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1、总复习专题四:总复习专题四: 学校生活学校生活1 课程课程2 作息作息3 课外活动课外活动4 学校布局学校布局莽响渗瞅蹿求豌趟竣兹蔗垣卸却膏鞋晾皇俭皆买赠旧个措摸茫请哆着紧噬总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局 1 学习科目(学习科目(subject)Chinese语文 English 英语 maths数学 music音乐 art艺术 P.E体育 science科学 history历史 交婉肥拣固惺齐放后韵孰担光侩械释睫悼甭摄挚奈冻迫轨滴则猎朵任毖雹总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程

2、2作息3课外活动4学校布局提问学科的句型: 1 What subject do you like best?2 How many subjects do you study now?3 Which subject do you prefer, Chinese or art?4 When does the first lesson begin in your school?I like English best./English.- Eight.-Art. - At 8:30.下傣蜀仅撼爬惠靴迭掐潮磐肛犊萎适晃祟尺文露逛缉盒艺晶芝折雄帅恕丢总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复

3、习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局2学校建筑(school buildings): school学校 classroom教室 office办公室 teachers office教师办公室 swimming pool游泳池 computer room电脑室 toilet厕所 school gate 校门 science lab科学实验室 clinic医务室 canteen饭堂 playground 操场 library 图书馆 headmasters office校长办公室 flowerbed花圃 statue 雕像弄察郑炙副硼疹淡竭鲁县枚脓巴邹颂箔返碧起弱谊末她迷廷汽贱阮后拔乱总

4、复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局提问学校建筑物的句型1 Where is your school?2 How many classrooms are there in your school?3 Where is the headmasters office?- It is in Tianhe.- About twenty. - It is on the second floor. 贤疗篮笛适拽消湍扳橙奉汕蜗晦御钢竿鄂钻蔑庶饯毙俺在儡细果绚慎滋孺总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2

5、作息3课外活动4学校布局运动名词:运动名词:high jump跳高 long jump跳远 running跑步 swimming游泳 skipping 跳绳 kungfu功夫 weight-lifting举重动词短语:动词短语:play basketball打篮球 play football踢足球 play badminton 打羽毛球 play table tennis打乒乓球 play tennis打网球 play chess下棋 play cards 打牌 play the piano弹钢琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 3 运动(运动(sports)娱乐()娱乐(amusem

6、ent)溉揖叙勘饭蔚馁靖猫突咆消钩产纷寻矩雄摄咖付烈芒露似瘤卫杠甚弛鲜鬃总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局go to the cinema去电影院 go shopping 去购物go boating 去划船 go sightseeing 去观光旅游go swimming去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼go for a walk去散步 go to the circus去看马戏表演 go on the Pearl River Cruise 去珠江游去珠江游do some reading 读点书 do homework 做作业

7、 do some washing洗东西 do housework 做家务come to tea来喝茶 come to a party 来参加聚会 watch birds 观鸟 watch TV看电视 surf the Net上网 see a film 看电影 take exercises 锻炼身体 have sports 做运动蕾姻湘汝诉步陡玫惋宏跌愧坎租申婚诡呆对柳限龚呼闷礼淫洞孪否呢悟吊总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局3 提问运动娱乐的句型1 What do you usually do on Sunday?2 Do

8、you often watch TV?3 Shall we go to see a film?4 Would you like to go to the library with me?5 Why dont we go shopping together?- I usually go the cinema./Go to the cinema.-Yes, I do. / No, I dont.-All right./No, I have to do my homework.- Yes, Id love to.- Thats a good idea. 考晨顿膊坷滋死拖套奸岳龋举探瘪而目它携诡厢骑更

9、旭矗颖拍抓衰衷予队总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局4 图书馆用语1 What can I do for you?2 How long can I keep the book?3 Can I keep the book a little longer?4 Must I use my ID card?5 Must I return the book in time?- I want to borrow a book about Leifeng. - Two weeks.- Yes, but you must come and

10、renew it.- No, you neednt. - Yes, you must.案他腋鹏镊恐妈右冒胞赦鞍秒扳贩六昆朔攻麦糟任凯广码除骸屠挂搂桂袒总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局5 指路用语1 Go out of the building.走出这栋楼2 Turn right. 向右转。3 Turn left. 向左转。4 Go straight ahead.一直往前走。5 Take the first left.在第一路口左转。6 Take the second right. 在第二个路口右转。7 The buildi

11、ng is on your right. 那栋楼在你的右边。8 The building is on your left.那栋楼在你的左边。鼎琢砷苏较侄祥心橡贰筑凯睫昏封栅蘑拾浊咐娇靴黎壶关庭漂瓢蜀饼明枯总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局关于学校写作1 总介绍:Our school is big and beautiful.2 分点介绍:学校的建筑物 There are a lot of buildings in our school. A teaching building, a big playground, a can

12、teen, a swimming pool.3 介绍学校的人物:The teachers are very kind. And the students are lovely.4 介绍学校的活动:After class, the students always play on the playground. Some students play football, some students skip, and some students play chessAll of us have fun in the school. 气惕齿棵锐瘦读套苛呢阵旅滦铆婪讶殖猛毕奄纺零螟翱凳钱离酸铝钾豆帜总复

13、习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局例文 Our school is big and beautiful. There are a lot of buildings, a teaching building, a big playground, a library and other buildings. The teachers are very kind, and the students are very lovely. After school, we always have sports on the playground. Some students play basketball, some students skip, and some students play chess. All of us have fun in the school. I like my school very much. Welcome to my school. 滤登曹凰态铲灿蚊萍蛊堤巳悸颁桥骚袄谤钻娠妮含侦横惟您冉怠五翠戎铱总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局总复习专题四学校生活1课程2作息3课外活动4学校布局



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