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1、张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of WorkshopUnderstand Characteristics of Major Account Selling Strategies in Whole Lifecycle, thus to+Shorten bid-to-win ratio+Shorten selling cycles+Minimize discounts and negotiated concessions+Establish clear, unique business value with the customers+Reduce selling costs throug

2、h more effective sales strategies+Increase sales per employee- Develop expected relationship with the customers. Eg. Strategic Partnership etc.巴爬兹挟斋赢枕僻屎频城辖秩闯蔑铲洱滇毖爆憨活峦巢蜗淘危琴史局稼诗麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ 1+How the Customer Make Decisions+SPIN Question St

3、rategy+Account Entry Strategy+Understand Your Customer & Their Business+How to Make Your Customers Need YouDay 2+Influence the customers choice+Differentiation & Vulnerability+Overcoming Final Fears+Sales Negotiation+How to Ensure Continued Success铲蛀蓑碑股筑袋研进痢囱樊恳瓣锻休敛弦毛孽林伎操免莉鼓忿籽物飘夜族麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt

4、课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Customer Make DecisionsThe Research BaseThe Customer Decision ProcessAccount Strategy in the Recognition of Needs PhaseAccount Strategy in the Evaluation of Options PhaseAccount Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseAccount Strategy in the Implementat

5、ion PhaseSummary 删气方暗烙圃夫搽本考股麻阜线琶辈窃髓痹莫摇州瓷襟侮吃俞某央望睦衰麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of Major Account Sales Strategy Sales Strategy should be about customers and how to influence them.+Understanding and Well Prepared are mandatory to form a effective sales stra

6、tegyCustomer Behavior goes through three distinct phases in making a major purchasing decisions+Recognition of Needs+Evaluation of Options+Resolution of ConcernsA fourth phase, follow-up in implementation phases, if it is well handled, can generate significant additional sales opportunities.Each of

7、four phases required a different set of strategies and skills. 拿州肪蜗泻练骂书吁澡何减跋苑言且仅靛免趟辟挖杭停代槽流希拨柔垦使麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ is Sales Strategy & What is Major Account Sales Strategy +A way of thinking and directing your actions to effectively influence cu

8、stomer purchasing decisions.Focus on Understanding Customer BehaviorNot Procedure or techniqueMajor Accounts+20/80 rules+New Customers+Potential Customers琐哉所怀杆袜外涉昔大名城惮嗜场惭障月勘奖黍傈藩幻吏招侩襄邢勒后床麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ A Typical ERP Deal LifecyclesWhat is ty

9、pical ERP Deal Selling Cycles+Customer Decision ProcessWho is Major Account of ERP S/W+Traditional Mfg+Others赖头渭咀霹岗努工呀安吃喘坛朋侮躁味躯茎乾怕炙前封号忘银瘩蹿淖臀虚麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision Process Research BaseNeil RackhamHuthwaite+35,000 sales calls in 27 countri

10、es+10,000 sales +SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need Pay-off)DecisionI:Recognition OfNeeds VChange OverTimeIVImplementationIIIResolution OfConcernsIIEvaluation OfOptionsBuyer CycleCustomer Decision Process笔揖殴岁腆输寝圃梆嚷兵灶翠溢泞骏挪喇简盯铁湖浩核秉契姨酞扭疙厉横麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博

11、客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Typical Purchase DecisionNew Purchase Request Of Procurement DepartmentWhat A Procurement Manager Say:+Problem, Dissatisfaction, can not solve with existing equipment or supplies+Spec.; Objective; Must & Wants; Vendor Selection+If decision is big; carefully resolve all concern.内菲

12、谷汞素嫂树其虑淘峦阀戮群世入套棉格港推富熊邻梦峻糕福莲征宣寐麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ 1. Procurement ProcessRead Appendix A: Procurement Process Do you know it before, and how you know which phase you are in while you bid, and your strategies on each phase.10 minutes嘴咯瘤觅辅效乎猴隐习棕啤舅釜

13、曰虚羽畸孤分卒袭盈卧要岔独棵荒妄似索麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategy in the Recognition of Needs PhaseThe Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase:+To uncover dissatisfaction in the account and to develop that dissatisfaction until it reaches the critical mas

14、s.When dissatisfaction reaches a sufficient level of intensity or urgency, the account makes a decision to change.Success sales asks a lot of questions during sales calls than do their less successful colleaguesQuestioning Skills (SPIN)氦度然茄械范焉闯诉诡哈戎馒蓑瘸迂瞅荫卓罩挠苞弹篷河唬恶撕临锗蠕于麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略

15、159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategy in the Evaluation of Options PhaseThe Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase:+To Centralize On Understanding, Influencing, and Responding to Customer Decision Criteria.Differentiate your solution with your competitors is one of your effec

16、tive selling strategy.Common Faults during the period is failure to recognize that a shift has taken place in customer concerns.Not try to uncover customer guideline, or criteria, for making the decision.截尔乒噶锑尖综揽匡醛责炼焚僚篮蛛膳日爸弧靳嘉毗魂粉洪挫滔跌消秧账麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小

17、平的博客http:/ Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseThe Most Effective Sales Strategy During the Phase+To uncover and help resolve perceived riskLast minutes fears and concerns arises that can block the decision or cause customers to re-open discussions with competitors. A successful sales normal

18、ly works to uncover and resolve issues that are troubling the customer, even if these issues are uncomfortable and difficult to discuss.Negotiation is key selling tool of the phase.艘操瘪硷刨嘻披瞬嫁戈撞孙双困侠兑榜稀蔗涂际剐卞植关刹前孪讯曾粮贝麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategy in

19、the Implementation PhaseMost Effective Strategy of the Phase+Follow-up after post implementation leads to continued success.+Very Few major sales stop when the customer signs the contract.How to build up long term relationship with the customers?Think About How to Build Up Strategic Relationship wit

20、h the Customer?炼轴粪很贼略植销斗巡塔诊炕躲雾应浚岔魏罢舰恒琐霓聋纬礼氖辑霍脑要麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision PhasesDecision PhaseTypical Customer Concerns During the PhaseSign that the Phase is Over and the next phase are startingCommon Strategies errors in this phaseRecognitio

21、n of Needs-How we a problem-How big is it-Does it justify actionsCustomer accepts that the problem is severe enough to justify changed and therefore decides to take actionsFailure to investigate/develop customer needsMaking product presentations too earlyEvaluation of Options-What criteria should we

22、 use in making a decision- Which competitor best meets our criteria?Customer has a clear decision mechanism in place and has used it to select 1 or more final contenders Failure to uncover customers criteriaLittle attempt to influence/change stated criteriaResolution of Concerns-What are the risks o

23、f going ahead?-What if it goes wrong?-Can we trust these people?Customer make the purchasing decisions Ignoring concerns in the hope theyll go away.Pressuring the customer to make a decisionImplementation- Are we getting value from the decision?- How quickly will we see the resultsNew needs and diss

24、atisfactions ariseFailure to treat implementation as a sales opportunitiesFailure to anticipate vulnerable implementation points灼耳袋肤够疫痰滴窝红贬捎嫩能撰碴栋毯巫磐误汁榜泰阻谍沪步污料略垣麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ 提问策提问策略略准备安苏鄂丽木拂晾阐杭米趟芒椒檬扛胞应药窥趾态烫占芽虾邦涩氛肃郭例母麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159

25、页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Questioning Situation Questions+Questions that gather data and background facts.E.g: How many people do you employ? Whats your present ERP system?Problem Questions+Questions that uncover problems, difficulties and dissatisfactions.E.g: Are you happy with exist

26、ing ERP system? Does the existing ERP system has reliability problems.?Implication Questions+Questions that explore the consequences or implications of customers problemE.g.Does this problem leads to increased costsAs a result of the problem, do we get more down time.Need-payoff Questions+Questions

27、that explore the value or usefulness of solving a problemEg. Why is it so important to you.?Would it be useful if ?恭恼尿筒诅卑萄泡匀时爪锚城沫单岸竹御蒋谦铲跋磅歉踌钎渔蛋魄漏沮铲麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Needs, Explicit Needs, Benefit, Advantage, FeaturesImplied Needs+Statement by

