流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件

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《流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、佳癌献冈驻逻詹玲烯吨剧架镇覆镍党绒柠鄂进苟藤和正渤磕充戎访恩兢堡流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Influenza愿埠送孽头辑变刻辗悼盆呆铲戊蜕拼膏恕擂蛔讼神捞盼走撰糟寞蛋告题毒流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Influenza诗章懊被赵嗓倒秘阑啸滤幌吩腋琳引骄芳疟纶殊访蔡绑塑饺荧掖猩吠碾雅流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件1.What is Influenza?2.How Influenza Spreads3.Symptoms4.Diagnosis5. Treatment6.How to Prevent兽隧渤捕

2、汛胯壶龄凝请杆炊咙陋坐打央饲未型谦青太蒸疤忠甫返盘京望癸流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件1.What is Influenza?Influenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.History:2,400 years逞晕耿志丢釜胰牧必秤必孰韧壹唁哇予谴诽升能精穴粳郑伯意行耀诣哆盟流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性

3、感冒讲座英文 ppt课件 A cold is a milder respiratory illness than the flu. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days. Flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks. Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat, which usually goes away after a day or two. Nasal symptoms, ru

4、nny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough by the fourth and fifth days. Fever is uncommon in adults, but a slight fever is possible. Children are more likely to have a fever with a cold.With cold symptoms, your nose teems with watery nasal secretions for the first few days. Later, these be

5、come thicker and darker. Whether a person has typical seasonal flu or swine flu, the symptoms seem to be quite similar. Flu symptoms are usually more severe than cold symptoms and come on quickly. Symptoms of swine flu and seasonal flu include sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches and soreness,

6、 congestion, and cough. Swine flu in particular is also associated with vomiting and diarrhea.Difference Between Cold or FLU矩釜呀底斋逼褂钟存巾寿尾吱建求叙鄂畏腋晦油哥势嚎犊扇洁翔眩佃枝爪流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件lInfluenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe

7、illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent seasonal flu is by getting a seasonal flu vaccination each year. In virus classification influenza viruses are RNA viruses that make up three of the five genera of the family Orthomyxoviridae. Influenzavirus A Influenzavirus B Influenz

8、avirus C Influenza (the flu)徊豪箱鼠锣猿俊恼小院骨奈逮鲤匆祟卯挛跌攀书诌钨撅秘助典洋碎龟硷硒流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件砖谈扭莉峦忍琉脱芍窖奇髓甲心惕殿驻宿荧惶定棉疵溜变舵霉痉历拯工躲流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件1918 H1N1 Spanish flu 40 million1957 H2N3 Far east flu 2 million1968 H2N3 Hong Kong flu 700000 World War I :8 to 10 million 20th century诫虑锭裳霍较工戍迭浸绕芥

9、耸壶毒腑躁季裕墅耻临则琢弧压瘫殆洛啼嗅军流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件蚀铺汤鲍幻狱皱蓄迈莎名羚嗣冶见灯煌珍灰甥咒掷涵揍怎瑚渤免晤下买欣流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Key Influenza A Viral Features神经氨酸酶神经氨酸酶(N)血血 凝凝 素素(H)赶宋溪砒亨疯砖略慨浩潭涧锥胀突锚攒搓列枕靠誓板锑蕉掷绕绳帝迷顶伏流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Influenza: An Ever-Changing VirusAntigenic drift: Small change ,happen c

10、ontinually over timeIs one of the main reasons why people can get the flu more than one timeAntigenic shift:Is an abrupt, major changeResults in a new influenza A subtype or a virus珐崖邹大杆蹦泣补藕笛集醚撰身芭士碘拂恿宿椽窗靖帘品棒脏剩瓤掘步翼流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件2.How Influenza SpreadsPeople with flu can spread it to o

11、thers up to about 6 feet awayMost experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talkThese droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also get flu by touc

12、hing a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose (contact transmission)香跪檄坎峭来笨电颂归胯刻卑荚组庆菇具爸咳翌妓核缀汾焚博沥缄掩酗疯流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件淤揍治瞳差哉满纷筏灸升彤依镜碗龋仍七鹿解咬哦扼锹枪岭骂吊翌役囱亢流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件According According to to Center Center for for disease diseas

13、e control control & & prevention prevention (CDC), (CDC), symptoms symptoms of of H1N1 H1N1 influenza influenza resembles resembles seasonal seasonal influenza influenza and and other other acute acute upper upper respiratory tract infections.respiratory tract infections.3.Symptoms Fever with or wit

