2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit1《Great scientists》Period 3新人教版必修5

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1、 动词过去分去分词和和动词不定式及不定式及动词的的-ing形式称形式称为非非谓语动词,是高中,是高中阶段学段学习的重点内容,也是高考的常考内容之的重点内容,也是高考的常考内容之一。学一。学习过去分去分词时应该注意以下几点:一、了解注意以下几点:一、了解过去分去分词的基本概念。二、掌握的基本概念。二、掌握过去分去分词的基本的用法。三、的基本的用法。三、过去分去分词和和现在分在分词及不定式在具体及不定式在具体应用用时的区的区别。观察下列句子,注意黑体字部分在句中的成分及作用察下列句子,注意黑体字部分在句中的成分及作用He found that it came from the river poll

2、uted by the dirty water from London. 他他发现水是从被水是从被伦敦排出的敦排出的脏水水污染了的河里来的。染了的河里来的。But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但但当当他他想想到到要要帮帮助助那那些些得得了了霍霍乱乱病病的的普普通通百百姓姓时,他他感感到到很很振振奋。句句中的黑体字部分在句中作中的黑体字部分在句中作定定语。句。句中的黑体字部分在中的黑体字部分在句中作句中作表表语。.过去分去分词作定作定语1. 不及物不及物动

3、词的的过去分去分词一般作前置定一般作前置定语,被修,被修饰词与与过去去分分词之之间为主主动关系,但表示关系,但表示动作的完成,相当于作的完成,相当于谓语为完完成成时的定的定语从句。从句。an escaped prisoner = a prisoner who has escaped 一名逃犯一名逃犯developed countries = countries that have developed发达国达国家家the risen sun=the sun which has risen升起的太阳升起的太阳2. 单个及物个及物动词的的过去分去分词一般作前置定一般作前置定语;及物;及物动词短短语的

4、的过去分去分词作定作定语要放在被修要放在被修饰词之后。被修之后。被修饰词与与过去分去分词之之间为被被动及完成的关系,相当于及完成的关系,相当于谓语为被被动语态的定的定语从句。从句。He is a respected teacher. 他是位受人尊敬的老他是位受人尊敬的老师。Teenagers exposed to (=who are exposed to) violence and sex on TV or on the Internet are more likely to commit crimes. 接触暴力和色情接触暴力和色情电视节目和网目和网络内容的青少年极容易犯罪。内容的青少年极容

5、易犯罪。. 过去分去分词作表作表语过去去分分词作作表表语,常常放放在在系系动词be,get,become,grow,turn,remain,seem,appear,feel,look之之后后,这时候候的的过去去分分词常常已已具具备形形容容词的的特特点点,很很多多词的的前前面面可可以以用用quite,very,rather等等副副词修修饰,后后面面常常可可以以接接at,with,about等等介介词,说明主明主语所所处的状的状态。The hall was crowded with (挤满) refugees. Most of middle school students are interest

6、ed in (对感感兴趣趣)pop stars and NBA star players. He appeared (looked, felt )a little excited when he saw his boss. 当他当他见到他的老板到他的老板时,他他显得得(看上去看上去/感到感到)有点激有点激动。The river is badly polluted. 这条河受到了条河受到了严重的重的污染。染。(系表系表结构构)The river was polluted by a paper mill. 这条河被一家造条河被一家造纸厂厂污染了。染了。(被被动语态)1. 句型句型转换Used pl

7、astic can be recycled and reused. Plastic that is used can be recycled and reused. The plan that was put forward by the Trade Union was constructive. The plan put forward by the Trade Union was constructive. Things that are seen are mightier than things that are heard. Things seen are mightier than

8、things heard. You must drink boiled water, or you can buy bottled water. You must drink water that has boiled, or you can buy water that is bottled. 2. 根据英根据英语及及汉语提示完成句子提示完成句子Those who were wounded in the fight (打架受打架受伤的那些人的那些人) were sent to hospital at once. (those) The truck was blocked by a falle

9、n tree (被一棵倒下的被一棵倒下的树挡住了住了). (fall)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit grown on his own farm (自己自己农场里种植的里种植的). (grow)3. 单项填空填空The players _from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. 2011湖南高考湖南高考A. selecting B. to selectC. selected D. having selected【解解

10、析析】选C。考考查非非谓语动词。句句意意:这些些从从全全国国挑挑选出出来来的的选手手都都被被期期待待在在这次次夏夏季季赛事事中中为我我们带来来荣荣誉誉。the players与与select是被是被动关系,故用关系,故用过去分去分词作后置定作后置定语。Throughout history, the language_ by a powerful group spreads across a civilization. A. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. to be spoken【解解析析】选B。考考查非非谓语动词。句句意意:纵观历史史,一一个个强强大大群群

11、体体使使用用的的语言言传播播着着一一种种文文明明。spoken by a powerful group是是过去去分分词短短语作作后后置置定定语,修修饰the language,the language与与speak之之间是被是被动关系。关系。In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. 2010福建高考福建高考A. sticking B. stuckC. to be stuck D. to have stuck【解解析析】选B。remain是是系系动词,后后接接过去去分分

12、词短短语stuck abroad作作表表语,表表明明主主语所所处的的状状态。句句意意为:由由于于火火山山灰灰云的原因,四月份仍有数千度假者滞留在国外。云的原因,四月份仍有数千度假者滞留在国外。He looked at me with an_ look. Obviously he was_. A. interested;interestedB. interesting;interestedC. interested;interestingD. interesting;interesting【解解析析】选A。考考查interest的的非非谓语形形式式作作定定语和和表表语。interesting“有

13、有趣趣的的”,interested“感感兴趣趣的的”。由由句句意意可可知知A项正确。正确。4. 根据根据汉语释义完成句子完成句子老老师对他的回答感到非常他的回答感到非常满意。意。The teacher was very satisfied with his answer. 他他对考考试的的结果很失望。果很失望。He was disappointed at the result of the examination. 他一生致力于科学研究。他一生致力于科学研究。He was devoted to scientific research all his life. 他的女儿嫁他的女儿嫁给了一位有了一位有钱人。人。His daughter was married to a rich man. 他害怕独自一人他害怕独自一人进入那个空房子。入那个空房子。He was frightened of going alone into the empty house. 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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