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1、年中考英语复习七年级下册Unit知识梳理课件Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Units 1-4 重点知识梳理重点知识梳理English Proverb: Better to ask the way than go astray. 问路总比迷路好。问路总比迷路好。英语谚语英语谚语Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?熟读:熟读:P.4 2a P.5 3a 3b1.pen pal = penfriend (笔友笔友) 2.be from = co

2、me from (来自于来自于.)3.the United States = the USA = America (美国美国)4.the United Kingdom = England = Britain (英国英国) 5.city (单) cities (复复) 6.speak + 语言言 (说某种某种语言言)7.same (相同的相同的) 8.different (不同的不同的) 9.too (也也) = also (也也) 10.too (太太) 11.Where is/are sb. from? Sb. am/is/are from.。12.Where do/does sb. com

3、e from? Sb. come(s) fromCanadathe USAFranceJapanAustraliathe UKSingaporeChinaSay these countries namesChinathe United StatesAustraliathe United KingdomJapanSingaporeCanadaFrancemaps of countries 国家地图国家地图1.My pen pal is from Korea.2.Her pen pal lives in Sydney.3.I am from China.4.I live in Beijing.As

4、k questions.Where is your pen pal from? Where does her pen pal live? Where are you from? Where do you live? 划线部分提问划线部分提问句型句型转换:1 My pen pal is from Canada. (划线提问)(划线提问) _ _ your pen pal _?2 John lives in New York. (同上)(同上) _ _ John _?3 Mary lives in the United States.( 一般疑问句)一般疑问句) _ Mary _ in the U

5、nited States ?4 Her pen pal is from Australia.(变为否定句)(变为否定句) Her pen pal _ _ Australia. Where is fromWhere does live Does live isnt from中日友好莫要变;(中国人、日本人,单复中日友好莫要变;(中国人、日本人,单复数同形)数同形)英法联盟元音迁;(英国人、法国人,把元英法联盟元音迁;(英国人、法国人,把元音字母音字母a变变e)其它其它-s后边添。(其它国家的人,直接在后后边添。(其它国家的人,直接在后面加面加-s)表示某国人的单数变复数口诀Chinese Jap

6、aneseEnglishman - Englishmen Frenchman - Frenchmen Australian - Australians1 We are Chinese. We come from _.We speak _. 2 He is _. He is from America and he speaks English.3 _come from Japan. They speak_.4The girl is Australian. She comes from _.5 Bethune(白求恩)is a Canadian. He comes from_.ChinaChine

7、seAmericanTheyJapaneseAustraliaCanadaUnit2 Wheres the post office?I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. - Lincoln American President我走得很慢,但我从不会后退。我走得很慢,但我从不会后退。 美国总统美国总统 林肯林肯熟读:熟读:P.8 G.F. P.9 3a P.11 3a P.12 3Guess some new words1.A place where you can buy stamps, send letters, and packag

8、es. Its a _. post office2.A room or building where you can read books or borrow books. It s a_.library3.A building where people to stay and eat meals. Its a _.hotel4.A place for money.You can keep or lend money there. Its a _.bank5.A public place where you eat. Its a _.restaurant竞竞赛赛快快速速反反应应6.A larg

9、e shop where you can buy food, drinks, and other things you need. Its a _.supermarket7.A public road in a city or town. Its a _.street8.When you put a coin or some kind of card,you can use the phone. Its a _.pay phone9.A large open area with grass and trees in it. Its a _.park10.An area next to a ho

10、use with plants and flowers in it. Its a _.garden1.There is/are (有) + sth.(某物) +sw. (某处) (有某物在某处) Sb. have/has + sth. (某物) (某人有某物)2.next to.(贴近;靠近)3.between.and.(在两者之间)4.across from= on the other side of.(在对面)5.in front of.(在.外面的前面)6.in the front of(在.里面的前面)7.turn right/left (向右/左转) 8.on the right/l

11、eft (在右/左边)9.on ones right/left (在某人的右/左边)10.near here = in the neighborhood (在附近)11.in the picture (在图中) 12.go straight (直走)13.Go/Walk along/down.(沿着.走)There beUnit 3Prep.1Is there a park _ here? Yes , there is.2 Theres a pay phone _ Center Street.3The supermarket is _ the school and the park.4 My

