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1、教学目标教学目标语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与英语学习相关的词汇和情态动词就英语学习中 的各种困难进行讨论并提出建议。语言技能目标: 听 学生能够听懂有关英语学习中各种困难的描述及建议的对话。说 学生能够运用相关词汇和情态动词谈论英语学习中的各种困难并提出建议。读 学生能够读懂描述英语学习中的常见困难及相关建议的短文。写 学生能够运用相关词汇和情态动词写出在英语学习中面临的困难及建议。学 习 策 略: 学生能够反思自己的英语学习,对所面临的问题和困难进行分析并选择 有效的学习策略。情 感 态 度: 学生能够了解从事不同职业的人在不同场合运用英语的情况,进一步认 识英语学习的重要性。单 元

2、 任 务: 能够运用所学语言知识制订自己的英语学习目标及相应措施并通过征求 同学建议拟订合理的学习计划。Lead-inActivity 1Activity 212Activity 1Read and tick. 读句子,选出你对自己英语学习的希望。读句子,选出你对自己英语学习的希望。( ) 1) Never forget the new words.( ) 2) Understand every word in the English movies.( ) 3) Able to sing my favorite English songs.( ) 4) Say what I want to s

3、ay in English.( ) 5) Pass all my English exams.( ) 6) Write stories in English.Activity 2Look and match. 看图,猜猜图中人物所遇难题并与方框看图,猜猜图中人物所遇难题并与方框中的句子进行匹配。中的句子进行匹配。1) I cant understand my English teacher.2) I find it difficult to understand foreigners.3) I feel too shy to talk with foreigners.abc_4) Im poo

4、r at pronunciation.5) I often forget the words I want to say.6) Im not good at reading in English.1)2)3)Activity 2def_1) I cant understand my English teacher.2) I find it difficult to understand foreigners.3) I feel too shy to talk with foreigners.4) Im poor at pronunciation.5) I often forget the wo

5、rds I want to say.6) Im not good at reading in English.4)5)6)Listening and speakingDialogue ADialogue BEveryday English 123Dialogue AActivity 3Activity 4Activity 5Activity 61234How can I improve my pronunciation?Activity 3Listen and tick. 听录音,选出来电人的身份。听录音,选出来电人的身份。 waiter singer student office ladyA

6、ctivity 4Listen and match. 再听录音,将来电人与他们的难题进行匹配。再听录音,将来电人与他们的难题进行匹配。PeopleProblemCaller 1Caller 2Im not good at pronunciation.I often forget English words I want to say.I cant read letters in English.I cant understand my English teacher.I cant remember new words.Activity 5Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画

7、线标出谈论难题和阅读对话,用下画线标出谈论难题和征求建议的语句。征求建议的语句。Zhang Hui: Can I ask you a question, Steve? Steve: Yes, please.Zhang Hui: I find itI find it difficult toto remember new words. What can I do? Steve: Youd better memorize the words in groupsin groups.Zhang Hui: OK. Ill try. Thanks a lot. Steve: Youre welcome.W

8、ang Yang: Excuse me, Steve. How can I improve my pronunciation? Steve: You can listen to some English songs and learn to sing them. It may help.Wang Yang: Thats a good idea. Thank you. Steve: Dont mention it.Dont mention it.Activity 6Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Zhang Hui: Can I ask

9、you a question, Steve? Steve: Yes, please.Zhang Hui: I find it difficult to remember new words. What can I do? Steve: Youd better memorize the words in groups.Zhang Hui: OK. Ill try. Thanks a lot. Steve: Youre welcome.Wang Yang: Excuse me, Steve. How can I improve my pronunciation? Steve: You can li

10、sten to some English songs and learn to sing them. It may help.Wang Yang: Thats a good idea. Thank you. Steve: Dont mention it.Dialogue BActivity 7Activity 8Activity 9Activity 10Activity 11Activity 12123456Welcome to the English Club!Activity 7Listen and write. 听录音,在下表左栏写出来电人的身份。听录音,在下表左栏写出来电人的身份。Ca

11、llers JobProf Learnings AdviceSingerHairdresserActivity 8Listen and write. 再听录音,在活动再听录音,在活动7的表中写出的表中写出Learning教授的建议。教授的建议。Callers JobProf Learnings Advice Singer HairdresserLearn to say the words first.Try to understand the key words.Activity 9Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出与询问难题阅读对话,用下画线标出与询问难题和给出建

12、议相关的语句。和给出建议相关的语句。Prof Learning: Hi! Thanks for calling “Prof Learning”. Whats your problem? Li Dong: Im a waiter. I want to introduce Chinese dishes to foreign guests, but Im poor at memorizing newIm poor at memorizing new words.words. Can you give me some adviceadvice?Prof Learning: You should wri

13、te them down in your notebook and read them every day.学习英语不是件容易的事,这里有两条经验,大家不妨借鉴一下: Good learners are never afraid ofasking questions. Good learners are never afraid ofmaking mistakes.Activity 9 Li Dong: Thank you.Prof Learning: Youre welcome. Here we have a new listener. Hello, whats your problem?

