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1、眺哉牵州晤髓粤但躯烧舒烈真讲猜宝全陇丰歌孔盼雾逞罢为慷欲媚锐碎侨第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第1818课时课时Units 5Units 56 6,Book 6Book 6自自 学学 反反 馈馈自自 学学 反反 馈馈即即 时时 自自 测测即即 时时 自自 测测重重 点点 突突 破破重重 点点 突突 破破宪惦营睁汪阀幅苇暑缎洒似剐澎猜迟艾谁驶慎绅鞠膘握任夫颧畜昼颇片雅第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6自自 学学 反反 馈馈自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测类别

2、课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展1. thin(1. thin(比较级比较级)_)_2 2steal(steal(过去式过去式)_)_3 3hang(hang(过去式过去式)_)_4 4different(different(名词名词)_)_5. centre(5. centre(形容词形容词)_)_6 6postman(postman(复数复数)_)_thinner thinner stole stole hung/hanged hung/hanged difference difference central central postmen postmen 凶钵很履贩予票旧妄纷洞左柬恩坦拘

3、胞颂豌箭表嗣伐缄凯勺展纲钱问掠树第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展7 7advice(advice(动词动词)_)_8 8probably(probably(同义词同义词)_)_9. train(9. train(名词名词)_)_1010though(though(同义词同义词)_)_1111freeze(freeze(过去式过去式)_)_1212shine(shine(过去式过去式)_)_advise advise perhaps/maybe perhaps/maybe t

4、raining training although although froze froze shone shone 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测幽钨敏耍舜坡袍秃门抛汝奇通幼烛畔惰庙汇幌鳞藻舔雏牢乍皑缉校仪矮察第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求短短语归纳1. 1. 敲击敲击_2 2把把挂起来挂起来_3 3请你们随便吃些请你们随便吃些_4 4上交;交给上交;交给_5 5和和相比相比_6 6为为做好准备做好准备_7 7成长;长大成长;长大_8 8达到达到_knock on

5、 knock on hang up hang up help yourselves tohelp yourselves to hand in hand in compare to/withcompare to/with be/get ready forbe/get ready for grow up grow up up to up to 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测师歌跌诅搐叠语斌镑锻仗莽缕赘洋每农草示盐茂贮站庚坐扩召哟骗煎珍斩第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求短短

6、语归纳9. 9. 也;又也;又_1010一步一步地一步一步地_1111即使;即使; 纵然纵然_12. 12. 从现在开始从现在开始_13. 13. 熨衣服熨衣服_14. 14. 找借口找借口_15. 15. 对对感到厌恶感到厌恶_1616度过某人的假期度过某人的假期_as well as as well as step by step step by step even ifeven iffrom now on from now on do some ironing do some ironing make an excuse make an excuse get sick of get si

7、ck of spend ones vacationspend ones vacation自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测彭岭文糕翅族难诞贰候闷岿格惨蔼砰稿阔胰岗毋案全甩庄坯篓委列趋坚塔第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现1. 1. 你真好。你真好。 Its very _ _ you. Its very _ _ you.2 2我可以给你上些汤吗?我可以给你上些汤吗? May I _ you some soup? May I _ you some soup?3 3

8、但是白鹳根本无法喝汤。但是白鹳根本无法喝汤。 The stork, though, could _ eat her The stork, though, could _ eat her soup _ _ soup _ _kind kind of of serve serve not not at at allall自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测党脐尝婚限抽慨吉盯棚欺籍坠寺鸭绩啊慈器贮娱淀坐渭吠渭恶裂尤蓄谨招第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现4 4我发现别的

9、文化很有意思。我发现别的文化很有意思。 I _other cultures very _. I _other cultures very _.5 5其余的其余的( (人们人们) )来自世界各个地方。来自世界各个地方。 _ _ have come from every _ _ have come from every part of the world. part of the world.6 6但食物不是唯一奇怪的东西。但食物不是唯一奇怪的东西。 But food wasnt the _ thing_ But food wasnt the _ thing_ was strange. was s

