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1、I.I.Matching (Matching (匹配题匹配题):):(Unit 1) Match these words with their opposites.(Unit 1) Match these words with their opposites.(将以下生词与反义词相匹配)1、cleverF聪明的2、dependableA可靠的3、rudeC粗鲁的4、cruelE残酷的5、generousB . 慷慨的6、dishonestG不老实的7、diligentD勤勉的A. unreliable不可靠的B. tight-fisted自私的C. polite有礼貌的D. lazy懒惰的E.

2、 kind-hearted仁慈的F. stupid愚蠢的Gtrustworthy可靠的;可信赖的问题问题 2 21010 分分(Unit 4) Match these words or phrases with their definitions.(Unit 4) Match these words or phrases with their definitions.(将生词与相应的定义相匹配)A. prepared8、prefer C更喜欢准备好的B. radically new9、orderE命令根本的,新的C. like better10、readyA准备好更喜欢D. creative1

3、1、originalB原件创造性的E. a commercial document12、innovative D革新的一个商业文件问题问题 3 32020 分分Word Choice:Word Choice:Directions: Select the most appropriate word and use its proper form to complete eachDirections: Select the most appropriate word and use its proper form to complete eachof the following sentences

4、.of the following sentences.用法:选择最适当的词,并且使用它的适当形式完成以下句子 (A (A Unit 2) Unit 2)A. reserveB. bookC. orderD. request第 1 页 共 5 页储藏预订命令请求;需要1、Her boyfriend order her some flowers on her birthday.2、A separate room is reserve for smokers. 一个单独的房间是外汇储藏对吸烟者。3、I would like to place an order for ten copies of t

5、his book.我想订购十本这样的书。4、The writers name was withheld byrequest作者的名字被扣留的请求5、Ive order a new computer from the supplier.我打算从供给商订购新的电脑。6、She request permission to film at the White House.7、Anne order another glass of wine.安妮秩序另一杯酒8、These seats are reserve for senior citizens and people with disabilities

6、 .这些座位是保存给老年人和残疾人。9、To request a library item you want, first find the item by using a quick search.请求一个库工程,你要先找到条目使用快速搜索。10、Wevebook a band for the wedding reception.我们订一个乐队为婚礼的招待会。问题问题 4 4(A(A Unit 3) Unit 3)A.B.C.engagedoccupiedbusy使用中的,已占用的;忙碌的11、This girl is occupied fully with volunteer activi

7、ties in her community.这个女孩是完全占领在自己的社区的志愿者活动 12、She is always永远 busywith her English studies.她总是忙于她的英语学习D.idle闲置的E.buried埋葬的F.absorbed被吸收的G.employed雇佣1414 分分13、Her days are employed in gardening and voluntary work.她的日子是受雇于园艺和志愿工作14、Though she is ill, she was still actively engaged in politics.虽然她病了,她

8、还在积极从事政治。15、He is soabsorbed in his work that he didnt even hear the telephone.他全神贯注地工作,他甚至没听。第 2 页 共 5 页16、Go and wake up that idle brother of yours.去叫醒你的闲置的兄弟。17、The young man was buried in their work .这个年轻人被埋在他们的工作问题问题 5 5(3-Unit 5)(3-Unit 5)A. ahead of schedule提前B. behindschedule晚点C. busyschedul

9、e忙碌的时间D. relaxing schedule放松方案1212 分分11、Were happy to know that Megs new book is still仍然well ahead of schedule.我们很快乐地知道梅格的新书仍然领先于时间表12、How can he fit everything into his busy schedule.他怎么能把所有东西都塞进他的繁忙的时间表。13、The tunnel隧道project方案has already已经fallen堕落的behind schedule.隧道工程已经远远落后于原定方案14、Im going to be

10、working to a very busy schedule.我也会工作到一个非常忙碌的日程。15、Dave used to get to work at 10 a.m. and finish around大约 4 p.m. He really实际上 had 有 a veryrelaxingschedule.戴夫用上班上午 10 点,在下午 4 点结束。他确实有一个非常放松的时间表16、 Could the new bridge be completedahead of schedule? We need finish it as quickly as possible.新的桥梁将能提前完成

11、的时间表吗?我们需要尽快完成它。问题问题 6 6(4-Unit 6)(4-Unit 6)A. kind of有点儿B. more or less或多或少C. pretty漂亮的1010 分分11、We were pretty much lost when we met the ranger (护林员) in the forest.我们几乎失去了我们认识的时候在森林护林员。12、Your second draft of the paper ismoremore or less the same as your first one. Have you ever made anyrevisions?

12、你论文的第二稿壳或多或少与您第一个。你可曾做出任何修改吗 ?13、I kind of want需要to drink some beer.我真想喝点啤酒吧14、Hes pretty good at playing the guitar it:.他的吉他弹得很好15、The woman looked pretty worried at her sick baby. 女人担忧地看着他在她生病的婴儿第 3 页 共 5 页问题问题 7 72 2 分分Teachers expect a certain amount of aggressive behavior from boys.教师期望一定数量的攻击性

13、行为与男生A、aggressive 侵略性的B、assertive 肯定的C、nice 美好的D、enthusiastic热情的;问题问题 8 82 2 分分Youll just have to be patient and wait till Im off the phone.你必须要有耐心,等到我挂断。A、excited 兴奋的B、interested 感兴趣的C、bold 大胆的D、patient 有耐性的;问题问题 9 92 2 分分we are asking is that management管理人员behonest with us, even if the situation 情

14、况 is difficult.我们要求的是,管理层和我们要老实,即使情况是困难的。A、reliable 可靠的B、assertive 肯定的C、honest 老实的D、responsible 负责的;问题问题 10102 2 分分She was a very conscientious student and attended all her lectures.她是一个非常认真的学生和参加了她所有的讲座。A、diligent 勤勉的B、conscientious 认真的C、flexible 灵活的D、dependable 可靠的;问题问题 1111多萝西试图使她所说的幽默,但哈丽特感到无聊。2

15、 2 分分Dorothy was trying to make what she said humorous, but Harriet felt boring.A、humorous 幽默地B、sincere 真诚的C、polite 有礼貌地D、friendly 友好的;问题问题 1212第 4 页 共 5 页2 2 分分Our parents are pretty easy-going, and they dont mind if we stay out late我们的父母也很随和,他们不介意我们在外面待到太晚A、self-assured 有自信的B、worried 担忧的C、generous

16、 慷慨的D、easy-going 大方的;问题问题 1313Is this English with Professor Brown?这是英语和布朗教授吗?2 2 分分保存A、from 来自B、for 为了C、with 随着D、of 关于;问题问题 14142 2 分分保存The reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help mewith my public speaking.我把这个类的原因是因为我的那种以为它能帮助我和我的演讲。A、atB、inC、forD、with;问题问题 15152 2 分分保存

17、I thought 思想 maybe a drama 戏剧 class would help me get more comfortable舒适的 in front of a lot ofpeople.我想也许戏剧类能帮我找到面前更加自如的很多人。A、in front ofB、in the front ofC、withD、at;问题问题 1616数量2 2 分分保存Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway (百老汇) musicals.卡罗尔出现在百老汇音乐剧的A、dances 舞蹈B、musicals 音乐剧C、plays 戏剧D、games 游戏第 5 页 共 5 页



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