宁夏石嘴山高二英语课件:12《vocabularyand reading》(外研版选修6)

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1、l1impressl1)vt. 留下印象;使明白lThe girl impressed her friends with her sense of humour.l这位女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深深的印象。lHe impressed the importance of their work on them.l他让他们明白他们工作的重要性。l2)vt. 印上lFollowing the fashion, he impressed a special design on his back.l为追求时尚,他在背上印了一个特别的印花图案。l3)be impressed by(with, at)欣赏;

2、受感动lWe were impressed by his deeds.l我们被他的行为所感动。lI was impressed by(with, at)his house.l我非常欣赏他的房子。l注意:l1)impress sth. on sb.impress sb. with sth.l2)impress常用于被动语态,不可用于进行时。l知识拓展limpression n. 印象;感觉limpressive adj. 给人深刻印象的lgive an impression (of) 给予感觉lmake an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象lget/obtain an imp

3、ression 得到某印象l即学即用lShe made a good_on us all.lAimpresslBimpressionlCimpressive lDimpressionsl答案:Bl2prepare v.l1)prepare sth. 准备某事lIll prepare my lessons.l我要备课(“我”的身份可能是学生,也可能是老师)。l2)prepare to do sth. 准备做某事lHe is preparing to go on a trip.l他正准备去旅行。l3)prepare sb. sth.(prepare sth. for sb.)为某人准备某物lMot

4、her is preparing me a meal.l妈妈正在为我准备饭菜。l4)prepare sb. to do sth. 为某人做某事做准备lThe teacher is preparing the students to do the experiment.l老师正在为学生们进行实验做准备。l5)prepare for sth.(get ready for sth.) 为做准备lThe students are preparing for the exam.l学生们正在准备考试。l6)prepare sth. for sth. 为某事做准备lMary is preparing the

5、 table for dinner.l玛丽正在摆桌子准备吃饭。l7)prepare sb. for sth. 指导某人准备某事lThe teacher is preparing his students for an exam.l老师正在辅导学生们准备考试。l8)prepare against 准备对付,应付(不愉快的事)lHistory has told us to be prepared against wars.l历史告诉我们要备战。l知识拓展lpreparation n. 准备,预备lprepared adj. 事先准备好的;意料之中的lmake preparations for 为准

6、备l词语辨析lprepare与prepare forl1)prepare sth.get sth. ready“把某物准备好”,sth.在句中作宾语,表示句子的主语直接参与做这件事。lMother is preparing a meal.l妈妈正在做饭。l2)prepare for sth.get ready for sth.“为某事做好准备”,for sth.在句中作目的状语,表示句子的主语是在为这个事情做事前的准备工作。lThe students are preparing for an examination.l同学们正在准备考试。l高考链接lI washed my hands and_

7、supper while mother was_supper in the kitchen.lAprepared for; preparinglBprepare; preparedlCprepare for; preparedlDprepared; preparing forl解析:“我为晚饭做准备”,故用prepare for supper;妈妈直接参与做饭,故用prepare supper。l答案:Al即学即用lWe should make full_for our coming exam.lAprepare lBpreparedlCpreparation lDpreparationsl答

8、案:Dl3lack v. & n.l1)v. 没有;缺乏lI lack words with which to express my thanks.l我的感谢难以言表。l2)n. 缺点;不足;没有lIve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep.l我睡眠不足,眼眶都发黑了。lLack of fund makes our job more difficult.l资金短缺使我们的工作更加艰难。l知识拓展lfor/through lack of 因缺少lbe lacking for nothing 什么也不缺lno lack of 不缺少,足够l

9、be lacking in 缺少l注意:l1)lack作名词时,常接of;作动词时,若是不及物动词,常接for或in。l2)be lacking不是进行时,其中lacking是形容词。l3)lack不用于被动语态。l词语辨析llack, shortage, wantl三个词都有“缺少,缺乏”的意思。lack普通用词,指完全没有或部分缺少,既可指具体事物,也可指抽象概念,如智力、知识、勇气等;shortage指“短缺”,是就需要量而言的;want指“缺乏,缺少”时,是非常正规的用法多用于书面语。语义比lack强烈,具有“必须有而没有”“想有而没有”的含义。lI cant buy a new ca

