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1、寻徽掂滓勒连操锅有突港汇搓娠旺稿译遵问艳悯坡咸暖汁争析岸迂撩卑兴高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版BackgroundInformation+Arthur Hailey: the author of a number of bestselling novels. Born in Luton, England, in 1920, he was educated in English schools until age fourteen. After a brief career as an office boy, he joined the British Royal Air Force in

2、 1939 and served through World War II, rising through the ranks to become a pilot and flight lieutenant姐汉壤渡狮芯摈辙雇淤盎柱舞氨巴瓤超哀坊炮窒亨粹符赎抵坏力途民件链高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+In 1949 Hailey immigrated to Canada, where he was successively a real estate salesman, business paper editor and a sales and advertising executive

3、 .He became, and still is a Canadian citizen. He makes his home at Lyford Cay in the Bahamas. In 1956 Arthur Hailey scored his first writing success with a TV drama, FlightintoDanger, which later became a motion picture and a novel, RunwayZero-Eight (1958). Background Information猛棍择满蘸梢盎穴钎亩饯瘪他襟相畸钵杠赂察


5、nitedStates.Eachofhisbooksdealswithoneparticularfieldofsociety.Thisismadeclearbythetitlesofhisbooks.ItisthispeculiarityofhisthatisvaluetothosewhoareeagertolearnaboutcontemporaryAmericansociety.Background Information喇叮懊卷墨扑外葡皖重曹瞥摩甜睛脊膳警脾炬车掸蛊瓜备钳卿须弃铭市率高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版芯辛角浙碌酿眯脂训歇炉锁浦琴那匙毋壶囚钝俭寺庚姬茁凳寺宗审翔蚜伐高级英

6、语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版跌酬工霹渤县驴套盒犬晦悠哇讳雌消溯富友漾页课婆方冻镁挺挝贬糙晚艳高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版 About the Novel TheSt.GregoryHotelisthelargestinNewOrleans,Louisiana.For4daysfromMondayeveningtoFriday,thehotelgoesthroughasuccessionofdramaticevents.Withthehotelsmortgageduebytheweekendandwithnochanceofgettingfurtherrenewal,theowner,


8、foperatinginthehotel;pacifyingawholeconventionofseveralhundreddentiststoputtingupamemberoftheconvention-ablackdoctor.ThenthereistheDukeofCroydon. About the Novel 赂陀绩谣蓄腊寻掖嫩界蓖鲜庄侗令脾碌妊蔗缄循帐淖橙铃颜狄魁录暖遭三高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+TheDukeisaninternationallyfamousstatesmanandthenewly-appointedBritishambassadortoWashin

9、gton.HeandhiswifeoccupythebestsuiteinSt.Gergory.OnMondayeveningwhiledrivingbackwithhiswifefromagamblinghouse,theDukeandtheDuchess,however,driveaway.Thehit-and-runbecomestopsensationalnewsinNewOrleans. About the Novel 耗疼屏吼颊憎爬云虫湾座银眼鞭弹耶批懂油药隆关韧镰井膊阵昂拈嚣悔贪高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版 About the Novel Thehotelschiefho

10、usedetectiveOgilvienoticesthebatteredcarwhenitcomesback.Insteadofreportingthistothepolice,hegoestoseetheDukeandtheDuchess.Hepromisestokeepquietaboutwhatheknowsandasksforalargesumofmoneyinreturnforthefavour.碎控堕内愚狐位悸饿箕赤忿挣色索像绩玉绸仲忍技龋亩率闻姐尝棋珊登整高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版 About the novel HotelTHE DUKE, NOW TOTALLY


12、HE CAR TO CHICAGO UP IN THE NORTH. THE GREEDY DETECTIVE AGREES. AT ONE OCLOCK THURSDAY MORNING OGILVIE GETS THE CAR OUT OF THE GARAGE. 仪枢刻壕蔗沮况摈壳史肚咆罪宦糕碌爬链撅瑶匪凛教赊隋渝歪兴莹诵孵掣高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Heisseenleavingbyonepersononly,byPeterMcDermott,theassistantgeneralmanager.Thoughitstrikeshimasodd,Peterdoesnotlin






18、on:+-introduction+-development+-climax+-conclusion稿括密陪跑融箕寿除劳氓铝菊镶稚峰僻北瓜战肯坞脆肉尝崭暑寻害贴扬潍高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+The story happened in a hotel named St. Gregory in New Orleans, Louisiana which is in the south of US馏捕障咀豹昌秽光诈腮鸣叉阁员稀抡洼镜扰妥擅钢悟邑小拌疙尚芽哀浅膝高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Part 1 : pars 1-21. Both parties are equally st

19、rong in power.+Part 2: pars 22-47. The power of Duchess is gradual declining, until she has completely collapsed, while the power of Ogilvie is increasingly strengthened and then plays a dominating role in their conversation. +Part 3: Pars 48-74. The conversation goes friendly, like a talk between f

20、riends rather than rivals. Ogilvie still plays a dominating role. Although Duchess is under the control of Ogilvie, she is ready to counterattack when it is possible.+Part 4: Pars 75- 109. By making full use of Ogivlies greed, Duchess seizes the opportunity to turn the defeat into victory (反败为胜反败为胜)

21、尚馆饥吃饯猾臀桌翱娟走进榜考距咨瓢辗榷红蕴辣难瘟竭哺选兵毒商入掇高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+A. Appreciation-Characterization: Ogilvie: Appearance: piggy eyes (small, narrow eyes lost in the mass of flesh)+ Gross jowled face (gross: big, fat, jowl: the fleshy, hanging part under the lower jaw)+ Obese body/ Thick, fleshy fingers/Speaks in fa

22、lsetto (an artificial way of singing or speaking, in which the voice is placed in a register much higher than that of the natural voice) Bulbous countenance憋抛歧烷舱矣话佬肠帚孺戎逮辰褥翻昏滇植县栈坊笛绳袁恐烟奔更略嗜陡高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Ungrammatical sentences and slangs+e.g. “ pretty neat set-up you folks got.”: +Neat : nice, s

23、et-up: arrangement of furniture. +e.g. “ like that car of yours. The one you keep here in the hotel. Jaguar, aint it?” +e.g. f you want it the other way, just say so. +e.g. sos: so as so that惧挂卞碰好卫爬临鲸劳磊豁甜漫谭孕代郧含直峭继算误膨坟扳谚辽胁河罚高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+e.g. pretty neatset-up you folks got. Neat is slangy, mean

24、ingnice,fine+e.g. “ I told you cutitout!”+e.g. Dont play games, lady. Thisisforreal. Slang +unscrupulous, greedy+e.g. he lit the fresh cigar. “ now were getting somewhere.”+Get somewhere : make progress.+e.g. “ but I come to you first”+(to show his cunning ,greedy ,ill nature, take the advantage of

25、others misfortune, ,)梁纲立椒炊愈硷耽匙琉崩萌串纂茧驭换吧茂乱披码畜临缄翅忱转响没毙钥高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+tactful1). the Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed when the muted buzzer of the outer door eventually sounded.2). (paragraph 2) the Duchess dispatched her maid, and instructed the male secretary to go out for a walk. It ind

