, including Rachel Carson, were concerned about the serious problem. They called for the ban of the most harmful pesticide DDT. Their efforts w

30、ere rewarding.373.1.2ThemainideaIn the 1970s DDT and most other organochlorines were banned for use in the United States. Since the ban, numbers of the more severely affected bird species have slowly recovered. However, the issue of pesticide pollution is far from solved. Although the United States

31、does not use DDT, it continues to export DDT and other pesticides to Latin America where large birds of prey are affected.38排版纠正(p.16)SilentSpring应该斜体,因为这是书名。书名在文章中一律斜体。393.2Passage23.2.1ThemainideaMigratory birds need a good stopover for rest and food on their way to southward migration. This is si

32、milar to the fact that a driver needs a rest area for gasoline and other services after he has been driving for hours. Unfortunately, many stopover habitats have now been damaged, destroyed or polluted. So migratory birds that have come a long way from the northern areas cannot find a suitable place

33、 to stop for a rest. Their migration entails risks and even deaths. Unchecked human activity aggravate such dangers. Human-made dangers include shooting and trapping. 403.2.3延伸阅读南方周末2012年10月4日第12版“环境”板块候鸟迷失呼唤“湿地红线”http:/ passage tells about American robins(美洲知更鸟). This kind of songbird likes to live

34、 close to humans. They are not particularly common in natural habitats. They feed on insects and worms.However, life in suburban areas is not without its costs. They suffer from lead pollution. They have high levels of lead in the blood.One more problem they face is that they are exposed to the dang

35、er of mosquito-borne West Nile virus. But some of them survive the virus infection.In recent years, robin populations as a whole have slowly increased.46American Robin 美洲知更鸟474.HomeReadingInsects4.1ThemainideaThis passage tells about the ABC of insects. An adult insect is divided into three parts ca

36、lled the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. All adult insects have six legs.An insect does not have bones inside its body, unlike human beings. Insects do not take air in through their mouths but through small holes in the sides of their thorax and abdomen.Insects do not have veins and arteries to c

37、arry their blood around their bodies. Their digestive system runs through the middle of their bodies. Their nervous system carries messages from one part of the body to another.484.1ThemainideaAll insects hatch from eggs produced by the adult female insect. Most insects hatch from the eggs looking c

38、ompletely unlike the way they will look as adults. But some young insects hatch from their eggs, looking almost exactly like the adults they will grow into.Many kinds of insects can jump as well as walk. Most types of insect can fly. Many types of insects have very big eyes. Some have compound eyes;

39、 some have simple eyes.Insects do not have ears like human beings, but most kinds can still hear sounds. They have hairs on their bodies that can pick up sound vibrations in the air.49Crane fly 大蚊 (一种身细足长的飞虫,形似蚊子而不叮人,在英国也称daddy longlegs)(英汉大词典,p. 428)50拼写错误p.66(ll.36-37)Eachoftheseisresponsibleorcontrollingadifferentpartoftheinsectsbody.改为for51



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