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1、Reading PracticeReading PracticeDiscuss the questions with your partners.1.Do you think basketball is a safe or dangerous sport?2. Have you ever seen or played in a basketball match where someone was hurt?3. What possible risks are there when you are playing basketball?Reading PracticeReading Practi

2、ceDizzy Heights of School Basketball -令人眩晕的校园篮球令人眩晕的校园篮球Understanding of the title dizzy heights 令人眩晕的高度令人眩晕的高度 the dizzy heights of是习语是习语, ,指重要的职位指重要的职位, ,显赫的地位显赫的地位, ,含有一定的幽默色彩含有一定的幽默色彩。文章标题文章标题表面上用的是常用习语表面上用的是常用习语, ,其含蓄用意却回归在其含蓄用意却回归在dizzy的本义上的本义上 (指球员被撞晕指球员被撞晕), ,有一语双关之有一语双关之意。意。-令人眩晕的校园篮球令人眩晕的校

3、园篮球Listening Listen to the text and pay attention to the words or expressions you cant pronounce correctly.Read the first 3 paragraphs.1. Basketball is a safe sport, why?2. But basketball is also dangerous, why?Read the first 3 paragraphs.1. Basketball is a safe sport, why?at a 90-degree angleLess r

4、isk of collision2. But basketball is also dangerous, why?An abrupt change of directionPersonal injurya. Basketball is one of the safest sports.b. The players energy is partly directed upwards, so theres less risk of a collision between two players.Read the whole passage and choose the sentence which

5、 best describes the writers conclusion.c. Although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially designed to absorb the energy when they bound into the air, they wear no other protection.d. If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy, theres a real danger of personal i

6、njury.The writer is probably a_.A. novelistB. basketball journalist for a national newspaperC. basketball journalist for a local newspaperD. basketball fan writing ina basketball team magazineCChoose the best answers.1.Basketball is one of the safest sports because_. A.the direction of the players e

7、nergy means there is less chance of a collision B. the players are well-protected C. the players make abrupt changes of directionD. the players accelerate across the court, bouncing the ballA A2. According to the writer, a typical basketball player would be _.A. able to accelerate and bounce the bal

8、l at the same timeB. fast and weighing about 80 kilosC. tall and slimD. short and stoutC C3. The foul was caused by _.A.the referee interrupting the matchB. Sackler passing the ball over Joes headC. Joe lowering his headD. Sackler falling over JoeC C B B4. The referee thought Sackler was seriously i

9、njured because _.A. Joe ran into himB. Sacklers nose was bleeding and he lay very stillC. Sackler was dizzy on his head, a blanket round his shoulders and called an ambulance.1. Basketball is one of the safest sports because _ _ _.2. Basketball can be dangerous because _. the players energy is direc

10、ted upward and there is less risk of a collisionthere is sometimes an abrupt change of direction in their energyComplete the sentences in your own words.3. Joe is a good basketball player despite _.4. The referee thought Sackler was badly injured because _ _.5. Sackler will always remember the match

11、 because _ _.being short and stout his nose was bleeding and he was lying very still he still has a scar on his faceLanguage points1.One reason for this is that the players energy is partly directed upwards 该句为一个表语从句,由该句为一个表语从句,由that引导。引导。2. So theres less risk of collision between two players. coll

12、ision n. UC(1) 碰撞碰撞;相撞相撞 The collision between the ships was caused by fog. 船只相撞事件因雾造成。船只相撞事件因雾造成。(2) (意见、利益等的意见、利益等的)冲突冲突, 抵触抵触 A collision with parliament could rain the governments plans. 政府与议会冲突可能使政府的计划政府与议会冲突可能使政府的计划归于失败。归于失败。translation3. In other sports, such as baseball and America football,

13、 the players energy parallel to the ground and towards their opponents, so they wear helmets which give adequate protection to their heads. 在其他的运动项目中,在其他的运动项目中, 比如棒球和美式足球,比如棒球和美式足球, 运动员的力量与地面和对手平行,因此,他们运动员的力量与地面和对手平行,因此,他们都戴头盔。头盔能给他们的头以适当的保护。都戴头盔。头盔能给他们的头以适当的保护。 adequate (adj.) 适当的,充分的,足够的适当的,充分的,足够

14、的她带了足够的衣服去旅行。她带了足够的衣服去旅行。She took adequate clothes for a trip.be adequate to do something 足够干足够干的的Is your salary adequate to support your family?你的薪水足够养家吗?你的薪水足够养家吗?be adequate to (doing) sth 胜任做某事胜任做某事He is adequate to the manager/ being the manager.4. But although basketball players wear socks and

