2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 5《The Great Sports Personality》 Section Ⅱ

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1、栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalitySection Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Study栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研1. retire vi. 退休退休, 退役退役, 退出退出(比比赛等等)(教材原句教材原句)When he retired at the age of 26, he had w

2、on 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.26岁退役退役时, 他已他已经在世界重大比在世界重大比赛中中获得得了了106枚金牌枚金牌. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityAfter retiring from the army, William spent a long time adjusting to

3、 civilian life. 从军队退役后从军队退役后, 威廉花了好长时间才适威廉花了好长时间才适应平民生活应平民生活. He had put aside a lot of money for retirement.他已经为退休存了一笔数目相当可观的钱了他已经为退休存了一笔数目相当可观的钱了 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe retiring professor was exalted by his colleagues.这位即将退休的教授受到了同事们的赞扬这位即将退休的教授受到了同事们的赞扬. 栏

4、目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用11用用retire 的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)I have less than a year to go before _.(2)He often _ to his country home to work on his book.(3)Both of my parents are _ teachers.retirementretiresretired栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Pe

5、rsonality12单项填空填空I couldnt stand the pressure of the young.I decided that I _ early.Aam going to retireBwas going to retireChave retired Dhad retired解析:解析:选B. 考考查时态. 句意句意为:“我无法承我无法承受年受年轻人的人的压力力, 我决定要早点退休我决定要早点退休. ”栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality2. perform vt.&vi. 表演表演, 表

6、表现; 执行行, 实行行(教材原句教材原句)He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.因因为在在1988年年汉城奥运会上表城奥运会上表现不佳不佳, 他非他非常失望常失望. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityHelicopters perform poorly

7、 in hot weather and at high altitude.直升机在天气炎热和海拔较高时表现不佳直升机在天气炎热和海拔较高时表现不佳. The young doctor performed the heart operation.这位年轻医生为病人做了心脏手术这位年轻医生为病人做了心脏手术. They always perform their duties faithfully.他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality【提示提示】当当perf

8、orm 作不及物作不及物动词, 表示表示“表表现”时, 常与常与 well 或或 badly 搭配搭配; 表示表示“表演表演”时, 后常跟介后常跟介词on 或或at, 如:如:perform on the flute 吹奏横笛吹奏横笛. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用21完成句子完成句子(1)他答应过要帮助我们并且已履行了诺言他答应过要帮助我们并且已履行了诺言. He promised to help us and has _.(2)我们队在昨天的比赛中表现得很出色我们队在昨天的比赛中表现

9、得很出色. Our team _ the match yesterday.performed his promiseperformed well in栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality22翻译句子翻译句子We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a play, or a concert, to say thank you to the performers._我们在一个现场表演像戏剧或是音乐会我们在一个现场表演像戏剧或是音乐会结束时鼓掌来感谢表演者结束

10、时鼓掌来感谢表演者.栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality3. on the increase正在增加正在增加(教材原句教材原句)The number of young people with money to spend was on the increaseand sport had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加, 而体育运而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及动也得到前所未有的普及. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module

11、 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality助助记The number of traffic accidents seems to be on the increase.交通事故的数量似乎正在增加交通事故的数量似乎正在增加. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityCompared with last year, our oil output has increas

12、ed by 3%.与去年相比与去年相比, 我我们的石油的石油产量增加了量增加了3%. The number of the students in our school increased to 2,000 last year.我我们学校学生的数量去年增加到了学校学生的数量去年增加到了2000人人. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用31完成句子完成句子(1)近来近来, 这个港口的吞吐量增加了五分之二这个港口的吞吐量增加了五分之二. Recently, the throughput of thi

13、s port _ two fifths.(2)人口已从十年前的一百二十万增加到现在人口已从十年前的一百二十万增加到现在的一百八十万的一百八十万. has increased by栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe population has increased _ 1.2 million 10 years ago _ 1.8 million now.(3)地震过后地震过后, 无家可归者的人数正在增加无家可归者的人数正在增加. The number of the homeless is _ after

14、the earthquake.(4)警察当班值勤时不得抽烟警察当班值勤时不得抽烟. A policeman must not smoke while he is _.fromtoon the increaseon duty栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality32单项填空填空If their marketing plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20 percent.Awill increaseBhave been increasingChave increasedDwou

