江苏译林版六上Unit 2 What a daypt课件2

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1、(story time)Lets choose(Tip: 为听到的歌曲选择一个主题)为听到的歌曲选择一个主题)The title(课题) of the song is_. A. Seasons(季节)B. Weather(天气) weathersunnyrainywindycloudyrain(雨,下雨雨,下雨)rainy(多雨的)多雨的)cloud(云)(云)cloudy(多云的)(多云的)Say it togetherListenandfindTask1找找出出你你所所听听到的天气。到的天气。sunny windy cloudyrainymoringthenafternoonbecameW

2、atchandfindTask2找找出出他他们们一一天天进行的活动。进行的活动。sunny windy cloudyrainymoringthenafternoonbecame变成变成WatchandfindTask2找找出出他他们们一一天天进行的活动。进行的活动。sunny windy cloudyrainymoringthenafternoonbecame变成变成went to the park by bikeflew kites highhad lunchsaw an interesting parrot showinterestinginteresting有趣的,有意思的showsho

3、w展览,展示展览,展示ReadandanswerTask3自自读读图图三三、四四内内容容,回回答问题。答问题。(他们能吃带的食物吗?他们能吃带的食物吗?)(他们带了什么作为午餐?他们带了什么作为午餐?)ReadandanswerTask3自自读读图图三三、四四内内容容,回回答问题。答问题。honey(蜂蜜)(蜂蜜)drinkdumplingbroughtReadandanswerTask3自自读读图图三三、四四内内容容,回回答问题。答问题。beeantwent to the park by bikesunny windy cloudyrainymoringthenafternoonbecame

4、变成变成flew kites highhad lunchsaw an interesting parrot showwet and hungrywent to the park by bikeReadandimitateTask4注注意意说说话话者者的的语语音音语语调调和语气哦!和语气哦!Sunday, 20th September It was sunny/ in the moring. Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao There was/a parrot show/in the park. We saw/ Then, the weather/became/windy and c

5、loudy.and I/went to the park/ by bike.some interesting/ parrots.We flew kites/high in the sky.ReadandimitateTask4注注意意说说话话者者的的语语音音语语调调和语气哦!和语气哦!Sunday, 20th September It was time/for lunch.We brought/some dumplings, We saw/some ants/on the bread and honey. ThereIn the afternoon, there were/ black clo

6、uds /in the some bread and honey and some drinks.were/some bees too. sky.We could not eat our lunch! It rained.We were/ hungry and wet.What a day!ReadandorderTask4ReadandfinishTask6同同学学们们自自读读课课文文将将答答案案写在纸上哦!写在纸上哦!It _ in the morning. Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and I _ .In the park, there _a parrot _. The

7、re_ some _ parrots. Then the weather _ windy and cloudy.They_ in the sky.They _ some food and _ to the park. They did not eat their lunch, because they_some _and _on the bread and _. In the afternoon, there_some black_inthe sky. It _. They_wet and hugry. was sunnywent to the park by bikewasshowwerei

8、nterestingbecameflew kites highbroughtdrinkssawantsbeeshoneywere cloudsrained were标题标题标题How was the weather yesterday? It was sunny, it was sunny, it was suny yesterday.How was the weather yesterday? It was rainny, it was rainny, it was rainy yesterday.How was the weather yesterday? It was windy, it

9、 was windy, it was windy yesterday.How was the weather yesterday? It was cloudy, it was cloudy, it was cloudy yesterday. _ daySaturday, 13th SeptemberIt was_in the morning. I_.Then, it was_.I_.In the afternoon,I_.This was my day.What a day!sunnysunnycloudy and windy cloudy and windy did my homework at homedid my homework at homewent homewent homewent to fly kites with my friendswent to fly kites with my friendsMy1. 跟读story time录音三遍。2. 完成伴你学我运用第三题。3. 试着复述story time



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