2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M7 unit 19《Language》(第2课时)

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《2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M7 unit 19《Language》(第2课时)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M7 unit 19《Language》(第2课时)(43页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part 2 Of 22013届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用10. provided (that) 如果,条件是 类似表达:as long as; unless; if; on condition (that); only if We shall go provided / providing that the weather is fine. 只要天晴, 我们就去。 1. 只要你先把作业做完,你就可以出去玩。 _ _ _2. 只要你星期五前能把钱还给我,我就借给你。 (一句多译) _ _You can go out to play pro

2、vided / providing that you finish your homework first.Provided / Providing that you pay me back by Friday, I will lend you the money. _ _ _ _ _As / So long as you pay me back by Friday, I will lend you the money. On condition that you pay me back by Friday, I will lend you the money. Unless you pay

3、me back by Friday, I wont lend you the money. Only if you pay me back by Friday, I will lend you the money. 11. in case 以防万一,以免 后面可接从句,也可不接句子,常与just搭配 构成just in case,表示“以防万一”。 Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把电话号码写下来以免忘了。 in any case 无论如何,总之in case of sth. 若发生某事,假如in no case 在任何情

4、况下决不,无论如何都不in that case 既然那样,若是那样的话In any case you must arrive there on time.无论如何你必须按时到达那里。 Press this button in case of fire.若遇火灾按下此钮。 I will reveal your secret in no case.我决不会泄漏你的秘密。You dont like your job? In that case, why dont you leave? 你不喜欢这份工作?既然那样你怎么不辞职呢?1. _traffic jam, you should walk to s

5、chool.2. Its usually not cold there, but youd better take some warm clothes _.3. Dont trust him. He will keep his promise _.4. She said she wouldnt give up _.In case of(just) in casein no casein any case5. _I may forget about the appointment, Ive already asked my sister to remind me.6. 带把伞吧,以防下雨。 _7

6、. 不管怎样我们都要经过你的家,所以我们会送 你回去。 _ _ In caseTake an umbrella, in case it rains.We have to go past your house in any case, so well take you home. 1. But sadly, the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an Englishspeaking country are small. 但遗憾的是,很少有人有机会生活在讲英语 的国家。 句中that引导的从句是同位语从句。定语从句

7、 与同位语从句的最大区别是:在定语从句中, 引导词that要充当句子成分;而在同位语从句 中,引导词that不充当任何句子成分。The news that they won the match is true.(同位语从句)他们比赛获胜的消息是真的。The news that you told me yesterday is true.(定语从句)你昨天告诉我的消息是真的。 2. Therefore, most of us have to rely on what we can learn at school as part of the school curriculum. 因而, 大多数人

8、还是得靠学校的语言课程来 学习外语的。 what we can learn at school 整个句子作介词on 的宾语,是宾语从句。你能指望Rose为我们所做的一切吗?Can you count on _?what Rose has done for us 3. What this means is that they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the students through various mediums. 这就意味着确保通过不同的媒介向学生传达 足够量的英语输入信

9、息。what this means是由what引导的名词性从句在句中作主语,叫主语从句,谓语动词用单数is。conveyed to the students through various mediums是过去分词短语作定语,修饰名词English。1. 他所说的跟他所做的不一致。 _does not agree with _.2. 他喜欢木筷子。 He likes the chopsticks _.What he has saidwhat he has donemade of wood健康与饮食健康与饮食(读写任务读写任务) “健康就是幸福,人人健康,国家富强”这句话正说明了健康的重要性。健

10、康的身体,是学习、工作、生活的基本保证。 饮食健康指各种食物食品、汤水饮料的介绍、健康饮食、绿色食品、饮食文化、快餐、饮食习惯与喜好;健身与锻炼、保健、个人卫生、各种疾病与防治、意外事故、医疗保险,财富与健康等等。健康与饮食这个话题在读写任务中常常涉及西式快餐的利与弊;饮食习惯;中西饮食对比;锻炼与健康;你对健康食品的认识;你为什么喜欢某种饮食;怎样保持心理健康;怎样保持身体健康;什么是真正的健康;医疗保险;你对“绿色食品”的认识;分析人们越来越热衷于“绿色食品”的原因,以及怎样才能保证“绿色食品”的质量等问题。实用表达:suffer from 遭受, 患上nearsighted 近视的fee

11、l stressed/depressed 感到紧张/沮丧have a pain in 某处疼痛mentally unhealthy 心理不健康的physical and psychological health身心健康relax oneself 自我轻松relieve pressure 缓解压力go on diet 节食proper diet 恰当的饮食take three meals on time 按时吃三餐eat much junk food 吃很多的垃圾食品(un)healthy eating habits (不)健康的饮食习惯be high / low / rich in 含量高/低

