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1、教学目标教学目标语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用常用动词及can 询问并给出有关个人能力的信息。语言技能目标: 听 学生能够理解用情态动词can 表述的有关个人能力的介绍。说 学生能够用情态动词can 做有关个人能力的介绍。读 学生能够读懂有关个人信息及个人能力的表格及简单句。写 学生能够根据个人情况做简单介绍并用情态动词can 表述个人能力。学 习 策 略: 学生在英语学习中发现问题并及时寻求解决方法。文 化 意 识: 学生掌握中国人与英美国家的人们在询问个人信息时的不同习惯。情 感 态 度: 学生了解不同职业所需的技能,并明确自己在学习过程中需要掌握的技能。单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用

2、所学语言填写简单的求职表。Lead-inActivity 1Activity 2Activity 3123Activity1Look and complete. 看图,用方框中的词组完成下面的句看图,用方框中的词组完成下面的句子。子。1) I can _. 2) I can _. 3) I can _.speak Chinese drive cars repair computersteach English read in Chinese serve customersread in Chinesespeak Chineseserve customersActivity 14) I can

3、_. 5) I can _.6) I can _.repair computersteach Englishdrive carsActivity 2Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出上图中听录音,圈出上图中Ben能做的事能做的事。1) I can speak Chinese.5) I can teach English.6) I can drive cars.Activity 3Think and talk. 想一想,与同伴谈论自己能做的事想一想,与同伴谈论自己能做的事。Listening and speakingDialogue ADialogue BEveryday Eng

4、lish123Dialogue AActivity 4Activity 5Activity 6Activity 71234Your name, please?Activity 4Read and tick. 阅读方框中的句子,在括号中勾出你认为阅读方框中的句子,在括号中勾出你认为求职需要具备的能力。求职需要具备的能力。( ) a. I can drive a car.( ) b. I can swim.( ) c. I can use the computer.( ) d. I can play basketball.( ) e. I can serve visitors.( ) f. I c

5、an speak English.Activity 5Listen and circle. 听录音,在活动听录音,在活动4的字母序号上圈出张的字母序号上圈出张青能做的事。青能做的事。e. I can serve visitors.a. I can drive a car.c. I can use the computer.Activity 6Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问和谈阅读对话,用下画线标出询问和谈论能力的语句。论能力的语句。Bill: Good morning, sir!Mr Zhang: Good morning! Your name, pleas

6、e?Your name, please?Bill: Im Bill Brown.Mr Zhang: Can you say something about yourself?Bill: Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little I can speak a little Chinese.Chinese.Mr Zhang: Can you sing English songs?Bill: Yes, I can.Mr Zhang: Thats good.Activity 7Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读

7、对话,学说选出的语句。Bill: Good morning, sir!Mr Zhang: Good morning! Your name, please?Bill: Im Bill Brown.Mr Zhang: Can you say something about yourself?Bill: Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.Mr Zhang: Can you sing English songs?Bill: Yes, I can.Mr Zhang: Thats good.Dialogue BActivi

8、ty 8Activity 9Activity 10Activity 111234Id like to join the Computer Club.Activity 8Listen and tick. 听录音,勾出对话中提到的内容。听录音,勾出对话中提到的内容。4) ( )Li XiaonianTel: 010-628230002) ( )No.37 Chaoyang Street, B1) ( )3) ( )Activity 9Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问个人信阅读对话,用下画线标出询问个人信息的语句。息的语句。Wang Yang: Excuse me.

9、Excuse me. Id like to join the Computer Club.Id like to join the Computer Club.Tang Hua: OK. Whats your name?Wang Yang: Wang Yang.Tang Hua: How old are you?Wang Yang: Im seventeen.Tang Hua: Which class are you in?在英语国家,年龄 (age) 是个敏感的话题,除非确有需要,如填写个人信息等,一般不要问成年人,尤其是成年女性的年龄。Activity 9Wang Yang: Im in C

10、lass 3, Grade 1. Tang Hua: Can you use the computer?Wang Yang: Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play computer games. Tang Hua: OK. Thats it.Wang Yang: Thank you.Activity 10Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说标出的语句。跟读对话,学说标出的语句。Wang Yang: Excuse me. Id like to join the Computer Club.Excuse me. Id like to joi

11、n the Computer Club.Tang Hua: OK. Whats your name?Wang Yang: Wang Yang.Tang Hua: How old are you?Wang Yang: Im seventeen.Tang Hua: Which class are you in?Wang Yang: Im in Class 3, Grade 1. Tang Hua: Can you use the computer?Wang Yang: Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play computer games. Tang Hua:

12、 OK. Thats it.Wang Yang: Thank you.Activity 11Act and practice. 用下面的语句和信息模仿求职者进行面试。用下面的语句和信息模仿求职者进行面试。Whats your name?Whats your first name / last name?Where are you from?B: My names / Im B: Im B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.NameAge CanCantWang Tong 23Drive a car.Use the computer.Speak English.Li Jing2

13、4Speak English.Write in English.Drive a car.A: Whats your name?A: How old are you?A: Can you ? Everyday EnglishMay I have your name, please? 能告诉我你的名字吗?Your name, please? 请告诉我你的名字。Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?Im from . 我来自Reading and writingActivity 12Activity 13Activity 14Activity 151234Activity 12Thin

14、k and tick. 从下列条目中勾出你认为在求职申请表中应从下列条目中勾出你认为在求职申请表中应包含的内容。包含的内容。 name phone number age e-mail ability address family parentsActivity 13Read and circle. 阅读求职表,在活动阅读求职表,在活动12中圈出申请表中包中圈出申请表中包含的内容。含的内容。namephone numberagee-mailabilityaddressActivity 14Read and answer. 阅读求职表,勾出求职表阅读求职表,勾出求职表a后正确的句后正确的句子,回答