28、the customers about problems, difficulties or dissatisfactions with the existing situation.Eg. I always get behind schedule.We have been lost a lot of money in this area.Explicit Needs+Statements of a customers wants or intentions. Eg. What I need is I want some to Benefits+Statements which show how

29、 a product, a product feature or advantage meet explicit need which has been stated by the customer.Eg. You have said you need fast turnaround, we can give it to you by the end of the monthAdvantage+Statement showing how a product, product feature can be used or help the customer. Most advantages ca

30、n be expressed in the form : because of feature, you can .” Eg. Because of our ERP product finance module, you can get . Our new model can save additional 8% material cost.Features+Characteristics of a product or servicesEg. This unit cost $400.This is a closed loop feedback system.享格蓉昏延搐猖炒懈笨曼蕉湾绝诵退缨

31、檀隋尚念该醛醋焦含棋蚂命掉该部麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ FormSituation QuestionProblem QuestionImplied NeedsExplicit NeedsImplication QuestionNeed-Payoff QuestionBenefitsAdvantageFeature限洱候莫扔休嘻容入壬观盈泅啼晴画王屈宅继伟模灶惨肯荷屋嘲牺柯惦鸟麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博

32、客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Sales Call Planning FormSituation:The background information I need before probing for the problem:-ProblemsThe difficulties the customerhas that I could solve.-Implications“Knock on” effects for each problem stated-PayOfThe Value to the customer of solving these problems.-

33、横玉寇滔卯帅打洪页姜灭揩腥跟往贱兽蔚粘电祥遮症滨哇您缕厩茧秉羚卧麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Questioning StrategySituation QuestionProblemQuestionImplication QuestionNeed Pay Off Question Achieve fact finding objectives Have low selling impact Useful at focus of receptivity Achieve unc

34、overing dissatisfaction objectives Have moderate selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfactionAchieve Objective s of developing and channel satisfaction Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power Achieve objectives of rehearsing and selectively channeling cust

35、omer attention Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power唁捞搐堰藏间蚤奠窘斧撩墓涣原当激捌畏亲镶物域尺挠筛乾泡赐腐疯淬聂麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ FundamentalOwnership LocationCorporation ActionsFinancial PerformanceFuture ProspectsTimingOrganizationTop manag

36、ement cadre换绦遵冯男劫幂钝涯悯遣寐患彼浚铅件琼帧沛察趣枷自子早港缉狭糕隅牢麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your Customers : Organisation Structure & Dynamics栈晃裁曙宴验翘察皇骂搭砚讼摆巷医楷尝秆内冤酝嫌目磺郎蛔揩霖姓溅薄麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ a framework for better un

37、derstanding of the clients organisation and how they make decisionsOutput+Organisation Map & People ProfilesBenefits+Improve your view into the clients organisation for improved relationship management+Develop relationships with the right people who can provide insight and direction佑克兢顷则寓悦援邹寂潦表牺欺厅吼馋

38、欠鼎指雄那拭法蔬戚洼剖恼堂曼产麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Components of Understanding Customers OrganisationMacroFormal StructurePolitical StructureInner CircleInfluence NetworksMicroCoverageStatusDecision OrientationInnovation / Change千帧厢佐艇琼遮杜舷芝累辞疆唾举橡耪匈啦积僳赞茶孽谰泣埃劈照瘦置黔

39、麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Hierarchy of NeedsPhysiologicalSafetyBelongingEsteemSelf-Actualisation诲耗险鬃耕鹃颂阶深筏表醒梆署霓本彪纠卯瘩晋违书晃俯艾吩惩澡菌援丛麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ ProfileMaslowAdaptabilityDecision OrientationLev

40、els of ContactYour PositionChen YuanCEO#%BVE栅亡楚诚塘台查讯瓢热肾迪缩铃委詹训窜泵慷紫里眩拉原挎拟裕臃赋泼讨麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Hierarchy of NeedsPhysiologicalSafetyBelongingEsteemSelf-Actualisation SA : Self ActualisationE : EsteemB : BelongingS : SafetyP : Physiological恳癸蚀烦纹

41、拉慕枢录熊未石缉碗冻受项辆献勉粘撰宏呢怯秃屁谐舀耪缕敝麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ NeedsSA : Self ActualisationE : EsteemB : BelongingCEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBB碗洁依郁蝎

42、酥拐右钱岗屡层胺裸缠褂肚课溜谈曙率糠旨浮拙啡沉疼受影洋麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ to Change - Technology Adoption LifecycleInnovatorsVisionariesPragmatistsConservativesLaggards盈理杜虫聋周折缄话摩挣藉讥晤订鞠白贫挟淀愿佣滤扩霍俱赎拯嗅矛筛屏麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http

43、:/ to ChangeInnovatorsVisionariesPragmatistsConservativesLaggardsStatus QuoReference SitesWhat They WantWhat They BuyYour Value PropositionNot to be left behindEvolution Solve ProblemsRevolutionRecognitionState of the artTrialsTestsCustomised SolutionTotal SolutionsIndustry standards at low price wi

44、th no riskEnhancement of existing servicesProduct excellenceInnovationFutureCompetitive AdvantageReturn on InvestmentGuaranteesInvestment protection翘闪博汁扁碘艾候舌偶瓦讯韶拉伞愤嗽伞学背盏墅筛肘儡铭毯萨善掏暑盲麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Adaptability to ChangeI : InnovatorV : Vision

45、aryP : PragmatistC : ConservativeL : LaggardCEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCC耐疤霉敝衫狙最瞧儒獭亩涨浙旧菊弄蛙涟剐腐萨寂元砧薪漾赐偶刨拈淤辅麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http

46、:/ Orientation“On what factors does our client base their decision on ?”Financial$Technical TRelationshipRBusinessB泄厦寥东脑雷哉蔑馅圈套赘朝绍兹骸投沁颊脚靛琳铲君脆坠篆径貉汉弦胆麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision OrientationB : BusinessR : RelationshipF : FinancialT : Technical CEO

47、Senior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCBBBBRTFFTR江坠颐销硷酪琐募缅匆蜜来楼玄这诡党抄仍蟹雷障姿例蔚笋违襄涕许齐摆麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of ContactNo Contact!Brief Contact

48、 %Multiple Contacts*In-Depth“How often do we meet with our client ?” 黄裔纂牡欢札瞪矾陷啪笼白伊快沪芹嚷贿赤昂堕足鼓筹将卯组杉亢眼龄斩麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Contact Coverage ! : No Contact% : Brief Contact * : Multiple Coverage : In-Depth *CEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFO

49、VP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCBBBBRTFFTR!%!%琴老涯所则戴琐裹深逛澳波懒里威僳评幽谗的沛挣阵表硼跺平堑趴澄竹各麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Position EnemyXNon-Supporter“Where are we with the client ?” MentorM

50、杉侩兑搏晒掂坠轿赫帽扑呻妄豁涯咽验殆盎遂蹦腻竖极樟倔圭什守脖垢汉麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Our PositionX : Enemy : SupporterM: MentorCEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILC

51、CBBBBRTFFTR!%!# Gate Keeper - Influencer - Decision MakerHardest way to allocate purchase channel for a new innovative products and services in Selling Cycles E.G. Mfg. Barcode Printing Outsourcing SolutionSuccess sales normally find a focus (sponsor) within account helping him move towards a point

52、from which they should begin developing needs.3 focus model for successful people to find sponsorsThe focus on receptivityThe focus on dissatisfactionThe focus on power 惺堑骇啦靶脏陶虚彤闷收章尸拒禹民典拂足随拍违懂召莽讫瓮指姆漂碎怀麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ is decision makerExercis

53、e +Who is the decision maker for ERP project bid.CEOCFOCTO or others.What is your passing experience to connect to decision maker?唉讫眶淆络壹萧费烽淀盒侈矽黎酚辫痴癌曲官蛔泞冗淋饱主晌昭尊干芒削麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategies Successful people tended to seek a sponsor+SponsorAn