15、ld be increasing栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality解析:解析:选A. 句意:要是他句意:要是他们的市的市场计划成功划成功了了, 他他们将增加将增加20%的的销售售额. 从句是一般从句是一般现在在时表将来表将来, 主句常用一般将来主句常用一般将来时或情或情态动词can/may动词原形原形. 如:如:If we get up early tomorrow morning, we may/can see the sunrise.栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The

16、Great Sports Personality4. advantagen. C, U优势; 长处; 便利条便利条件件(教材原句教材原句)Li Nings designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their betterknown rivalsthey were cheaper.李宁运李宁运动服服不不仅设计吸引人吸引人, 而且比起那些更而且比起那些更为知名的知名的商商业对手手, 它它们拥有一个主要有一个主要优势, 那就是价那就是价格便宜格便宜. ,栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5T

17、he Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityHer rich experience gave her an advantage over other applicants for the job.她丰富的经验使她比其他求职者更具有利条她丰富的经验使她比其他求职者更具有利条件件. Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.理奇比你占优势理奇比你占优势, 因为他会讲德语因为他会讲德语

18、. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityWe should take full advantage of the material we have now.我们应该充分利用我们现有的资源我们应该充分利用我们现有的资源. Were just weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.我们正在仔细考虑各种有利和不利条件我们正在仔细考虑各种有利和不利条件. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personal

19、ity巧学活用巧学活用41完成句子完成句子(1)也许可以把这次失败变成对我们有利也许可以把这次失败变成对我们有利的事情的事情. This failure may be turned _.(2)他在讲英语方面的劣势对我有利他在讲英语方面的劣势对我有利. His disability to speak English was _ me.to our advantageof advantage to栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality(3)不会开汽车是他的缺点不会开汽车是他的缺点. _ not to be able

20、to drive a car.42单项填空填空(1)(2012安徽皖北高二安徽皖北高二联考考)He was a much older player but he had the great _ of experience.It is his disadvantage栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityAinterest BsuccessCadvantage Dhonor解析:解析:选C. 句意:作句意:作为运运动员, 他的年他的年龄大大了一些了一些, 但他的但他的优势是是经验丰富丰富. have the adv

21、antage of. 有有的的优势. (2)You will be at a(n)_ if you have thought about the interview questions in advance in application for a job.栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityAfavor BadvantageCbenefit Dprofit解析:解析:选B. 考考查名名词辨析辨析. at an advantage“有利地有利地”. 句意句意“在申在申请工作工作时, 事先考事先考虑一下面一下面试

22、的的问题将将对你有利你有利. ”栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality5. guaranteevt. 保证保证(教材原句教材原句)Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly.李宁的成功是有保证的李宁的成功是有保证的, 而且很快就到来了而且很快就到来了. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module

23、 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe problem they face is how to guarantee the quality of the product in such a short time.他们面临的问题是如何他们面临的问题是如何在如此短的时间内保证产品质量在如此短的时间内保证产品质量. If you yell at him, hes guaranteed to do the opposite of what you want.如果你向他大喊大叫如果你向他大喊大叫, 他肯定会跟你对着干他肯定会跟你对着干. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互

24、动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityYour watch will be repaired free if its still under guarantee.你的手表若还在保修期内的话你的手表若还在保修期内的话, 将会得到免将会得到免费维修费维修. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用51单句改句改错(1)My bike is still on guarantee so theyll repair it for free._.(2)He gave

25、us guarantee that it would never happen again._.onunderguarantee 前加不定冠前加不定冠词a栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality52完成句子完成句子即使完成了培即使完成了培训, 我也无法保我也无法保证你能有工作你能有工作. Even if you complete your training, I cant _.53翻翻译句子句子The medicine will guarantee you from/against heart attack._gu

26、arantee you a job这种种药保保证你不得心你不得心脏病病栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality6. purchasevt.购买(教材原句教材原句)Today a Li Ning product is purchased every ten seconds.现在每在每10秒就有一件李宁的秒就有一件李宁的产品被品被购买. 归纳拓展归纳拓展栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityWe treasure this dearly

27、purchased victory.我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利. He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.他工作了一整个夏天他工作了一整个夏天, 为的是存钱买架钢琴为的是存钱买架钢琴. He purchased a car, which was the most expensive purchase he had ever made.他购买了一辆小汽车他购买了一辆小汽车, 这是他所买过的最昂这是他所买过的最昂贵的东西贵的东西. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动