12、home is across_ the library.5 lily sits_ to me in the classroom.6 There is a park _ the neighborhood.7There is a video arcade_ Fifth Avenue.nearonbetweenfromnextinon go straight Turn left Turn right go up go down go = walk-Excuse me.Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?-Yes, there is. Just go str

13、aight and turn right. Its down Center Street on the right. Center ST-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?-Yes, there is. Just go straight down Bridge Street and turn left . The hotel is on the left. Its across from the bank. HOTEL Bridge ST BANK GBFDCEAPARK STREET1.You are at A. Go straig

14、ht down the Park Street. Its on the right. Now you are at _. 2.You are at A. Go straight and turn right. Its down the City Street on the right. Now you are at _. 3.You are at A. Go straight and turn left and right. Now you are at _. CITY STREETBCFLook at the picture. Theres a school in the picture.

15、Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital.Can you see the post office? Its_ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park. on behind next to between across from in front ofAsking the WayIs there a near here?W

16、here is the nearest ?Can you tell me how I can get to the?Can you tell me how to get to the ?Could you tell me the way to the , please?Which is the way to? Do you know the way toShowing the WayGo down this street. / Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right. / Turn left at the first c

17、rossing.Its on your right/left. / Its next to /between-and-Go across the bridge./Cross the bridge.You will see-in front of you.You cant miss it.Excuse me.小小结结1. 某地有某物。There is + a/an + n. + in the .1 有2 某物3 在某地 (介词短语)There are + (some) + n.-s + in the .1.在桌子下有一本书。在桌子下有一本书。2.在书橱里有一些书。在书橱里有一些书。3.在地上有一

18、个篮球。在地上有一个篮球。4.在椅子旁边有一些篮球。在椅子旁边有一些篮球。5.在门的后边有一个书包。在门的后边有一个书包。6.在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。There is a book under the table (desk). some booksThere are in the bookcase. a basketballThere is on the floor. some basketballsThere are near the chair. a backpackThere is behind the door. some kidsThere are in

19、 front of the car.2. 某地没有某物。There isnt + a/an + n. + in the .1 没有2 某物 3 在某地 (介词短语)There arent + (any) + n.-s + in the .1.在梳妆台上没有手表.2.在抽屉里没有(一些)字典.3.在附近没有邮局.4.在超市的对面没有饭馆.5.在第六条大街上没有银行.6.在我们学校没有外国学生.There isnt a watch on the dresser.There arent any dictionaries in the drawer.There isnt a post office i

20、n the neighborhood.There isnt a restaurant across from the supermarket.There isnt a bank on Sixth Avenue.There arent any foreign students in our school.3. 某地有某物吗?Is there + a/an + n. + in the ?1 有2 某物 3 在某地吗 (介词短语)Are there + (any) + n.-s + in the ?1.在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗?2.在第五条大街上有一家超市吗?3.在你家附近有宾馆吗?4.在宾馆对

21、面有银行吗?5.在邮局后边有饭馆吗?6.在你家有兄弟姐妹吗?Is there a pay phone next to the library?Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue?Is there a hotel near your home?Is there a bank across from the hotel?Is there a restaurant behind the post office?Are there any brothers or sisters in your family?Unit 2WORK MAKES US HAPPY!

22、As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?熟读:熟读:P.16 3 P.17 3a 3b1.kind of = a little /bit (有点有点) 2.a kind of.(一种(一种.)3.all kinds of.(各种各样的各种各样的.) 4.be afraid of.(害怕害怕.) 5.leaf (单单) leaves (复复) 6.at night = in the evening (在晚上在晚上)7.smart = clever (聪明聪明) 8.during the d

23、ay (白天期间白天期间)9.beautiful ugly (丑陋的丑陋的) 一、根据句意完成单词一、根据句意完成单词1、I can see many a_ in the zoo.2、The elephant is cute and f_.3、Therere many k_ of birds in the tree.4、I like lying on the g_ on a sunny day.5、Mary thinks watching TV is r_.6、The dolphin is very b_. We like it very much. 7、Some animals like t

24、o eat m_.8、Hainan is in the s_ of China.9、There are two z_ in our city.10、Toms brother is a c_ boy.nimalsriendlyindsrasselaxingeautifuleatoosouthlever1. 让我们先看熊猫吧。Lets _ the _ _.2.你还喜欢其他的什么动物?_ _ _ do you like? 3. 他儿子有几分怕生。His son is _ _ _.4. 他太懒,他每天睡觉放松20个小时。Hes too _, he _ and _ _ _every day.5. 为什么