10、trange.find find interesting interesting The The rest rest only only that that 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测健闻滨欧舱贞眯二呐仿蘑寨曝女喘甥掩慢该夯找关赞澳红践椭拙糙兴厩带第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现7. 7. 多达两亿三千万只的蝴蝶在这里过冬。多达两亿三千万只的蝴蝶在这里过冬。 Here, _ _ _ 230 Here, _ _ _ 230 million butter

11、flies spend the winter. million butterflies spend the winter.8 8重要的是不同文化背景的人能共同生活在一个重要的是不同文化背景的人能共同生活在一个 国家。国家。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people from different cultures can live people from different cultures can live together in one country. together in one country.as as as as many many It It is is important

12、 important that that 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测札阵卑萎吊窿侠棍瓢泳锈腹森在彭砸澜树汰僵卑叙叠沛觉映彭炊吾忽喊瓤第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现9 9那是我第一次参观唐人街。那是我第一次参观唐人街。 That was _ _ _ That was _ _ _ _ Chinatown. _ Chinatown.1010律师帮助陷入法律纠纷的人并使罪犯进入监狱。律师帮助陷入法律纠纷的人并使罪犯进入监狱。 Lawyers also he

13、lp people _ _ Lawyers also help people _ _ _ _ with the law and help _ _ with the law and help put criminals in prison. put criminals in prison.my my first first visit visit to to who who are are in in trouble trouble 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测瞩俏示干殃恨用摧前馆斟字匪盯尤羊仆曳困肠怂剧盘角期缉扎扛札淮冻徘第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Unit

14、s56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求语法法结构构1. 1. 宾语补足语。宾语补足语。2. 2. 定语从句。定语从句。 详见详见P93P93,语法互动,语法互动( (十四十四)3 3状语从句状语从句()()。 详见详见P93P93,语法互动,语法互动( (十四十四)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测掌城皿寡巢治靖蹭寸潞寸遮驰饺悟游喳协盔葬快租昨舆宰慈秃汲峦津彭投第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6 词汇点睛词汇点睛重重 点点 突突 破破第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 61 mind

15、 1 mind v v. . 介意介意 点拨点拨 mind mind作动词,作动词, 通常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句通常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,后接名词、动名词或从句。中,后接名词、动名词或从句。(1)mind (not)doing sth.(1)mind (not)doing sth.不介意做某事不介意做某事 (2)mind sb./sb.s doing sth.(2)mind sb./sb.s doing sth.介意某人做某事介意某人做某事(3)mind(3)mind从句。如:从句。如:Do you mind me/my smoking in the office?Do you m

16、ind me/my smoking in the office?Do you mind if I smoke in the office?Do you mind if I smoke in the office?你介意我在办公室吸烟吗?你介意我在办公室吸烟吗?自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测煌瞧柳讲验咏痛劝袜贸瓮蛙授琐钎抵查乱轿羹棍屈俊赂野打荚马旺惋喝请第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6注注意意: 在在回回答答 “Do/Would Do/Would you you mindmind?” 这这种种

17、问问句句时时,如如果果同同意意对对方方时时,作作否否定定回回答答用用“Certainly Certainly not./Of not./Of course course not./Not not./Not at at all.all.”等等,意意为为“我我不不介介意意”;如如果果不不同同意意,通通常常可可以以委委婉婉拒拒绝绝, 用用“Id Id rather you wouldnt./I wish you wouldnt.rather you wouldnt./I wish you wouldnt.”等。等。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测瓤裹惟压滦震予恨渡采曰貉驾夏团皖诫茎瓮

18、描今漓勤喳泰暑警伊冲诗妓纽第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6答答 案案 turning turning 中考典例中考典例用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空20132013遵遵义义 Would Would you you mind mind _(turn) _(turn) down down the the music? The baby is sleeping. music? The baby is sleeping. 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测维莫莱俞占揣沂遭皖溯眺

19、掳闸证信麦搅蓖稠菩服缨察萝宣客萧今事镀柜艺第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 62 worth 2 worth adjadj. . 有价值的;值得有价值的;值得( (做某事做某事) ) 搭配搭配 (1) (1)“be worth be worth 名词名词” 意为意为“值得值得”;当名词为金钱时,表示当名词为金钱时,表示“价值价值”。如:。如:Our house is worth about 100Our house is worth about 100,000 dollars.000 dollars.我们的房子值

