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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂类别课程目程目标要求掌握的要求掌握的项目目话题Literature and novels词汇scene, cruel, feed, eager, appetite, whisper, desperate, seize, support, hang, reward, scream, rough, convict, escape, intend, illegally, distribute, swallow, attain, accumulate, accomplish, mournin astonishment, in a.voice, no sooner.tha

2、n, a huge amount of, bring sth. to the attention of sb.功能功能Ways of emphasising:It was the man who terrified him.It was a bag that Oliver was holding.It was early that this happened.语法法Inversion used for emphasis and emphatic sentences:Never have I heard anything like it!Only after some time did the

3、warden started speaking.Not until 30 minutes had passed, was the man able to speak.Hardly had they sat down when the warden started shouting at them.1scene n. C(戏戏剧剧等等的的)现现场场;场场景景;场场面面;(戏戏剧剧的的)一场;一场;(小说的小说的)一节;景色;景象一节;景色;景象Some of the violent scenes are very distrubing.一些暴力的场面着实令人焦虑。一些暴力的场面着实令人焦虑。Wh

4、ats happening in this scene?在这场景中正发生什么事?在这场景中正发生什么事?The play is divided into 3 acts, and each act has 3 scenes.这个剧分为三幕,每一幕又有三个场景。这个剧分为三幕,每一幕又有三个场景。The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。词语辨析词语辨析scene, scenery, sight & v

5、iew1)scene是是常常用用词词,指指局局部部的的或或周周围围的的环环境境、风风景景、景景色色,尤尤其其与与观观看看者者看看法法无无关关,也也可可指指戏戏剧剧、电电影影、小小说说等等场场景、布景。景、布景。There were distressing scenes when the earthquake occurred.当地震发生后到处都是悲惨的景象。当地震发生后到处都是悲惨的景象。2)scenery指指一一个个地地区区的的总体体形形象象,尤尤指指农村村中中风景景优美美、有自然特色的地方,有自然特色的地方,为不可数名不可数名词。We passed through many beautif

6、ul scenery on our journey through the Lake District.我我们在穿越湖泊区的旅途中,看到了不少美在穿越湖泊区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。的景色。3)sight作作“景景物物;游游览胜地地”解解时用用复复数数形形式式,表表示示各各种种各各样引引人人兴趣趣的的地地方方,尤尤其其在在城城里里;作作“情情景景、景景象象”解解时常用常用单数。数。They are seeing the sights.他他们在参在参观游游览。She enjoyed seeing the sights in Shanghai.她喜她喜欢浏览上海名上海名胜。The sunse

7、t was a beautiful sight.日落是一种美日落是一种美丽的景象。的景象。4)view是是可可数数名名词,表表示示从从某某处可可见到到的的远景景,重重点点指指你能你能够看到的部分。看到的部分。Youll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill.从山从山顶上你可以相当清楚地看到城上你可以相当清楚地看到城镇的全景。的全景。The house has a view over the sea.这座房子面向大海,座房子面向大海,视野开野开阔。即学即用即学即用(1)The little boy came riding ful

8、l speed down the motorway on his bicycle. _it was!AWhat a dangerous sceneBWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous sceneDHow dangerous the scene(2)Im sorry to see the terrible_after the earthquake.AscenesBsceneryCscare Dspot(3)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common_in many parts

9、 of the city.Alook BsignCsight Dappearance答案:答案:(1)A(2)A(3)C解解析析:(1)本本题考考查了了scene的的用用法法。作作为“场面面;场景景”来来讲时,它它是是一一个个可可数数名名词。在在感感叹句句中中用用what来来修修饰名名词。2starve v. (使使)挨饿;挨饿;(使使)饿死;渴望饿死;渴望Thousands of people could starve if the crops fail again.如果庄稼再次欠收,成千上万的人就要挨饿。如果庄稼再次欠收,成千上万的人就要挨饿。The dog looked like it

10、had been starved.这条狗看上去像是饿坏了。这条狗看上去像是饿坏了。Shes lonely, and starving for companionship.她很寂寞,渴望友谊。她很寂寞,渴望友谊。知识拓展知识拓展1)starve常用词组:常用词组:starve to death 饿死饿死starve for news 渴望消息渴望消息starve for(be starved of)渴望;极需;缺乏渴望;极需;缺乏starve sb. into 用饥饿迫使用饥饿迫使2)starvation n. 饥饿;饿死饥饿;饿死The poor old man died of starvat

