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1、Veins n Convey blood back to the atriums from the capillariesn Larger cavity, thinner wall, lower pressure, slower flown Consist of two sets of vessels, the pulmonary 肺部肺部veins and systemic 全身全身veinsvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Systemic veins Superficial表皮表皮 veins and deep深层深层 veinsn Superficial veins l Lies i

2、n the subcutaneous皮下皮下 fascia, not paired with artery l Cooling降温降温 of the bodyl Used for transfuse输血输血, catheterize and phlebotomize vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Deep veins l Accompany the arteries with the same name and same supplying areal Usually two or three in numberl Carry the vast majority of the blood

3、 vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Venous valve静脉瓣静脉瓣n Paired, semilunar半月形半月形, open towards the heartn Numerous多多 in the limbs四肢四肢, especially in the lower limbsn A few or absent in head, neck, thorax, abdomen肚子肚子 and pelvis骨盆骨盆Varicosity静静脉曲张脉曲张 vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚The Systemic VeinsDivided into three groupsn Superior

4、vena cava and its tirbutaries支流支流. n Inferior vena cava and its tributaries including hepatic肝门静肝门静脉脉 portal vein and its tributaries . n Veins of the heart.vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Superior vena cavan Drains 排走排走the blood from the head, neck, upper limb, thorax and part of the abdominal walln Formed by righ

5、t and left brachiocephalic头臂头臂 veinsn Receives the azygos单奇单奇 veinSuperior vena cavaBrachiocephalic veinAzygos veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Brachiocephalic veinn Formed by internal固有固有 jugular vein and subclavian vein behind the sternoclavicular joint胸锁骨胸锁骨关节关节n The angle of the union联联合合 is termed the venou

6、s angle静脉角静脉角Internal jugular veinSubclavian veinVenous anglevein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Internal jugular veinn Begins at the jugular foramen颈静脉孔颈静脉孔n Intra-cranial tributaries 内内颅侧支流颅侧支流Collects blood from the meninges, skull, brainn Extra-cranial tributaries Collects blood from superficial parts of face and m

7、uch of the neckn Keeps openSigmoid sinusInternal jugular veinBrachiocephalic veinJugular foramenvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Facial脸脸 veinn Begins at the medial angle of the eyen Receives the anterior division of the retromandibular下颌后静脉下颌后静脉 veinn Drains into the internal jugular vein n Collects the blood from

8、the anterior part of facevein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Angular具梭具梭 veindeep facial veinpterygoid venous plexusFacia脸脸l veininternal jugular vein cavernous sinussuperior and inferior ophthalmic眼眼 veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Facial vein has no valves above the corners of the mouthn Facial Infection may lead to intracrani

9、al inflammations 颅内颅内发炎发炎through connections with cavernous sinusn “dangerous area”, dont sqeeze the acnevein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Retromandibular vein superficial temporal vein maxillary vein retromandibular veinposterior auricular vein external jugular vein internal jugular veinfacial vein pterygoid venous

10、plexus common facial vein 48vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚External jugular veinThe greatest superficial vein in the neckInternal jugular veinSubclavian veinExternal jugular veinJugular filling resulted from right heart failure衰衰竭竭vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚basilic vein cephalic vein Superficial 表面表面veins of upper limbDorsal

11、背部背部 venous rete网网 of handvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Cephalic头侧头侧 veinn Begins in the radial 桡骨桡骨part of the dorsal venous rete of handn Ascends along the radial side廉廉n Pierces the deep fascia to join in the axillary腋窝腋窝 vein or subclavian veinAxillary veinCephalic veinPectoralis majorDeltoidvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚B

12、asilic veinn Begins in the ulnar 尺侧尺侧part of the dorsal venous rete of hand n Ascends to the medial side of the biceps二头肌二头肌n End in the brachial 臂臂veinMedian cubital 肘肘veinCommonly is seleceted for phlebotomize Basilic veinMedian cubital veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Azygos vein奇静脉奇静脉n Arises from the right