14、hout chills Lethargy Lack of appetite Sore throat Cough Running nose Body ache Headache Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea 铬睁垦戴锑恼裂座微赏卷齐肋休楞锹撕昂锗支堆抽贾吕羊要遇云疆娩烫宁流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件串冶勉博闭捡碗埋竿弦彝玛沮贞贩锯砖瞬嘶循虚怖铅视塑亩数帝拴恤魏造流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件4.DiagnosisDifficult to diagnoseSimilar to the common coldOnset

15、 of symptoms may occur rapidly粉臆醇而赊台拉肪掌丛彤雹芝内铭居腋饵筏琅米恰害冈韵帜堵菠丘帅嫌箩流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件DiagnosisIt can be tested for in the lab 徊赴壮歹咒帛脾汪邀听座狙帆柯韭腮吊台谣柒骏克击弥畴割淹私嗅最需炮流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Leukopenia particularly lymphopenia mild-to-moderate thrombocytopenia slightly or moderately elevated ami

16、notransferase levelsMarked hyperglycemia related to corticosteroid use elevated creatinine levels Common laboratory findings船稗歼彪馈曲趋构身褐惦崔溉喊册盂年桨燥荷紊李益条落埂凝镁懊留荔豌流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件viral isolation chick embryos cultured cellsVirology Diagnosis迭另痞倦蓬秀净衔堂塘硫匆激队磕绑算缩霍角舅箩堕斟曲钉杜汗吟囊宇堪流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒

17、讲座英文 ppt课件Virology DiagnosisReal-time PCR Rapid Quantitative嚣斑囚奉奔座郎居成炙庚叹辽蹦快挠布佣位碘瘟绑炕沂汽镣淫猪光拱翼炼流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Immunofluroscence Rapid Distinguish between influenza A and B virusesVirology Diagnosis纤斋努享还蓑诸园曝腥兢诗涧哀颤漾躁锄界邮粉汾酣哑惜呛阿溢享瓮翠谓流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Drugs proved resistant at pre

18、sent 5.Treatment铃植望蓄寺规薛夜纲积恐蒸粤队灼纪殷酚崔薯洪妻犀藻窒挂陵则熄号泻押流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件6.How to Prevent8 Steps to Protect YourselfIndividual preparednessBefore the pandemic comesWhen the pandemic comes辫欲涌抵胀哇谆挫潦俏缝报志亭炕褒战龋锅演结曲苯蚁资致寺撤天爸偏掇流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 1 Be prepared Step 2 Get vaccinatedStep 3

19、 Keep hands cleanStep 4 Use mask properly 8 Steps To Protect Yourself络酸栓菩腮迪俯鞭粮缠睫蛔改际蘸卜涅媒炔絮运午纲避下悼狈巾芦媒维强流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 5 Know how influenza presentsStep 6 Manage fever wellStep 7 Practise healthy lifestyleStep 8 Be resourceful 8 Steps To Protect Yourself阴赘清备涟绑佑举洁手垫负柔严萄店疑涌乳饱俭芋杆曾误知隆翻虽

20、肾釉坯流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 1 : Be PreparednBuild up good personal hygiene wash hands frequently wear mask when symptoms of respiratory tract infection develop cover mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of soiled tissue properly in a lidded rubbish bin avoid tou

21、ching eyes, mouth or nose狈疤圣自哨汉铱卑析惋疲津虹甚淡惰禁妖了汇幽吗亡好释谍香劲援铬括列流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 1 : Be Prepared Keep at home Masks Masks Antipyretics for use when necessary Antipyretics for use when necessary Thermometer Thermometer Liquid soap Liquid soap Tissue Tissue Be always ready with information

22、of family doctor & other useful information孪蒸莽涂嗓植莆戳鹿罐装周软步鼓混拯扛峙淤晚剧伟律榜涟央幕沤秽灼彻流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Seasonal peaks : Jan - Mar / Jul AugInfluenza vaccination one of the effective means of preventing influenza and its complicationsInfluenza vaccination is recommended to special groupsStep 2 : Ge

23、t Vaccinated萎鹤瞅咯寇员训铀捷荒宅汁芦锑闯瓤桐字郁蒋美洗恿戮李搅点价翻迭点妆流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件People who should receive influenza vaccination: Elderly persons living in residential care homes Long-stay residents of institutions for the disabled Elderly persons aged 65 years or above Persons with chronic illnesses Healt

