Module 3《Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship》Grammar课件4(22张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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1、New words1 close adj 亲密的,亲近的亲密的,亲近的 Vt 关关,封闭,接通,使靠近封闭,接通,使靠近 adv 接近,靠近接近,靠近closely adv 密切地密切地 密切监视他!密切监视他! Watch him_. (close)Mary felt cold, so she stood _to her mother. (close)我们与警方保持着密切联系。(我们与警方保持着密切联系。(keep in touch with)_2 trust v 信任,信赖信任,信赖 =_ 3 chat v 闲谈,聊天闲谈,聊天4 note n 钞票,纸币钞票,纸币 5 financial

2、ly adv 财政上地财政上地 adj._ n._ 6 amount n 数量(修饰不可数名词)数量(修饰不可数名词) number 数量(修饰可数名词的复数)数量(修饰可数名词的复数)许多,大量:许多,大量:A large number of +可数名词的复数可数名词的复数+复数谓语动词复数谓语动词 A large amount of +不可数名词不可数名词+单数谓语动词单数谓语动词 Large amounts of +不可数名词不可数名词+复数谓语动词复数谓语动词closelycloseWe keep in close touch with the police.believe infin

3、ancialfinanceLarge amounts of money _spent on the bridge.( be )There _ a large amount of work for us to do.( be )7 locker n (带锁的)衣物柜(带锁的)衣物柜 8 fair n 义卖会义卖会 9 raise vt 筹措(金钱)筹措(金钱) 集资集资_ 举起举起,提高,升高提高,升高 举起手来举起手来_ 养育,饲养,种植养育,饲养,种植 养家养家/养牛养牛_rise vi 升起升起 太阳从东方升起。太阳从东方升起。_增长增长, 上涨上涨 价格上涨了价格上涨了/ 到到20元。元

4、。_ 10 theft n 偷,盗窃偷,盗窃 11 swing v (使)旋转,(使)摆动(使)旋转,(使)摆动 _(过去时过去时)_(过去分词(过去分词 wasisraise moneyRaise your hand. raise a family/ cattleThe sun rises in the east. Prices have risen by / to 20 yuan. swungswungIntroduction密友密友_与某人讨论与某人讨论_私事私事_认识认识_花时间做某事花时间做某事_ some time 一段时间一段时间 sometime 有时候有时候some time

5、s 许多次许多次sometimes 有时候有时候 They _go skiing in winter. We will meet again _next week. They will stay in America for_.与某人交朋友与某人交朋友_能够做某事能够做某事_ close friends discuss sth with sb personal matters get to knowIt takes time to do sth sometimes sometime some time make friends with sb be able to do sth Reading

6、 And Vocabulary 1. 我还记得我第一次见到罗伊的情景。我还记得我第一次见到罗伊的情景。_ the first time, the last time, every time 等名词性短语还可用作连词,引导时间状等名词性短语还可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。语从句。 for the first time介词短语作状语,后接短语。介词短语作状语,后接短语。那是我最后一次见他。那是我最后一次见他。_每次看到这张照片,我会想起我们一起度过的日子。每次看到这张照片,我会想起我们一起度过的日子。_我们第一次经历这样的磨难。我们第一次经历这样的磨难。We experienced such di

7、fficulty _ 2在在中心中心_3.讲笑话讲笑话/ 讲故事讲故事/撒谎撒谎 _4.放声大笑放声大笑_ 句型转换句型转换: The whole building burst into flames. The whole building _5 心想心想 _自言自语自言自语 _ 6 (主动主动)给某人东西给某人东西 _ _ 主动提出做某事主动提出做某事 _That was the last time I saw her.Every time I saw the picture, I always think of the days we spend together. for the fir

8、st time. in the center of tell jokes/ stories/ lies burst out laughing burst into laughter burst out burning think to oneself say to oneself offer sb sth offer sth to sb offer to do sth爸爸在伦敦找到了一份更好的工作爸爸在伦敦找到了一份更好的工作. _.7.对对.感兴趣感兴趣_8.对某人友好对某人友好_9邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事_10因此因此_ 11 I started getting to know peo

9、ple. _12 私事私事_13 不到一年前不到一年前 _ 14(开车开车)把某人撞倒把某人撞倒/撞死撞死 _ knock at the door_ knock into sb_ knock down_他被一辆车撞死了。他被一辆车撞死了。_15. The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage financially.译:译:_为了为了_manage to do sth =succeed in doing _他设法完成了工作。他设法完成了工作。Father was offered a better job in