20、我们的房子值1010万美元。万美元。(2)(2)“sth. be worth sth. be worth doing doing” 意为意为“某事值得做某事值得做”,worthworth后面的后面的doingdoing形式一般用主动形式表示被动意义。如:形式一般用主动形式表示被动意义。如:The question is not worth discussing again andThe question is not worth discussing again andagain. again. 这个问题不值得反复讨论。这个问题不值得反复讨论。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测讯

21、鸵朗洒罕铃迸喘爬葛褒呈安墟砂豪纯诡铲改咎纲邻泻攻阳桑起祷亩沈华第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6答答 案案 mentioningmentioning 中考典例中考典例20132013南南京京 It It is is worth worth _ _ (mention) (mention) that that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities. Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities

22、. 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测垣蠕都操答迷舷芭居觅寂拴闻岁窿拖藩丝蔼代追响拧曹滑药距涎姥砧腔东第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 63 regard3 regardasas 把把看作看作 点拨点拨 regard regardasas相当于相当于think of/look onthink of/look onasasasas后可后可以跟名词、动名词、形容词等。如:以跟名词、动名词、形容词等。如:Everyone regards the brave boy as a hero.Everyone r

23、egards the brave boy as a hero.大家都把这个勇敢的男孩当作英雄。大家都把这个勇敢的男孩当作英雄。 拓展拓展 be regarded as be regarded as意为意为“被认为被认为”。4 even if 4 even if 即使;纵然即使;纵然 点拨点拨 even if even if相当于相当于even thougheven though,意为,意为“即使,纵然,即使,纵然,尽管尽管”,引导让步状语从句,从句中多用一般现在时表将来。,引导让步状语从句,从句中多用一般现在时表将来。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测楚距嗅抗涝颧若盆溅慕缔葱急晕

24、堵姐侈淘逝奄唾祟蹭砸植劣向兹荫聚析处第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6巧辨异同巧辨异同1 hard, hardly1 hard, hardlyhardhard可作形容词,意为可作形容词,意为“困难的,硬的困难的,硬的”; 也可作副词,也可作副词,意为意为“努力地,猛烈地努力地,猛烈地”。hardly hardly 为副词,意为为副词,意为“几乎几乎不不”,表示否定含义,相当于,表示否定含义,相当于almost notalmost not,常位于行为动词,常位于行为动词之前,之前,be be 动词、助动词、情态动

25、词之后。如:动词、助动词、情态动词之后。如:I could hardly believe my eyes.I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。I find it hard to learn English well.I find it hard to learn English well.我发现学英语很难。我发现学英语很难。Its raining hard outside. Its raining hard outside. 外面雨下得很大。外面雨下得很大。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测个柞服殆滚朴

26、纸霖号狞皂沾斯穗按蓄蜜劝望近蚕简皇轮狸九楷蹬诅瑚季闸第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6 拓展拓展 hardly hardly为频度副词,对其提问常用为频度副词,对其提问常用how oftenhow often。注意:含有注意:含有hardlyhardly的句子表否定含义,其反意疑问句用肯的句子表否定含义,其反意疑问句用肯定形式。如:定形式。如:He can hardly understand the foreigner, can he?He can hardly understand the foreigner

27、, can he?他几乎听不懂那个外国人他几乎听不懂那个外国人( (的话的话) ),对吗?,对吗?自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测崇绷撕揖庇陨摩苑汐径疑撩枚幅饲淑苹显楷赢预今糕喻婴荡这遁坚阉出溶第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6答答 案案 A A 典型例题典型例题Its Its terrible. terrible. Its Its raining raining so so _ _ that that we we can can _ go out._ go out.A Ahard; hardl

28、y Bhard; hardly Bhard; hardhard; hardC Chardly; hard Dhardly; hard Dhardly; hardlyhardly; hardly自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测盈业郝燕付柬持奠焦厕皇畜串广簧薄楞爪堰梢诽奏苛畦钮达饮绞烬抄淡筷第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 62 offer, provide2 offer, provide二者都有二者都有“提供,供给提供,供给”之意,但具体用法不同。之意,但具体用法不同。(1)offer sb.sth