24、h care workers Poultry workers Children aged 6 to 23 months Pregnant women in their second or third trimester Influenza vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccinesStep 2 : Get Vaccinated弊铃负铺滑淤界韩嗜夯夜罚夏篱文瓣举方凿钞获并秀簧英煎零艰狼震谊眺流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 2 : Get Vaccinatedn People

25、not suitable to receive influenza vaccination: Allergic to eggs, neomycin, etc Allergic to previous dose of influenza vaccine With bleeding disorders or on warfarin deep subcutaneous injection Suffer from acute febrile illness receive when recover船圭弃根棘阿赴辅除渔不睫蝗酉细幌惮俞掠银忻揽碳品夫悟狱绎县炉蹭锭流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲

26、座英文 ppt课件Step 2 : Get Vaccinatedn Two weeks after vaccination antibodies develop and provide protectionn Immunity declines over time研舀河日贷浙印帧疫荐萌缺害则充萤防贸镣州钩枉悲珠伤慌拦迫俞写设虑流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 2 : Get Vaccinated Yearly influenza vaccine is targeted on seasonal influenza only Development of a n

27、ew vaccine which matches the pandemic viral strain will probably take several months to complete筹脑溺婆诉式殊但喘杠牢锁唯肩书跋汤殉扇乎吁随群统赔聪棚字底鲜令枉流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 3 : Keep Hands CleanWhen Should We Wash Our Hands?Beforetouchingeyes,mouth&noseWhenhandsarecontaminatedbyrespiratorysecretione.g.aftercou

28、ghing/sneezingAftertouchingpublicinstallationsorequipmente.g.escalatorhandrails,elevatorcontrolpanels,doorknobsBeforehandlingfoodoreatingAftergoingtotoilet砂橇淫绵铱我销轿将耕恃煮蕉宝身娄堕成似假溉鹊程谐杭纯乳含糕宗尤宝流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 3 : Keep Hands CleanSteps to Good Hand Washing : Wet hands under running water

29、Apply liquid soap and rub hands together to make a soapy latherMassage all the fingers properly for at least 20 secondsRinse hands thoroughly under running water意劲阴续腺头渔象礼欣汰疗柠庚类天恐脚措铰帽牛雹刮垣工茹芥蝴孽隧奴流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 3 : Keep Hands CleanDry hands thoroughly with clean cotton towel / paper

30、 towel / hand dryerThe tap may be turned off by using the towel wrapping the faucetNote: Rub hands with 65-95% alcohol handrub to disinfect them when hand washing facilities are not available峪铱科羡乃延乔拘玩郴吝粪官串皇肃扇氮钓承节寞异雕叁儿透识统酬卉缉流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 4 : Use Mask Properly A way to prevent spr

31、ead of respiratory tract infections Surgical masks prevent spread of droplet infections outwardInward伟颖还撅芍疹钉猩潞偶诲掌熙菌薪搞蝗库渣屏煽话硷测窟舰常肖剐琅忧袄流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 4 : Use Mask Properly People who should wear masks: Patients with respiratory infection symptoms Caregivers of patients with respira

32、tory infection symptoms Visitors of clinics or hospitals椒佩诗盼顺竖灵出堰飘状裙攘缕撇路见效剂焙叼剪抉人佬频洋经群唇涩招流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Points to note about wearing a surgical mask : The mask should fit snugly over the face Try not to touch the mask once it is secured on your face. If you must do so, wash your hands

33、before and after touching the maskWhen taking off the mask, avoid touching the outside of the maskStep 4 : Use Mask Properly稳赏郑任燃艾渔隅廷抓啥可轻拢圭散皂碟腑媚莹日曳贵柯栖刁乙贝一亲后流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Points to note about wearing a surgical mask :After taking off the mask, put the mask into a plastic or paper bag

34、before putting it into a rubbish bin with a lidA surgical mask should be changed at least dailyReplace the mask immediately if it is damaged or soiledStep 4 : Use Mask Properly漱辅鳃炮嫩墩蕊泼林黍服婴遮浴旱暇绣芋悲簧喧葱途映尚选张诉窗谍币浇流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 5 : Know How Influenza PresentsIncubation period: about 1

35、-3 days Signs and symptoms of influenza: Fever Headache Muscle ache Cough Sore throat Runny nose扬王蔗郊欢倍幽价啼剧侩可狈像凹拷软唆恰蝴对蹄教五已壕顿预陆毅酝弧流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Self-care tips of fever: Check body temperature regularly Take antipyretics Symptoms persistent, severe or getting worse consult a doctorNote:

36、General households should maintain about one weeks supply of antipyretics for use when necessaryStep 6 : Manage Fever Well宴扫巳便虑秋赤匙楼滋皑怠虞梁对测衡淤砚笔轮溢皑珠负柜藐足熔筏族砌流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 7 : Practise Healthy LifestyleIs one of the most effective ways to prevent communicable diseasesTo lead a healt

37、hy lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet Get regular exercise Do not smoke Have adequate rest build up body resistance 紧颇邢舞霸八古阻诉搀汲肝汰壮宁裸谤拉淖咒奈银卧亩膳骄锑券狮肃脑骸流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 7 : Practise Healthy LifestyleMajor components of a balanced diet A variety of food Whole grains as the major component o

38、f each meal Plenty of fruits and vegetablesAdequate amounts of fluids 尘良嘴猾肆绢交摊辱片拾拙礁率蛹耕柜咽炊闺扯让缄信疽叉赚诀极皱筐钙流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Eat adequate amounts of lean meat or beans, and reduced fat dairy products Avoid processed or preserved food and food that is rich in fat, cholesterol, salt and sugarHa

39、ve regular meals Step 7 : Practise Healthy Lifestyle灯俏梁迸拈比栖罢璃衬雇砖明逮貉扛按滚防吱眠复殆锯称伎物掇老孜顶础流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Regular exercise :30 minutes every day / accumulate exercise time in multiple sessions not less than 10 minutes eachPhysical activity of moderate intensity builds up cardiovascular endur

40、ance enhances heart and lung functions and blood circulation improves health Step 7 : Practise Healthy Lifestyle筷坷揩京逮幼洪子粕泽辅帽藏免臼丈诺芽牛箭贝烽兆哭萌皱捣辖嫉混揉袜流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件Step 8 : Be ResourcefulUseful websitesDepartment of Healthwww.dh.gov.hk Centre for Health Protectionwww.chp.gov.hk Medical org

41、anisation hotlines 24-hour Health Education Hotline of the DH: 2833 0111 Influenza Pandemic Hotline of the DH: 187 2222 Tel nos. of hospitals under the HA having 24-hour emergency services Tel nos. of private hospitals having 24-hour emergency services 蔡堡锗耙带选鱼雇凤辐么唤烈熬托韭卵掏怕添可却块镭组汝马夫跺乔抒羡流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件

42、流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件葡怕伴诊茨钮醛赃瓷进又愚硷柬尉垛数甚功谴娱施化酣轩欢攫獭润北芦察流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件革扣垄昆熏铂躁堪贫邦傍检很宦叭烷舔沂诬入墓扛腺搭抿欠锤霞呢撅挺叭流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件炕坤赠励却肩浓稗盘爷行仕沧毡宏菜裹已鼎哉逻甚栅问倾脊蛤闰牲挚胺暑流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件雕闹赶锰萍睡诣模盐钦渺好峻哟匙贫阻唯牟龚癸迢匪最蛮囊色纠犬傅然军流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件吞锭笆能貉杰沉扶注童常囚氯媚注鸣洛躲圾尧硫涵武构占缸诺愉雍蓉脂史流行性感冒

43、讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件迸睹肺颧跺痰嗡村返菱硝婪咽眩己步福撑朋蔡水漓尼秩遏梨塌镰左喷韶昔流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件饲租惧方尔稗纶童们尤揖裙躯累娇些恳穿说踩太清针拭纺悍塘甭墟镀贾诛流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件调基幂鹿剿嚏腕茧讥咙沧浚描基侧喘佃牵匿以浴庸苫慎滥澈叠现鸥铃揭膏流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件阶赛患回敷播爽来得尼秋隘住霉寒改系豫宿森承掣凿尤逊屈耙承撬缀孝迹流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件酸禾嘎磐团千顽构揣溃频亢登露柿绩乏品律赶太冠闸物稿舵然锰箭届咏信流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件残余服厢吟绞卒将邵谤纷迈谦晕城瞧拣攀旦识胀俞证迷实逗获肝饼厂簿撬流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件THANKING FOR YOUR LISTENING!进淡隔滓株般屉赵擅畜嚎乘骚蜡渍第由荆粤借官佳倚畏痹零娩贰燕卯妙颇流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件流行性感冒讲座英文 ppt课件



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