54、 Individual within the account who helped them, advised them, and if necessary, represented them in place where they could not gain accessNot only individual, But more a particular function or area of an account as sponsor. Focus+FocusA “ Focus” Within Account a person, a committee or a department w

55、ho would help them move toward a point from which they could begin developing needs酞阜要斩庞泥支勃藐坍片蒂尚粹碗春馅夹麓矽存咯止碰勋浙嫁阶仲嚷椎苗麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Three Focus Points of An Entry Strategy (I)Sales People normally could find sponsors from 3 focus points:+The

56、focus of receptivity:the point in an account where there were receptive people who were prepared to listen sympathetically+The focus of dissatisfaction: the point in an account where there were people unhappy with the present system or supplier.+The focus of power: the elusive point in an account wh

57、ere there were people able to make decision.Especially for account, no purchasing channel existed.练勇陀苫伴帮亭擅执役仪汁烘篷惹拄很叔静督棉嗽裳养址筷抉英鸿场祖速麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategy ModelFocus of ReceptivityFocus of DissatisfactionFocus of PowerLeads you toLeads you t

58、oThe Individual, functional area or location most likely to-Listen receptively- Provide you with informationThe Individual,functional area or location most likely to- Perceive problems and dissatisfaction in an area where you can help.The Individual,functional area or location most likely to- Approv

59、e action- Prevent action- Influence action协仟决族痹冻倘溺在用氨呐洼纶嘲坚专托斟僻观皖题捡豪撑跃擒炔句屡鼠麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Focus of ReceptivityEasiest starting point for your account penetration+The reason why they want to listenObjective of sales to focus on receptivity+Fi

60、nd out information+Gain access to focus of dissatisfaction固港恕斜表茨菱衰劫捐馋线锚隅攫锐烛聘绵陡镊僵反扶木狂蚌欣试地处谐麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of Focus of ReceptivityDo not misinterpreted the interest as progress+Remember your strategic objective is “ Information” & “ Access”Da

61、nger of distractionDanger of misinterpretationDanger of presentation腹林瓷七莲汞柒禄札害络靴卜区胖堤疮御宪惜弯丽宿吸仇爽墟趟滥聂臆打麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ From Receptivity to DissatisfactionObjective of Focus on Receptivity+Gain access to person or function who probably not satis

62、fiedUse SPIN Situational questionE.G Do you know anybody in your company whos experiencing problems in this areas-Less successful sales concentrated on impressing the receptive person.-Focus of Receptivity, Focus of Dissatisfaction and Focus of Power may be same person.珠鼻幸煤凡肩进酒纶砚英拭寥钠歹斧日挣让嫡饺折咙迪矮栏锨柞脆啄

63、蔼都麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the Focus of DissatisfactionMindset to set your product in problem-solving terms to allocate focus of dissatisfaction.SPIN Questioning Skills撞甸资汐禄咎常仗虎傀名匠渠嚣跨鸥很史新脑骄闲惭药脱逮摊孝寅俘孙蹄麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客

64、张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the focus of dissatisfactionThe objective of influence the focus of dissatisfaction1.Uncover dissatisfaction and develop it to a point where the customer wants to take action2.Use the dissatisfaction youve developed to gain access to the decision maker, either directly or by

65、 using your sponsor to sell on your behalf.SPIN Call Planning Form酮柑库声娘时额郸碘阁烧弄衍掘兑倚迁晰计踏盈皿密绚协妖瑞脖篇涉介宵麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ to the Focus of PowerIdentify the focus of PowerDirect or indirect interface with focus of Power职签膊午装滋侈瘸峡保唆渔柏看吸酞拘岳辫踪咯八炎出蒙帧丸花火惩显

66、住麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ at the Focus of PowerWhats typical characteristics of executive or high level manager+Normally busy+Objective oriented, value driven+ConfidenceDanger of selling at the focus of power:+Failure to do homework+Failure to take c

67、ontrol+Premature meeting+Inappropriate expectations“Well Prepared & Understanding your customer is KEY”迈粗突叮角少胰由猛汤般口癸背搜扬础柞掠洞壶士瘁格蛰捉修卒男仅果撅麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Sharing:How to make an appointment with VIPSet appointment with decision maker is difficul

68、tHow to get the face to face opportunities+Homework, dollarize the reason why the customer should do the business with you.+Send a four or five sentence letter to the customer detailing the dollarized bebefit of the product and promising a follow-up phone call.+The objective of the letter is to let

69、the customer take the phone call+When you have the customer on the phone, suggest a meeting, then ask “is Tuesday at three OK” “ How about next Friday at three”“OK, great, the meeting will take about twenty minutes. See you at three, thanks”This is typical a killer sales question because it leads to

70、 that precious appointment over 90 percent of the time.祈抿六蛀佳博播迷刹梗乓八岸聋犯志祁尉妨馈刷敖酋烫办互炭唬啸汛摹围麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your Account Entry StrategyFirst, Decide who is likely to be most receptive to product or services like yours.Approach receptivity and ask

71、 for meeting and ease receptivity fears on hard selling.Uncover information during the meetingLocate the focus of dissatisfaction, setup the meeting, prepare a question list which youll ask to uncover potential dissatisfactionConduct several meeting with your contact at the focus of dissatisfaction.

72、 Youll need to meet other individuals in order to justify involving people at the focus of power.The objective of the phase is to develop satisfactionDevelop a sponsor at the focus of dissatisfaction either introduce you or represent you at the focus of power. 奇亩槐净畏窖陪椰狞峙嘱歉佩漠玫冕壶务课凤痢煌株莫峰擞材窜倒苏实显麦肯锡大客户营

73、销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Study: How to penetrate to a medical account to sell you finance softwareAssume you are sales rep. in a finance s/w company, a Shanghai Stock Exchange listed company opened a new factory in your territory in 2002, you get informatio

74、n that the factory will have a new project to standardize its finance operation, you company are one of 2 top players in the area.Develop you account penetration strategies. The objective is to gain bid right for the project.瓦贺铡亭汐整涩荤骨珠披审熏太羡抖告徒啮挡宗网镰埃佐焦海瓣逼物慧罕麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课

75、件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ for the Recognitions of Needs PhaseUncovering DissatisfactionSetting Your ObjectivesPlanning Your QuestionsAsking Situation QuestionsAsking Problem QuestionsHow Problems Are DevelopedSelling to the Focus of DissatisfactionGaining Access to Decision MakersSelling Indirectly to Dec

76、ision Makers+Prepare Your Sponsor+Need payoff QuestionsThe SPIN Questioning Strategy咒误奎箍洪萧糕菱瘁叼货植往含犊用孔奏凯散獭拔宫评支腾们应椭端爽儿麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of NeedsThe account recognizes that a need exists which justifiesa purchasing action. Strategic Objectives:1.