15、 sneakers which are specially designed to absorb energy when they bound into the air absorb (v.)1.吸收(液体,声音,光等);理解(知识等)吸收(液体,声音,光等);理解(知识等)The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge.2. 使全神贯注;使专心使全神贯注;使专心The task absorbed all his energies.3. 吸引(注意力),常用于被动吸引(注意力),常用于被动be absorbed in 全神贯注于全神贯注于,热衷于,热衷于ab

16、sorboneabsorbone sattentionsattentionHe was absorbed in this work.4. 消减,缓冲消减,缓冲5. If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy, from vertical to horizontal, such as when they accelerate across the court, bouncing the ball, there is a real danger of personal injury.如果他们的能量发生了意外的趋势变化,从如果他

17、们的能量发生了意外的趋势变化,从垂直到水平,比如当他们加速穿越球场,将垂直到水平,比如当他们加速穿越球场,将球回传时那样,那就会发生真正危险的个人球回传时那样,那就会发生真正危险的个人伤害伤害 Translationvt.(1) 使增速使增速 The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car. 司机加大油门司机加大油门, 让汽车加速行驶。让汽车加速行驶。 (2) 促进促进;促使促使.早日发生早日发生 The bad weather accelerated our departure. 糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。糟糕的天气促使我们早日离

18、开。(3) 【物物】使加速使加速 vi. 加快加快;增长增长;增加增加 The car suddenly accelerated. 汽车突然加快了速度。汽车突然加快了速度。6. But St Mary had appointed a captain who was not a typical basketball player. vt. 1. 任命任命, 指派指派 appoint (v.) 选派,任命,决定,指定选派,任命,决定,指定1)appoint sb to do . 委派、指派某人做委派、指派某人做 He was appointed to assist the teacher.appo

19、int sb. as / to be 任命某人为任命某人为My teacher appointed me( as / to be) the monitor.They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。他们任命他为经理。联想拓展联想拓展appointment (n.) 任命,约会,职务任命,约会,职务have/make / fix an appointment with 与与约会约会 / 预约预约7. But he was really fast, and he obtained control of the ball, he could make

20、a circuit of the court and reach the opposing teams boundary within seconds. 但是他的速度实在是太快了,当他得以但是他的速度实在是太快了,当他得以控球的时候,他能在几秒钟内绕场一周控球的时候,他能在几秒钟内绕场一周并到达对方的场地。并到达对方的场地。Translationvt. 得到得到, 获得获得He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。他没有获得奖学金。They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。他们从政府

21、那里得到一笔贷款。mit (v.)1.犯罪;做错犯罪;做错commit murder/ suicide/ a foul/ an error2. 把把委托给委托给;把;把投入投入They committed the patient to the mental hospital.3. commit oneself on sth. / to do sth. / to doing 承诺承诺,约定,约定,保证,保证He didnt want to commit himself on that matter.她不愿意对那件事做出任何承诺。她不愿意对那件事做出任何承诺。9. Joe immediately

22、took possession of the ball and ran, take possession of 占据,占有,拥有占据,占有,拥有be in possession of sth 占有某物占有某物be in the possession of sb (某物)为某人(某物)为某人所占有所占有10. For a moment, he lay very still, and the referee even checked his pulse, but soon confirmed he was ok. vt. (1) 证实证实;确定确定+(that)+wh- His letter co

23、nfirmed everything. Can you confirm that Toms inside. 这证实了我一直以来的怀疑。这证实了我一直以来的怀疑。 This confirms what I suspected all along. (2) 坚定坚定;加强加强 The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. 最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。(3) 批准批准, 确认确认 The queen confirmed the treaty. 女王批准了此项条约。女王批准了此项条约。confirmation (n.)

24、 确定;确信确定;确信confirmed (adj.) 已被证实的;已被确定的已被证实的;已被确定的11. Joe was a considerate guy, and apologised as Sackler left, sniffing and weeping, either in pain or in frustration.considerate adj. 体贴的体贴的;体谅的体谅的;考虑周到的考虑周到的 乔是个体谅别人的家伙,萨克勒离开时他哭乔是个体谅别人的家伙,萨克勒离开时他哭泣着致以歉意,或许是伤痛,或许是失意。泣着致以歉意,或许是伤痛,或许是失意。 He was considerate of everyone.他对大家都很体贴。他对大家都很体贴。apologise vi. apologise to sb for sthHe apologized to her for not going to her party.他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。表示歉意。



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