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1、My First Ride on a TrainModule 3LearningAims:l1.Myreadingskillswillbeimprovedl2. I will master some words and phrases in thispassage.l3.Iwillbeabletodescribeatrip.l4.Iwillbemorepassionateintravelling.Theoldmanovercamedifficultiestofulfillhiswifesdreamlivingby“ParadiseFalls.” Which country are we goi

2、ng to talk about?lAustraliaKoalabear kangarooThe capital city-Canberrathe biggest city in Australia SydneySydney Opera House The central partdesertcoastl lPara1Para1:l lPara2:Para2:l lPara3:Para3:l lPara4:Para4:l lPara5:.Para5:.l lPara6:Para6:F. Information about the writer and F. Information about

3、the writer and her train ride.her train ride.E.The scenery along the railwayE.The scenery along the railway A. How I spent the time on the train A. How I spent the time on the train B. Why is the train called the GhanB. Why is the train called the Ghan? ?C. The use of camelsC. The use of camels D. W

4、hat happened to the camels.D. What happened to the camels.Match the main idea of each paragraph Strategy(策略)lEveryparagraph(段落)hasamainidea, which gives us the mostimportantinformation.Oftenthefirstsentenceoftheparagraph gives us the mainidea.( ) 1: Did Alice travel on the train a long time ago?( )

5、2: Was her destination on the coast of Australia?( ) 3: Was the scenery the same during the whole journey?( ) 4: Did she study while she was on the train?( ) 5: Did the Australians use horses to travel to the central part of the country?( ) 6: Do they still use camels to deliver goods? Yes or No? Sc

6、anning:lWho-Alice Thompson andherfriendlWhen-Shewas18yearsoldlWhere- from Sydney toAliceSpringslHow-bytrainRead the first paragraph quickly and findout“who,when,whereandhow.”Read the second paragraph and tell usWhats the different scenery she saw on the train?Whathappenedtocamels?Read the last parag

7、raph and tell usYou can either travelor read, but eitheryour body or soulmustbeontheway.要么读书要么旅行,身体和灵魂必需有一个在路上。Supposeyou will travel abroad,whatare thethingsyoushouldpayattentionto?1.Whatshouldyouprepare?2.Whatproblemswillyoubefacedwith?3.Whatsafetytipscanyouprovide?Keepsafe!Write a passage aboutyourfirstrideexperiencetoatouristspot(旅游景点).lHavefun!Thankyou!resultsAttitudes and emotionstimeplacepersonsWhat to doprocessFlow chartWhat to see, what to feelFirst, then, finally



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