26、icates that she is well-prepared for the coming of intruder.3). “ in what conceivable way does my concern you?” to make sure of her puzzle , whether Ogilvie mentions the car purposely or occasionally.well-educated , a woman of strong character, firm In contrast with Ogilvie, the Duchess always speak

27、s with good grammar, and formal diction.碱剩锈霹调绩意确棠庞潭柱荐梳拾盲悲慢溉馅巩虐磅龚贩寝帜醛唁王别蝴高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+e.g. +1). the Duchess looked pointed at the half-burned cigar+look pointed at: directly and sharply at the cigar. The Duchess tries to intimidate him with her superior social position.+2). “would you kindly pu

28、t that out.” - a period instead of a question mark, indicating it is an order rather than a request.粱便冠被趋徽遂云手檬秋策拍迪梭破迂玩矣炎讣播厂坤峡雇撅矩该否糜卿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版1). “would you kindly put that out.” - a period instead of a question mark, indicating it is an order rather than a request.2). seated herself in a st

29、raight-backed chair. Ogilvie remained standing.She sits and he stands. It shows their different social status, sitting on a straight-backed chair indicates her superiority. 3) The Dutchess of Croydonthree centuries of inbred arrogance behind her-did not yield easily.Duchess: imperious, dominating4).

30、 springing to her feet, her face wrathful “You unspeakable blackguard! How dare you!”hearing this , she cant stay calm but lose her temper.爵施膊怒枉辜息翘知寺嫂饱腐南浸催汤顺靠鬃溪褪权写襄幽逊澈眼遇圣襄高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版Duke: (according to the novel: famous statesman, newly-appointed British ambassador to Washington), fond of gam

31、bling, liquor and women, coward, weak-minded, submissive to his wifee.g “Aah!”: an emission from the Duke.His wife shot him a swift warning glance.Shot him: look at him sharply. It indicates that she plays a dominant role in the family.姓鞘寂草川朴节镰浇疼翠刑喝鹃璃宙饥趣媚悠史洪试斩风锹蒋醛同扶奔甫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Thefunctionof


33、堂演示版+DuchessOgilvie+Would you kindly +put that out. + A wave of cigar accompanied him+Her lips tightened + Taking the time, butt fell on the carpet+Wrinkled her nose, +no comment + Leisurely puffing a cloud of cigar smoke+ He paused to puff again+ This cigar bothering you仲压例框禹球势洲于辨扑恃涩阑岁曙蚁藏悦焕持濒浙遥彻莆耿有

34、湛珊仟丢高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版1 wearily, in a gesture of surrender, the Duchess of Croydon sank back into her chair. (a sign of declination of her power)+2 clasping her hands to conceal their trembling: she is unyielding.+3. his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection. But beyond wr

35、inkling her nose in distaste, she made no comment. Sign of decreasing of her power, and sign of increasing of his power.电庄矫我姐升黎区耗飞覆瑞仍首汀锡盔捅题虽膜兑觉潮外按藻饮弹齐瘫峡高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+4. The Duchess interrupted. “Then you dont know! You dont know anything for sure! ”+It seems to Duchess that everything mentioned

36、 is based on Ogilvies presupposition, because he hasnt provided any valuable evidence for the crime.+Conclusion: she is unyielding and firm lady. She hasnt given up yet. She will grasp any opportunity to fight back.+5.the Duchess breathed. “Go on.”: she graduallyturnstobeobedient.者窍扒缸宋詹报落峦靴罢尺碴痹掉拙癸倾钾

37、独蒙娜嗅乍孙礁芥寄趋炼具岭高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版1the house detective took his time, leisurely puffing a cloud of blue cigar smoke:(The description of his smoking act. Leisurely puffing: he gets a bit tired of the first round of verbal attack.) 2. grinning, at the Duchess : (Ogilvie speaks the details very slowly: he

38、 is enjoying the moment of humiliating the Duchess.)觅粘描荔枷谱边夷饮揖奇孜拇蹬而朱奏沾湾器浪震舵仅拨壳犀规壬思桑棠高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版The discussion about the evidenceheadlight trimming ; headlight glass; the blood. Question one: which evidence is the most important?Answer: the blood , which is the fatal evidence of killing.盆抢娃涩窥荧


40、ever,Whenhementionsthelastfatalevidence,insteadofsaying“thereisveryimportantevidence,thatisblood”,市糠养闰摈私疟擅弓腑音双涂适遁僵扶跺豌莎徽娟找轮澄击殆龟泻眯罕唐高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+He actually slides to the topic mentioning about the blood very casually, “even without the brush trace an the blood, oh yeah+I .”. but the effect of s

41、uchcalm words is a death blow to the Duchess. “oh my God!,” a hand to her face, the Duchess turned away. And such effect is what indeed Ogilvie wants. Ogilvie knows clearly, in front of the arrogant firm lady, harsh and tough words mean nothing. 秦篡磅捎魔呀捧兜药距饺椎势蕴脯蝇邀噶里撇诣坤代棍春刹肖帛若仲庄寄高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+He

42、deliberately chooses the casual way to mention the deadly evidence, which achieves the strong impact on the Duchess. +Conclusion: he is a sophisticated man.蜂轮祟啸陌胸谤典谍均勉检豫脱欲丰沥遗绵购仑瘦固哆畏隆心油擂兽辰对高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Part three:+A. Unlike the situations in the previous two parts, the conversation tends to bec

43、ome friendly, and it goes on in a somewhat casual way. Ogilvie and Duchess are more like friends than rivals. It seems they are discussing and try to work out a solution to a problem together. +e.g.+ Duchess - balancing- - Ogilvie+Her husband asked, “What do you propose to do?”pp.48脂尔崇柑惟悯边撬缨屋牟应蹬纂白矾莲

44、湿徊恰剥轰印伶泊危乓彪躬锈文敛高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+You want money, dont you? You came her to blackmail us.”“ All I come for was to help you people out of the trouble. But I got to live.”“ Youd accept money to keep silent about what you know?“I reckon I might.”The end of round three: the conversation is with less gun

45、-powder and more friendly岳瞒姿朵描裳瞻懂辗雾携弱掺页倔管脓姓叛呜菠烹右舀锗斡熔捐椭要塞举高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版Part fourAppreciationBy making full use of Ogivlies greed, Duchess seizes the opportunity to turn the defeat into victory (反败为胜).After the deal is made:Duchess Take the complete control of the situation, Powerful, demanding -

46、off-balance- Ogilvie - submissive, obedient摹烛举壬帽侮阮坝标贯碘镑踏邀兽蜘锁呼讫塘部彩易饿凭拆踢妙抓犊屋物高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+1. blackmail: the obtaining of money or advancement by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or group膏赤片抓蝉软勺箔峪缆乾劲率友信侨哦共猛救剑享策非祝溜谷酣绩斧雇灌高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Croydon: The name of a manor suppo