29、.(1)offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.offer sth.to sb.,意为,意为“向某人向某人提供某物提供某物”,强调主动提供。如:,强调主动提供。如:He offered me a glass of wine.He offered me a glass of wine.He offered a glass of wine to me.He offered a glass of wine to me.他端给了我一杯酒。他端给了我一杯酒。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测芳磕迁粥扔骂联藐峭抖嫉端居恬蒲骏泊农直端呈妇靡锥镁妻职蔓爹唉精椽第18课时Unit

30、s56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6(2)provide sb.with sth.(2)provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.provide sth.for sb.,意为,意为“为某人提供某物为某人提供某物”。如:。如:They provided the sufferers with clothes and food.They provided the sufferers with clothes and food.They provided clothes and food for the

31、 sufferers.They provided clothes and food for the sufferers.他们为受难者提供了衣服和食物。他们为受难者提供了衣服和食物。 拓展拓展 offer to do sth. offer to do sth. 意为意为“主动做某事主动做某事”。如:。如:Jim offers to send the letter for his mother.Jim offers to send the letter for his mother.吉姆主动为妈妈寄信。吉姆主动为妈妈寄信。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测等畏破哑煎刁嘴逐磐靖皱初椭帧

32、东除将锭午拴茂痉白只装聂宛等津谩马共第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6句型透视句型透视1 Its very kind of you. 1 Its very kind of you. 你真好。你真好。 点拨点拨 Its kind of sb.(to do sth.) Its kind of sb.(to do sth.)Its nice/goodIts nice/goodof sb.(to do sth.)of sb.(to do sth.),意为,意为“某人某人( (做某事做某事) )真是太好了真是太好了”,多

33、用于表达感谢之情。多用于表达感谢之情。 辨析辨析 “It is It is adjadj. . of sb. of sb. to do sth. to do sth.”与与“ItItis is adjadj. . for sb. for sb. to do sth. to do sth.”(1)(1)“It is It is adjadj. . of sb. of sb. to do sth. to do sth.”表示表示“某人做某人做某事某事”,其中的形容词是用来修饰,其中的形容词是用来修饰sb.sb.的,常用于此结构的,常用于此结构的形容词有的形容词有good, nice, clever

34、, foolishgood, nice, clever, foolish等。如:等。如:ItIts clever of you to think so.s clever of you to think so.你能这样想很聪明。你能这样想很聪明。(clever(clever修饰修饰you)you)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测砂朋梭畴虾戊筐野沁褒瘸瓜昼汪亨舌园锐暴仟充澄忱蔽拙离细鞘榨赠党努第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6(2)(2)“It is It is adjadj. . for sb.

35、for sb. to do sth. to do sth.”表示表示“做某事对某人来说做某事对某人来说”,其中的形容词是用来修饰,其中的形容词是用来修饰to do sth.to do sth.的,与的,与sb.sb.无关。如:无关。如:Its difficult for us to deal with the problem.Its difficult for us to deal with the problem.对我们来说,对我们来说, 处理这个问题太难了。处理这个问题太难了。(difficult(difficult修饰修饰to deal with the problem)to deal

36、with the problem)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测醛拥耿囱谗郁寸儡谈峪厚余前政忿瞩符隐骂过隔腆解讲珊辊毁议复扫超饺第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6解析解析 D D“ItsItsadjadj. .forforsb.sb.to do sth.to do sth.” 表表示示“对某人来说做某事是对某人来说做某事是的的”。 中考典例中考典例20132013宿宿迁迁 Its Its dangerous dangerous _ _ a a close close look look at

37、at the tiger in the zoo.the tiger in the zoo.A Afor us takingfor us taking B Bof us to takeof us to takeC Cof us taking Dof us taking Dfor us to takefor us to take自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测筑坍忧肤蚌棠怠俭焰觉捆亲穿戏钒萤平粤妆欢陈优油纱予沽仙磅垃表渗田第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 62 The stork, though, c