25、那只狗看着我?因为你可爱。_ is the dog _ _ me? _ youre _.二、完成句子、完成句子see pandas firstWhat other animalskind of shy lazy sleeps relaxes twenty hoursWhy looking at Because cute 6. 她喜欢和朋友们一起玩耍,也喜欢看电视。She likes to _ _ her friends and _ TV.7. 玲玲很害羞,所以请保持安静。Lingling is very _,_ please _ _.8. 他白天期间睡觉,但是晚上起来吃树叶。He sleeps

26、 _ _ _, but _ _ he _ _and _ _.9. Jack最喜欢的动物是企鹅。Jacks _ _ are _.10. 狗非常的友好而且聪明。The dogs are very _ and _.play with watchshy so keep quiet during the day at night gets up eats leavesfavorite animals penguins friendly clever 三、句型转换1、Koalas like to eat leaves.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)_ koalas _ to eat leaves? Yes

27、, _ _.2、How do you like the dolphins?(同义句) _ do you _ _ the dolphins?3、We like the penguin because its very fun.(画线提问)_ _ you like the penguin?4、How about going for a walk?(同义句)_ _ _ for a walk?_ go for a walk.5、A lion eats meat.(用grass改为选择疑问句)_ a lion_ meat _ grass?Do like they do What think of Why

28、 do What about goingLetsDoes eat orUnit 4 I want to be an actor1.want to be a/an.(想要当.) 2.shop assistant (店员)3.a.What + do/does + sb. +do? b. What + be +sb.? c. Whats + ones +job ? (某人是干什么工作的?)4.give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. (把某物给某人)5.TV station (电视台) 6.police station (派出所)7.in a hospital (在医院里)

29、8.in hospital (住院) 9.go out (出去) 10.go back (回去)e out (出来) e back (回来)熟读:熟读:P.21 3a P.23 3a P.24 3a15.in the day (在白天) 16.thief (单) thieves (复)17.hard = difficult (困难) easy (简单)18.be in (参加;在家) 19.school play (校园剧)20.young (年轻的) old (老的)21.put on (穿上) wear (穿着) 22.listen to. (听) hear (听见) 23.look at

30、.(看) see (看见) 一、根据句意完成单词一、根据句意完成单词1、Wang Xiaoya is a r_ from CCTV.2、Young students often wear u_ at school.3、If you are ill, you must go to the h_.4、Dont t_! The teacher is coming.5、Jims father likes to read m_ after work.6、My grandma often tells me interesting s_. 7、Do you want a busy but e_ job?8、

31、T_ dont like the police.9、My daughter is only 4 years old. She is so y_ that she cant go to school. 10、Being a policeman is kind of d_.eporterniformsospitalalkagazinestoriesxcitingounghievesangerous二、句型转换二、句型转换1、Anns sister works in a hospital.(画线提问)_ _ Anns sister _?2、His mother is a nurse.(画线提问)_

32、_ his mothers _?_ _ his mother do?3、I want to be a reporter because its interesting._ _ you _ _ _ a reporter? (画线提问)4、Please give me an apple.(同义句)Please_ an apple _ _.5、The girl wants to be a movie star.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_ the girl _ to be a movie star?Yes, _ _.Where does workWhat is jobWhy do want to

33、 be give to meDoes want What doesshe does6、She teaches in No.14 Middle School.(改为否定句) She _ _ in No.14 Middle School.7、I meet people every day.(画线提问)_ _ you _ every day?8、Li Yong works in a TV station. (改为否定疑问句)_ Li Yong _ in a TV station?doesnt teachWhat do doDoesnt workUnits 5-8 重点知识梳理重点知识梳理Englis

34、h Proverb: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。一知半解,自欺欺人。 英语谚语英语谚语Unit 5 Im watching TV1.现在进行时现在进行时: a.现在正在发生或进行的动作现在正在发生或进行的动作.b.构成构成: 主语主语 + be动词动词 + 动词的现在分词动词的现在分词 c.动词现在分词的构成:动词现在分词的构成:一般直接在词尾加一般直接在词尾加“ing”;以不发音以不发音“e”结尾的,去结尾的,去 “e”加加 “ing”;双写最后一个字母,再加双写最后一个字母,再加 “ing”; eg: swim ,