28、讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用61用用purchase 的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)I recommended that we _ 10 copies for the library.(2)Do you wish us to deliver your_?(3)He _ a red car last month.purchasepurchasespurchased栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality7. achievev完成完成; 达到达到;

29、 取得取得(教材原句教材原句)Since then, he has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions. 从那从那时起起, 他不断地帮他不断地帮助年助年轻人人实现他他们的体育梦想的体育梦想. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展By hard working, we can achieve anything.通过努力工作通过努力工作, 我们可以获得一切我们可以获得一切. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点

30、透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe achievement of ones purpose depends largely on ones perseverance.目标的实现主要靠自己的毅力目标的实现主要靠自己的毅力. Holding the East Asian Games was a great achievement for Hong Kong.举办东亚运动会对香港来说是一项伟大的成举办东亚运动会对香港来说是一项伟大的成就就. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports

31、 Personality巧学活用巧学活用71完成句子完成句子(1)他他们未能达到通未能达到通货膨膨胀率低于率低于3%的目的目标. They couldnt _ of less than 3% inflation.(2)当你到达当你到达顶部部时, 会有一种会有一种绝妙的成就感妙的成就感. You get _ when you reach the top.achieve their targeta wonderful sense of achievement栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality72单项填空填空(20

32、12昆明模昆明模拟)He is the kind of person who stops at nothing in order to _ his own purpose.ApromoteBobtainCreach Dachieve解析:解析:选D. achieve ones purpose达到目达到目的的. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality8. symboln. 符号符号, 象征象征, 标志志(教材原句教材原句)a symbol which represents a particular brand代表一

33、个特定品牌的代表一个特定品牌的标识The number “8” is seen by many Chinese as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.数字数字“8”被被许多中国人多中国人认为是好运和是好运和财富的象征富的象征. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe chemical symbol for copper is “Cu”铜的化学符号是的化学符号是“Cu”. symbol指象征或表达某种深邃意指象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊的特殊事物事物. sign

34、al指指为某一目的而有意某一目的而有意发出的信号出的信号. 易混辨析易混辨析 symbol, signal, sign 和和 mark栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personalitysign系常用系常用词, 指具有一定含指具有一定含义的任何有的任何有形或无形的符号或形或无形的符号或标志志, 可以是可以是实物、物、表情、表情、动作、文字、作、文字、语言及任何痕迹言及任何痕迹或征兆或征兆. mark指指“为某一目的有意做的某一目的有意做的标记”, 或或“无意留下或自然形成的痕迹无意留下或自然形成的痕迹”. 栏目栏目导引导引要点

35、透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityAthena produced an olive treethe symbol of peace and wealth.雅典娜造了一棵橄榄树雅典娜造了一棵橄榄树, 象征和平与财富象征和平与财富. We picked up signals for help on the radio.我们在无线电里收到了呼救信号我们在无线电里收到了呼救信号. There is a stop sign at an intersection.在交叉路口处有停车标志在交叉路口处有停车标志. Suffering left

36、its mark on his face.苦难苦难的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用81用用symbol, signal, sign和和 mark 填空填空(1)The _ says “Parking Forbidden”(2)A red lamp is used as a danger _.(3)The egg is a _ of new life.(4)White _ painted on the trees show the route

37、.signsignalsymbolmarks栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality82单项填空单项填空Many people like white as a color as it is a _of purity.Asymbol BsignCsignal Dsymptom解析:选解析:选A. 句意为句意为“许多人喜欢白色许多人喜欢白色, 因为它因为它是纯洁的象征是纯洁的象征. ”栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality句型巧析句型巧析

38、句型巧析句型巧析1. (教材原句教材原句)But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是但就是这种失种失败感感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功使他决心在新的生活中取得成功. 句法分析句法分析本句本句为强强调句型句型, 是是对主主语this sense of failure 的的强强调. 其常其常见句型句型为:It is/was 被被强强调部分部分 that/who其余部其余部分分栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Spor

39、ts PersonalityIt was Jane who paid for the meal yesterday.昨天的昨天的饭钱是是简付的付的. It was the meal that Jane paid for yesterday.简昨天付的是昨天付的是饭钱. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)强强调人人时可用可用who 代替代替 that, 从句的从句的谓语动词要根据被要根据被强强调的主的主语确定确定单复数形式复数形式. It is I who am your friend.