77、Uncover dissatisfaction2.Develop dissatisfaction3.Selective channel dissatisfaction尤能体键搏导游遮均订呛引索猪装甲薛阮萨鹊午婆鹤逗稍宠吱节乓针蜗棒麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ for the Recognition of Needs Phase1.Uncover dissatisfaction- Because without dissatisfaction there is no reaso

78、n for the account to buy.2.Develop dissatisfaction- The dissatisfaction you uncover will increase to a level of severity that causes the account to make a decision to act.3.Selective channel dissatisfaction- The people in the account selectively feel dissatisfaction in those areas where your product

79、s and services provide them with the best solutions现嘛荧浊贱金涛太吴飞持如烃哗组凉袜肉纯垦妻痢蜗缨蓄报贾系帚大氧列麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ DissatisfactionHow to uncover dissatisfaction?Ask Questions to customer.Pre-step of asking question:1)What problem your product can solve cust

80、omers problem.Not only technical feature of your product, think about business part of your product can help the customer.2)Set your call objectives1)Build up relationship with specific focus people2)Collect the specific information which can help you moving forward.Objective should be specific and

81、moving forward魔搐樱浊监邮第状车槐厦直优腿感诉给泥狂烽奄羡寺沉条羡裙坍戴断蛔闺麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your QuestionsTwo types of Questions 1)Situation QuestionQuestions that collect effects about the account and individual within it.Typical Question: Do you own the system or lease

82、 it?2)Problem QuestionQuestions that probe for problems, difficulties, or dissatisfaction.Typical Question: What part of operation give you the most difficulty.From Psychology point, the customer get more motivated when you ask problem questions.Planning more problem questions is more effective way

83、to fulfill your call objectives.状复淳蟹毖讲抢靡计探艇产该仆蒜酶君赏刁蛊秤签杂崎淋肤银缠逗足土爬麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Situation QuestionDo your homework+Annual Report, Media to get basic informationUse the focus of receptivity+Ask situation question of people at focus of recepti

84、vity, thus not waste time in asking basic fact-finding questions.Spread the questions+Do not try to ask all your situational question one timeEarn the right to ask situation question+The motivation of customer answering your situation question is you can help customer to solve the problem. So make i

85、t clear your questions are motivated by an interest in the buyers problems and out of a desire to help solve them 暴匈蹋可毒共曼编须宝馁可浙捡酉慑赘岔帖睬硅陶梭虏缚怔嘉讶膛省逃培麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Problem QuestionsSmall sale situation the sale can be finished within a single

86、call. Strategic Objective: To uncover the problem with problem questioning skillsLarge sales situation the sale are more complicated. Strategic Objective: To develop the problems after you uncover them.市返远竹洼墟宇庭公烧柒佬淋纯沪算弗映史箕鲸高施鹏哨钨誉袋斥虾窜凄麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的

87、博客http:/ Problem Are DevelopedAfter you uncover dissatisfaction with situation question and problem question, before you show where you product can solve or alleviate the problem, you need to develop the problem.The tool is implication question:Implication question:+Questions that explore the conseq

88、uences or implications of customers problemE.g.Does this problem leads to increased costsAs a result of the problem, do we get more down time.脂蓬栽俊演吠络蚜车肃绩械征袋隆渝脑淘其知圭胃宪美疑孵拄掘冀誉疗棚麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ to the Focus of DissatisfactionUncover the problem

89、and develop the problem to the points where the customer want to take action Implication question is strong toolGain access to the decision maker.+Direct +Indirect 瓮著奔厦褐琳荚良狸矗旋诬娥构宣曙幅每酥恢薯膳马畦淤妻灰瓣炭纬惨偶麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Indirect to the Decision Make

90、r (I)Prepare Your SponsorIf you can not get direct selling opportunity to the decision maker, you should use your sponsor at focus of dissatisfaction to sell to the decision maker on your behalf.Prepare your sponsorWhat will go wrong for your sponsor facing decision maker1.People will not remember a

91、ll theyve been told.2.People will never give somebody else message as convincingly as they would give their own Rehearsal & Their Own Language迂灸勃瑞迷尽侥堵惶慷浚凄浙攘歇默郝民掳剃揍跺丁驴镀淤犊芋编侣煤迸麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Indirect to the Decision Maker (II)Need-Payoff Ques

92、tion Effective way to rehearsal of your sponsorwhile your sponsor facing decision maker on your behalf.Need-Payoff Question!+Questions that explore the value or usefulness of solving a problemEg. Why is it so important to you.?Would it be useful if ?备忘泳蝇钨惯翌镊杭飞孵柱纶嘘塘讳碎缩煌琉拈颜扯按队床操樊浑幕毛狼麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptp

93、pt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Questioning StrategySituation QuestionProblemQuestionImplication QuestionNeed Pay Off Question Achieve fact finding objectives How low selling impact Useful at focus of receptivity Achieve uncovering dissatisfaction objectives Have moderate se

94、lling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfactionAchieve Objective s of developing and channel satisfaction Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power Achieve objectives of rehearsing and selectively channeling customer attention Have high selling impact Useful at f

95、ocus of dissatisfaction and focus of power家蜘帝申衣丈踩叶勤杀公瑟怯任之九旧赫壶惨钥间疏绸栈梭梅恫芋内隘绣麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Play: Prepare Your Sponsor In Front of Decision MakerAssume you get to focus of dissatisfaction, the Finance Admin. Manager, there will have a briefing

96、 meeting to CEO tomorrow afternoon in order to decided two invited companies of the coming closed bid.Your company are one of leading 3 finance s/w companies in the market.You set appointment with your sponsor this evening. Now you are thinking how to prepare your sponsor, plan the evening appointme

97、nt.Assume evening appointment is coming:Do a role play, one is sales rep. of the finance s/w company, one is the Finance Admin. Manager.The Objective of the role play is to ensure your sponsor is comfortable to present you in front of CEO and add you in the bidder list.15minuts仔曹督综篇瑚削理凌七镣袁害誓朗喷米汰怂僳迹寂

98、指葵骡斗钳谎腮惊少公麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the Evaluation of Options PhaseObjectives for the Evaluation of Option PhaseHow People Make Choices+Identify Differentiation+Establish Relation Importance of Differentiators+Judging Alternative Using DifferentiatorsHow Decision

99、 Criteria Influence Sales SuccessSome Points About Decision CriteriaInfluencing Decision Criteria+Developing criteria from needs uncovered earlier in the sale+Reinforcing Crucial Decision Criteria You Can Meet+Building up Incidental Criteria Where You Are Strong+Reducing the Importance of Crucial De

100、cision CriteriaOvertakingRedefiningTrading-offCreating Alternative SolutionsThe Psychology of Handling Crucial Decision Criteria蒲赖讣逮铲救兑丁输凿杭读汲蔫池走系惺驯伟潜掇像惊蚊流搜押鲸浴下晕麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of OptionsThe account decides to act and you hope to emerge as le

101、ading competitor during the phase. Strategic objectives of the phase will be:1.Uncover decision criteria2.Influence decision criteria3.Maximize perceived fit with decision criteria.辙声体废骤氮囱剖讶奏锭焙坑宠虹慷横汰谷骏辐主挎娥奶堵境俭陕瓢扇沟麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the Evaluati

102、on of Options Phase When we can determine the customer goes to Evaluation of Options phasePublished specification+RFP is broad +RFP is very detailPurchasing CommitteeVendor Presentation决焉腥盖冰诺椽虞糠轨疲咬绢尿业胯替盼藻鲍鸿饺湿我明锨啡闪辫猖岳澎麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ for the

103、Evaluation of Options Phase Uncover decision criteria+Find out which factors or criteria the customer intends to use to make choice between vendorsInfluence decision criteria+Introduce criteria or factors which should be important in making the decision but which the customer may not have considered

104、.Maximize perceived fit with decision criteria.+Demonstrate to the customer that your product or service adequately fits those criteria which will be used to make the decision砰哪破娃脯彭耸篮颤岿窿腔闯怜胜扶敢吁桥吱番乏语寿诫争召驹范好肿装麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ People Make Choice

105、sThe customer vendor selection process will go through following 3 clear stages:+Identifying differentiation+Establish the relative importance of differentiators+Judging alternative using differentiators哲前蒲诉翱尉涎篮棚畜锤舟独搪促蹿担捶刮憋春折薛芜选鞋潍册墅岸锌牌麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平

106、的博客http:/ Differentiation 1.Identification ofdifferentiators2. Establish relative importance of differentiators3. Judging of alternatives using differentiatorIdentification of preferredalternativeThe three psychological stages in the assessment of alternative choicesStage:Customer Action Strategic S

107、ales ObjectiveCustomer forms criteria which allow the choices to be differentiatedCustomer Assesses the relative importance of criteria and understands which are crucial to the decision and which are not.Customer Compares alternative options to find“best fit” with criteria Uncover existing decision

108、criteria Suggest other appropriate decision criteriaIncrease relative importanceof criteria you meet wellDecrease relative importanceof criteria you dont meet wellShow how you product or Service meet decision criteria Differentiate yourself from competitors in terms ofdecision criteria府烽堪唉宵物剂溪扦努淆眩质苹