35、 get, let, sit, put, hit, forget, begin, run, plan, shop drop stop; lie,die,tie分别变为分别变为lying躺躺,dying死死,tying绑绑d.现在进行时的标志词:现在进行时的标志词:look, listen, now, Its + 时刻时刻2. do ones homework = do homework (做家庭作业做家庭作业) 3. a. 看电视看电视/比赛用比赛用“watch”; b. 看书看书/报纸报纸/杂志用杂志用“read”;4. wait for.(等候等候.) 5. TV show (电视节目电视

36、节目)6. at school/home/work (在学校在学校/家家/工作工作)7. Make telephone calls (打电话打电话) a. Hello, here is/its + 电话号码电话号码 (你好!这儿是你好!这儿是) b. Hello, may/can/could I speak to,please? (你好,我可以与你好,我可以与通话吗?通话吗?) c. Whos that (speaking) ? (你是谁?你是谁?) d. This is(speaking) . (我是我是.) e. Is that(speaking)? / Is there ? (你是你是.

37、吗?吗?)熟读:熟读:P26 GF P27 3a P.29 3a 3b1.Whatisshedoing?She_.(dance)2.Whataretheydoing?They_.(swim)3.Whatisthegirldoing?She_.(cook)4.Whataretheydoing?They_(play)volleyball.5.Whatisthegirldoing?She_.(write)isdancingareswimmingiscookingareplayingiswriting1.Mother_lunchnow.(make)2.Listen!Theteacher_herstud

38、ents.(talkto/with)3.I_musicnow.(listento)4.Look!They_atschool.(swim)ismakingistalking towithamlistening toare swimming5._you_kites?(fly)6.Somechildren_atschool.(run)7.Mary_abusatabusstop.(wait)8.Manypeople_photosinthepark.(take)Areflyingare runningis waiting forare takingUnit 6Unit 6 Its raining.1.c

39、loud (云云) cloudy (多云的多云的) wind (风风) windy (有风的有风的) sun (太阳太阳) sunny (晴朗的晴朗的) rain (雨雨/下雨下雨) rainy (下雨的下雨的) snow (雪雪/下雪下雪) snowy (下雪的下雪的)2.询问天气询问天气: Whats the weather like? = Hows the weather ? Its + 气候气候.3.Hows it going ? (情况怎样了?情况怎样了?) Great/Terrible/4.pretty (相当相当) adv.= quite / very (十分十分) pretty

40、 (漂亮漂亮) adj. = beautiful5.hot (热热) cold (冷冷) cool (凉爽凉爽) warm (暖和暖和)6.humid (潮湿潮湿) dry (干燥干燥) 7.lie (躺躺) lying (现在分词现在分词)熟读:熟读: P 32 GF P.35 3a 3b9.Thanks for sth./doing sth. (因因.而感谢而感谢)10.on vacation (度假度假) 11.on the beach (在沙滩上在沙滩上)12.take photos/pictures (照相照相) 13.a group of(一群一群) 14.beach volley

41、ball (沙滩排球沙滩排球) 15.be surprised (吃惊的吃惊的) to do sth.16.have a good/great/nice time = have fun (玩得玩得高兴高兴)17.everyone (每人每人) someone (某人某人) everything (一切一切) something (某物某物) nobody (没有人没有人) 18.want sb. to do sth. (想要某人做某事想要某人做某事)19.in order to(为了为了.) Whats Lisa doing? Hows the weather? Whats Jim doing

42、? Hows the weather? Whatre they doing? Can you guess where they are? Shes cooking.Its sunny.Hes watching TV.Its snowing.Theyre making a phone call.Lisa is in Hawaii and Jim is in Moscow.1.Its eight oclock. Jims father _TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch2._is the weather there?It

43、s windy. A.What B.How C.Whats D.how3._the weather like today? Cloudy. A.Hows B.What does C What D.Whats 4.Whats the weather like today?_ A.Its rain. B.Its raining. C. It rainy. D. Its wind.ABDB1.When the sun comes out, its_.2.When there are some clouds, its_.3.When its raining, its_.4.When its snowi

44、ng, its_.5.When the wind is blowing(吹吹), its_.sunnycloudyrainysnowywindy3.What are they doing? They read newspapers.1.Whats the weather like today? It is cloud .yareing2.How is the weather like today? Its raining.Unit 7Dont judge people by their appearances! 别以貌取人别以貌取人 Motto:座右铭座右铭;格言格言;Unit 7 What