10、r for lack of money.l我因为钱不够,不能买新车。lThe crops are suffering from want of rain.l由于雨水不足,庄稼受到影响。lShortage of skilled workers is our main difficulty.l缺少技术熟练的工人是我们的主要困难。l高考链接lHealth problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a_of exercise.lAlimit lBlacklCneed lDdemandl解析:本题考查名词间的区别。根据题意此处应为

11、缺乏锻炼,故选用lack。此处lack用作名词。l答案:Bl即学即用l(2010潍坊市高二期终考)The only thing we _is the strong desire to study well.lAis lacked lBlackinglClacks lDlacks ofl答案:Cl4confidencel1)n. U信心;把握;自信lShe is a good student but she lacks confidence.l她是个好学生,但是缺乏自信。l2)n. U信任,信赖lWe have confidence in your ability.l我们相信你的能力。lThe

12、government failed to win public confidence in its plan for economic recovery.l政府未能赢得公众对其经济复兴计划的信任。l知识拓展lconfident adj. 确信的;肯定的lconfidently adv. 确信地;安心地lin confidence 秘密地,私下地l即学即用lFirst you should be confident_yourself_it.lAof, in lBwith, oflCof, with lDon, offlShes confident_she will win the race.lA

13、that BwhenlCwhy Dwherel答案:CAl5advancel1)vi. & vt. 向前走;前进;推进lThe soldiers advanced on/upon the enemy.l战士们向敌人逼近。lThe general advanced his troops at night.l将军在夜间推进部队。l2)vi. & vt.(价格等)上涨;提高lFood prices have advanced rapidly this year.l食品的价格今年上涨迅速。lThe firm advanced its prices.l商店提高其物价。l3)vi. 取得进步,有进展lA

14、month has passed and the work has not advanced.l一个月过去了,但工作没有进展。l4)n. 前进;进军;提高lthe speed of advance 前进速度lher rapid advance in the companyl她在公司中的迅速提升l5)adj. 先头的,先行的,预先做好的lHe led an advance party in that battle.l在那次战斗中他带领着一个先遣队。lThe weather forecast gives us an advance warning of bad weather.l天气预报会预先警告

15、我们会有坏天气。l知识拓展ladvanced adj. 高级的;先行的ladvancement n. 促进,推进lin advance 预先,事先lin advance of 在之前,优于ladvance on/upon 朝前进l词语辨析ladvance与progressl二者都有“前进,进步”的意思。l1)advance指具体的人或物,也指科学、运动、知识等前进,进步,强调进步的程度。lHistory advances.l历史在前进。l2)progress指经常的、持续的或稳定的前进、进步,常用于抽象事物。lThe work is progressing steadily.l工作在有条不紊的

16、进行着。l即学即用lHis idea is in advance_the times.lAforBaheadlCofDbeforel答案:Cl6obligation n.l1)(法律、道义、承诺等的)义务,职责,责任lthe obligations of conscience 良心上的责任lthe obligations imposed by parenthood l为人父母的义务l2)(被迫或要求做某事的)责任,义务lWe attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else.l我们参加那个聚会是迫于人

17、情,而无别的原因。l知识拓展l1)be under (an) obligation 有义务lput/place sb. under an obligation 使某人负有义务lrepay an obligation 报恩l2)oblige vt. 迫使(某人)去做,一般用被动语态lBecause of the snowstorm, we were obliged to stay at home.l因为暴雨雪的缘故,我们被迫呆在家里。l即学即用lShe has an obligation_the child.lAto bring up lBbringinglCbring up lDto have

18、 brought upl答案:Al1be nervous about 担心,害怕lIm nervous about my maths test.l我担心我的数学考试。lbe nervous of sth./doing sth. 害怕某事/做某事lIm nervous of(being in)large crowds.l我在大庭广众之下感到胆怯。l词语辨析lnervous, anxious, upsetl1)nervous在事情发展的过程中有一种害怕的感觉(rather afraid)。lIm always nervous when I have to make a speech.l在必须演讲时