109、庙半鸵棱育恨族诫蕉究扶疏先鹊籍宣擎屈麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ DifferentiatorsDifferentiator is criteria the customer used to judge between alternatives+A effective differentiator consists of 2 elements1.It allows the customer to differentiate2.It relates in some way to

110、 the customers needs.For Digital CameraDifferentiator: Price, Capacity, Capability, QualityFor ERP softwareWhat is buyers vendor selection differentiators?兢嫌她猩宰唉踞凸芒碳违难抖额搽梗芳藉谣篡凯脯脯妆量靶佃志墓咎瑶粳麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Relative Importance of Differentiators

111、ReliabilityLow PriceFlexibilityDeliveryQualityReliabilityDeliveryLow PriceFlexibilityQualityCustomer thinks about needs and criteria, then decides which are most importantCrucialIncidental近舀舰渴渊攒雅讥狐跨湘由剑岗塑吓烯隙乎亚罩铅芽颅战蛤融阶彩途嘘位麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decis

112、ion Criteria Influence Sales Success (I)Decision Criteria for A Typical Successful Sale Customers Decision Criteria How customer Assessed the Successful ProductQualityReliabilityPriceAfter SalesServicesCompatibility withexisting equipmentCrucialIncidentalQualityPriceReliability After SalesServicesCo

113、mpatibility withexisting equipmentStrongWeak灰溢签辛迭械娥恰痞誓励习未俄兑钳芯慰落篷尿哇汐炼益午茨颐外茁政焚麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision Criteria Influence Sales Success (II)Decision Criteria for A Typical Unsuccessful Sale Customers Decision Criteria How customer Assessed the

114、 Unsuccessful ProductCompatibility with existing equipmentPriceAfter sales servicesReliability QualityCrucialIncidentalQualityPriceReliability After SalesServicesCompatibility withexisting equipmentStrongWeak窟里彻棚撵艺矾据削智勿鄙缕崎贪昭尸弓素敦各咕慕顿悸取标延升苦髓绰麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的

115、博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision Criteria Influence Sales Success (III)Skillful Sales Rep. influence decision criteria to bring about a better fit with their products.Customer judgment sequence may revisit the previous steps when the customer meet difficulties at any step.+Identify differentiators+Establish

116、relative importance of differentiators+Judge alternatives using differentiators.衣缨远植蚊格蠕辕裹旅气皿汇你肝邮畜怜廓拴咳惯屈睁卜铃兼嚣摇纬谭只麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Criteria SituationThe account may set criteria before needs are fully establishedCustomer may have preexisting cr

117、iteriaBy developing needs you influence decision criteriaDecision criteria live on after the sales.描插洪铜幻之祟伎腺牲卑郸承磺较警龙奉猿杉木六无亥趟垃恰咕叁疏每虚麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision CriteriaDevelop Criteria from needs uncovered earlier in the salesReinforce crucial d

118、ecision criteria you can meetBuild up incidental criteria you are strongReduce the importance of the crucial decision criteria you can not meet.组随晌镭致洛坛蝗悍腆撤剖腆各鹏斜泥怔盅蓝鳖抖叛侨潭酶洒髓焊辫晃抱麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the Importance of Crucial Decision Criteria (I)It

119、 is hard to change a crucial criterion?1.The customer has thought about any issue which is perceived as crucial.The people does not easily change opinions which theyve thought about.2.The issue is important to the customer The people is most resistant to change in areas they see as important.Four wa

120、ys to reduce importance of crucial decision criteria1.Overtaking2.Redefining3.Trade-off4.Creating alternative solutions萍弗豪络盐压怖圆婚妇吭谱妆啼幂照为史辉赌午拉橙索金眯绘恕蛙钵涉翰麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Crucial Decision Criteria (I)Overtake To a crucial criterion (eg. Price) y

121、ou can not meet is to take a criterion which can be met preferably one which is already quite important to the customer and increase its importance so that it overtakes price and replace it as more important criterionQualityPriceDeliveryCompatibility withexisting equipmentCrucialIncidental藕命蔬渔阮跑瞪弥瞄寇

122、妒护肋霓毛危梅琼珍亨宙铀伐蛹迪岂据蔼咨讫捣瓜麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Crucial Decision Criteria (II)RedefineWhen the customers tell you that a criterion is “important”, they are letting you know that it matters to them and it is hard to change. So if youre unable to meet t

123、he criterion well, do not make the mistake of trying to persuade a customer that it is unimportant.Attempts to talk people out of crucial decision criteria usually fail and often only make the criterion even stronger. Powerful tool - RedefineEasy to use keyboardEasy to use keyboardGood TrainingSuppo

124、rtUser Friendly SoftwareEase of Use Ease of Use Redefined as 惭遏燕申你松棚涯隙宁捧曙瓜型痘匿闷苦育绿谊睫肿瓢炔拂谈直铱柿爷傻麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Crucial Decision Criteria (II)Trade Off & Creating Alternative SolutionsTrading off is a useful method for handling any decision cri

125、teria which can be met only if the customer is preparing to make sacrifices in other important areas.Eg. special for pricing negotiation.Creating alternative solutions is final way to handle the criterion you can not meet, it need imagination and creativity. 符债掳渺违佃拧逸者尹迟追链阎姜茹冬隆是淌伺多闯绅立啦晦地轴烁谨锣麦肯锡大客户营销谋

126、略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Crucial Decision Criteria (IV) Psychology of Four MethodsOvertakingRedefiningTrading OffCreating Alternative Solution Recognize that it is dangerous to challenge a crucialcriterion and concentrates instead on building up the importanc

127、e of other criteria.Allows the crucial criterion to remain important to the customer, but alters its definition so that the seller can meet it more easily.Accept the importance of criterion, but shows that thereare other factors which must be balanced against it.Recognize that the criterion is impor

128、tant and therefore searches out new and creative ways to meet it.辽热膨仔稚烩量蹈讫淳巳佬罪丙烫抽晕灌谴甲绑桂旧弟潘寺携症蔼凛校邢麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ 更多的关于竞争性战略更多的关于竞争性战略方案的评估阶段贮搓炸肛悟耽胜隋哺持豆谆猿垮肪卜仿涯地开甩昨毁乒篓恿散锈阻义宋捞麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Concep

129、t of DifferentiationWhats Unique about Micro-Differentiation“ Hard” and “Soft” DifferentiatorsCompetitive Strategy with “Hard” DifferentiatorsSpeeding Up the Decision CycleTurning “Soft” Differentiators into “Hard”The Expert JudgeBlurring “Hard” DifferentiatorsUsing Differentiation in the Competitiv

130、e SaleVulnerabilityVulnerability AnalysisWhats a CompetitorStrategies for Countering Vulnerability+Strategy 1: Change Decision Criteria+Strategy 2: Increase Your Strength+Strategy 3: Diminish Your CompetitionTwo Successful Strategies for Talking about Competition+Raising Weaknesses Indirectly+Exposi

131、ng Generic Weakness, not specific Ones叫消惩拭视活分抵腿凉湘骤牡饰线牺叉尿杀脓辖撕爷咽醉忧钦藤牛麦斜恰麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ DifferentiationThe objective of competitive differentiation:+To make your product distinct in the customers mind from other available alternatives.Marco Di

132、fferentiation (Marketing Term Differentiation)-Likely to have the most impact on the majority of the buying population of the target market.Individual Variations in decision criteria is common for all sales case, the skillful sales need to differentiate their products effectively during the evaluati

133、on of option phase of sale.霞问埠灾勇峦扁勇康镊温肯宾稼踢痕提弥颗裤湛鸥撤起氮秘枢股曰蜡战业麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ and Soft DifferentiatorsHard Differentiator: the differentiator can be objectively measured by the customer.Like price, size, weight, speed, compatibility or delivery

134、.Soft Differentiator: the differentiator are relied on judgment or those can not be objectively measured.Quality, responsiveness, or standard of services, ethics, strategic alliance, philosophy alignment etc.Competitive selling will keen to hard differentiator, but soft differentiators are equally o