45、does he look like ?1. short hair (短发短发) long hair (长发长发)2. straight hair (直发直发) curly hair (卷发卷发)3. medium height (中等个子中等个子) 4. medium build (中等身材中等身材)5. What does/do + sb. + look like? (某人长什么样?某人长什么样?) a. sb. + be + 形容词形容词 / b. sb. has/have + 名词名词6. look like = be like (看起来像看起来像.)7. always (总是总是) n

46、ever (决不决不)8. stop doing sth. (停止做某事停止做某事) stop to do sth. (停下来做停下来做.)9. tell jokes/stories (讲笑话讲笑话/故事故事)10. remember (记得记得) forget (忘记忘记)熟读:熟读:P.42 3 GF P.43 3a P.45 3a 3bwearwear glasses glasses is bald has a beard has a beard has a mustache has a mustachecurly haircurly hair blonde hairblonde hai

47、r long straight hair long straight hair heavy heavy medium buildmedium build thinthin Have a new look (外表外表)!hair描述头发描述头发漂亮漂亮+长短长短+形状形状+颜色颜色brown blonde black white red curlystraightshortlongbeautifulbeautiful一头漂亮乌黑的长发一头漂亮乌黑的长发 beautiful long black hair她有一头漂亮的短的金黄色的卷发。她有一头漂亮的短的金黄色的卷发。She has beautif

48、ul short curly blonde hair.What does he look like? h_ v_.He isea y160cm160cm词汇词汇 ( Mary 有个淘气的小弟弟,他把作文中的一有个淘气的小弟弟,他把作文中的一些字涂掉了,还好,每个词留了开头一个字母,你些字涂掉了,还好,每个词留了开头一个字母,你能帮他补全吗?能帮他补全吗?) Miss Li is our English teacher .Do you k_ her? And what does she l_ like? Let me tell you. Shes m_ height, but a little

49、b_ heavy. She has short brown and c_ hair. She always wears a pair of g_ on her face. She is g_ , we like her very much. She loves to tell j_, and she is very p_ in our school. Can you r_ ?nowookediumiturlylassesood-lookingokesopularememberUnit 8 Id like some noodles1. Id like = I would like shed li

50、ke = she would like2.would like = want sth./to do sth. (想要某物想要某物/做某事做某事)3.clean (干净的干净的) dirty (脏的脏的)/ (打扫打扫) 4.beef and tomato noodles (牛肉西红柿面牛肉西红柿面)5.chicken and cabbage noodles (鸡肉白菜面鸡肉白菜面)6.potato and mutton noodles (土豆羊肉面土豆羊肉面)7.What kind of.would you like ? (你想要哪种你想要哪种?) What would you like/do

51、 you want ?(你想要什么?你想要什么?)8. What size bowl of noodles would you like?(你想要多大碗面?你想要多大碗面?) Id like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.9. as well as(也;而且也;而且) 10. green tea (绿茶绿茶)11. orange juice (桔汁桔汁)12.a. or (或者或者) b. or (和和) 熟读:熟读:P.48 2b GF P.49 3a P.51 3a 3b 不可数名词:(前面不能用不可数名词:(前面不能用a,ana,an等来修饰)

52、等来修饰)液体类:水液体类:水(water)(water), tea tea(茶)(茶), soup, soup(汤)(汤), , milk milk(牛奶)(牛奶), ,orangeorange(橘汁)(橘汁) 肉类肉类(meat)(meat):beefbeef(牛肉)(牛肉),pork,pork(猪肉)(猪肉),mutton,mutton(羊肉)(羊肉)食品类:食品类:breadbread(面包)(面包),rice ,rice (米饭)(米饭) porridge porridge(粥(粥), tofu), tofu(豆腐)(豆腐) 抽象名词类:抽象名词类:newsnews(新闻,消息)(新

53、闻,消息),information,information(消息)(消息), , money money(钱)(钱),advice,advice(建议)(建议), work, work(工作)(工作), , homework homework(家庭作业)(家庭作业), help, help(帮助)(帮助) , , fun fun(乐趣)(乐趣), price , price (价格)(价格) 巧辨不可数名词歌诀巧辨不可数名词歌诀: :可数不可数好分辨可数不可数好分辨, ,名词所示物分两半名词所示物分两半如每半不能叫原名如每半不能叫原名, ,那该词可数最公平那该词可数最公平. .每半还能把原名叫

