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1、P.10-11 Ex.4Development by Timechronological arrangementA. The useIt is usually used in telling a story or recounting an event. In other words, things are mentioned according to the time when they happened. This is an easy and clear way to arrange a paragraph. B. OrganizationEarlier things are menti

2、oned before later things.C. Transitional words and expressions (time indicators) When, while, before, after, as, at the turn of the century, later, earlier, formerlynow, nowadays, during, between.and., in.(year), since., later, afterwards, earlier, formerly, from then on, in the 1990s, at birth, in

3、childhood, in infancy(初期,婴儿期), in adolescence(青春期), as an adult, in adulthood, in old age, at death, simultaneously(同时), at the same time the former, the latter, previous, previously, prior to, first, second, in the first place, in the second place, to begin with, next, then, subsequently, in the ne

4、xt place(其次,然后), in conclusion, finally, lastly, in the endWestern-style Wedding Ceremonies1. Wedding processional入场式 or entrance of the bride and groom, and wedding party if applicable 2. Music, literature, and poetry or wedding readings from the Bible 3. Wedding Vows 婚礼誓言4. Exchange of wedding rin

5、gs or gifts 5. A blessing, benediction to support the marriage祈求上帝赐福仪式.6. A first kiss as a married couple 7. A recessional 退场赞美诗8. Wedding reception/feast婚宴.key1.Jack should not have taken the gymnastics course.2.Paragraph B. It is easier for the reader to follow. All the details in Paragraph B tha

6、t illustrate the topic sentence follow a strict time order while those in Paragraph A do not.Topic sentence:Supporting details:1.In September, 2.A month later, 3.During the December holidays, 4. In January, 5. In February, 6. In May, SUMMARY You may have noticed that the supporting details of Paragr

7、aph B are arranged in chronological order, i.e. from the beginning of a school term to the end of it. Paragraph development of this kind is called development by time. That is, all the events are arranged in the same order as they actually occurred.Linking devicesKey SampleTOPIC SENTENCE:SUPPORTING

8、IDEAS:Development by timeDevelopment by timeTry to identify the time indicators. The first railroads were developed in Europe in the sixteenth century. They looked nothing like those of today. The rails were of wood, and the cars, small wooden carts which hauled coal, were drawn by horses. By the ea

9、rly nineteenth century, railroad technology had advanced considerably. Steam locomotives had been developed, and cast iron was used for tracks. In 1825 a railroad line began carrying passengers as well as freight. That same year Americas first known steam locomotive was run on a circular track at Ho

10、boken, New Jersey. Soon American locomotives and railroads were multiplying rapidly. Many short rail lines were laid during the 1830s. These short lines were then linked with one another, and by the early 1840s networks of rails connected all the eastern cities.Sample 1 The first railroads were deve

11、loped in Europe in the sixteenth century. They looked nothing like those of today. The rails were of wood, and the cars, small wooden carts二轮运货马车 which hauled拉 coal, were drawn by horses. By the early nineteenth century, railroad technology had advanced considerably非常地. Steam locomotives机车 had been

12、developed, and cast iron生铁 was used for tracks轨道. In 1825 a railroad line began carrying passengers as well as freight. That same year Americas first known steam locomotive was run on a circular track at Hoboken, New Jersey. Soon American locomotives and railroads were multiplying增加 rapidly. Many sh

13、ort rail lines were laid铺放 during the 1830s. These short lines were then linked with one another, and by the early 1840s networks of rails connected all the eastern cities.Exercise Read the following information about Lincoln and rearrange the sentences in chronological order.1. When Lincoln was eig

14、ht years old, his father lost most of his land in Kentucky.2. Lincolns mother died when he was nine years old.3. When Lincoln was nine, his stepmother persuaded his father that Abraham should begin to go to school.4. Lincoln was born in Kentucky.5. He started school, but it soon closed.6. The first

15、winter they spent in Indiana they lived in a house with only three walls; the fourth side was open for a fire.7. Lincolns family moved to Indiana after his fathers bankruptcy.Keys Lincoln was born in Kentucky. When he was eight years old, his father lost most of his land. After that, the family move

16、d to Indiana. The first winter there they lived in a house with only three walls; the fourth side was open for a fire. Lincolns mother died when he was nine. In the same year, his father married again. Lincoln s stepmother persuaded his father that Abraham should begin to go to school. So he started school, but it soon closed.Thank you



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