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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂连连 词词 连词是是连接接单词、短、短语或句子或句子(包括从句与分句包括从句与分句)的的词。连词是一种虚是一种虚词,不能,不能单独作句子成分。下面主要比独作句子成分。下面主要比较but与与however,although与与while,它,它们都表示前后之都表示前后之间是是转折或折或对比比转折的关系。折的关系。一、一、but与与however1but表示表示转折、折、对比、比、对照,照,语气最气最强强,常位于句子的,常位于句子的开开头。He was very angry but he controlled himself.他非常生气,但他控制住了自己。他非常生气

2、,但他控制住了自己。Im sorry, but I cant help you with the problem.很抱歉,我不能帮助你解决很抱歉,我不能帮助你解决这个个问题。点津点津but不能与不能与although/though共用;另外共用;另外but常用于常用于Im sorry, but .与与Excuse me, but .结构中。构中。2however(1)however常位于句子中常位于句子中间,有,有时在句首,后有逗号隔开。在句首,后有逗号隔开。He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentra

3、te.他感他感觉不舒服,但他仍然去上班,并努力集中精力。不舒服,但他仍然去上班,并努力集中精力。They had worked hard. However, they didnt finish the task.他他们很努力工作了,然而很努力工作了,然而还是没有完成任是没有完成任务。(2)however除了表示除了表示转折之外,折之外,还可引可引导让步状步状语从句,从句,意思是意思是“不管多么,不管怎不管多么,不管怎样,无,无论如何如何”,相当于,相当于no matter how。However late he is, his family will wait for him to have

4、dinner together.无无论多晚,他的家人多晚,他的家人总是等他一起吃晚是等他一起吃晚饭。You should try to get a good nights sleep however much work you have to do.无无论有多少工作需要做,你都有多少工作需要做,你都应该尽量睡个好尽量睡个好觉。 考题印证考题印证11(2012湖南高考湖南高考)_ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.AHowever BWhateverCWhich

5、ever DWhenever解析:解析: 考考查连词。句意:无。句意:无论你多么努力,如你多么努力,如果不减少果不减少饮食,那么减肥是很食,那么减肥是很难做到的。由句意可知做到的。由句意可知选however,意,意为“无无论多么多么”。选A二、二、although/though与与while1although或或though用作用作连词,连接句子,引接句子,引导让步状步状语从句,不能再与从句,不能再与but或或however连用,但可以和用,但可以和still, yet连用。用。Although/Though he likes the girl,(and yet/still)he cant m

6、arry her.虽然他喜然他喜欢她,但他不能与她她,但他不能与她结婚。婚。点津点津though还可用作副可用作副词,意,意为“可是,然而可是,然而”,置于句末。,置于句末。 考题印证考题印证22(2011新课标全国卷新课标全国卷)I dont believe weve met before,_ I must say you do look familiar.Atherefore BalthoughCsince Dunless解析:解析: 考考查连词。句意:。句意:虽然我必然我必须要要说你看你看起来很熟悉,但我相信我起来很熟悉,但我相信我们之前没之前没见过。前后两分句。前后两分句间为转折关系,

7、故折关系,故选although,意,意为“虽然,尽管然,尽管”。选B2while(1)表示表示时间,意,意为“当当的的时候候”。I learned a lot of French while I was in Paris.在巴黎在巴黎时我学了很多法我学了很多法语。(2)表示表示让步,意步,意为“虽然,尽管然,尽管”(although)。While I admit my mistakes, you shouldnt have treated me like that.尽管我承尽管我承认我有我有错误,但你不,但你不应该那那样对我。我。.同同义句句转换(每空一每空一词)1Though I love

8、my students, Im very strict with them. I love my students, Im very strict with them. I love my students, Im very strict with them.I love my students, Im very strict with them.I love my students, Im very strict with them.I love my students. ,Im very strict with them.AlthoughWhilebutyetHowever2Althoug

9、h they are poor, they are warmhearted. ,they are warmhearted. ,they are warmhearted.3However rich people are, they always seem anxious to make more money. people are, they always seem anxious to make more money.PoorthoughtheyareAlthough poorNomatterhow rich.用用but, however, although和和while填空填空1 ,they

10、 did not seem to have much effect.2He drives not carefully slowly.3 many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements.HoweverbutAlthough4He said that it was so; he was mistaken, .5He looks honest, actually hes a rogue(淘气鬼淘气鬼)6He went out for a walk, I stayed at home.7