14、Yang Fan: Im a steward. I need to serve many foreign passengers on my plane, but sometimes I cant understand them. What can I do?Prof Learning: Well, you may ask them to repeatask them to repeat. Yang Fan: OK. Ill try. Thanks a lot.Activity 10Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Prof Learnin

15、g: Hi! Thanks for calling “Prof Learning”. Whats your problem? Li Dong: Im a waiter. I want to introduce Chinese dishes to foreign guests, but Im poor at memorizing new words. Can you give me some advice?Prof Learning: You should write them down in your notebook and read them every day. Li Dong: Tha

16、nk you.Prof Learning: Youre welcome. Here we have a new listener. Hello, whats your problem? Yang Fan: Im a steward. I need to serve many foreign passengers on my plane, but sometimes I cant understand them. What can I do?Prof Learning: Well, you may ask them to repeat. Yang Fan: OK. Ill try. Thanks

17、 a lot.Activity 11Discuss and write. 小组讨论你们在用英语时遇到的困难,小组讨论你们在用英语时遇到的困难,选出最普遍的三个问题并写在下表左栏中。选出最普遍的三个问题并写在下表左栏中。ProblemSolutionToo many new words to learn.Activity 12Discuss and choose. 小组讨论列出问题的解决方法,选出小组讨论列出问题的解决方法,选出针对每个问题最有效的解决办法并写在活动针对每个问题最有效的解决办法并写在活动11表格的右栏中。表格的右栏中。ProblemSolutionToo many new wor

18、ds to learn.Try to learn new words by group.Everyday EnglishWhats the matter? 什么事?Whats up? 怎么了?Dont mention it. 别客气。Reading and writingActivity 13Activity 14Activity 15Activity 16Activity 1712345Activity 13Think and answer. 回答下面问题并给出理由。回答下面问题并给出理由。Is learning English important for a traffic policem

19、an?Your answer: _Your reasons: _ _ Yes.There are more and more foreigners in China, they need help from our policeman.Activity 14Read and answer. 阅读交警张晓波的阅读交警张晓波的QQ留言,找出他对留言,找出他对英语学习的看法以及在学习中遇到的问题。英语学习的看法以及在学习中遇到的问题。English is becoming more and more important in my work.I cant always understand them

20、.The traffic policemans opinion: _The traffic policemans problem: _Prof Learning, Im a traffic policeman. English is becoming more more and and moremore important in my work. Now Im working hard to improve my English, but I cant do do well well inin listening. In my work I meet many foreigners. They

21、 dont speak Chinese. They ask me for directions in English. HoweverHowever, I cant always understand them. What can I do?Prof Learning (5386678)Activity 15Think and write. 在第一行写出你对张晓波的建议。在第一行写出你对张晓波的建议。Your Advice: _Prof Learnings Advice: _ _Try to talk with more people in English.Activity 16Read an

22、d write. 阅读阅读Learning教授的教授的QQ留言回复,并在活动留言回复,并在活动15第二行中写出他的建议。第二行中写出他的建议。Its Its not not easy easy to to learn learn English, English, but but I I have have some some ideas ideas here.here. First, you should try to listen for the important points. You dont have have toto understand every word. Second,

23、 you can ask them to repeat again. Dont feel shy to do that. Finally, you may listen to some English songs. You can practice your English and have a lot of fun.Xiaobo (5365782)Activity 16Your Advice: _Prof Learnings Advice: _ _Try to listen for the important points.Ask them to repeat again. Try to t

24、alk with more people in English.Activity 17Discuss and choose. 小组讨论,将你们提出的建议与小组讨论,将你们提出的建议与Learning教授的建议进行比较,从中选出最好的建议并教授的建议进行比较,从中选出最好的建议并记录下来。记录下来。_Language in useGrammar focusVocabulary practice12Grammar focusYou may take an umbrella.You can use your dictionary.You should do more exercises.You ne

25、ed to go to see a doctor.Youd better go home before dark.Activity 18Activity 19Activity 20123Grammar focusActivity 18Read and match. 阅读下列问题,与相应的建议进行匹配。阅读下列问题,与相应的建议进行匹配。1) Im so tired. a. You can close the window.2) I cant sleep at night. b. Youd better go to the reception desk.3) We cant find the k

26、ey to c. You may ask her to repeat. our room.4) I cant understand the d. You need to take a rest. teacher.5) Its so noisy outside. e. You can have a glass of milk in the evening.Activity 19Read and complete. 阅读下面的几组对话,用适当的词填空。阅读下面的几组对话,用适当的词填空。ab Excuse me. How can I join the club? First, you _ comp

27、lete this form. I want to get a good score in the exam. You _ practice English every day.shouldneed toActivity 19cd I think Im getting a flu. You _ go to bed and take some medicine. I want to visit Xian. You _ get a tourist map.d bettermayActivity 20Act and practice. 分组活动,一组按给出的情景提出问题,分组活动,一组按给出的情景提