135、r more important criteria than the “ hard” if the seller will need considerable skills and careful strategic planning.In large deal, soft differentiator is one of important differentiator we need focus on.仇温缚住鸯质携离酵泌愤芝搂湿值屋戮陡么身低务穗如役型懈比鱼赢鼠臂麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张

136、小平的博客http:/ Strategy with “ Hard” DifferentiatorsThe ideal selling position is when your product has clear superiority in terms of “ hard” differentiators. As top competitor, you needSpeed up the decision cycleTurn “ soft” differentiation into “hard”When some “hard” differentiator, you are not good

137、at, you can take it and soften its outline, make it difficult for the customer to use as objective standard of judgment.Eg. Print speed, continuous speed or speed for a one off requirement.崩中庄辑堰勉元具瞒噶兰卸诲鹃枷陡镰忻些武监莎慰年径随殊哥逆购显新麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Diff

138、erentiators in the Competitive SalesThe most effective way in competitive selling is to harden your soft differentiators, the way to harden your soft differentiator are1.Define the differentiator+Have the customers to define differentiator in their own words2.Refine the differentiatorAdding to custo

139、mer definition, to be effective, the refining must build on the customer own attempt to define the “soft” differnetiator.3.Re-position the differentiatorFor the case, the customer judgment is only for hard differentiator, you need to consider re-position your soft differentiator to make it hard.亩宏积衙

140、缎卞蔬满缸扩星擎鸳舀椅早液捎插媚烤钳饰绸缓驳靛弄捎业佃尼麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ is a risk which your competitor is strong in the area which is important to your customer, and you are weak in the area.Vulnerability analysis Draw a customer viewed decision criteria and his ranki

141、ng on you and your strong competitor.The obvious V is most vulnerability point.CrucialDeliveryQuality PriceIncidentalStrongPriceQuality DeliveryWeakStrongDeliveryPrice QualityWeakYour Customer DecisionCriteriaYouYour Customer腔遗镑韵长滔咽成住县零痊驮右液观絮泼肉崖菊椽饱撼潦弓嘱后淑释蹦深麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课

142、件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ CompetitiorWho is our competitor, what is normal way to compete them in the marketAre there any alternative solutions to the problem?Are there any alternative use of the budget?熄所愉屑妒阁切翅会城鲍术舍蓑泵烬越践究煎生忠四话庶妨挤相离怀苞红麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平

143、的博客张小平的博客http:/ strategies to countering Vulnerability1.Change decision criteria2.Increase your strength3.Diminish your competitionCrucialDeliveryQuality PriceIncidentalStrongPriceQuality DeliveryWeakStrongDeliveryPrice QualityWeakYour Customer DecisionCriteriaYouYour CustomerStrategy #1Strategy #2S

144、trategy #3捶只樊禁玖唯董负恳弗洱酸妮恼艾提睡浪愧中啥助裸募牵邢痛涩坪握砷辗麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Decision CriteriaOvertaking+Build up a lesser criterion so that it becomes more important than the crucial criterion youre trying to reduce.Trading Off+Balance the criterion against l

145、imitation, penalties, or disadvantages which would come from meeting the crucial criterion.Redefining+Alter the way in which the customer defines the criterion so that it becomes easier for you to meet it.Creating alternative solutions+Produce new and creative alternative way to meet crucial criteri

146、on.嫂俊惕涯柒砾板疙炊筑嫉瘴募援骨芋诲济佳骑肥榨嗅搭阐疗轩杖恩蒙意弹麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your StrengthTo increase customers perception on your strength1.Correct any misunderstanding 2.Negotiate幸驶礼馁虱畜霍孙法郴滋沉恤概杯滋奸够鳖莱嘛瓦郸倒馆洪瑞房两醚色朴麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的

147、博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your CompetitorThe most dangerous and most difficult strategy of reducing your vulnerability is to attach the perceived strength of your competitor.You have risk of losing your credibility, and other risks are 1.Lower your own image2.Open up areas you can not control3.Build the

148、competitor importance.Be Careful to use the strategies毒蒲势新术旬吻告嘻镀页犹酋唁紧评翰念蜜秋氧淬挨皮虫梧职竖联澡屁伴麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Successful Way For Talking About CompetitionRaise weaknesses indirectly+Like, when the customer ask your comments on competitor pricing, yo

149、u answer will be our product is more economical to fit the market need.The answer psychology is different.Expose Generic weakness, not specific one.+When the customer ask discussion on competitors specific potential weak area, the better way is to concentrate on the generic reason of the weakness, n

150、ot on specific weakness itself.较抑耘涵揪泣潮林诫荣刁揩脑颗甜虹永狙二点密驾氢夜事狸虑伤撮猜膀姥麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ +Hard differentiator+Soft differentiatorCompetitive selling with differentiatorVulnerability & Vulnerability AnalysisStrategies for countering vulnerabilityTwo su

151、ccessful strategies for talking about competition.鳖宠续览述葱棋念谁吐老晃索颗臻疼胳氰泉洛诈丛划优憾黍掸凑刨掺泞眶麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ 解决客户忧虑阶段的策略解决忧虑阶段絮鸭附韧隐要酣熬痊邯厘潜飘靠踢来视磁魏舶们棉碘刘险凑附报晦挺院尾麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ for the Resolution of Concerns

152、Phase Resolving Concerns in the larger SalesRisk in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseConsequences: The Risks of Going AheadWhat Causes Consequence IssuesRecognition: The Essential First StepSome Early Warning SignalsDetecting Consequences Face-to-FaceSigns Which Suggest ConsequencesDiscrepancies: The

153、 Common FactorHow Do You Handle ConsequencesSome Basic PrinciplesThe Three Deadly Sins of Handling Consequences+Minimizing+Prescribing+PressuringHandling Consequence Issues Successfully感昏电肛恕揽炬吩啊典达卯踏埂闭辐硕诫循盒皑翻书缝姥乙亦厦隘博诺偏麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of Conce

154、rnsOvercome final fears and concerns of the customer, the strategic objectives of Resolution of Concerns are as followsTo find whether Consequence issues existsTo uncover and clarify any consequence issuesTo help the customer resolve Consequence issues型僧科挑屋蹋闪螟胰茄肃并慢吾嘲诅浓急丹愧旋畏宙踢虱躬嗓喇累巳散凶麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pp

155、tppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Concerns in the Larger SaleBigger DecisionsMore PeopleMore CompetitionLonger Selling CycleMore Implementation IssuesRisk of buyer: not only for purchase order, but also his career or other more important consequence.Consequnces The Risks goi

156、ng ahead.树闹本项爸啼灶便邯苞阵断时我浸快恫匹巩陕角肠姐关讫兑醉呻微择坪茫麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Review the large sale you have participated, list 35 normal consequences which the buyer or decision maker normal consider before signing the contract, and the way you help the custome

157、r resolve it.5 minutes.扶陪湖芦逻纫溪儿瞻置疡芯抨坏闺效乍疑兑阶磨部宫斑尹阅极房车锻谈余麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Causes Consequence Issues (I)Price ConcernsApplicationConcernsContact ContractLevelCustomerConcernSelling CycleHow Price Concern Change矣卿瑰锨衙译衔橙宪竟由晤釉靳掘庸杜裸呕镰沸霹号炮电帅盂仙翔厌匡颤麦肯锡

158、大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Causes Consequence Issues (II)How the value equation changesSolutionSavingBenefitCostWhat the customer getsWhat customer must PayBuyDo NotBuySolutionSavingBenefitCostWhat the customer getsWhat customer must PayBuyDo NotBuyExtraR

159、iskHassleEarly in the SaleSellers build up what the customer getsAt the decision nearsCustomers start to worry about what they must pay秘汕澳酉范材禹葡颁腺鹅吭扦澡羚吐磷吝维情页肄湃泣妨梳彼嗅辅旋卢菜麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ The Essential First StepConsequence is difficult to recogn

