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1、Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future?第一课时第一课时Getting ready & vocabulary课后作业课后作业一、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空1. You should take the medicine according to the _.2. I left my dictionary at home. May I _ yours?3. The tourists on the beach _ come from A

2、merica.4. The teacher allows us to use _ products to finish the homework.5. This _ is Lilys. Her name is on it.instructionsinstructionsborrowborrowmainlymainlyelectronicelectronictextbooktextbook二、单项填空二、单项填空( )1.Kate didnt go to the movies last night because she had to _ her sick mother at home.A. l

3、ook at B. look up C. look for D. look after( )2.When will the birthday party _, on Monday evening or Tuesday evening?A. hold B. be held C. held D. be holding( )3.May I borrow your computer?Certainly. _.A. Here you are B. It depends on you C. Thank you D. Youre welcomeD DB BA A( )4. On June 18th this

4、 year,_ people celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival together.A.thousand of B.thousands of C.thousand D.two thousands( )5.He took down the old map on the front wall and _ a new picture.A. set up B. put upC. wake up D. turn up B BB B三、完形填空三、完形填空Ive always loved pigs. When I was a kid, I wanted a pet pi

5、g very much _1_ I adopted (收养) a black-and-white young pig, Angus. He _2_ me and my dog wherever we went. He liked playing with tennis balls very much and he even learned _3_ to bring back a tennis ball. After Angus grew too _4_ for our backyard, he was sent to my uncles farm. Wed go to the farm to

6、visit him at the weekend and bring him some food. One afternoon, my uncle called to tell us with _5_ that Angus got lost. We went to the farm quickly and _6_ Angus. We couldnt find him everywhere. We _7_ that he had wandered off (走失) or died. My uncle had a friend who owned a pig farm about 4 kilome

7、tres away. Last Friday, his friend saw a _8_ that seemed to be at a loss. At the suggestion of my uncle, he threw a tennis ball. The pig _9_ it and brought it back. It was Angus! In a hurry my family drove to bring Angus back to my uncles farm. Now Angus is starting to enjoy _10_ on my uncles farm a

8、gain with all the other animals.( )1. A. if B. so C. but D. because( )2. A. asked B. called C. followed D. helped( )3. A. what B. when C. where D. how( )4. A. big B. cute C. smart D. strong( )5. A. joy B. hope C. surprise D. regret( )6. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked up D. looked afterB BC CD

9、DA AD DA A( )7. A. heard B. guessed C. warned D. remembered( )8. A. pig B. woman C. child D. man( )9. A. ate B. lost C. felt D. caught( )10. A. himself B. herself C. ourselves D. themselvesB BA AD DA A一、补全对话一、补全对话( (其中有两项多余其中有两项多余) )A: Your new computer is beautiful.B: 1._ Its a present from my uncl

10、e.第二课时第二课时Listening & speakingC CA: 2._B: Yes, it was invented in 1946.A: 3._B: It is said that it was invented by some American scientists.A: 4._B: I use it to study, listen to music and so on.A: By the way, what are you going to be when you grow up?B: 5._A: Me too. Lets work hard to make our dream

11、 come true.G GF FA AD D二、思维导图复述二、思维导图复述 Nowadays, more and more middle school students are interested in surfing the Internet. This brings about a lot of different ideas. Some think that surfing the Internet is a good way for relaxing. And it is also helpful for their study. They can know about the

12、world and make more friends on the Internet. But some think its bad for students health if they surf the Internet for a long time. Surfing the Internet can also make students feel bored about their study.根据上文完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇文章的内容。 are interested in surfing are interested in surfing the Interne

13、tthe Interneta good way for relaxinga good way for relaxingmake more friendsmake more friendsfor a long timefor a long timefeel bored aboutfeel bored about文章复述: Today, more and more middle school students Today, more and more middle school students are interested in surfing the Internet. This are in

14、terested in surfing the Internet. This brings about a lot of different ideas.brings about a lot of different ideas. In some students opinion, surfing the In some students opinion, surfing the Internet is a good way for relaxing. And it is Internet is a good way for relaxing. And it is also helpful f

15、or their study. They can know also helpful for their study. They can know about the world and make more friends on the about the world and make more friends on the Internet. However, some think its bad for Internet. However, some think its bad for students health if they surf the Internet for a stud

16、ents health if they surf the Internet for a long time. Also, surfing the Internet can make long time. Also, surfing the Internet can make students feel bored about their study.students feel bored about their study.一、单项填空一、单项填空( )1._ a way, youre right. But I still keep my opinion.A. For B. With C. A

17、t D. In( )2.John is not here today. Who can _ him in the game?A. in place of B. instead of C. remember D. replaceUnit 2Will books be replaced by the Internet?D DD D( )3. A big fire broke out last night, and it _ from the factory to the shops nearby.A. began B. connectedC. spread D. stayed( )4. The d

18、octor told him to take two pills _.A. at a time B. in time C. on time D. all the time( )5. Our plan to clean the park _ tomorrow.A. discusses B. will discussC. will be discussed D. is discussed C CA AC C二、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空(每词限用一次,其中有一个多余) As we all know, big schoolbags have been a serious problem to 1

19、._ for a long time. They are too 2._ to carry, and its also not very 3._ when students want to take a book out to read. But now this problem 4._ to be solved. The e-textbooks have been 5._ and they are helping the children a lot.studentsstudentsheavyheavyconvenientconvenientseemsseemsinventedinvente

20、d It is said that e-textbooks will be 6._ used in middle schools in our country. An e-textbook can be 7._ by using a reading device. Its something like a computer and much 8._ than a common schoolbag. Although it is small, it can carry as many e-textbooks as a student needs.widelywidelyreadreadlight