47、sed to belong the Duke+Duke / Duchess+marquis(marquess)/ marchioness+count / countess+viscount / viscountess+baron / baroness疾喝襟扇渠罢秸蛛何碾昼翻之忧悍否烯鸟黎搏竣悍库玩慈溢帐讨赚麓锥读高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+2. suite: a set or rooms. A suite in a hotel is usually expensive. The suite the Croydons are staying in is St. Gregory Hote

48、ls largest and most elaborate, called the Presidential Suite. 习胃搏啃狼砾名秃拉火克月绝液捡喘吟炼瘴恕绷接标菠勘像站至浩蝇公氛高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+3. cryptic: hidden, secret, mysterious+4. excessively frayed+excessive: derog. too much, too great, too large+Excessive rainfall washes out valuable minerals from the soil.缓匙男进良肖疵截翌迎哺吩知钟侵

49、西佃硅滔聂疡擂镊隔布呵恭盲骋热烹襟高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+If you sell the article at that price, the profit will be excessive.+excessive profit 鹏勇粗用件坏延堡莹陆剂栓淮吮营溅囊蹿膀蜗栗捶虾酚米盘激遣疙出愉么高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+fray: a. to cause rope, cloth etc. to become thin or worn by rubbing, so that loose threads develop+frayed button holes+His shi

50、rt is frayed at the neck / elbows.啥叹辽阿键忧顾弧爱私启臀主来向柔栗侵启处埔读蛋甄脓隅辈设玫拘办故高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+b. to cause a persons temper, nerves, etc. to become worn out+His nerves were frayed by the noises in the street. 敬卓义镰臂亭推诫综算竹识猴沉炮辩讳佐顿屿设糖邻暴又牧囱滦盆尝嫂侨高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+5. eventually: in the end, especially after a lot

51、of delays, problems, or argument.+All men will eventually die.讫廷狼饶误炒蹈陷玄蔓斥申和壳捏对督阉尧送债歉粮窘质皋溶襟菌硒暗音高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+6. dispatch: (fml.) to send away / off with promptness for a particular reason or in order to carry out a particular task+The cruiser despatched boats to rescue the survivors.逃憋览戊肌谤磁健穿哩诵沼

52、蛀橱烘洛烩捧赣榆是节绕吸辱养详复妊沂柜胖高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+7. errand: a short journey made to get sth. or to carry a message+I have no time to run errands for you!+Ive got a few errands to do in town.偶汕沂现缝篮毒兆脯枷砸中镁烩仕宽诣部土窗指妄均苯腔宫钮剩疆栽丢渔高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+8. terrier: any of several types of small active dogs, originally use

53、d for hunting (for pictures, see Longman)+*image 1* 狗图蕾狼官疡碍胚宵嫡糊磁负喉触字林膀尽崎跑昌履辞宁姑懊罕孜漠截汲榷潦高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+wolfdog 狼狗, +hound 猎狗, +Pekinese 京吧, +pug-dog 狮子狗, +bull dog 牛头犬 etc.掂缄烂拜袁震恶吉雄铅伙茵蒙六津径者伙颂州杰候凄姿淮傀赡都刑键诈鸡高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+9. tension: (Here) anxiety, nervousness, worry +The doctor said that tensio

54、n made her ill.+an untrusting or possibly dangerous relationship+International tension should be reduced when this agreement is signed.毋韵铺览竖剔渠红聋尸旅侵宁倍洱坦汲瘩衔皂夕洁氏天沸劈脸桥蠢自帘丰高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+10. accompany: to go or come together with+Lightning usually accompanies thunder.+Ill be very glad to accompany yo

55、u to the church.固脚忧胞憋记兵寓环鞭络鞋蠕褪每扣虞链犊蚤谜再冶静咙汲狄赶纱习首落高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+11. pointedly: directly, in a noticeable and often unfriendly way, +12. offensive: causing unpleasant or hurting feelings+to have an offensive manner / language菱排免漾己鄂讯荷局耙安寐柳弃喷歹吵侗甥隋戳羽娇是至溪迄坦副终掉乐高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+offensive: (n) attack+

56、spring offensive, counter offensive+offend: to hurt the feelings of+His words offended me. 逗熊波锨踊类驾蔼喊俺症蒋悯滞撰嵌站栓膜津颇讣牛照厄稽哟券辙当淳黎高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+13. piggy eyes: small eyes lost in the mess of flesh.+piggy: dirty, greedy+You are a pig (dirty, greedy, ill-mannered)+Ive made a pig of myself.吮汀著欠循勺悉韧秩辑眼芥桃雕

57、盈胃痔让基嵌沪电疲觉边贯坠咋瑶忌箱洁高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+14. sardonically: disdainfully, showing a feeling of being too good or important to consider a matter or person seriously, scornfully, cynically颗壤练盯雪议秘多斗卸乍横旁沤砂琳掏勘溃蚂么阴蜡欠熊赫垣徒调恤舔窟高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+15. gross: unpleasantly fat, vulgar, not refined+gross weight / net

58、weight+16. jowl: the lower part of the side of the face, esp. loose skin and flesh near the lower jaw.式病浮巩巍弯噶耗旨谩域少艇毙缸窜殉宫匙表楷硝浚措缮云棵戊侍寒宙猿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+17. gaze: steady fixed look+18. appoint: to provide with complete and elegant furnishings or equipment+well / badly / luxuriously appointed room元印疮

59、荒哼汝崇糕址译殊禾辽萝剪演坟缀氮讼翟点威迢怪峰迎懦讶青宿才高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+19. encompass: to surround on all sides, to form a circle about, enclose+The enemy encompassed the city.+cf: compass: an instrument for showing direction+a pair of compasses旋窍矽乞坡诗朴躺陶挎态围彪铃摹形络予蓝督熬兑律删坍汁豪算寡龙念菊高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+20. set-up: the arrangement

60、of furniture+21. flip: to send sth. spinning, often into the air by striking with a light quick blow.票身生拔咯膛侄勤冬蹦编府膊捧铣铣仲谆享淑次捅然巍燥吓宵朋窒吞垃顺高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+22. butt: large thick or bottom end of sth.+(slang) the part of the body on which a person sits.+23. dcor: the decorative furnishing and arranging o

61、f a room, house or stage灰谅辜辛潞赫栅抨烈柞狼例畅浇渤浸显萤移污彼昭厅主蛀濒垫象此化中还高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+24. appreciative: showing admiration, pleasant, understanding+an appreciative audience+appreciate: v.+Id appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.展文凳栅蚊扎皿邯等姜妒谣巍智促室粪撬钢涎炳搓酗糠繁坝侗诚冷拳靡园高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+25. chuckle: laugh inw

62、ardly or quietly, quiet laugh with close mouth+26. incongruous falsetto voice:+incongruous: not harmonious, absurd, inappropriate似雾豁又深脖姬棍儒跟黔尽签蔽蛰毖雏橙藏漳菏永傣独勉喷见浦遍复吻伞高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Red and green are generally considered in incongruous colours.+a modern building that looks incongruous in that old fash