11、 cold it is, she always goes swimming.8Im frightfully sorry, I cant see you today.howeverbutwhileHoweverbut.单项填空填空1_ the activities might seem childish, in reality they require a lot of strength and determination.AWhenBAsCWhile DOnce解析:解析: 句意:尽管句意:尽管这些活些活动可能可能显得孩子气,得孩子气,但但实际上它上它们需要需要许多力量和决心。多力量和决心。w

12、hile意意为“虽然,然,尽管尽管”。选C2_, he is quite experienced.AAs is he young BAlthough is he youngCYoung as he is DYoung although he is解析:解析: 考考查让步状步状语从句。在从句。在as或或though引引导的的让步状步状语从句中,如果从句中,如果as或或though位于句首位于句首时,可以用,可以用部分倒装。部分倒装。选C3_ well prepared a gymnast is, he still needs a lot of luck in performing.AWhatev

13、er BAlthoughCNo matter DHowever解析:解析: howeverno matter how,“无无论多么多么”,引引导让步状步状语从句。从句。选D4Though he is in his twenties, _ he walks like an old man.Ayet BbutCand Dor解析:解析: though引引导的的让步状步状语从句不能与从句不能与but连用,但是可以和用,但是可以和yet连用。用。选A5He cannot make her believe him _ they have been talking for a long time.Ahow

14、ever BalthoughCif Dno matter解析:解析: 考考查让步状步状语从句。句意:尽管他从句。句意:尽管他们已已经交交谈了很了很长一段一段时间,但是他,但是他还是不能使她相信他。是不能使她相信他。however引引导让步状步状语从句从句时,相当于,相当于no matter how,意,意为“无无论如何如何”。选B6The shop doesnt open until 11 am.,_ it doesnt lose any business because of this.Afor BorCbut Dso解析:解析: 句意:句意:这家商店直到上午家商店直到上午11点才开点才开门

15、,但是并没有因此而失去生意。前后句之但是并没有因此而失去生意。前后句之间是是转折关系,折关系,所以此所以此处用用but。选C7We all admit that breaking a record is fantastic. _, some challenges are not good for peoples health.ATherefore BHoweverCMoreover DFurthermore解析:解析: 句意:我句意:我们都承都承认打破打破纪录是了不起的,然是了不起的,然而,有些挑而,有些挑战对人人们的健康不利。的健康不利。however“然而然而”,符合,符合句意。句意。th

16、erefore“因此因此”;moreover“此外此外”;furthermore“而且而且”。选B8Tom works hard at his lessons. He didnt get the first place in the exam,_.Athough BbutCalthough Dwhile解析:解析: 此此处缺少的是副缺少的是副词,在,在这四个四个选项中,中,though不不仅是是连词还是副是副词,表示,表示“然而然而”时,相当于,相当于however。句意:。句意:汤姆努力学姆努力学习功功课,然而他在考,然而他在考试中中并没有得第一。并没有得第一。选A对比类说明文对比类说明文

17、你的名字叫李你的名字叫李华,你的朋友,你的朋友Mary要代表一家美国公要代表一家美国公司来中国考察投司来中国考察投资,初步,初步选择了两个城市了两个城市无无锡和青和青岛,想想请你就交通、你就交通、资源以及投源以及投资环境三个方面境三个方面对这两个城市两个城市作一下比作一下比较,以便,以便为她提供一些参考。她提供一些参考。请根据提示信息,根据提示信息,给她写一封她写一封邮件,件,100词左右左右(开开头和和结尾已尾已给出出)。城市城市无无锡青青岛交通交通 临近上海,水近上海,水陆交通交通发达达交通便利,有一条与首都交通便利,有一条与首都北京相北京相连的高速公路的高速公路资源源水水资源丰富,有丰富

18、的源丰富,有丰富的矿产资源源自然自然资源丰富,源丰富,电力供力供应充足充足投投资环境境在在过去的去的20年里,无年里,无锡发生了很大的生了很大的变化。近年来化。近年来有很多国外企有很多国外企业前来投前来投资当地政府多方面支持外国当地政府多方面支持外国投投资者者参考参考词汇:考察考察investigation n;投;投资investment n.Dear Mary, Im very glad that you will come to China for an investment investigation. According to your requirements, Ill compa

19、re the two citiesWuxi and Qingdao._ Yours, Li Hua Dear Mary, Im very glad that you will come to China for an investment investigation. According to your requirements, Ill compare the two citiesWuxi and Qingdao. Wuxi is close to Shanghai with developed land and water traffic. The city is rich in wate