28、出问题,其他组给出建议,最后评出最佳建议组。其他组给出建议,最后评出最佳建议组。egSituation: At the doctors office.Problem: Ive got a headache.Advice: Youd better go to bed early every day.Situation 1: In the restaurant.Situation 2: At the airport.Situation 3: In the office.Situation 4: In a foreign country.Vocabulary practiceActivity 21A

29、ctivity 22Activity 23123Activity 21Read and match. 仿照例子组词,一词可多次使用。仿照例子组词,一词可多次使用。understandwritereadforgetaskrepeatlistentoforupdownataantheyourtextsentencewordhelpmeaningquestionegunderstand the question_understand a questionread the sentencewrite down a wordforget the meaningask for helprepeat you

30、r sentencelisten to a question.Activity 22Read and choose. 读句子,选词填空。读句子,选词填空。Improve your pronunciation by listening to the tape.1) _ the new words by writing them down.2) _ to the tape to improve your listening.3) _ your speaking skills by talking with foreign friends.4) _ the teacher by listening

31、for the important points.remember understand practice listeneg 学习策略提示这里有许多英语学习方法,哪些会对你有用呢?不妨试一试!RememberListenPracticeUnderstandActivity 23Think and talk. 仿照例句用框中给出的词或短语与同伴谈论仿照例句用框中给出的词或短语与同伴谈论自己在英语学习中的长处与不足。自己在英语学习中的长处与不足。I can improve my pronunciation by singing English songs.be good at guess the

32、meaning give advicebe poor at improve practiceegMake an English learning plan for yourself.1) Write down the situations where you may need to use English in your future work. The first line is given as an example. I can introduce the dishes in my restaurant to foreign guests. _ _ _Think how you may

33、use English in your future job and what you need to learn. Then make a plan for your English learning.Unit task2) Make a list of things you need to learn or improve in order to use English in your future job. The first line is given as an example. I need to learn many English words to introduce the

34、dishes. _ _ _3) Make a list of things you plan to do. The first line is given as an example. Learn 5 new words every day. _ _ _Unit task4) Work in groups. Tell your group members what you need to learn or improve and what you plan to do. Then ask your group members for some advice.5) Think about you

35、r group members advice and revise your English-learning plan.My Future JobUse of English in My Future JobThings I Need to Learn or ImproveMy EnglishLearning PlanMy English Learning PlanUnit taskListen and repeat. 听录音跟读,注意以下发音。听录音跟读,注意以下发音。/BI/eI/Star light, star is bright,First star I see tonight,I

36、wish I may, I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.Pronunciation practice -I learned:( ) advice ( ) understand ( ) forget ( ) lady( ) letter ( ) memorize ( ) mention ( ) notebook( ) pass ( ) passenger ( ) point ( ) difficult( ) remember ( ) shy ( ) steward ( ) foreigner( ) medicine ( ) introduc

37、e ( ) improve ( ) reception( ) finally ( ) prof.I can:( ) talk about problems in learning English.( ) give suggestions on learning English.( ) use modal verbs.Self-checkforget /fE5et/ v. 忘记understand /7QndE5stAnd/ v. 理解,明白pass /pB:s/ v. 通过exam /Ig5zAm/ n. 考试difficult /5dIfIkElt/ adj. 困难的foreigner /5

38、fCrEnE/ n. 外国人shy /FaI/ adj. 害羞的pronunciation /prE7nQnsI5eIFEn/ n. 发音Words & expressionslady / 5leIdI/ n. 女士letter /5letE/ n. 信remember /rI5membE/ v. 记得memorize /5memEraIz/ v. 记住mention /5menFEn/ v. 提到,提及Prof /prCf/ n. 教授 (为professor /prE5fesE/ 的缩写形式)advice /Ed5vaIs/ n. 建议Words & expressionsintroduc

39、e /7IntrE5dju:s / v. 介绍notebook /5nEJtbJk/ n. 笔记本steward /5stjuEd/ n. (轮船或飞机上的) 服务员passenger /5pAsIndVE/ n. 乘客traffic /5trAfIk/ n. 交通direction /dI5rekFEn/ n. 方向ask for direction 问路point /pCInt/ n. 要点;论点Words & expressionsfinally /5faInElI/ adv. 最后reception /rI5sepFEn/ n. 接待reception desk 前台medicine

40、/5medsIn/ n. 药improve/Im5pru:v/ v. 改进Words & expressionsTop Tongue Why is English the worlds “dream” language? Well, for one thing its grammar is so simple. Most languages have two or three forms of “you”, depending on status, formality (正式程度), and so on. English, however, has only one. Also English

41、 has lots of prepositions (介词), and these are a great help in our life. Some languages dont have any prepositions at all, which can make it very difficult to find your trousers in the morning. Another advantage of English is that it has a big vocabulary. For example, therere over 50 words meaning “mad”, at least 80 words meaning “drunk”, and 231 adjectives to describe the weather.Life and culture



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