15、求职表子,回答求职表b后的问题。后的问题。a. Name Wang Tong MaleAge 23Phone Number 022-8466-2027Address No. 28 Tongfang Street, TianjinE-mail Address applied Sales ManagerI can use the computer.I can speak English.I can read and write in English.( ) a. His names Wang Tong. ( ) b. He wants to be a sales manager.( ) c. H

16、e can speak English. ( ) d. He cant read in English.Application forApplication forGenderGenderAbilitiesAbilitiesEmploymentEmploymentPositionPositionActivity 14b. Application for EmploymentName Sally Smith Gender FemaleAge 25 Phone Number (022)-6385-4202Address No. 4 Hexi Street, Tianjin E-mail Addre

17、ss Position applied Sales ManagerAbilitiesI can use the computer.I can drive a car.I can write in English and French.Activity 14a. How old is Sally? b. What can Sally do?c. What position does Sally want to apply for?d. Whats Sallys e-mail address? Sally Smith is 25.She can use the computer. She can

18、drive a car. She can write in English and French.She wants to apply for a sales manager Activity 15Compare and choose. 比较两份求职表,你认为谁能得到比较两份求职表,你认为谁能得到这个职位并说明理由。这个职位并说明理由。 . can get the job because . can ._egLanguage in useGrammar focusVocabulary practice12Grammar focusIyouhe / she / itNo, we cant.you

19、theyIYouHe / She / ItWeYouTheycan / cant Iyouhe / she / itweyoutheyCan?Iyouhe / she / itwe youtheyYes,can.Iyouhe / she / itweyoutheyNo,cant.123Activity 16Activity 17Activity 18Grammar focusActivity 16Look and complete. 看图,完成句子。看图,完成句子。1) I can _. 2) He _.3) She _.4) We _.5) They _.6) It _.runcan swi

20、mcan read in Englishcan singcan speak Englishcan flyWould you .English ClubActivity 17Choose and guess. 各自选出下面的一种职业,通过与同伴各自选出下面的一种职业,通过与同伴问答猜出对方的职业。问答猜出对方的职业。Group members: Can you ? You: Yes, / No, egActivity 18Think and write. 想一想,写出三年后你能做的事。想一想,写出三年后你能做的事。I can use the computer then._egVocabulary

21、 practice12Activity 19Activity 20Activity 19Read and match. 读下列词或短语,仿照例子配词组句。读下列词或短语,仿照例子配词组句。Aa teacheran English boya fisha dogan engineera birdBswimrunspeak Englishuse the computerflyread and writed. _ can _.e. _ can _.f. _ can _.a. _can _ .b. _ can _.c. _ can _.A fishswimA teacherread and writeA

22、n English boyspeak EnglishA dogrunAn engineeruse the computerA birdflyActivity 20Read and group. 读下列单词,将它们分类填入表中。读下列单词,将它们分类填入表中。teacher bird age ability engineermanager fish gender dogJobAnimalPersonal Information 学习策略提示学习策略提示把单词按类别分组再记,这样背起单词来会觉得容易些。engineerteachermanagerbird fishdogabilityagegend

23、erComplete a job application form for yourself in 2015.1) First imagine the following things about yourself in 2015.a. Age: _b. Phone number: _c. E-mail address: _d. Address: _e. Position to apply for: _f. Abilities: _ _ _Unit task3) Read the application form of your partner and check if he / she is

24、 likely to get his / her job. Give him / her your reasons.2) Now complete your application form in 2015.NameGenderAgePhone NumberAddressE-mail AddressPosition you are applyingAbilitiesUnit taskListen and repeat. 听录音跟读,注意以下发音。听录音跟读,注意以下发音。/Q/aI/eI/A/p/b/I can sing, I can dance, I can ride a bicycle.I

25、 can run, I can jump, I can play baseball.Pronunciation practice I learned:( ) serve ( ) repair ( ) position ( ) teach( ) employment ( ) French ( ) holiday ( ) join( ) something ( ) apply ( ) yourself ( ) application( ) computer ( ) customer ( ) club ( ) abilityI can:( ) ask for personal information

26、.( ) talk about abilities.( ) fill in an application form.( ) use “can”.-Self-checkrepair /rI5peE/ v. 修理computer /kEm5pju:tE/ n. 计算机serve /sE:v/ v. 服务customer /5kQstEmE/ n. 顾客teach /ti:tF/ v. 教,教书something /5sQmWIN / pron. 一些事,某件事yourself /jC:5self/ pron. 你自己join /dVCIn/ v. 参加,加入Words & expressionsc

27、lub /klQb/ n. 俱乐部ability /E5bIlEtI/ n. 能力application /7AplI5keIFEn/n. 申请employment /Im5plCImEnt / n. 工作,职业gender /5dVendE/ n. 性别position /pE5zIFEn / n. 职位French /frentF/ n. 法语adj. 法国的Words & expressionsapply for 申请sales manager 销售经理in English 用英语Id like to 我想Words & expressionsThe “Magic Word” “Plea

28、se” is the first and most powerful “magic word”. Its the first word taught in homes in the West. During a typical meal, a kid may say, “Mommy! Give me some milk!” The mother quickly responds (回应), “Whats the magic word?” The kid never answers, “Abracadabra (魔术师所说的咒语).” He says, “Please.” “Please” is the easiest way to make an informal request (请求) smooth and kind. Nobody gets upset because the word “please” is used. But many people get angry because it is missing.Life and culture



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