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1、线图真题线图真题 2 2 题题练习步骤:第 1 步手写:用铅笔手写。不需要严格控制时间,主要是追求质量。第 2 步自查:对照雅思 UP 版本的参考答案自查,自己修订错误;第 3 步复盘:重新写一遍,仍然要求手写。 (最好是等两天之后再做第 3 步,因为当时马上写的话,容易变成背诵) ,写完之后再对照原文。自己写过的文章考前一定要多复习几遍,因为考试的时候你一定会去写自己最熟悉的词汇和句子。 小作文写作的关键是思路条理清晰,适当变换一些句式。题目 1: The graph shows the number of overseas visitors to three differentareas

2、in aEuropean country between 1987 and 2007. Summarize the information by selectingand reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (2015-7-11雅思考题)三条线可以按照顺序来描述,这样会比较清晰,不容易混乱。当描述 三条线的变化趋势时(范文中蓝色字) ,顺带着对三条线的数据大小进行比较,例如起点、交点、终点(范文中红色字) 。要过于啰嗦,注意控制字数。开头段记得转述题目,结尾段可以把这个线图的 主要特征或者趋势再概括

3、一下。高分的文章需要注意描述的时候句型有一些变化。线图 题 1参考范文:The line graph illustrates the changes in the number of foreigners who visited threedifferentareas in a particular European country from 1987 to 2007.In 1987, the coast was the most popular tourist spot, with 40 thousand peoplevisiting it. This figure dipped to 35

4、 thousand in 1992 and then grew rapidly to 75thousand in 2007. The mountains attracted 20 thousand visitors in 1987. With somefluctuations in the first twelve years, the figure rose to 35 thousand in 2007, whichwas the smallest in the three areas.As to the figure for the lakes, it was the lowest in

5、the three areas in 1987. It increasedsignificantly in the first 15 years, overtaking the figure for the mountains in 1992.After peaking at 75 thousand in 2002, it experienced a rapid decline and fell to 50thousand.Overall, the number of visitors to these three different areas grew in this period,whi

6、le the figure for the lakes witnessed a quick drop in the last five years.线图题 2(2015 年 年 8 月8号 考题)题目: : The graph shows the spending on research into renewable energy in four countries from1975 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, andmake comparisons where

7、 relevant.这个题目不难,仍然是按照线的顺序来写。可以把中间主体分成两段或者三段。除了项目之间的大小要进行比较以外,项目上升的幅度也可以比较。这个图的是 起点是 1975年,这时候图上没有体现出 spending的数值。看起来好像是零,这个 “ 零 ” 就不需要写了,可以把它回避掉。题 2参考范文:The line chart shows how much money the four countries spent on the research ofrenewable energy in the period from 1975 to 2000.During this 25-yea

8、r-period, Switzerland had the largest spending on the research ofrenewable energy.Its growth was more significant than the other three countries. By2000, its spending had grown to more than 5 dollars per person.Denmark ranked the second in the four countries and its figure grew very rapidly tonearly

9、 2 dollars in the first 5 years. After that, the growth became quite slow, butfrom 1995 to 2000, it rose considerably to 3 dollars.The spending in Spain increased to 1 dollar per person from 1975 to 1980. However,it declined to 0.5 dollar in the following decade and then rose slightly to 0.8 dollar in2000.The spending in the UK increased steadily to almost 1 dollar in the first decade,but it declined to 0.2 dollar in 2000, the lowest in the four countries.Overall, Switzerland allocated the most fund to the research of renewable energy,while UKs spending was the lowest.



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