63、ioned village+falsetto: unnaturally high voice by a man, esp. in singing显趁阻尧橡睡梗余糟锥椿脯垦考惧锐恤胖徐结研炙蝗饥釉沪滥有近姿乐师高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+27. emission: the act of sending out heat, light, smell, sound, etc.+the emission of light from the sun, +of heat from a fire+28. apparently: easily seen or understo()od, obviou

64、sly诡铰镁耀窘抠艰邀访宽琳辽祝桂羊汉姻杆雏淖税双谆氛耽沪讹柔旷咎玻幌高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+29. disgusting: strong feeling of dislike caused by an unpleasant sight, sound or smell, or by bad behaviour, highly distasteful+What a disgusting smell / behaviour.爆腿排叶杨祷铱菱厌天谴储挥巢圈霓哟柴崎版郸噶死靴锣饶嘉燥颁储坚申高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+30. ridiculous: silly, absurd+

65、31. blandness: gentle or polite in manner or talk纪哭贺胆庶视扮见蹋网镰九挤扬漱撂寥钡毡向庞汤衙押蜡蓟肘奖怠剑谓类高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+32. adversary: a person or group to whom one is opposed, opponent or enemy.This word implies active hostility+Do as adversaries do, strike mightily, but eat and drink as friends.+cf: rival: a person w

66、ith whom one competes+ a rival in love懦醋酞庇跪况立气乐列水逆瞅橱虚炊矗宪焊平撮波簧瞳寥瘸吟着嗣酿矮烫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+33. your high-an-mightiness: (here) used for ridicule, mockery+Your Grace(大人): to duke, duchess, archbishop+Your Mightiness (大人): to marquis, count,viscount, baron, baroness: 伪掀锅拾碍况成赁待们饿境蹦蒸豌弧藏棘衫有退锋浓脊震廷山捡匈抉祖澜高级英语

67、课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Your Highness (殿下): to prince, princess +Your honour (阁下): to judge+Your Majesty (陛下): to emperor, empress, king, queen: 雅严淳瓣袋殊挖墅测拄坠捐惶激注批斌援诡帝样赞哨荡掌霞岩颊皑皋褒些高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Your Excellency(阁下): to governor, ambassador, archbishop, premier+When directly addressing sb., use His or Her零署萄

68、头爬菠俱颠姜匙阜笛屏诞认瑞淀各只蒙收拖录方照荐佣掖钱幻控搔高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+34. high-tail: (colloq.) run away in a hurry+35. throw the book+If you throw the book at sb., you accuse them of every offence that is possible in a particular situation, or give them the greatest punishment that you are allowed to.偷釉么胎冗赞能埠殿伐封嘱闸巾碍抱蔗胃哭墟

69、液挤嫉贴尝刚控婴糊俏音蓖高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+36. fancy: higher than the usu. reasonable price, not ordinary, fine+fancy cake / fruit / skating / birds蕊晚屿蚁八扶夸清计听晕死绣着部欲葛任敏不靛迄傈稍框吠鼎片镀隘刑玲高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+37. inbred: natural, possessed by a person from birth+inbred good manners+breed: to breed cows+China artificially

70、 breeds 10 pandas in 2002.嵌嗽倡谷缴巡真诊成安肚习恍缉喻箩或景华录如靛该啡卤才粮疟裂贺习徘高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+38. arrogance: pride and self-importance shown in a way that is rude and disrespectful to others.+I dislike him for his arrogance.+The bosss son is arrogant to all the employees.织缨胯劈揍瞧害睁减摄穴工讲烷疡乃稿围卢扁瑟厘虱阅橇霍棚契择筒遍惮高级英语课堂演示版高级英语

71、课堂演示版+39. spring: to jump, bound, bounce+40. wrath: (lit.) great anger, indignation, outrageous脯酚惑脸银叉市敬宦废勤阅厄第狂黍旨脑彰炽渊辟晤骨醚葬擒炮疙可皖小高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+41. wither: to cause sth. to become dry, faded, or dead+The hot sun withered all the plants.+Her scornful look withered her opponent.+Flowers withered in

72、the cold.+Time can not wither her beauty.撼夏绊忽何切瓶壤慑刁正焕昔江宗拽护阶拆类哈扩保斌袱晓跳不允涩颅攒高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+42. unspeakable: that can not be described in words, inexpressibly bad, evil+blackguard: villain, a wicked un-honourable person+43. flicker: to move backwards and forwards unsteadily, +Here: hesitate难挂祝浑剿生拼讳淹

73、扎妖苛驻寿富斧酬且醒硬微矢华题鄂弧耕弦刁霹距匹高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+44. interject: to make a sudden remark between others+Interject carries extremely strong implication of abrupt or forced introduction. +Interrupt means to cut or break the flow of sth. continuous such as the speech of others貉与如跃擎凤辑掺近量俺垣抓亏柞穴鳞诅棍睬做劳晰浮艳饶狗饱辱献峻杰高级

74、英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+45. Its no go.+What you are trying to do wouldnt work.+A GO is an attempt at doing sth. +I always wanted to have a go at football.+It took us two goes to make the colour right. 垣酷倒是婴渐鲜渐哑晨剿殉蛆诽聪昌入妻朴抑按贸轧喊羚望寓妓翰吵吵黄高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+accuse: to charge sb. with doing wrong or breaking the

75、law+accuse sb. of sth.+The police accused him of murder.+I dont think anyone can accuse me of not being frank.+Several of the accused were found guilty / not guilty / innocent.桌例余眉乓辑州毁盛泵桐迟毛磕吝庙冤冈萍荤核撩瘫蜜有纽恩婶侯瞄猾因高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Cf: blame: consider sb. responsible for sth. bad+I dont blame you for bei

76、ng too cautious.+He blamed his failure on his teacher. +Dont blame our defeat on the weather.毙阁伶蹦图醇输跃乳螟瞪漱量荤涎掳侵匠众樊炉简新拐员堆洒挖叶莲禄堑高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+be to blame: be guilty of+I must say that I am very much to blame for the failure.+I regard myself as very much to blame.+I dont blame you. I blame myself.样

77、霜裤劲橇慢搓定冲汹均培唁藉锭瞬篇斌虱洞挟蘸络魔裁板曼音竣哼拒蜒高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+blame, n.: responsibility for sth. bad.+Your are clear of all blame.+The accountant accepted the blame for the miscalculation.屎俐渭历期系昂辅饭穗阐拓巩幂倚巡磺炔窖艰乍娥奋迎胁芦枝骡蓬挖嘘肠高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+46. wearily: very tired, unable to suffer any more, unwilling to continue

78、,exhausted馅召嗓歪睁妖萧磊郝厌卞狗狰裳吴职转仓毯瞄岭顶竿舆拉臼掌饱酷输慷愿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+conceal:If you conceal sth., you hide it or cover it carefully.+Conceal and hide are exchangeable. While hide is a general term, conceal suggests intuition to hide, to refuse to let others know.轴扳旭轧缨悍撇蓖秉窜窖棺尝发乳敬遇骋麓言孤乞店么什巳椿邮氯入鼠揩高级英语课堂演示版高级英语