40、我才是你的我才是你的朋友朋友. (2)强强调时间或地点状或地点状语时不可用不可用 when 或或where 代替代替that. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityIt was in 1999 that they first met each other. 他他们是在是在1999年初次年初次见面的面的. (3)强强调句型的一般疑句型的一般疑问句式就是将句式就是将 be 动词放于句首放于句首. Was it in the park that Tom met your younger sister yesterda

41、y?汤姆昨天是在公园遇姆昨天是在公园遇见你的妹妹的你的妹妹的吗?栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality(4)强强调句型的特殊疑句型的特殊疑问句式是:疑句式是:疑问词is/was it that.?Where was it that Jack met your younger friend yesterday?杰克昨天是在哪里杰克昨天是在哪里见到你朋友的?到你朋友的?(5)特殊疑特殊疑问句的句的强强调句式在句式在宾语从句中要用从句中要用陈述述语序序. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5

42、The Great Sports PersonalityI dont know what it was that made him so angry.我不知道什么使他如此生气我不知道什么使他如此生气. (6)有有时可用可用“It might be.that.”或或“It must have been. that.”等句型表示等句型表示强强调. It might be his father that hes thinking of.他想到的可能是他的父他想到的可能是他的父亲. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality

43、It must have been his younger brother that you saw.你看到的想必是他的弟弟你看到的想必是他的弟弟. (7)“not. until.” 的的强强调句型句型构成:构成:It is/was not until 时间状状语 that. He didnt go to bed until ten oclock.栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityIt was not until ten oclock that he went to bed.直到直到10点点钟, 他才去睡他才

44、去睡觉. (8)注意强调句型与其他状语从句的区别:注意强调句型与其他状语从句的区别:强调句型的特点是:如果把强调句型的特点是:如果把It is/was 和和that 去掉去掉, 原句依然成立原句依然成立. 试比较:试比较:栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality分析:第一句分析:第一句为强强调句型句型, 被被强强调的是的是时间状状语. 如去掉如去掉It was 和和that, 原句原句变为:I got back home at midnight yesterday.句子依句子依然成立然成立. 第二句第二句则不可以不

45、可以. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality(9)强强调句中含定句中含定语从句从句It is in the factory where his father works that this type of computer is produced.这种种电脑是在他爸爸工作的工厂是在他爸爸工作的工厂里被生里被生产的的. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用11完成句子完成句子(1)是他是他们迟到了到了. It wa

46、s they that _ late.(2)直到她取下墨直到她取下墨镜我才我才认出她是一个著名的出她是一个著名的电影明星影明星. It was _ her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.werenot until she took off栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality(3)你是什么你是什么时候开始学英候开始学英语的?的?_ you began to learn English?12单项填空填空Was it on a lone

47、ly island _ he was saved one month after the boat went down?AwhereBthatCwhich DwhatWhen was it that栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality解析:解析:选B. 句意:是不是船沉了以后一个句意:是不是船沉了以后一个月他才在一个孤月他才在一个孤岛上被救?根据句中出上被救?根据句中出现的的it was及及强强调句型的判断方法可确定句型的判断方法可确定该题考考查强强调句型句型. where, which和和what均不能构均不

48、能构成成强强调句型句型. 判断判断强强调句的方法是把句的方法是把it is/was和和that去掉去掉, 剩下的句子在剩下的句子在结构及意构及意义上均完整上均完整, 此此处为强强调句句. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality2. (教材原句教材原句)If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. 如

49、果你走如果你走进任何地方的中学或大学校园任何地方的中学或大学校园, 你你很有可能看到身着印有那个熟悉的李宁很有可能看到身着印有那个熟悉的李宁标识的运的运动服的学生服的学生. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality句法分析句法分析这是一个复合句是一个复合句. if 引引导条件状条件状语从句从句, 主句主句为the chances are.; you will see students.为主句中的表主句中的表语从句从句, 连接接词 that 可省略可省略. the chances are (that). 是一种固定句

50、式是一种固定句式, 意意为“可能可能”, chance意意为“可能性可能性”. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityThe worker held that if he was unable to take the machine apart, the chances were that no other worker in the plant could either.那工人认为那工人认为, 如果他拆不开那台如果他拆不开那台机器的话机器的话, 那么很可能厂里的其他工人也拆那么很可能厂里的其他工人也拆不开不开.