21、erlighter三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 The Richmond family left their home in Cardiff two years ago. They went to live in Los Angeles. We asked them about the differences between their old life in Britain and their new life in the US.( )1. How does Mrs Richmond go to work now?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By

22、bike. ( )2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Baseball. B. Skating. C. Football. D. Swimming. ( )3. Which of the following is TRUE according to Holly?A. She often went swimming in Cardiff.B. She doesnt like wearing school uniforms.C. Roller-blading is very popular in Cardiff. D. The wea

23、ther in Cardiff is better than that in Los Angeles.C CA AB B( )4. Which of the following are crisps?A. B. C. D.( )5. Seb talks about the difference in _.A. clothes B. foodC. sports D. languageB BD D四、信息归纳 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面的信息卡。The Restaurant of Order MistakesThe Restaurant of Order Mistakes On

24、e day you go into a restaurant and order fried chicken, but the waiter brings you a plate of green vegetables instead. How would you feel about this kind of mistake? Perhaps most people will feel unhappy. However, the same mistakes often happen in a new restaurant in Japan and it has become very pop

25、ular. The name of the restaurant is The Restaurant of Order Mistakes. It opened in Tokyo not long ago. Food blogger (美食博主) Mizuho Kudo visited it and had a good time there. At first, she ordered a hamburger but ended up having dumplings instead. To her surprise, everything turned out to be very deli

26、cious. Kudo said that the waiters and waitresses were full of smiles and seemed to be having lots of fun. Yes, as the restaurants name shows, order mistakes are common in this restaurant. But its important to know the cause of the mistakes: the waiters and waitresses make these mistakes not because

27、they are too busy or they are not careful enough. Instead, all of them are old people suffering from dementia (痴呆), a serious brain illness. Why does the restaurant hire (雇佣) people with dementia? The restaurants creators think by doing so, society will pay more attention to people who suffer from d

28、ementia. “With a little bit of understanding of these patients, we can make the world a better place,” the creators said.Information CardInformation CardJapanJapanThe Restaurant of The Restaurant of Order MistakesOrder MistakesA hamburgerA hamburgerDementiaDementiaTo make society pay more To make so

29、ciety pay more attention to people attention to people suffering from dementiasuffering from dementia第一课时第一课时Language practiceUnit 3Language in use一、单项填空一、单项填空( )1. I want to know if an English singing competition _ next month.A. will hold B. will be held C. holds D. is heldB B( )2.I believe that th

30、ose mountains _ with trees in a few years.A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover( )3. The number of the old people is increasing in China. With the development of China, they _ better care of in the future.A. will take B. are taken C. will be taken D. are taking( )4. A new r

31、oad _ near my school next year.A. builds B. will buildC. is built D.will be builtB BC CD D( )5.Lunar Probe(月球探测器)Change-5 _ into space this year. It will land on the moon and return with lunar samples(样品).A. sends B. will be sentC. will send D. is sentB B二、短文填空二、短文填空 George Stephenson was a famous B

32、ritish inventor. He 1._the train. He was born in 1781 in a 2._ family. He had to go to work 3._ he was only eight. When George was fourteen, he 4._ his fathers helper. He 5._ a lot of time studying engines(发动机). And on holidays he often broke one engine into pieces and studied each piece 6._. George

33、 invented many things in his 7._. The train was the greatest one 8._ them. He made his inventedinventedpoorpoorwhenwhenbecamebecamespentspentcarefullycarefullylifelifeamongamongfirst 9._ when he was forty-four years old. The great inventor died in 1848. Today when we take trains from one 10._ to ano

34、ther, well think of this great manGeorge Stephenson.traintrainplaceplace一、写作仿写一、写作仿写1. will be done “将被”【例句】My birthday party will be held next week. 我的生日聚会将在下周举行。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)马上来浇花。_(2)新电影将于本周末播出。_第二课时第二课时WritingThe flowers will be watered very soon.The flowers will be watered very soon.The new film

35、 will be shown this weekend.The new film will be shown this weekend.2. can/may/must/should (情态动词)+be done “能/可以/必须/应该被”【例句】The children can be looked after well. 孩子们能被照看得很好。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)家庭作业必须今晚完成。_(2)这里不应该允许吸烟。_Homework must be finished tonight.Homework must be finished tonight.Smoking shouldnt be a

36、llowed here.Smoking shouldnt be allowed here.3. make/find/think it+adj.+to do sth. “使得/发现/认为做是”【例句】I find it hard to finish the work on time. 我发现准时完成这项工作很难。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)我们都认为做运动是必须的。_(2)一些学生发现英语很难学。_We all think it necessary to do exercise.We all think it necessary to do exercise.Some students find i

37、t difficult to study Some students find it difficult to study English.English.二、书面表达二、书面表达 假设你叫李平。最近,你就使用电子词典的问题调查了各方面的意见。现在,请你根据表格中的信息用英语给某报社编辑写一封80词左右的信。 生词提示:电子的electronic;解释explanation_ _ Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Recently I made a survey about the use of the Recently I made a survey about the u

38、se of the electronic dictionary. My classmates think that electronic dictionary. My classmates think that the electronic dictionary is useful, convenient the electronic dictionary is useful, convenient and it can help to save time looking up the and it can help to save time looking up the words. The

39、 parents also think the electronic words. The parents also think the electronic dictionary is easy to carry and most families dictionary is easy to carry and most families can afford it. But my English teacher doesnt can afford it. But my English teacher doesnt think we should use it, because she th

40、inks its think we should use it, because she thinks its explanations for the words are too simple. I explanations for the words are too simple. I suppose the electronic dictionary will make us suppose the electronic dictionary will make us lazy and we shouldnt use it.lazy and we shouldnt use it. Yours,Yours, Li Li PingPing



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