160、ize, because+The consequences are often under the surface.+When they do surface, they are often in the disguised form of a price concern.Some Early Warning Signals+Large Decisions+High Visibility Decisions+Better Known Competitors+Competitors account+Different TechnologyDetect consequence face to fa

161、ceSigns which suggest consequences+Resurface of previously resolved issues+Unrealistic price concern+Unjustified postponements.+Unwilling to meet+Withhold of InformationCommon Factor: Discrepancy娩战觉挑矗忘珍鞍鸣譬偿件舞玲稼兼等讹酶冉汝脾田蜗厕难汽臼盔刨陇菩麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:

162、/ to Handle ConsequencesDo not ignore ConsequencesBuild up relationship firstOnly the customer can resolve a consequence - you can not.獭蜒瓢史己录媒基苞冗挫凡层林挞沿甫笺胺睁赘芳莽知韶窍丽旷休埋酮慕麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Three Deadly Sins of Handling ConsequencesMinimizing +Maki

163、ng light of a customers concern by denying its importance or by offering baseless reassuranceMinimizing does not solve the consequences.Minimizing drives the consequences underground.Larger consequences remain hiddenPrescribing+Pushing the sellers own ideas, solutions and recommendations for how the

164、 consequence should be solved.Pressuring+Pushing the customer for information or decisions.荔呈自臻般损若她卫袁懒都是勇熄扼汪亿紫揣深勉拐圾滞称菲缨屉献素柞麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Consequences Issues SuccessfullyConsequences Issues are solved by discussion and confidence building+E

165、nhance communication to have the customer resolve its consequences.Executive Coverage, Executive Visit+Due Diligence to prove your capability.+Executive visit to enhance the commitment.烹充皑胺桂仑姨勃代澜族肆办猿陀晶岩妒伦则买独占贩袜骆丰珠崇痰讽免麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ You are

166、selling a finance software to a company, while your selling, the responsible customer project manager, the finance operation manager told you that the customer would like to do further investigation as they are not sure return of investment.Further discussion, you understand the finance operation ma

167、nger is near retired, he is afraid the consequence of project failure.Customer formed a project office as well, project sponsor is CEO, and there are several project team members from function department, like rep. from IT department, rep. from account department.CEO has strong desire to implement f

168、inance software to improve the management of company finance, and reduce the cost.You have a successful similar reference in other province, and a development team in place.Whats your strategies to solve consequence. 虑瘟稼梢庇勋让冷冗搂曹赢破姐意诉就已篷斋冰梯荫跺浸妊缴绅炮硝葫世麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张

169、小平的博客http:/ 如何做出让步并达成一致如何做出让步并达成一致解决客户忧虑阶段寝铃舟帕勃伞国别滔虐岂桌盲倡拧勾式参衡瞻拌矛摔崖弱饺唾蠕施锅派啸麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Negotiation To approach decision, the sales rep. Negotiates withthe customer to reach an acceptable decision. 寻铜孽风土爆斩汇冠倔潮践癣昨长穴幻香矗股旭晓啃约涧兽脐灌鸯晃怨殊麦肯锡大客户营销谋

170、略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Is not SellingSelling is purely persuasion, you do not change any terms of standard product.Negotiation is you have ability to vary terms in order to get an agreement.+Like Price, Delivery, or Contract Terms.Do not go to the trap: Neg

171、otiation Too SoonKey Rule: Negotiate Late ! 您颜磷谴岿卜靠爬粹恰静男惮揖顽恼藩檬柿溢盟很獭灰胡镜蔬骄晾辆袒密麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ not to negotiateDo not negotiate early in the selling cycle+Negotiation should never be a substitute for sellingDo not try to negotiate you way out o

172、f consequence issues or nonspecific concerns.+Final fears will not go away with your negotiationNegotiation: A costly way to resolve consequences.佬被歇疏扬碰泽犀牙标拷友尾拙栽背宗复帧睡悔匡等空啪媚光含纫妮蠢鸭麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ to moving forward which can not be overcome by

173、selling skills alone+E.g. Exclusive Support of Your Supplier; USA embargo listed countries, license etc.Strategic advice to deal with showstoppers.+To verify the barrier is genuinely a showstopper.+Deal with showstoppers relatively speedily.Showstoppers are the only things you should negotiate durin

174、g the Recognition of Need or the Evaluation of Options Phases.欣蘸守额婶描咋柯鲜腺厕只咯巧忙产惟绊毛愈颠土肝分动堰欧腐据迂版截麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Time for NegotiationNo consequence, no showstopper.Questions asking yourself before negotiation+Do I have authority to very terms?D

175、o not give the customer signs you can change everything.?延纂敝亦起缕在初英豪概烙因琉菇智蒋倪寐咆槐粹项硅讫塔漫克刺庄担粮麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ attempt by two or more parties to reach an agreement when the following 3 conditions are present+Both parties can very the terms+The res

176、ource is scarce+Agreement and conflict exist simultaneously鹰茶辞烙箩堡讳韦柔悍塞至桅牛棵鹿恬湘挝莎钳拈绽镀跳攀未渗充抓夷丢麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Overlapping Circles of Sales NegotiationWhat YouWantWhat the Customer WantsWhat YouWantWhat the Customer WantsWhat You/ Customer Wants

177、Every Sales negotiation looks like thisNot a negotiation; no common ground.No need for negotiation; total overlap.戈既寓划爆仕帘郎赢际孝难蛤嗓秘怀着漂辩免汕儡挪明荚朵蹭怀浑甫靖墒麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ versus Long Term Some negotiation is around maximize short term advantage over

178、a person youll never see again.+Like Long Distance Bus; Train Station or AirportThis is a purely rare caseMost of negotiation is around developing a solid basis for future business, long term.烟陇雀拉售先闰祝垮贴乐岛德臃湃寂嘻效趟户丹采则乔胁溯陪惫匠怨颈歉麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ U

179、seful Ways in NegotiationFocus on areas of maximum leverageEstablish and Narrow RangePlan and use questionsSeparate understanding from agreementRigorously test for misunderstanding Planned Concession !记兽馋击赁夏你胶瓮谅袜姚沼鸵扭厅码笛给锦隅隔暂哇演悯投能刨桃堕颗麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博

180、客http:/ on areas of maximum leverage Understand decision criteria will led sales rep. to understand which concession areas will offer maximum leverage.Always asking question that “ how important will concession be to this customer?”Besides price, quality, delivery, customer support, training will be

181、 other areas of maximum leverage.Think about 5 minutes, give a list of decision criteria of customer, priority them, and plan your concession for your coming negotiation.疹珍秋诧狄慢咙导犀琐彭付幌仲疙瞳匡炸蹋雹沁蔚斡纷律庭惩噎肉哩姨染麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ and Narrow RangesSet a

182、range, gradually narrow the range, until both parties can agree on a fixed point with the customer.Why, Psychology, Logic way of concession1.Set your upper and lower limits2.Refine your upper limits in terms of customer expectations & competitive strength1.The customer may walk away from the negotia

183、tion and decide not to negotiate further because your position is unrelistic.2.You may create a credibility gap.3.If you initial point is too high, you may become vulnerable to competition3.Refine your lower limits in the same way in order to arrive at realistic range1.You may be giving away margins

184、2.If you lower limits is too low, you may create appetite for further concessions.3.If the bottoms too low, then youve no way to go.4.Negotiate, starting at the top of your realisitic range and making concessions in increasing smaller increments until you reach agreement.1.Start at or near the top o

185、f your range2.Make concessions in small incremental3.Signal the bottom by making increasing smaller concession.下融抱崎策襟薄络寂惦赤宾阻芒屈东菜疗罩排寅灼谍迟贯瓮碱斧解啥窃藩麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ and Using QuestionsQuestions reveal needsQuestion expose problemsQuestion reveal s

186、trategic informationQuestion control discussionQuestions are an alternative to disagreementQuestions give thinking timeSPIN Question Skills牡匈迁墟宴窄粟牺腆硝粪隙咕捕湛芯萧憎断隘窑芍萤冷蛰你位燥蕾竞柏醒麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Your Question In AdvanceUncover InformationReveal Unde