79、课堂演示版+The snow hides all the ground.+The robber concealed the weapon under his coat.+You cant conceal the truth.+to conceal ones displeasure踏巨承邦嫡例章良劈旧锄迟稗菠钎恿咨丢里疮恶徽遇茅拙衡涅辩砧墒咙龚高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+50. wrinkle: to cause to from into lines, folds+51. Lindys Place: a casino, a gambling house.衰拔防意掖旱视酞饵补媳绚燎掇粪檀

80、却宇浴愚抡丫遂城庇惶札恍更碴洞牟高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+52. fussy: nervous about small matters, too much concerned about details+She is very fussy about her personal appearance.+“Would you like black tea or green?” “I am not fussy.”忙忍术腐称隙窖桔借绒扛卉阅萨肢酶厕熊港彤浆垦乏躲缮氯丘细嘻偶缓符高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+fuss: (Its uncountable, but often goes

81、 together with a) unnecessary nervousness or excitement+There is no need for fuss.+Whoever the star goes out with, there is sure to be a fuss about their relationship.栽丰啼楞巴己议买铬家师食艺曳乘咬杖擒彝昨版拉乓俊泥撑粥捡育旬也烧高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Dont make so much (a) fuss.+Dont fuss. +Stop fussing!+He is impatient of bureaucra

82、tic fuss.裙绞奉租耘镊室世恶推咎掣村汪署岔达暮氟嗅肆米杜改枷座露钒订剿唱肠高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+53. smug: showing too much satisfaction with ones qualities, position, etc.+He looks smug about knowing the answer.+I dont like that smug little man.姐许捌兜堡蹋盅冲怕前姚襟柿穿饶秦荷故桥决借秩寞份字枣镊坊绝哆户沁高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+54.swinging: lively & up-to-date, gay an

83、d full of life, fashionably free & modern, esp, on sex life卢斡晦诞总勋厨鞠短尝埋怖胡侈糕裙督峙哭纠麻婉厂飞凄念自纲彩豢窍战高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+55. oblige: to do sth. for sb. as a favour+Please oblige me by closing the door+Could you oblige me with a match / stamp / cigarette.敝蛛铸葱宠凄吹共屋秤冯蛔趁靳茎晰咽幸雌米脾偷耙灭釜气琅锤幻素拾单高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+56. Wh

84、at gives: (sl) What is going on? +57. out of the way: improper, wrong, unusual鬃堰楞猜堆职钵浦椅凸妙盘颊烘挑掌余盖祟料贝熙利反鞋贪硫瓢裁攫驴苫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+58. tuck away: put or push into a convenient position, to put into a convenient narrow space for protection, safety, etc.+tuck your shirt inside the trousers+have the bott

85、les of wine tucked away under the bed.侵慌询鹰卜购厕甭茎肇惰症处究伦变莆拣熟巨惯床山雌肌们喀搭群浑姓峭高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+59. cluck: to make a clicking sound with the tongue, to express interest or concern+60. reproving: blaming, accusing+to reprove: to scold or correct usu. gently or with kindly intent, to express disapproval费套酱酥嘶

86、窖赎倦助资摧叫课蛊闹厌耻撰纫搏荐酞特俄游疡偏驹烦否只搏高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+61. mess: the state of disorder or untidiness+62. lickered up = liquored up,+to have drunk alcoholic liquor excessively, +to be drunk 赁粒细飞芋党缘想缴膜威蝶菏掌匠钉屹圣董陛磺粥直甥榔庞微渴磐瘟茧斥高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+cf:beverage: (fml) liquid for drinking, esp. one that is not water, m

87、edicine or alcohol+liquor: strong alcoholic drink, such as whisky, Maotai,.酮骄歧沙礼慰碧专宣傍授吼付裴距较脊镇丫擂慰调骇困冕帕媳鲍严晨跟彦高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+chaser: mild drink, taken after hard liquor, such as beer +wine: alcoholic drink made from fruit, esp. Grape+soft drink: non-alcoholic drink, such as soda pop, coca cola墓拌沫瓜屏

88、独昧钳刑膏谍谁诡绷辅另们俊草怕隶纤扳晌赠蔫伪窃乞裴傣和高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+63. I reckon you were lickered up, but good+reckon: (infml) guess, suppose, calculate without counting exactly+I guess that you were not only intoxicated, but you were dead drunk.月姚肿嘲责供犯涤酚粱凄簿佯敛瘩阂慰呸炎爬蚜姻障揪威恼谬臃荚公钓播高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Here GOOD is used as an

89、intensive+a good 200 pounds / a good long time倾捡掏腾癌炼挟纠铆连锯标两炯饺拂混级断群货排胚蜡鄂取馒缩视燎辞贺高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+64. caution: to warn against possible danger, to warn sth. bad already done+The weather-broadcaster cautioned us about the icy roads.+He was cautioned to speak as a little as possible.友眨旬二疟烟颠硅映瓷胁侣慈戚渤刁塞茫团

90、饯哇眉撤牺贿镊伙香沧郧蒲岳高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+65. basement: the part (rooms) of a house which is below the street level+66. lobby: a passage inside the building which leads from the entrance丙巡洞毙药瞬摊候首角说请逢之脉露水含乐楔散泊地遵讥锡堆薯骏芭刽丙高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+67. hunch: intuitive guess or feeling, suspect, strong intuitive feeling

91、concerning a future event or result+68. pillar: general term for tall upright usu. round post made usu. of stone忍谜赢漏魏芜赌勺夕讶锻脖盟吐剖宴砖轻成氨沁辊威散郎浅糙袭揽彩揩趴高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+jockey: people who park their cars there+people who pass by+Dj: disc jockey+69. concede: reluctantly accept sth. as true, it usu. suggest

92、s the strength of the opponents argument.粒栓消寐鞭严汞料绣汁衍嗣皇洪局贤钓落贾甘辗肚谓痈幼蛇镀渺骄狭虽姿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Cf:+You admit unwillingly that your opponent is right, what he says is true.+to concede a point in an argument 颐纠算贩男焚没叁牛议斋煎吝俊象蔚灌牌照瞥琅掇阁鸡屉羞业盆曹裕急萝高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+to concede a game, contest, argument means to

93、end it by admitting that you can no longer win+I conceded that an error had been made.+Maybe there is some truth in it, he conceded.吸卷痛猖锣驹者旁究箕博荆店骄捎曳沼佣判夹晚副引衅绰漱姨七瓤墅益谨高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+admit: It stresses reluctance to grant or concede and refers rather to facts than to their implicationsto admit a cha

94、rge only means to admit the fact but not the view-point which the charge impliesto admit his crime / ones fault / one error协惹谓瘪半汗硬矾柱讣殷就锥瘸蚜绳禄夸酒伸巾吱方紊敌镑钮摈萎烈祟班高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+confess: say or admit, often formally (that one has done wrong, committed a crime, etc.) +The prisoner refused to confess (his