11、ion.那个可怜的老人被饿死了。那个可怜的老人被饿死了。3)英英语中的各种中的各种“死死”:即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子这株植物因为极度缺乏光照而死了。这株植物因为极度缺乏光照而死了。The plant _ _ _ light and died.答案:答案:was starved of3cruel adj. 冷酷的;残忍的;残暴的冷酷的;残忍的;残暴的I cant stand people who are cruel to animals.我无法容忍虐待动物的人。我无法容忍虐待动物的人。The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip.残暴的主人鞭打

12、他的奴隶。残暴的主人鞭打他的奴隶。知识拓展知识拓展be cruel to 对对残忍残忍(冷酷无情冷酷无情)It is cruel of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事太残忍某人做某事太残忍cruelty n. 残酷,残忍;残暴的行为残酷,残忍;残暴的行为cruelly adv. 残忍残忍/暴地、冷酷地暴地、冷酷地即学即用即学即用用用cruel的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。The_of the_stepmother made the girl mad because she always treated her_.答案:答案:cruelty, cruel, cruelly1He de

13、scribed life in the middle of the 19th century, a period that is now called Victorian, as it is when Queen Victoria ruled Britain.他他描描绘绘了了19世世纪纪中中叶叶人人民民的的生生活活,那那时时维维多多利利亚亚女女皇皇统统治着英国,那个时代被称为治着英国,那个时代被称为“维多利亚时代维多利亚时代”。这这是是一一个个非非常常复复杂杂的的主主从从复复合合句句,主主句句为为He described life in the middle of the 19th centu

14、ry, a period是是the 19th century的的同同位位语语,that is now called Victorian是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰a period。as引引导导原原因因状状语语从从句句,在在这这个个原原因因状状语从句中,又有语从句中,又有when引导的表语从句。引导的表语从句。即学即用即学即用The site_the bridge is supposed to be built should be_the crossriver traffic is the heaviest.Awhich; one where Bat which; at one whichCa

15、t which; one where Dwhich; one in which答案:答案:C2Oliver is a poor orphan boy who lives with other children in a large house called a workhouse.奥奥利利弗弗是是个个穷穷苦苦的的孤孤儿儿,他他和和其其他他的的孩孩子子住住在在被被称称作作济济贫院的大房子里。贫院的大房子里。1)who lives with other children.是是以以关关系系代代词词who引引导导的的定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰a poor orphan boy。关关系系代代词词在在从从

16、句句中作主语。中作主语。The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam.学习不努力的学生将不能通过考试。学习不努力的学生将不能通过考试。2)called a workhouse是是过去去分分词短短语作作定定语,修修饰a large house。在。在这里表示被里表示被动意意义。Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.大多数被邀大多数被邀请参加晚会的人都是有名的科学家。参加晚会的人都是有名的科学家。The meeting held yesterda

17、y was of great importance.昨天昨天举行的会行的会议很重要。很重要。高考链接高考链接(1)Alexander tried to get his work_in the medical circles.Ato recognize BrecognizingCrecognize Drecognized解解析析:题题意意:亚亚历历山山大大设设法法使使得得他他的的工工作作在在医医学学圈圈里里得得到承认。本题考查到承认。本题考查get sth. done结构,故结构,故D项正确。项正确。答案:答案:D(2)Im calling to enquire about the positi

18、on_in yesterdays China Daily.Aadvertised Bto be advertisedCadvertising Dhaving advertised解解析析:题意意:我我在在电话查询昨昨天天在在中中国国日日报上上作作广广告告的的那那个个工工作作岗位位。此此题考考查过去去分分词短短语作作定定语的的用用法法。“advertised in.”表表示示动作作既既被被动又又完完成成,意意为“被被做做广广告告的的”;B项表表示示将将来来时态,不不对;C、D两两项是主是主动语态,不,不对。答案:答案:A(3)Now that weve discussed our problem

19、, are people happy with the decisions_?Ataking BtakeCtaken Dto take解解析析:句句意意为“现在在,我我们已已经讨论了了问题, 人人们满意意已已做做出出的的决决定定吗?”take 与与the decisions之之间存存在在逻辑上上的的动宾关系,故用关系,故用过去分去分词表示被表示被动。答案:答案:C(4)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit_on his own farm.Agrown Bbeing grownCto be grown Dto grow解解析析:本本题题意意:至至于于早早餐餐,他他只只饮用用从从他他自自己己的的农场里里种种植植的的新新鲜水水果果里里所所榨榨取取的的果果汁汁。本本题考考查过去去分分词短短语作作后后置置定定语的的用用法法,相相当当于于定定语从从句句which/that is grown on his own farm.答案:答案:A即学即用即学即用The prize of the game show is $ 30,000 and all expenses_vacation to China.Apaying BpaidCto be paid Dbeing paid答案:答案:B



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