12、/丰富be optimistic / pessimistic about 对乐观/悲观physical and mental condition 生理和心理状况feel weak / well / terrible 感觉虚弱/健康/很糟face difficulties with courage 勇敢面对困难 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Shanghai health authorities, which are busy inspecting thousands of restaurants around the city before the lunar N

13、ew Years Eve next week, are suggesting diners break with Chinese tradition during the most important holiday of the year. Health officials are suggesting restaurants serve food on separate dishes to each customer instead of using the traditional method of serving one big dish that everyone can help

14、themselves from. While many eateries did that last spring during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak to prevent spreading the virus, the practice quickly ended when the disease was brought under control. “New Years dinner is a gettogether for relatives and friends. Serving separate dishes

15、 may destroy the cozy atmosphere, ” said a manager surnamed Zhu at Shanghai Xinghualou Restaurant on downtown Fuzhou Road. “We provide such service only if customers ask for it. Normally, we provide public chopsticks and spoons,” said Zhu. A growing number of restaurants are now providing serving sp

16、oons and chopsticks, which is more hygienic than allowing everyone to use their own chopsticks and spoons. “Eating together from a big plate is a tradition for Chinese. Since it is a family party and all the people are relatives, it is awkward to eat from separate dishes,” said Zhang Lin, a 42yearol

17、d woman. 【写作内容写作内容】1概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约为30;2然后以约120词记叙自己与他人聚餐的一次经历,并包括以下的内容要点:(1)记叙一次自己与他人聚餐的经历;(2)你当时的感受;(3)简要谈谈你如何看待中国的餐桌习惯。这是一篇新闻报道,在概括时要包含以下几点:1. Shanghai health authorities are inspecting and urging restaurants to serve food separately to guests.2. The purpose of doing so.3. The reaction of rest

18、aurants and diners.抓住要点后,还要进行句式和结构上的调整。在记叙自己曾经与他人聚餐的经历前,可以加上一个过渡句,起承上启下的作用,如The report reminds me of my dining experience with Toms family.在写自己的经历时,要注意记叙文的“六要素”:when/where/who/how/what/why。在谈及自己的感受时要注意体会和启示要和事例相符合,不能脱节。在谈你对中国的餐桌习惯时,最好能明确表明自己的观点,也可加上简单的原因分析。 To guarantee a hygienic(卫生的) lunar New Yea

19、r, Shanghai health authorities are inspecting and urging restaurants to serve food separately to guests, which is not eagerly accepted by either restaurants or diners.The report reminds me of my dining experience with Toms family. My parents were away and I had to take care of myself. One day after

20、school, Tom suddenly stopped me on my way to a small fast food restaurant, saying that he had noticed me eat out those days and insisting on taking me home to dine with him. Gratefully, I followed him home.Toms family, indeed, was very hospitable. For the whole meal, they kept busy working for me. T

21、here was no such moment as silence for they talked and laughed even with their mouths full of food. Seeing me just eating from the two plates in front, Toms grandparents, who sat beside me, constantly stood up and conveyed what was described as delicious into my bowl with their own chopsticks. How e

22、mbarrassed I was! Seeing their mouth water flying in the air and the food served in my bowl, I didnt know whether to eat it or not. I do support the suggestion of Shanghai health authorities that we break with traditional Chinese table manners especially when dining with strangers because they can s

23、ometimes be really unhygienic.Health or Wealth? Which is more important, health or wealth? When given this question, different people have various answers. Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.The first group of people

24、quote the old saying “Health is above wealth.” to prove their idea. They argue that, on one hand, a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard. On the other hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.In contrast, the advocates of

25、 wealth have such arguments as follows. For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy more healthy foods. For another, they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health. Take my neighbor as an example. He had a heart attack and is in hospital. However, he cannot afford the expensive opera

26、tion, which costs as much as 100,000 yuan. Therefore, he has to lie in bed hopelessly. If he were a rich man, his life could be saved. As far as I am concerned, both health and wealth are important to our life. We should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body. 【写作内容

27、】假设你现在是学校健康周刊的记者,你要撰写一篇以健康为题的报道。1以约30字概括短文的内容。2就Health这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下内容要点,该部分的字数为120左右。(1)你对健康的看法;(2)如何保持健康;(3)用你自己的做法说明如何保持健康。 【写作要求】作文可使用实例或其他论述方式支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_ One possible version: Different people have different opinions on health and wealth, while the author considers kee

28、ping a balance between them most important. Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy? In my opinion, it is essential to take some exercise every day. It strengthens the heart, reduces the chance of heart attack, and helps lower blood pressure. Thats why

29、 more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercise. Through sports and exercise, people become healthier and stronger. Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health, so I usually eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork. Meanwhile, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure ones health a great deal, and therefore should be given up.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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