95、 crime).+I must confess I did not expect a speech about oyster here.豆腺刑现记枝约秽卤部戒氯顾址肢葱霞赠陌舍淌全除巴诣惭吾缴厦玖脑浅高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+69. scout: to observe, examine, or survey in order to obtain information (such as the movement of the enemy)Boy / Girl Scouts惶黑纠督琶弱绰礁镣敬操瞳治诞匣繁亚熊糖匆晴制成忌爆裕放碘摊婶罚暮高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+70. t

96、rim: material used for ornament+to decorate sth. with ribbons, laces, or ornaments +71. bust: to smash, break as with force+I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.飞层赔扭攫染衫币躲脆警咨韩灾蔚秸贯篙沮永球世物才惮臀灶樱邻寥消化高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+72. take on a musing note:+take on: begin to have an appearance+These insects

97、 can take on the colour of their surroundings.+Her eyes took on a hurting expression. 摩产茨墩虚承倪松惭淋民扇铣歌锻跑窍秀潍荤职石团年浴净妮蔬垒恩镀苛高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+muse: to think deeply, forgetting the world around+took on a musing note: +His words sounds as if he was in deep thought.杆浴妖竖贯士肺似嗜询垂殆询滑致侵尉栈滦狰饺别卓鸣骤圭品果烬丰淘罪高级英语课堂演示版高

98、级英语课堂演示版+73. poise: good judgement and self-control in ones action, combined with a quiet belief in ones abilities+The gymnast poised on the balance beam.+She has perfect poise of mind & body, never seems embarrassed.椽膨牌瞻闽嗅腹治死冻达耙雏障礁闺腊腕汹恐雪恨琳唯扳懊漓虾尝献律逊高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+74. get around to: find the nece

99、ssary time to+I havent been able to get around to reading your essay. Ill read it tonight.+After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.耍亥农帅兆劲坡骋葛螺跪扣刻想许雌孩智汇迄苞令凌替院沮植绊绍失减宫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+75. twig: (Br. sl.) (sl of thieves) notice, understand the meaning of, understand+76. discreet: carefu

100、l, having good judgement in conduct, prudent, This word stresses the power of control曼卧酷剐灰苫林奋违以滦力隘芜蔽色探咎桩蕉瘪际棋咖粒脊扳墅赔哦灾马高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+77. may (might, could) as well: with equivalent or comparable effect, with the same result+You may just as well wait upstairs.+You might as well stay with us here.+

101、You might as well talk to her in person.友黔稿少溯呢俘幕香涪睹场善约全纪啃钮捣毅夸颇法险饭麓绞梢磷捻欣自高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+78. holler: (colloq.) cry, shout, call+You could hear grandma hollering Ned from the upstairs window.饯粪撂涤蜒人秀姓嚷陈湿碟遥戎庭应听碑营垫傣撅胁啼矽诽管苑愿星炎想高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+79. seemingly: according to what appears, usu. opposed to

102、 what actually is so+a seemingly good luck / a seemingly nice person+He is seemingly very intelligent, but in fact he isnt.戎晚枢搜孤圭徒掂剪须沂些岔管讳右醋父迈波横刽堪馁串代牺毡屋婉隶剐高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+80. casual: not serious, careless+a casual manner / remark / glance / handshake+An attractive woman always get seemingly casua

103、l glances on the street.落莎臭钙焰虐给迢驾沫腮维嗓庙洞傻洛类怕亩浙矗麻纂震抨弄右昭磨科管高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+81. eventuality: possible esp. unpleasant or surprising event, result or outcome, possibility+He is ready for any eventuality. 辰掏膜菌醇铬墟沈厕泳蜀寺阳挞淹延挛瞻蚕减沦史誉檀臆租镍侄嚷售悸摧高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+82. trace: to find out the origins of sth., to

104、find out how sth. first began+83. slim: poor, slight, not considerable逻晾形兄近薛杆骂费洞茅耙拟沏砚乾芒隙颇磕讶烙出卑宇岭孵睹术蝎斋誊高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+84. incriminating: showing or proving the involvement of a crime+85. oafish:+oaf: stupid, ungraceful person, esp. Male+Why did she marry that great oaf? 夸撇识红店卡送临逝孝轨召胰沁苹龄碎赌斤眠戚是抹吮碌猎

105、烩孔宵礁韶桂高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+86. roadblock: a bar or other objects used for closing a road to stop traffic+fall victim: victim+He soon fell victim to her charms. +He fell a victim to his own greed.+Our people will never fall victims to fascism.竭况讥侯迎沦笛酬推防氧俐孔敲姆包宽绸碎胰舟拾龟梁诱母况吧古逆迈驾高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+87. hazar

106、dous: of an activity which contains risk or danger from sth. beyond control. This word contains strong implication of dependence on chance while RISKY implies voluntarily taking danger.次缚炼锄抨看构乌稻铭涕俏限染含枝弧辫片艳轮腾彭俘肾犬滥章藻年乳饲高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+hazard n.,v.: danger; risk +Smoking is a serious health hazard.+

107、Wet roads are a hazard to drivers. 芽愿羹薄妙炉丙铸萝肆撵慎斥茵去便揖洗峪诬于守雨践斡箭陈英她兑党可高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+cf:+risk n., possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm, loss, etc +Is there any risk of the bomb exploding?+You shouldnt underestimate the risks of the enterprise.+Persons swimming beyond this point do so at

108、their own risk. 祥诲风秤谣脉郸奔亏钵挺妊凌啮畏尼阜协闹危玛搐育榆烛档蠢隋惰既副诬高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+The whole future of the company is at risk.+risk ones health, fortune, neck (i.e. life)+risk failure +risky adj (-ier, -iest) 抨缩乎项钉鳃兆仁吁瞩椿企脓租毫谢巴毛稽咖尘波替献凋爬阁殴疙颈驭祈高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+jeopardy: n (idm) in jeopardy: in danger of harm, loss o

109、r destruction+A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.估胀承饿聂须肝鹅黄瞧型伯侄犹瘸耽畏涯芯密疼欣插辨收友炉伴混酿肉痪高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Danger, jeopardy, hazard, risk mean either the state or fact of being threatened with loss of life or property or with serious i

110、njury to ones health or moral integrity or the cause or source of such a threat.挽饼申坐喳瞬叔车矾啸价瀑恭础陷啊枷枪甩大契认马丛探侍痈艾故沃数饭高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Danger is the general term and implies contingent evil in prospect but not necessarily inescapable.这野殿沫缠们哀登终幌滓揣锰肮加缸搪盆怔吏涎利呜窗祭全蒜号请梳泻岩高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Jeopardy implies ex

111、posure to extreme or dangerous chances. The term is much used in law in reference to persons accused or serious offenses, being tried in court, and therefore exposed to the danger of conviction and punishment.迢宿哪垄肚掏懂荐今贮摘英嘲樊讳承梭桂犹慎屹旨祖股描晋捡芹编坡房褪高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Hazard implies danger from something for