10、 interested in be kind to sb invite sb to do sth as a result/ consequence我开始认识其他人。我开始认识其他人。 personal matters under a year ago knock over sb敲门敲门撞到某人身上撞到某人身上 撞倒撞倒He was knocked over by a car. in order to do sth=so as to do sth(不位于句首)不位于句首) 成功做成某事成功做成某事 He managed to get the work done. 他家不得不搬

11、到了一个比以前小的房子里,以减轻经济负担。他家不得不搬到了一个比以前小的房子里,以减轻经济负担。16. Roy, who had always becoming been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody. (译译) _与某人关系密切与某人关系密切_moody adj 喜怒无常的喜怒无常的 mood n. 心情心情 有心情做某事有心情做某事_17. 对对失去兴趣失去兴趣 _对对敢兴趣敢兴趣 _18. 偶尔,有时偶尔,有时 _ 19不再不再_20. Having left somethi

12、ng in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats._发现某人在翻别人的上衣口袋发现某人在翻别人的上衣口袋_21. My mouth fell open and I just looked at him._22罗伊满脸通红。罗伊满脸通红。 _ 变红变红_23把把.放回去放回去_立刻,马上立刻,马上_24. 我转过身来没说一句话就走开了我转过身来没说一句话就走开了 _ be close to sb be/ feel in the mood fo

13、r sth/ to do sth lose interest in be interested in from time to time no longer因为我把衣服落在衣帽间了,我就进去取,这时我发现罗伊正在翻别人的衣服口袋。因为我把衣服落在衣帽间了,我就进去取,这时我发现罗伊正在翻别人的衣服口袋。 find sb going through the pockets of sbs coat 我张大了嘴,直盯着他。我张大了嘴,直盯着他。 go red put sth back right now罗伊原来和他父亲关系十分密切,而父亲去世后他彻底变了,变得沉默寡言,闷闷不乐。罗伊原来和他父亲关系

14、十分密切,而父亲去世后他彻底变了,变得沉默寡言,闷闷不乐。转身转身_25大量的钱大量的钱_26大型义卖会大型义卖会 _ 27 为慈善机构筹款为慈善机构筹款 _举起举起_28(非常)令我们吃惊的是(非常)令我们吃惊的是_29. The head teacher asked anyone who thought they might know something about the theft to come to him. (译译) _ 30 一会儿一会儿_31上楼上楼_32pull out _ 33 It looks as if “似乎,好像似乎,好像” It looks as if it w

15、ill rain. _ She treat the boy as if she were his mother._34正在那时正在那时_ turn round/ around large amounts of money a big fair raise money for a charity hold up much to our surprise校长要求,不管是谁,只要觉得多少知道点这个盗窃案的线索,就去找他谈谈。校长要求,不管是谁,只要觉得多少知道点这个盗窃案的线索,就去找他谈谈。 for a while go upstairs把把拔出来拔出来天像要下雨了。天像要下雨了。她对待那个男孩就

16、像她是孩子的妈妈。她对待那个男孩就像她是孩子的妈妈。 at the momentThe Third and Fourth Periodgo away_但是我依然根据丹尼离开时我的伤心程度来衡量全部的痛苦。(翻但是我依然根据丹尼离开时我的伤心程度来衡量全部的痛苦。(翻译句子)译句子) _ _ _3 我非常幸运地拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都希望拥有的我非常幸运地拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都希望拥有的时光。(翻译句子)时光。(翻译句子)_ be blessed with_ 他的身体很好,是一种福气。他的身体很好,是一种福气。 She is blessed with immense tal

17、ent and boundless energy.(英译汉英译汉) _ _ _4 长大成人长大成人_5 dig up_6 就是在这里,我发现我对一种很小的苍蝇过敏。这种苍蝇一咬我,就是在这里,我发现我对一种很小的苍蝇过敏。这种苍蝇一咬我,我的脸就会肿。(汉译英)我的脸就会肿。(汉译英)_ be allergic to _对对反感反感 他对鱼肉过敏。他对鱼肉过敏。 He is allergic to physics._(4) It was in the garden _I found the wallet. (that / where)走开,离开走开,离开享有享有的福气的福气She is ble

18、ssed with excellent health.她才知非凡,精力无限。她才知非凡,精力无限。 grow up挖挖对对过敏过敏He is allergic to fish.他厌恶物理。他厌恶物理。that7 slide down_ 8 fall out_9 My mother simply scolded me for tearing my underwear. (英英译汉译汉) _(!)因某事责备某人(!)因某事责备某人_(2)tear n.眼泪眼泪 v.撕破,撕裂。撕破,撕裂。(tore,torn)tear to pieces_tear up_ tear in two_他太生气了以至于