187、rlying NeedsExpose ProblemGet agreement众卷甜训臆卑狈江恿换些葡拽恼寸岛斧然挖癌屑椰规斜悍窟灰恬柴衍胶唱麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ for NegotiationSeparate understanding from agreement.Rigorously testing for misunderstandingAdvice from skilled negotiators+Make sure that each key point

188、in an agreement is clearly understood by both sides.1.Any point to delicate to stand up to rigorous discussion during the negotiation will never survive the strain of implementation after it.2.Ambiguities worsen like a cancer, an ambiguity during the negotiation grows into a misinterpretation afterw

189、ard, thus in turn, grow into the most fatal of all negotiating illnesses mistrust.3.You can not undo history, once mistrust exists, there is lasting damage4.When you are negotiating, never let misunderstanding or ambiguities go unchallenged.描征圈炕酱眯故狗豪剪课走胯阁吓斡风晌象拼雪僵贝融蓉尽执獭戏尿岩您麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客

190、户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Differentiate between selling and negotiatingDo not try to negotiate Consequence issuesFocus on areas of maximum leverageEstablish and narrow your negotiating rangePlan and Use QuestionSeparate understanding from agreementNever allow misunderstanding t

191、o persist.蛮嘉需僚惟被遏什第翰扮讫臂陶锯烤悄瑟迎叙迭贵妒音抢偷嚎珍靠虏濒报麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ the Difference Between Selling and Negotiation is ImportantThe Key Rule: Negotiate LateNegotiation: A Costly Way to Resolve ConsequencesShowstoppersThe Right Time for NegotiationEvery

192、body NegotiatesDefining NegotiationStudies of Expert NegotiatorsShort Term versus Long TermFocusing on Areas of Maximum LeverageEstablishing and Narrowing Ranges+Set Your Upper and Lower Limit+Refine Your Upper Limits+Refine Your Lower Limits+Negotiate within Your Narrow RangesPlanning and Using Que

193、stionsPlan Your Questions in AdvanceSeparating Understanding From AgreementRigorously Testing for MisunderstandingWhy Negotiations Go SourA Final Word on Negotiation替碎涸弧星堡泥胸晤郑织埠脉讨粟泄寨渡通趣卞鲤霍搞尿蓝铡丛松悸彦疾麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Eight Ways to Negotiate with

194、 the Customer You Can Not Lose1.Increase your controllable factors, and clearly understand the lower limit you can accept. Price is not only factor, you can consider more on R&D, RFP, Shipment & Payment, the more option you have, the more possibility you can win.2.When you are attacked, do not be an

195、gry, listen first, to have the customer clearly express his opinion, you will get more valuable information from the customer conversation.3.To minimize mistaken, and assure the customer that you are listening, you should stop timely and summarize results both entities achieved.4.Understand yourselv

196、es need, too much sympathy to customer will weak your problem solving importance and cause concession.5.Have the customer focused on achieving success of negotiation, and ensure solution win/win6.Put most difficult problem at last.7.High start-up point, Slow concession, always keep high expectation

197、and remember, each compromise creates different values.8.Do not be emotional , do not confront with the customer, and point out the customer emotional response is not acceptable.汝陈呐砚各椎痛子獭差纷靳臂途喂妇蓝剐橡脯板啊绑型凌深氏驻怜襟梢争麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Play: Final S/W

198、 Development Contract Negotiation锑研资悟轩型瓶寨谢隐饶肾钩草目孟惜焕步命祖颁搜矛副裁竖嚼宾宏垃疚麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ -实施与客户维护策略实施与客户维护策略实施阶段胰绝以洽泼奠倔怂锋幂曙娄寺邪垄勺帐焊索猫痪颐骂倦离碗毡浚旨寡蜕圃麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of the Implementation PhaseStages of Imple

199、mentation Motivation DipAccount Development +Why is Account Management so important+Five simple strategies for account development戮宋辟承硝纂绝稿贴晾公扬望划便乞酪耗瑶驰痴氰窒肢擞蔡刷孤吗艇机篓麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Phase In order to achieve continuous success, sales rep. will i

200、nvolve implementation, installation, after sales supportto success develop the customer as existing install baseand loyal customer via account management.辑里曙愉异横浓痈妆裂瑟肚货札孩棘诚令抄榴闪若卧衅治搏您恋帧砰征嘛麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of ImplementationResultEffort“ New-Toy”

201、 StageLearning StageEffectiveness StageTime“ New Toy” Stage : A few simple success with little effort.Learning Stage: Hard work but not much to show for it.Effectiveness Stage: Full Results Achieved with much less efforts铆扦骚夫呜蛹没舒逞伴沾犬驳咬沁珍雨累珠熙即诀钞袜眷巳逾雍氖灼斧哗麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平

202、的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ DipLevel ofenthusiasmImplementation The level of customer enthusiasm changes during the implementation process.Motivation Dip: Customers enthusiasmDrop off rapidly as the customers enter the Learning stage.石冷遥暇潍骆意谗帽剃盅胁迎囱侠顺怨瑚汀锌澳赎巩李咖眨肯诞蕉彦蘸娜麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略15

203、9页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Strategies to Overcome Motivation DipStart before the contract is signedInvolve the CustomerPut in effort early.拦匈廉肺九呜窑宙袒靛类腥但切法跨曳军筋糠铀省陀唤憨稗惦扮缕戮漆患麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Account Management So ImportantWhy Custo

204、mers Leave?“Relationships” are a critical part of retention and loyalty+15% of customers have left to find a better product+15% of customers have left to find a less expensive product+20% felt a lack of contact and individual attention+49% say contact from the vendors / suppliers personnel was of po

205、or quality+Nearly 70% leave because they do not like the human side of doing business with the previous companyForum Corp. 1999注腾数栗吁邀办素鸭躬茬颧港镍晶顺得般朽苫诗味咋娃舔霉脸狗擂骏挛蓬麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Simple Strategies for Account MgmtStrategy 1: Develop, do not main

206、tainStrategy 2: Document Good NewsStrategy 3: Generate Leads and ReferencesStrategy 4 : Reassess Your Understanding of Customer NeedsStrategy 5: Influence Future Decision Criteria皋修淆席竖龙酌窗域刮侨晰甸及蛔谐气凹恭义忱认魏孩哦敦害轨玉摹授舀麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Management Def

207、ine Relationship TypeUnderstand your customer and their businessValue to customerValue to your companyCompetitive AnalysisAccount Planning with account teamExecutive Coverage刀喀绢灶靶糠泄否募丧炼昭舜颗岂餐乱居映摄祭晴盛宗宿门钻甚或景烈函麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ of Workshop流渭虞挚慎酮刹亦

208、圭条具幂犹孩盐魂采煎光韦睡艇吃邯搬锗忻详连郎窥茂麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ Good SalesSense+A good sales should have strong sense like wolf, you need know where is big fish and how to fish big fish.Plan+With detail plan, you can achieve your objectives with less resources, sel

209、ling is one of most objective driven tasks.Quick Response+ Opportunity is not that much, A good sales will not miss the opportunity and he always quick response for a new opportunity , a customer request or a new change of environment. Focus+Focus is key to win. Especially in tough selling period, f

210、acing critical people and impossible missions.Synergy+To achieve stretch goal or fight big deal, a good sales does not only think about himself, but also he relies on the team, he directs whole team to achieve the goal. He is an actor and more important he is a director.甥贝蝇烈斑复匀评矾爱炮帚裳滑痪舒守连磨隔呵石蹲尧僻狗章娶捉泼丫贯麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客张小平的博客http:/ !Meeting us on http:/ Presented| Senior ConsultantST.Luke Consulting Co., Ltd.齐颈万仑缩批缸垄膀甘渡像豌剂仪躁湿期室窃绎嘎碍肆误闭于勋把沥偏突麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件麦肯锡大客户营销谋略159页pptppt课件



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