13、ascending lumbar腰腰veinn Drains into the superior vena cavan Collects blood of the right posterior intercostal veins, esophageal vein, accessory hemiazygos and hemiazygos veins, the right bronchial支气支气管管veinAzygos veinAscending lumbar veinSuperior vena cavaInferior vena cavavein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Hemiazygos

14、 veinn Arises from the left ascending lumbar veinn Cross the column 柱柱to end in the azygos 奇奇veinAccessory hemiazygos veinJoins the hemiazygos vein or azygos veinHemiazygos veinAscending lumbar veinAccessroy hemiazygos veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Inferior vena cavan The largest venous trunkn Formed by the u

15、nion of the two common iliac 髂髂veinsn Passes through the vena caval foramen of the diaphragm,隔板隔板 ends in the right atrium心房心房n Collects the blood from the lower limbs, pelvis and abdomenvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Superficial veins of the lower limbSmall saphenous veinn Begins from the lateral dorsal venous ar

16、ch弓弓n Drains into the popliteal veinsmall saphenous vein popliteal vein Dorsal venous archvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Great saphenous veinn Begins from the medial dorsal venous archn Ascends along the medial side of legn Drains into the femoral veinGreat saphenous vein Femoral vein Saphenous hiatusvein-lymph静脉淋

17、巴组胚great saphenous vein superficial lateral femoral vein superficial medial femoral vein external pudendal vein superficial epigastric vein superficial iliac circumflex vein Tributaries支流支流 of the great saphenous veinfemoral vein vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Tributaries of the inferior vena cavaParietal tributar

18、iesn Lumbar veinl Ascending lumbar veinlumbar veinascending lumbar vein vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Visceral tributaries内脏支流内脏支流Testicular veinn Formed by pampiniform 蔓状蔓状plexus in spermatic cord精索精索vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Right testicular vein drains into the inferior vena cava at an acute anglen Left testicular vei

19、n drains into the left renal vein at a right angleTesticular veinsvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Ovarian veinn Right ovarian vein drains into the inferior vena cavan Left ovarian vein drains into the left renal veinOvarian veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Renal veinn Drains into the inferior vena cavan The left renal vein is l

20、onger than the right renal veinn The left renal vein receives the left testicular vein( or left ovarian vein) and the left suprarenal veinSuprarenal veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Hepatic 肝肝veinsn Including right, middle, left hepatic veinsn Submerged in the livern Drains into the inferior vena cavan Collect t

21、he blood from the hepatic portal vein and the proper hepatic arteryvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Hepatic portal veinn Formed by the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic脾脾 vein behind the neck of the pancreasn Ascends behind the common bile duct and the proper hepatic artery to the hilum of livern Divides into

22、 left and right stemsvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Collects the blood from the abdominal part of the digestive canal (except the anal canal), and blood from the pancreas, the spleen and the gallbladdern Between the capillaries of the alimentary canal and the sinusoid of the livervein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Superior mesen

23、teric veinn Splenic veinSuperior mesenteric veinSplenic veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Inferior mesenteric veinl Drains into the splenic vein or the superior mesenteric veinl Connects with the inferior rectal vein and anal vein through the rectal venous plexus Inferior rectal veinAnal veinSuperior rectal vei

24、nRectal venous plexusvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Left gastric 胃胃veinConnects with the esophageal vein through esophageal venous plexusHemiazygos veinAzygos veinLeft gastric veinEsophageal veinEsophageal venous plexusvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Right gastric veinn Cystic veinright gastric veincystic veinvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚

25、Paraumbilical veinsBegin in the periumbilical venous rete, runs along the ligamentum teresvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚the anastomoses between the hepatic portal venous system and vena cava system A. the anastomoses through the esophageal venous plexus B. the anastomoses through the rectal venous plexus C. the a

26、nastomoses through the periumbilical venous retehepatic portal v. left gastric v. esophageal venous plexus esophageal v. azygos v. superior vena cava hepatic portal v. splenic v. inferior mesenteric v. superior rectal v. rectal venous plexus inferior rectal v. and anal v. internal iliac v. common il