51、 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展There is a chance of/that. 某事很有可能某事很有可能The chances that. are good./The chances are good that. 某事的可能性很某事的可能性很大大The chances are ten to one that.某事十有八九会发生某事十有八九会发生sb. have a chance of doing sth. 某人很有可能做某事某人很有可能做某事栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲

52、练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityTheres a chance that she left her keys in the office.她有可能把钥匙忘在办公室里了她有可能把钥匙忘在办公室里了. His chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year Celebrations were good他能离开医院回去他能离开医院回去过新年的可能性很大过新年的可能性很大. The chances are ten to one that we will win.我们十有八九会赢我们十

53、有八九会赢. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用21同义句转换同义句转换(1)There is no chance of raining today.There is _it will rain today(2)He is likely to win in this match again._he will win in this match again.no chance thatThe chances are that/It is likely that栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练

54、互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality22单项填空填空Youve booked a ticket on a four oclock flight.What chance _ of taking an earlier plane?Athere isBis itCthere it is Dis there栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality解析:解析:选D. 此此处 chance 表示一种表示一种“可能可能性性”, 如果把如果把该句句变为肯定句肯定句, 应是:是:The

55、re is a chance that we can take an earlier plane. 因此此句因此此句话应是是 there be 句型句型, 排除排除B、C两两项; 本句本句为问句句, 应用疑用疑问语序序. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality3. (教材原句教材原句)Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.

56、当中国运当中国运动员步入步入2008年奥运会年奥运会赛场时, 他他们将身穿李宁牌运将身穿李宁牌运动服服. 句法分析句法分析whenever no matter when 引引导让步状步状语从句从句, 意意为“无无论何何时”, “每当每当”. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityWhenever we met difficulties, they came to help us.无论什么时候我们遇到困难无论什么时候我们遇到困难, 他们都来帮助他们都来帮助我们我们. 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动

57、Module 5The Great Sports Personality归纳拓展归纳拓展在引导让步状语从句时在引导让步状语从句时whatever no matter what 无论什么无论什么whoever no matter who 无论谁无论谁however no matter how 无论到什么程无论到什么程度度wherever no matter where 无论何地无论何地栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityWhatever/No matter what he says, I will not bel

58、ieve it.无论他说什么无论他说什么, 我都不会相信我都不会相信. (让步状语从句让步状语从句)I will not believe whatever he says.我不会相信他说的话我不会相信他说的话. (宾语从句宾语从句)栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality易混辨析易混辨析 “no matter 疑疑问词”和和“疑疑问词 ever”的区的区别whever 既可引既可引导让步状步状语从句从句, 也可引也可引导名名词性从句性从句. no matter wh 只能引只能引导让步状步状语从句从句.栏目栏目导引

59、导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports PersonalityWhoever (No matter who) calls, tell him I am out.无论谁打电话无论谁打电话, 告诉他告诉他, 我出去了我出去了. You can take whatever you like. 你可以喜欢什么就拿什么你可以喜欢什么就拿什么. (不能用不能用 no matter what)栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality巧学活用巧学活用 31完成句子完成句子(1)不管花多

60、不管花多长时间, 我我们都决心要解决都决心要解决这个个问题. We are determined to solve this problem, _ it takes. (2)她每次来都她每次来都带着个朋友着个朋友. _, she brings a friend.no matter how longNo matter when, Whenever she comes栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality32单项填空填空To show our respect, we usually have to take our

61、gloves off _ we are to shake hands with.Awhichever BwheneverCwhoever Dwherever解析:解析:选C. 句意:句意:为了表示尊敬了表示尊敬, 不管和不管和谁握手握手, 我我们通常都会摘下手套通常都会摘下手套. 从句中缺少从句中缺少宾语, 且指人且指人, 故故选C.栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality温馨提示温馨提示请做课时作业请做课时作业Module 5Section 栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全栏目栏目导引导引要点透析要点透析讲练互动讲练互动Module 5The Great Sports Personality同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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