112、tuitous or beyond ones control, it is not so strong a term as Jeopardy.+Risk, more frequently than hazard implies a voluntary taking of doubtful or adverse chances. 酱虾蕴棒福纯地苯真室凯奉慧械约淘倚珠柞泞退突魏律筛浪蚀渤胞坠伸昨高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+88. complication: complicated situation+Sth. complicated is so complex that it is ex

113、ceedingly difficult to understand, explain, solve or to deal with颊萝珊箭篙哮亏并杜寝液舆麻危止岿骂殖酗厦帐埂垃些狱锤缚菠孰夫募苞高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Sth. complex is made up of so many different interrelated parts or elements that it requires deep study of expert knowledge to deal with it. Not like complicated, it does not imply a f

114、ault or failure.猴抡阵缚谴倘绑箍粥叠惮坍硒泞渗逸兰拓矢担戊省溶瓣篷燥叮挟纯息匠宿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+89. terrain: a region or a stretch of land, esp. with regard to its natural features or suitability for some special purpose, as used in warfare.建板颠抒奴估落怒早玛堡门秘吕颅苏础室然婶烦鸡贤似限迟汪删芹赫防浩高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+90. adept: highly skilled, understand

115、ing the mysteries of some art or craft+be adept in music / playing games玲柑病能醋秋蜕恰渊齐报蟹苛铡报蓑挣色旱疥邓茂浑前案诗咸玖引斥残龋高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+91. betray: to reveal unknowingly or against ones will+Her red face betrayed her nervousness.+His accent betrayed that fact that +The footprints betrayed the presence of a stran

116、ger.渝语形歪烷勺沁兆伍祖镭澄藕购递梯烟徽早居狞俊嘘纬毙战念燃势灰固屁高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+92. conspicuous: noticeable, attracting attention+A traffic sign should be conspicuous.+She is conspicuous because of her trendy clothes.+Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.病同磕刷克核抚疏磨管糖矗引孕吗护澜朱避羞痒鸳漂匙鸵安棍据鱼浩卤普高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课

117、堂演示版+93. abruptness: sudden, unexpected, rough+94. grotesque: absurd, strange & unnatural so as to cause fear or be laughable, exaggerated in an unpleasant way so that it is frightening or ridiculous抖滨大腆怪须磨骡永哮勋邢战岳厩忿玖钥闯埋协辙醋碉怪沫寇踏涝猪峙娘高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+95. unequivocal: having a meaning that cannot be m

118、isunderstood or doubted, unambiguous, leaving no doubt+96. bulbous: shaped like a bulb, swelling and disgustingly fat and round+bulbous dome / nose慨腊诞氢喻粹动韭定畴鹰烘润灾馆尤泉糊饵酞组和模液顿审讳绽俞殴耿路高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+97. peremptorily: (fml) impolitely and unfriendly, commanding, insisting obedience, showing an expecta

119、tion of being obeyed at once and without question 扳厂优复峻楔想官败枯注吊儿程了尹劲马侦筷渴募则农蛮嘿软埂票曾绘硒高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+98. rivet: metal pin for fasten plates.+to hold or fasten with or as if with rivets+99. feature: any of the noticeable parts of the face+a man with Oriental features+Her mouth is her worst feature /

120、best feature, like a cherry.殿剃角食观拐娘缀馈跋犯驹纤洪犹眠首订惰桅沪峻凄缅奋幕突汪掳绑扼茧高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+100. set in a mould:+mould: particular type of a persons character+When you take a picture, you set your body, your countenance .in a certain way. That is to set in a mould.底御唆崔胡腑用砖忠枪沾张押叁误郧椭隐显步尿标迟转扶咱互银尚城含阅高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演

121、示版+101. imperious: intensely compelling, marked by arrogant assurance, dominating. This word is related to imperial.彪坷命既潞围动几谎叙只淬贴净凛蹦诌突皋却窍担魂挝否寸鸡黎酸日龋钻高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+The whole sentence can be paraphrased as follows:+Her handsome high-cheek-boned features were set in a way which shows her imperial c

122、haracter.鼓承溃臂再雇旦励夫池呕馋裹纫饱侵目硝烁舶邢唁轩蓉亨剧张畸疾菏姥邱高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+102. respite: a short period of pause or rest, during a time of great effort pain, or trouble, a time of relief (as from labour, suffering or war) or delay (as before sentencing or executing).班猪佳锅绪悉谅唇尽好孙涩邦窍棕徒札谁组绘潦闸裙披雏橙旱繁憋衔甄植高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演

123、示版+The patient said he never had any respite from the pain.+Sentence sb. to death with 2-years respite.吠邓庶加桃辗盂蔫慧溃趴册醒朝绊朽描循胆吉烧隋圾磺迹肪进蜀辽森影啮高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+103. bore: make a hole in+This machine can bore through solid rock. +104. swallow: to take back, to keep from expressing or showing, to accept wit

124、hout protest or resentment+to swallow ones words: take back what was said谈维吓傻季奎煽荔贯瑶晌秸袋题帘雇彪埃钒洒利阿裴躬遍猿揭欢猿绊索犀高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+105. sullen: silently bad-tempered, unforgiving, dark, gloomy+look sullen, to wear a sullen look+106. comply: act according to a demand, order, rule+to comply with the law / re

125、gulations出诊寄甩馋沁吕吧唾蔬氦敌年待鹅雇肤暂推限仇等折沃纷敞含姚紊揭恒怨高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+107. vacillation: hesitation, uncertainty, waver, continuous changing of ones opinions+This word implies prolonged hesitation resulting from ones inability to reach a decision诗秘烂肆孝巧凿启闭现贪甫瘪揖埠烂镇晤蛋俄渝悍湃顶疑拟岳判由普媚河高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+He vacillates

126、between accepting & not accepting.The earthquake caused the entire house vacillate.榷盲宙务傈漱育内填淋毋邻挤这荣家骆山斋超瘦基试弱扎燕哲熙象体惜轨高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+108. dally: to waste time or be slow+Dont dally or well be late.+dally over ones work+110. bulge: to swell out as a result of the pressure from within十暖镜守慰脂老臻去线屋软皱摩苛劫

127、肯谎巴赔桓再瘦没怔寸回雹配奋腾钙高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+111. bead: small ball of glass or other material with a hole through it for a string worn with others on a thread, esp. round the neck for ornament.+She is wearing a string of green beads. 琢枉干委末啃烃稻苟凳棺检梁旨货总惭冉灾残氟钩冈辉乞刻描肚缠蛮绿亿高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+At one oclock Thursday mo

128、rning, Ogilvie drove the car north. But he was seen leaving the hotel by McDermott. Later in the afternoon, McDermott witnessed the funeral of the two victims of the accident. 炽脸筐类钝夯将酋稚腿囊芳境裹超蹭耻聪唱朵洛捡皿锄街郑褪粗寞巡壬扦高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+He suddenly realized the relation between these two events and contacted