19、我总感到紧张。l2)anxious由于害怕某事会发生而感到焦急(worried)。lYour mother will be anxious until she hears you are safe.l你妈妈只有听到你安然无恙时才会放下心来。l3)upset由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱。lShe was upset when she heard her mother was ill.l听说她妈妈病了她感到心烦意乱。l高考链接lBecause he didnt finish the work on time and was fired by the company, he was very_abo

20、ut it.lAanxious BupsetlCnervous Duprightl解析:upset不安的,不自然的,难堪的;anxious焦虑的;nervous担忧的,害怕的;upright竖直的。句意为:因为他没按时完成工作而被公司解雇了,他感觉非常难堪。l答案:Bl即学即用lMother always gets a bit_if we dont arrive when we say we will.lAanxiousBashamedlCweakDpatientl答案:Al2think ofl1)考虑lIve been thinking of changing my job.l我一直都在想着

21、换换工作。l2)评价,看待lWhat do you think of his action?l对他的行为你有什么看法?l3)记起,想起,常置于can not, could not, try to, want to之后lI cant think of his name at the moment.l我一时想不起他的名字。l知识拓展l常与think搭配的短语还有:lthink of sb. as. 把某人当作lthink up 想出(办法)lthink over 考虑;仔细思考lthink out 想出lthink back to 回想lthink highly/well of 高度评价lthin

22、k little/badly of 认为不好lI think of him as a happy person with lots of good friends.l我认为他是一个有很多好朋友的快乐的人。lThe new president was well thought of.l新总统得到了高度评价。l即学即用l句型转换lHow do you like his idea?l_ _ _ _ _ his idea?l答案:What do you think ofl3in addition 另外,此外l该短语为副词性短语,作状语,可放于句首、句中或句末。用于句首和句中时,一般用逗号隔开,但在句末

23、时,则不需分开。lI paid 100 yuan in addition.l我又付了一百元。lYou need money and time. In addition, you need diligence.l你需要钱和时间,此外你还需要努力。l知识拓展lin addition to 除之外lIn addition to her work in school, our teacher gives music lessons after school hours.l除了学校的工作外,我们老师在课余时间还教音乐课。lI have five books in addition to those th

24、ree.l除了那三本书外,我还有五本书。ladditional adj. 附加的,另外的ladd v. 增加,增添;加剧ladd.to 把加到上ladd up to 总计,共达ladd up. 把加起来l高考链接l_English, I have to study a second foreign language.lAIn addition that lBIn additionlCIn addition to lDBesidel解析:in addition to相当于besides或apart from。l答案:Cl即学即用lThe engine of the ship was out of

25、 order and the bad weather_the helplessness of the crew at sea.lAadded to lBresulted fromlCturned out lDmade upl答案:Al解析:船上的引擎坏了,而恶劣的天气让船上的人更加绝望。l4find out 找到,查明,发现lHave you found out who broke the glass?l你查明谁打碎玻璃了吗?lHe told a lie and was found out.l他说谎被揭穿了。lIll try to find out who did it.l我要设法弄清这是谁干

26、的。l词语辨析lfind, find out, discoverl1)find多指偶然发现、碰到。lHave you found the pen you have been looking for?l你一直在找的笔找到了吗?l2)find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相、真情,调查出原因或发现秘密、错误等。lHave you found out why he was late?l你弄清了他为何迟到了吗?l3)discover多指通过实验、调查、勘探等发现、找到未被挖掘或认识的客观存在的事物。lColumbus discovered America.l哥伦布发现了美洲。l高考链接lThe

27、 engineer examined the machine for hours and finally_what was wrong with it.lAfound out lBinventedlCfound lDdiscoveredl解析:find out通过观察,调查出原因或发现秘密,错误等;invent发明;find多指偶然发现,碰到;discover指通过实验、调查等发现,找到未被挖掘或认识的客观存在的事物。l答案:Al即学即用lIt is well known that Christopher Columbus_America.lAinvented lBdiscoveredlCfound lDfound outl答案:B



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