54、每半还能把原名叫, ,不可数名词就遇到不可数名词就遇到有的名词是两面堵有的名词是两面堵, ,意变不可数为可数意变不可数为可数 修饰名词的词修饰名词的词1.只能修饰可数名词复数的词只能修饰可数名词复数的词数词,数词,many,several,a few,few,a (large)number of,如:如:two apples两个苹果,两个苹果,several books几本书几本书 a large number of students 许多学生,许多学生,2.只能修饰不可数名词的词只能修饰不可数名词的词 much,a little,little,a great deal of, 如如 much

55、 water 许多水,许多水,a little time一点儿时间一点儿时间3.既能修饰可数名词复数又能修饰不可数名词的词既能修饰可数名词复数又能修饰不可数名词的词 a lot of,lots of,plenty of,表示容器的量词表示容器的量词如如 a lot of books 许多书,许多书,a lot of milk 许多牛奶,许多牛奶, two boxes of apples 两箱苹果,两箱苹果,three cups of tea 三杯茶三杯茶不可数名词计量的表达不可数名词计量的表达: 个数单位词:个数单位词:piece (张、片、块、条)(张、片、块、条), 容器单位词:容器单位词

56、:bottle(瓶)(瓶),bag(包)(包),box(盒、箱)(盒、箱),类别单位词:类别单位词:kind( 种、类种、类) 度量衡单位词:度量衡单位词:kilo(千克、公斤千克、公斤)Exercises:1.Would you like _ hot soup?2. A. little B. much C. some D. any3.2. Would you like to come to dinner today?4. -Id like to, _ Im too busy.5. A. and B. so C. but D. as6.3. Mario likes _ cold hot dog

57、s. 7. A. eat B. eating C. ate D. is eating8.4. I would like _ in my noodles.9. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons10. C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons11.5. They would like _ noodles.12. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons13. C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons(

58、c)(c)(B)(A)(C)6. Bob,would you like to come to the party? -_. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, Id love to. C. No, I wouldnt. D. No, I dont.7. If you are lost in the forest, what _ you do? A. would like B. like C. would D. can8. -Would you like something to drink? - _. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, thanks. C. No, j

59、ust a little. D. It is not good.9. Dont eat hamburgers _ drink tea in your bedroom! A. and B. or C. with D. /10. -Which scarf would you like best? -Id like _. A. red ones B. the red one C. a tie D. ties11. We would like _ small hamburgers. A. eating B. eat C. to eat D.ate12. What size pizza would yo

60、u like? -Id like _ pizza. A. large B. a large cup of C. a large D. large size(B)(C)(A)(B)(B)(C)(C) Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。 Units 9-12 重点知识梳理重点知识梳理English Proverb:英语谚语英语谚语All things are easy that are done willingly. 做事乐意,诸事容易。 Unit 9

61、How was your weekend ?1.一般过去时:过去发生的动作或存在的状态。一般过去时:过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 a.构成:由构成:由be动词动词/情态动词情态动词/实义动词的过去式构成。实义动词的过去式构成。 b.规则动词过去式的构成:规则动词过去式的构成:一般在动词词尾加一般在动词词尾加 ed;以以“e”结尾的动词,加结尾的动词,加 “d”构成;构成;辅音字母加辅音字母加 “y”结尾的动词结尾的动词,要先变要先变 “y”为为 “i”,再加再加 “ed”;重读闭音节结尾的动词重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写最后一个字母先双写最后一个字母,再加再加 “ed”; eg: stop,

62、plan, travel, drop, shopc.过去式的标志过去式的标志: yesterday (昨天昨天) last + 单数名词单数名词 (上一个上一个 时间段)时间段) ago (以前以前) just now = a moment ago (刚才刚才)巧记动词过去时态巧记动词过去时态巧记动词过去时态巧记动词过去时态动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事;动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事;bebe用用waswas或用或用were, have,haswere, have,has变变hadhad;谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志;谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志;一般动词加一般动词加-ed-ed,若

63、是特殊得硬记。,若是特殊得硬记。否定句很简单,主语之后否定句很简单,主语之后didntdidnt添;添;疑问句也不难,疑问句也不难,diddid放在主语前;放在主语前;如果谓语之前有如果谓语之前有diddid,谓语动词需还原;,谓语动词需还原;动词若是动词若是was,were,was,were,否定就把否定就把notnot添。添。2.help sb. with sth. (在在.方面帮助某人方面帮助某人)3.help sb. (to) do sth. (帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事)4.do some +动词动词 “ing” (做点做点.) eg; do some reading5.stay