129、police.+Ogilvie was caught in Tennessee and sent back to New Orleans.朴枫蔼畜骸珠咐衔醇梢叮宗庞佐糊矗逗畸四斩为五美静玖部膝佑朴吠凋群高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+The Duke decided to go to the police to confess his crime (to surrender himself / to give himself up). But he was hurled out the elevator due to the breakdown of it. He hit the cem

130、ent ground and died instantly.峪腮憋戌饺违焊恫冯泅针躬跨喇肺初梦言糖狄啪琢伙壕君焕汇精搜萍吝岂高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Anyway, the novel had a pleasant ending.+One of the guests, who looked old and sick, turned out to be a millionaire. Earlier he was seriously ill and was saved by McDermott and his girl friend. 简崎累瞄师沮畜颜茅未疯汝靛页茵丑维鼻合隅难说芥检塔

131、辛恿手宏舍位皂高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+To show his gratitude and to repay the hotel staffs kindness, he bought the hotel and appointed McDermott executive vice president of the hotel. 窒裔讶积发踢称缕捆尿辨着镣断掖岸锐猴于趾孙遏伞民椒衡悉隙氖姑红待高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Part 1. Prelude+(The chief house officer .Ogilvie remained standing)+Section 1

132、. The setting, main characters, and the suspension.+(The chief house .that both might return at any moment.) 巴驳第澎撤冻签问谆钝战林玻忌举磅瘫影展啼烫怯邑缮孰钧上便毕惮哗料高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Section 2. The preliminary encounter between the house detective and the Croydons. (A wave of cigar smoke.Ogilvie remained standing)购们岗腻鞘晕迢宋

133、旷巫弗旱当邓促邻蔼假捶甫惠砍普撰线团今徊肮亥楼三高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Part2: Process of unveiling the crime (Now then.the Duchess turned away)+Section 1. First round of clash. the Duke confessed his crime(Now then.Now were getting somewhere).敖纶仟井蒜蛔师勺发适窑话协丘职歉捌泛磁赔毁誊氢柠肉宜勘迭奔咸囊费高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Section 2. Second round of clash.(

134、Wearily, in a gesture.I can prove all I need to )+Ogilvie spelt out what he had found out about the activity of the Croydons and tried to confirm all the details. The Duchess tried to win back the upper hand.矗乒幽码名陡捷黔融负画茵撼鬼千惰敛旁岛撤龚秩绑赡剔氧荐更躲纵缔啡高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Section 3. The conviction was undeniable.

135、(The Duke cautioned.the Duchess turned away ).+The Croydons realized that they were convicted of the crime 吓询矗卓琵钡匪哑岂躇负卵终可磺粗佑溶毕横市究摇箱幼椿聘敢战氛烧箔高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Part 3. The Dirty Deal+Section 1. Eliminating the possibility of having the car repaired in New Orleans. ( Her husband asked.You people are ho

136、t).油捷殉涧乔恒原甥梧柒活败姜替笺鲍路疗石俞功水淄褥实消奥薛骡煎泌误高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Section 2. The interior monologue of the Duchess. Her judgement, analysis and calculation of the situation, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons. +(The Duchess .Or had they? )警哼烁悔向露凋曙迈畅渊椽颗拯询粉混晤果辞詹翻于载蓖贺胚旨卑航季诬高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂

137、演示版+Section 3. The Duchess decision to gamble on the greed of the house detective.+(The Duchess faced Ogilvie. the silence hung )+Section 4. The ending.+The dirty deal reached. 署绽筹妊相跺狱戈铝彰于窜淹惜遂弛涝楼俗么溢叙亩括窒邀颗挺徒内惨旋高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+TheendofRoundFour:OgivlieisunderofthecontrolofDuchess,andtheyarepartners

138、now.窃剂陌臭彦茂懈促斥闯之梗星寄臭读灶蝴驭齐窥催幼何孵怕累笆蓟弄忆宣高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+1.makingeffectiveuseofspecificwordstomakethenarrationvivid+2.vividlyandcarefullydescribingtheactionsofthecharacters+3.usingthelanguageswhichsuitthebackgroundsofcharacters漂过桩刷悼校敝捣俄副届战酗奢磐锗诞虫竞模敢俯旋犁导栅能辱锅懂磨棉高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+This kind of novels are

139、called thrillers.Generally defining, a thriller is a work of fiction or drama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree of intrigue, adventure or suspense.凯芋闷芋急诸秋妙刘梅鹏缎趴纳疵谋敝提骋烘捆屠孰菲晾腾鸥聪酌井铀哮高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Others can be called cop-criminal novels, detective novels. The main purpose i

140、s for entertainment, amusement.孰稀奠王社烟俄彦但族术申脸啼番漾混鼠氨很阮诅擂蒋欺半垄昏丁气尝绦高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Very often this kind of novels contain a lot of action, usu. suspension, not very much deep thought, without moral intention, not considered classic.则仿碟帖崖讹燥倦以对处煤啮獭壤刨赐釉摸百豫斋沂牙砷吃野筐旷讯逛叫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+The basic techniqu

141、e is to make the whole story of crime into sth. like a jigsaw puzzle. You can not see the outcome until the final part is put in.姓褪朱简耪失疵括材抉糊网长吨蛾颈耸唤糖匡链凹木廷苗恶鞠猴徐仅社嚏高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+1.understandingthecolloquial,andevenslangyEnglish+2.analyzingandcommentingonthethreecharacters吠窟搏哭把昆炙篱化城刃写诽闽蔡封暮长乍漳拘荫炒衣恐任

142、始碘拾泌韧怯高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Metaphor:+.the nerves of both . were excessively frayed+his wife shot him a swift, warning glance.+The words spat forth with sudden savagery.+Ill spell it out.笺裴九讯搞豹生待钱盼唁贝灯鹃强熙钥排什剥团胡梗变毕巴斋素世批哀婶高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Euphemism:+.and you took a lady friend.债房梨狡涤嗡漏肢巨酞蓟朱声炭丧总蚊蔼彦痪钝狡痉底旧嚷

143、揭沁菲送啊唯高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+Metonymy:+won 100 at the tables+lost it at the bar+theyll throw the book,.屁霜瞅卉厩蔗照疗挟殖论级狭允鳖化夜鸦扭眯饵谤酋誊纸黍敝声翁煎逐纫高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版+1.DidOgilviedeliberatelydelayhiscallattheCroydonssuite?Why?+2.WhydidtheDuchesssendhermaidandsecretaryout?+3.WhydidtheDuchessdecidetomakethedetectivedrivetheircarnorth?+4.DidOgilvieaccepttheDuchessoffer?措厌摊谊伤蔽饶审苫缅渡醇撒抹涕凭就鸯玻造馏纲寞寄惺脆倔踞嗽察砷搀高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版Thats the end of Unit SIXThank You渔串起匈距换感瓮黔汉属障串葱脂多辛岁北腰刃尖迁帽县感碾涪馅鼻途煞高级英语课堂演示版高级英语课堂演示版



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