中职英语拓展模块练习册Unit 4完形译文

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1、Unit 4英英语拓展模拓展模块练习册完形册完形Unit 4 译文文、段、段段段返回首页返回首页4段段 To help you understand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smel

2、led, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 返回首页返回首页 To help yo

3、u understand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smellin

4、g a rotten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 为了帮助你理解你的感官得到的信息,你需要经验。为了帮助你理解你的感官得到的信息,你需要经验。返回首页返回首页 To help you understand the

5、 messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg i

6、s an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 你你的的经经验验是是由由你你在在生生活活中中所所做做的的每每一一件件事事,及及发发生生在在你你身上的每一件事所组成的。身上的每一件事所组成的。返回首页返回首页 To help you under

7、stand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rot

8、ten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 这是你所见过,听到,闻到,尝到或感觉的一切。这是你所见过,听到,闻到,尝到或感觉的一切。 To help you understand the messages your se

9、nses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg is an experience.

10、Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 经验不必是好的。经验不必是好的。返回首页返回首页 To help you understand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experi

11、ence is made up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So

12、is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 闻臭鸡蛋是一种经验。吃草莓也是一种体验。服药也是。闻臭鸡蛋是一种经验。吃草莓也是一种体验。服药也是。返回首页返回首页 To help you understand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made

13、 up of every single thing you have done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking me

14、dicine. Riding a horse is an experience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 骑马是一种体验。跌到楼下也是。骑马是一种体验。跌到楼下也是。返回首页返回首页 To help you understand the messages your senses receive, you need experience. Your experience is made up of every single thing you ha

15、ve done in your life and everything that has ever happened to you. It is everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. Experiences dont have to be nice. Smelling a rotten egg is an experience. Eating a strawberry is also an experience. So is taking medicine. Riding a horse is an exp

16、erience. So is falling downstairs. You have a hundred different kinds of experiences every day. 你每天有一百种不同的体验。你每天有一百种不同的体验。返回首页返回首页 If you had never seen a horse or a picture of a horse, how would you get the message of “a horse” when you saw one? If you were eating a strawberry for the first time, y

17、our senses could tell you, “It is small and sweet.” However, your experience could not tell you “A strawberry!” The more experiences you have, the better you can tell someone else what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling. 返回首页返回首页 If you had never seen a horse or a picture of a ho

18、rse, how would you get the message of “a horse” when you saw one? If you were eating a strawberry for the first time, your senses could tell you, “It is small and sweet.” However, your experience could not tell you “A strawberry!” The more experiences you have, the better you can tell someone else w

19、hat you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling. 如如果果你你从从来来没没有有见过马或或马的的照照片片,当当你你看看到到一个一个时,你怎么会得到一个,你怎么会得到一个“马”的信息?的信息?返回首页返回首页 If you had never seen a horse or a picture of a horse, how would you get the message of “a horse” when you saw one? If you were eating a strawberry for the first

20、time, your senses could tell you, “It is small and sweet.” However, your experience could not tell you “A strawberry!” The more experiences you have, the better you can tell someone else what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling. 如如果果你你第第一一次次吃吃草草莓莓,你你的的感感觉会会告告诉你你,“它它小小而甜的,而甜的,”然而,你

21、的然而,你的经验不会告不会告诉你你“草莓草莓”!返回首页返回首页 If you had never seen a horse or a picture of a horse, how would you get the message of “a horse” when you saw one? If you were eating a strawberry for the first time, your senses could tell you, “It is small and sweet.” However, your experience could not tell you “A

22、 strawberry!” The more experiences you have, the better you can tell someone else what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling. 你你的的经验越越多多,你你越越能能更更好好地地告告诉别人人你你所所看看到到的的,听听到到的的,品品尝的的,触触摸摸到到的的或或闻到到的的东西。西。返回首页返回首页 We often tell about things by comparing them to other things. If you want t

23、o tell about a yellow daisy, you might say, “The flower is like sunshine.” Or you might say, “ The flower is the color of a fried egg.” Whatever kinds of experience you have, they help you to understand things and tell about them.返回首页返回首页 We often tell about things by comparing them to other things.

24、 If you want to tell about a yellow daisy, you might say, “The flower is like sunshine.” Or you might say, “ The flower is the color of a fried egg.” Whatever kinds of experience you have, they help you to understand things and tell about them.我我们经常通常通过与其他事物比与其他事物比较来来讲述事情。述事情。返回首页返回首页 We often tell

25、about things by comparing them to other things. If you want to tell about a yellow daisy, you might say, “The flower is like sunshine.” Or you might say, “ The flower is the color of a fried egg.” Whatever kinds of experience you have, they help you to understand things and tell about them.如如果果你你想想讲

26、述述一一个个黄黄色色的的菊菊花花,你你可可能能会会说,“花花如如阳阳光光”,或者你会,或者你会说:“花是炒花是炒鸡蛋的蛋的颜色色”,返回首页返回首页 We often tell about things by comparing them to other things. If you want to tell about a yellow daisy, you might say, “The flower is like sunshine.” Or you might say, “ The flower is the color of a fried egg.” Whatever kinds of experience you have, they help you to understand things and tell about them.无无论你你拥有有什什么么样的的经验,他他们都都会会帮帮助助你你了了解解事事情情,并并谈论他他们。返回首页返回首页



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