19、撕碎了这封信。他太生气了以至于撕碎了这封信。10 与某人关系好与某人关系好_11向某人敬礼向某人敬礼_ 12 在某人的想象中在某人的想象中_ 13 look for_14 betray:背叛,出卖;失信于,辜负;泄露背叛,出卖;失信于,辜负;泄露背叛国家背叛国家 _ 泄露政府秘密泄露政府秘密 _ 他不会辜负我的信任。他不会辜负我的信任。15现在我和丹尼又恢复了联系了,而能够称他为我的朋友是我的荣现在我和丹尼又恢复了联系了,而能够称他为我的朋友是我的荣幸。幸。 滑下来滑下来摔倒摔倒妈妈只因为我划破了内衣而责备我。妈妈只因为我划破了内衣而责备我。scold sb for doing sth撕碎撕碎

20、连根拔起连根拔起撕成两半撕成两半He was so angry that he tore the letter into pieces. be on good terms with sb give salute with sb in ones imagination寻找寻找 betray ones country betray government secretsI will not betray my trust, 与某人又取得联系与某人又取得联系_ 与某人保持联系与某人保持联系_ 做某事是特权做某事是特权_16 对对很怀念很怀念_17 be ashamed of that 从句从句 对对(

21、感到)惭愧(感到)惭愧 be ashamed to do sth. 以以为耻为耻 他因问了一个这么傻的问题而感到惭愧。他因问了一个这么傻的问题而感到惭愧。 _ be back in touch with sb keep in touch with sbIt is a privilege to do sth be nostalgic forHe was ashamed to have asked such a silly question.He was ashamed of having asked such a silly question.The Fifth Period 1独生子独生子_2

22、与某人相处的好与某人相处的好_3make up _4 与某人保持联系与某人保持联系_与某人失去联系与某人失去联系_5.记着记着/ 忘记做某事忘记做某事_记着记着/ 忘记做过某事忘记做过某事_6 继续做同一件事继续做同一件事_继续做另外的事继续做另外的事_7.停止做某事停止做某事_停下来做另外的事停下来做另外的事_ an only child get on well with sb组成组成化妆化妆编造编造弥补弥补 keep in touch with sb lose touch with sb remember/ forget to do sth remember / forget doing

23、sth go on doing sth go on to do sth stop doing sth stop to do sth The Sixth Period Cultural Corner1也就是说也就是说_2 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事_习惯于做某事习惯于做某事_3 of ones own _ She has a mind of her own.。_4 get in touch with_keep in touch with_lose touch with_be back in touch with_5 hear about_=hear of hear from sb_e.g听说你

24、发生了意外,我很难过。听说你发生了意外,我很难过。_ 昨天我收到了昨天我收到了Tom的来信。的来信。_6 mention (提到,说出)(提到,说出)+n./doing sth. 没有人提到要出去帮助她。没有人提到要出去帮助她。_7 belong to_(没有被动语态和进行时)(没有被动语态和进行时)e.g 我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。_type in键入键入(type vi) type a letter 用打字机打一封信用打字机打一封信 (type vt) that is used to do sthbe used to doing某人自己的某人自己的swung与某人

25、取得联系与某人取得联系与某人保持联系与某人保持联系与某人失去联系与某人失去联系与某人又取得联系与某人又取得联系听说听说收到某人的来信收到某人的来信I am sorry to hear about your accident.Yesterday I heard from Tom.属于属于I belong to the swimming clubNo one mentioned going out to help her.8 lose ones memory_ put ones memory back_9 由于由于_ as a result / consequence_10 在某人的帮助下在某人的

26、帮助下_11多亏了,幸亏多亏了,幸亏_多亏了你的帮助,我们成功了。多亏了你的帮助,我们成功了。_12真心诚意地,发自内心地真心诚意地,发自内心地_我衷心祝你幸福。我衷心祝你幸福。_ 回复某人记忆回复某人记忆 as a result of因此因此 with ones help thanks toThanks to your help, we succeeded. from the bottom of ones heartI wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.失忆失忆Friendship is a small umbrella in th

27、e rainy season, it props(支撑起支撑起) up a stretch of clear sky. Friendshipis a lamp ona cold night, itburns warm flame. Friendship is a pure white handkerchief, it wipes the sad tear on your cheek.Friendshipis a gust(一阵风一阵风) of temperate(温和的温和的) wind, it can stoke the wet heart warm.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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