64、at home (呆在家呆在家) 6.have a party (开晚会开晚会)7.visit (a person) (拜访(拜访.) 8.talk show (访谈节目访谈节目)9.study for the test (准备准备.测验测验)10.How/What about.(怎么样?怎么样?) 11.practice sth./doing sth. (练习练习./做某事做某事)12.How was your weekend? (你周末过得怎样?你周末过得怎样?)13.What did you do last weekend? (你周末做了什么?你周末做了什么?)14.middle sch

65、ool (中学中学) 15.cookfor sb. (为某人做为某人做饭饭)16.Its time to do sth. /Its time for sth. (是该是该.的时候了的时候了)17.sit down (坐下坐下) 18.watch sb. do sth. (观看某人做观看某人做)19.look for. (寻找寻找.) find (找到找到;发现发现) 熟读:熟读:P.54 2c GF P.55 3a P.57 3a 3b P.58 3 PRACTISE改写句子:改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)(改否定句) Lucy _ _

66、her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? didnt do Did find any How long did stay Was anyTeache

67、r: Why are you late? Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. Teacher: Thats nice. Were you helping him look for it? Student: No. I was standing on it. 生活百味汤生活百味汤-开心一刻开心一刻Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation ?1.summer camp (夏令营夏令营) 2.have fun doing sth. (做做快乐快乐)3.expensive=dear (贵的贵的

68、) cheap (便宜的便宜的)4.两者中的另一个用两者中的另一个用 “the other”. 5.Sichuan food (川菜川菜)6.in the water/rain/snow/sun (在水中在水中/雨中雨中/雪中雪中/太阳下太阳下)7.in the corner (在角落里在角落里) at the corner 8.find sb. doing sth. (发现某人做某事发现某人做某事)9.make sb. do sth. (使某人做某事使某人做某事) 10.decide to do sth. (决定做某事决定做某事) 11.walk to (走走到到.)12.be lost =

69、 get lost (迷路;走散迷路;走散)13.the Great Wall (长城长城) 14.the Palace Museum (故宫故宫)15.Tianan Men Square (天安门广场天安门广场)熟读:熟读:P.60 GF P.61 3a P.63 3a Fill in the blanks . Use “was” or “were” .Example : It was rainy . The mountains were beautiful .Amy : How was your vacation , Lin ?Lin : It _ pretty good . Amy :

70、How _ the beaches ? Lin : They _ fantastic (极好的). Amy : How _ the weather ? Lin : It _ hot and humid . Amy : How _ the people ? Lin : They _ unfriendly(不友善的) . waswerewerewaswaswerewere1.I went to the mountain on vacation.2.They visited the Palace Museum.3.Tony stayed at home last Sunday.4.He did ho

71、mework that afternoon.5.I went to school by bus.Did you go to the mountain on vacation? Did they visit the Palace Museum? Did Tony stay at home last Sunday? Did he do homework that afternoon? Did you go to school by bus? 1.I went to the mountain on vacation.2.They visited the Palace Museum.3.Tony st

72、ayed at home last Sunday.4.He did homework that afternoon.5.I went to school by bus.Where did you go on vacation? Where did they visit? What did Tony do last Sunday? When did he do homework? How did you go to school? 1.我昨天去了重庆我昨天去了重庆2.他们在假期的时候去了纽约他们在假期的时候去了纽约3.你昨天晚上干了什么事?你昨天晚上干了什么事?4.他今天早晨在哪儿看的书?他今天

73、早晨在哪儿看的书?5.你早饭吃你早饭吃了了什么?什么?I _ _ Chongqing yesterday.They _ to New York _ vacation.What _ you _ last night?Where _ he _ this morning?What _ you eat _ breakfast? went to went on did do did read did for 6.你昨天晚上在家看了电视吗?没有你昨天晚上在家看了电视吗?没有.7. 他们去参观了博物馆吗?是的他们去参观了博物馆吗?是的8. 你们昨天晚上在家看了书吗?没有你们昨天晚上在家看了书吗?没有9. 你

74、今天早上吃了两个鸡蛋吗?是的你今天早上吃了两个鸡蛋吗?是的10. 他昨天打了排球吗?没有他昨天打了排球吗?没有Did you watch TV at home last night? No, I didnt.Did they (go to) visit the museum? Yes, they did.Did you read books at home last night? No, we didnt.Did you eat two eggs this morning? Yes, I did.Did he play volleyball yesterday? No, he didnt.Un