20、r and mineral resources, which offers a great advantage to its economic development. There have been great changes in the last twenty years. In recent years, more and more companies come to invest in Wuxi. Qingdao is a modem city with convenient traffic, and there is a freeway connecting Qingdao wit

21、h Beijing. It has rich natural resources, especially the electricity resource. The local government has been doing something to encourage more investors to come here. I think, no matter which city you choose, youll enjoy a friendly investment environment in China. Yours, Li Hua第一段:阐述写作目的,首先表示欢迎,然后说明

22、该信第一段:阐述写作目的,首先表示欢迎,然后说明该信内容。内容。第二、三段:分别介绍无锡和青岛两座城市的交通、资第二、三段:分别介绍无锡和青岛两座城市的交通、资源以及投资环境。源以及投资环境。第四段:表达自己的看法。第四段:表达自己的看法。句用句用is rich in和和which offers .这一定一定语从句,介从句,介绍了了无无锡的的资源。源。句用句用more and more来来说明来无明来无锡投投资的公司之多。的公司之多。、句中运用了句中运用了modern, convenient, rich等亮点等亮点词汇对青青岛的的资源、交通和投源、交通和投资环境境进行了描述。行了描述。句运用句

23、运用no matter which city you choose, youll .这一一让步状步状语从句,表示从句,表示对其投其投资预期的肯定期的肯定态度。度。 对比比类说明文写作的常用明文写作的常用类型:型: 1两者两者对比:文章多采用一般比:文章多采用一般现在在时。 写作格式:写作格式:说明一个明一个对象的各种特征象的各种特征再再说明另一明另一个个对象的各种特征象的各种特征逐点比逐点比较或或对比两个比两个对象的异同。象的异同。 2今昔今昔对比:文章通常用一般比:文章通常用一般现在在时和一般和一般过去去时。 写作格式:主写作格式:主题句句对过去情况的描述去情况的描述对现在在情况的描述情况的

24、描述总结句。句。 3正反正反观点点对比:文章通常采用同一种比:文章通常采用同一种时态。 写作格式:提出写作格式:提出问题介介绍两种不同的两种不同的观点点对两种不同两种不同观点的点的论据逐据逐项进行行对比比结尾加上自己的尾加上自己的观点并点并阐明理由。明理由。 4数据分析数据分析对比:文章通常用一般比:文章通常用一般现在在时和一般和一般过去去时。 写作格式:提出所要写作格式:提出所要说明的明的现象象数据数据对比比得得出出结论。 黄金表达黄金表达 1比较地理位置或历史比较地理位置或历史(地位地位):Shanghai is situated on the estuary of Yangtze Riv

25、er of China while Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta. is an old city with a long history, while . is a relatively new city.Shanghai is the largest industrial city in China while Hong Kong is a global centre of trade2比比较人口、面人口、面积、交通等:、交通等:There are more inhabitants in .

26、 than in ., so it is more crowded in .Hong Kong has a total area of . which is slightly larger than that of Shanghai.In terms of area/population, .is twice (three times .)as .as .The means of transport in .is ., while in ., it depends mostly on .Compared with ., .is more . than . in .3列列举相同点相同点In sp

27、ite of these differences, both cities share many similarities, for example, .Both cities are famous for .The two cities are similar to each other in . 假如你是李假如你是李华,在英国,在英国伦敦留学已敦留学已经1年,年,现在在给国内国内的好友李明写一封信,的好友李明写一封信,谈一一谈伦敦与北京的异同。敦与北京的异同。词数:数:100120。 要点如下:要点如下: 伦敦:汽敦:汽车靠左行;很多人乘小汽靠左行;很多人乘小汽车或地或地铁上班;阴上班;阴

28、天多;每周工作天多;每周工作5天;懂天;懂汉语的人少;学生学的人少;学生学习轻松。松。 北京:汽北京:汽车靠右行;多数人靠右行;多数人骑自行自行车上班;晴天多;上班;晴天多;每周工作每周工作5天;懂英天;懂英语的人多;学生学的人多;学生学习勤勤奋。参考范文参考范文Dear Li Ming, How time flies! It is a year since I came to London for further study. Now I want to tell you some differences between London and Beijing. Here cars are d

29、riven on the left side of the road, but in our country on the right side. Many people here go to work by car or by underground, while most people in Beijing goto work by bike. The climate of Beijing is better than that of London. The weather in Beijing is fine for long periods, but London has so many cloudy days. Workers here work five days a week just as in Beijing. Students here dont make full use of their time and very few people know Chinese. Students in Beijing work hard at their lessons and many people can speak English. Thats all. Best wishes to you.Yours,Li Hua



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