27、iac v. inferior vena cava hepatic portal v. paraumbilical v. periumbilical venous rete the following routes:1.superficial epigastric v. great saphenous v. femoral v. ex ternal iliac v. common iliac v. inferior vena cava2. thoracoepigastric v. lateral thoracic v. axillary v. subclavian v. brachioceph

28、alic v. superior vena cava3. superior epigastric v. internal thoracic v. brachiocephalic v. superior vena cava4.inferior epigastric v. external iliac v. common iliac v. inferior vena cava vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Esophageal veinEsophageal venous plexusazygos veinCommon iliac veinLateral thoracic veinInternal

29、 thoracic veinSuperficial epigastric veinInferior epigastric veinPeriumbilical venous reteSuperior epigastric veinSuperior vena cavaInferior vena cavaInferior rectal veinanal veinSuperior rectal veinLeft gastric veinHepatic portal veinRectal venous plexusthoracoepigastric veinparaumbilical veinvein-

30、lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Portal hypertension, a major complication of cirrhosisn The collateral pathways will open up, and the anastomotic veins become dilated and varicosen Hemorrhage of upper digestive tract due to the dilation of esophageal venous plexus n Hemorrhoids due to the dilation of rectal venous ple

31、xusn “Caput medusae” due to the dilation of periumbilical venous retevein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Shunt between hepatic portal vein and inferior vena cavavein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚The lymphatic systemlymph conducting channels lymphatic capillarieslymphatic vesselslymphatic trunkslymphatic ductslymphoid tissues diffused ly

32、mphoid tissueslymph nodules结结 lymphoid organs lymph nodesTonsils扁桃体扁桃体Thymus胸腺胸腺 spleen vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚functionsn removal of tissue fluid (20%-25%)n absorbs and transports fat as chyle to the circulatory system n contains immune cells called lymphocytes which protect the body against antigens 抗原抗原(

33、viruses, bacteria, etc.)elephantiasis resulted from filariasisvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚The lymph conducting channelsThe lymphatic capillariesn begins as dilated blind end and form network in tissue spacesn the wall consists of a single layer of overlapping endothelial cells with wide intercellular space endo

34、thelial cell anchoring filament vein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Lymphatic vesselsn more numerous valves than those in veins, permit lymph to flow in only one direction and give lymphatic vessels a beaded appearancen arranged into a superficial set and a deep set within the bodyn superficial lymphatic vessels are in

35、 the superficial fascian deep lymphatic vessels are beneath the deep fasciavein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Lymphatic trunksn lumbar trunkl receive the lymph from the lower limbs, the walls and viscera of the pelvis, the kidneys, the suprarenal glands and the deep lymphatics of the greater part of the abdominal wall

36、l the lumbar trunks empty into the cisterna chylilumbar trunkcisterna chylivein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Intestinal trunkl unpairedl receives the lymph from the stomach, intestine, the pancreas, spleen and liverl empties lymph into the cisterna chyliintestinal trunkcisterna chylivein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Jugular trunkdrain

37、s the head and neck Subclavian trunk drains the upper limbBronchomediastinal trunk drains the thorax, lung and the heartthe left trunks empty into the thoracic ductthe right trunks empty into the right lymphatic ductjugular trunksubclavian trunkBronchomediastinal trunkvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Lymphatic ductn

38、 Thoracic ductl the largest lymphatic vessell arises from the cisterna chylil traverses the diaphragm at the aortic aperture主动脉空主动脉空 l in neck is joined by the left jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks l drains into the left venous anglel collects most of the lymph in the bodyvein-lymph

39、静脉淋巴组胚Cisterna chylin a dilated sac at the lower end of the thoracic duct into which lymph from the intestinal trunk and two lumbar trunks flown situated in front of the first lumbar vertebral bodyCisterna chyliThoracic ductvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚n Right lymphatic ductl formed by the union of the right jug

40、ular trunk, right subclavian trunk and right bronchomediastinal trunkl drains into the right venous anglel collects the lymph from the right upper limb, the right side of the neck, head, thorax, heart and the right lungvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚Lymphoid organslymph nodes n distributed widely and linked by lymphatic vesselsn filter lymphatic fluid, and store lymphocytesn become enlarged in various conditionsvein-lymph静脉淋巴组胚



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