75、it 11 What do you think of game shows ?1.What do you think of/about.?(你认为你认为怎么样?怎么样?) How do you like? (你觉得你觉得.怎么样?怎么样?)2.think of/about. (考虑考虑.)3.soap opera (肥皂剧肥皂剧) 4.cant mind (不介意,无所谓不介意,无所谓)5.mind doing sth. (反对做反对做.) 6.game show (游戏节目游戏节目)7.in fact (实际上实际上) 8.ask sb. about.(问某人有关问某人有关.)9.key r

76、ing (钥匙圈钥匙圈) 10.agree with sb. (同意某人同意某人)11.show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. (出示某物给出示某物给.)12.English Today (今日英语今日英语) 13.Sports News (体育新闻体育新闻)14.Healthy Living (健康生活健康生活) 15.Culture China (华夏文化华夏文化)16.Chinese Cooking (中国烹饪中国烹饪) 17.Animal World (动物世界动物世界)熟读:熟读:P.66 2b GF P.67 3b P.69 3a 3b P.70 3 Te

77、ll it like it isLegal ReportCCTV NewsNews in 30 MinutesMan and NatureChinese CookingAround ChinaSports newsLucky52Animal WorldCulture China人与自然人与自然中国饮食中国饮食新闻联播新闻联播今日说法今日说法中国各地中国各地新闻新闻30分分实话实说实话实说幸运幸运52动物世界动物世界中国文化中国文化体育新闻体育新闻Look Match and Talk1. 欢迎2008年来北京。_ _ Beijing _ 2008.2. 来点牛肉怎么样?_ _ having s

78、ome beef?3. 那就是我所想的。That is _ _ _.4. - Kevin 认为无极这部电影怎么样?- 忍受不了。- _ _ Kevin _ _ the movie “Wuji”?- He cant _ _.5. 他不同意我所说的话。He didnt _ _ what I said.完成句子完成句子Welcome to in What aboutWhat does think ofstand itwhat I thinkagree with 6. 你介意我关上门吗?Do you _ my _ the door?7. 昨天White先生问了他们关于文化的情况。Mr. White _

79、 them _ _ yesterday.8. 实际上,他是错的。_ _, he is wrong.9. 请把你的照片给我看。Please _ your photo _ me.10. 你能把我的信登到下个月的杂志中吗?Can you please _ my letter in next _ _?mind closingasked about cultureIn factshow toput months magazineUnit 12 Dont eat in class !1.祈使句;祈使句;a.以动词原形开头以动词原形开头;b.变否定句时,在动词前加变否定句时,在动词前加 “dont”;2.i

80、n class (在课上在课上) in the class (在班上在班上)3.school rules (校规校规) 4.in the hallways (在走廊里在走廊里)5.dinning hall (餐厅餐厅) 6.be late for (.迟到迟到)7.get to. = arrive in/at.= reach (到达到达.)8.have to (不得不不得不) must (必须必须) 9.else (别的,其它的别的,其它的) 10.too many (太多的太多的.) too much (太多的太多的) 11.No + 名词名词/No + 动词的动词的 “ing” (禁止禁止

81、.)12.Childrens Palace (少年宫少年宫) 13.Summer Palace (颐和园颐和园)熟读:熟读:P.72 GF P.73 3aP.75 3a P.76 31. 在校期间,晚上不能外出。Dont go out _ _ _.2. 在课堂上我们不能戴帽子。We _ _ hats _ _.3. 在电话里不要大声说话。_ talk _ _ the telephone.4. 孩子们必须不迟于九点上床睡觉。Children _ _ _ _ _ _ nine oclock.5. 我觉得我在学校里受的约束太多了。I think I _ _ _ rules at schohol.完成句

82、子完成句子on school nightscant wear in classhave to go to bed byhave too manyDont loudly on6. 你还去过青岛别的什么地方?_ _ did you go to Qindao?7. 现在不要听音乐了,该做眼睛保健操了。Please _ _ _ music now. Its time _ _ eye exercises.8. - 你弟弟在哪里?- 他还在睡觉。- Wheres your brother? - Hes still _ _.9. 他每天都穿运动鞋。He wears _ _ every day.10. The children have meal in the school _ _.Where elsedont listen to to do in bedsports shoesdining hall Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。天才不过是勤奋而已。



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