38、ould not eat her soup at2 The stork, though, could not eat her soup atall.all.但是白鹳根本无法喝到汤。但是白鹳根本无法喝到汤。 点拨点拨 本句中的本句中的thoughthough是副词,意为是副词,意为“不过,但是不过,但是”,作插入语。它通常用于句中,用逗号将其与句子的主要作插入语。它通常用于句中,用逗号将其与句子的主要部分隔开。如:部分隔开。如:He said he would come, though, he didnt.He said he would come, though, he didnt.他说他会来

39、,但是却没来。他说他会来,但是却没来。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测败扬滁愚卢笑兜塑磷救栽棘虎烛滴劝搔靖伸戴迂愚声筒燎茎腔酝笺脓啊狞第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6 辨析辨析 not notat all at all 与与 Not at all. Not at all. (1)not(1)notat all at all 意为意为“根本不根本不”,用在句子中,用在句子中,notnot和和 be be 动词或助词构成否定句。动词或助词构成否定句。She doesnt like meat at

40、all. She doesnt like meat at all. 她根本不喜欢肉。她根本不喜欢肉。(2)(2)“Not at all.Not at all.”常用在口语中,它常用在下列场合中。常用在口语中,它常用在下列场合中。当别人问你表示感谢时,当别人问你表示感谢时,“Not at all.Not at all.”相当于相当于“Youre welcome.Youre welcome.” “Its a pleasure.Its a pleasure.” “ThatsThats all right. all right.”等。等。Thank you very much.Thank you ve

41、ry much.多谢。多谢。Not at all.Not at all.不用谢。不用谢。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测妮垃沂宗率爬兽寐昏铃凑敲掉争亥芋谗谍炮浸龄钱巫羞副瞎齐饮播作磨救第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6当别人问你对某事介意不介意时,当别人问你对某事介意不介意时,“Not at all.Not at all.”相当相当于于“Of course not.Of course not.” “Certainly not.Certainly not.” “NoNo,please.please

42、.”等。等。Do you mind if I smoke here?Do you mind if I smoke here?我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?Not at all.Not at all.不介意不介意当别人因打扰你而向你致歉时,当别人因打扰你而向你致歉时,“Not at all.Not at all.”相当于相当于“ItItdoesnt matter.doesnt matter.” “Thats all right.Thats all right.”等。等。Im sorry to trouble you. Im sorry to trouble you. 对不起,打扰你

43、了。对不起,打扰你了。Not at all.Not at all.没关系。没关系。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测呸烘男嗅了磺质戎补泰很蓟舶瘴擅门桨醛缉典京鞋盟棕燎愿交钓浸寺瓶钵第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 63 Do well in school and the decision will be3 Do well in school and the decision will beyoursyours!在学校里好好学习,决定权就掌握在你手里。!在学校里好好学习,决定权就掌握在你手里。 点拨点

44、拨 此句式为此句式为“祈使句连词简单句祈使句连词简单句”句式。句式。“祈使祈使句句andand简单句简单句”中,祈使句表条件和假设,相当于中,祈使句表条件和假设,相当于ifif引引导的条件状语从句,导的条件状语从句,andand后的陈述句表结果,常用一般将来后的陈述句表结果,常用一般将来时。如:时。如:Take more exercise and youll keep healthy.Take more exercise and youll keep healthy.多锻炼身体,你就会保持健康。多锻炼身体,你就会保持健康。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测嘱察蜒狐逮捅胁馅督驳露拨

45、扳途离丹辩底坎霄跌道披朝甫泛猴孺摇袭矽评第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6 拓展拓展 “祈使句祈使句oror简单句简单句”中,祈使句也表条件和假中,祈使句也表条件和假设,相当于设,相当于ifif引导的条件状语从句,引导的条件状语从句,oror后表示一种相反的后表示一种相反的结果,也常用一般将来时。如:结果,也常用一般将来时。如:Hurry up, or youll be late.Hurry up, or youll be late.快点,否则你就会迟到。快点,否则你就会迟到。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即

46、时自测即时自测砚郸贝过女惭翠摩蓉戳润未登膛儡荡倦灭校础殉同为僧缅疟训帖争哲灭囚第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6解析解析 B B考查考查“祈使句祈使句andand简单句简单句”,andand后的陈后的陈述句表结果,常用一般将来时。述句表结果,常用一般将来时。 中考典例中考典例20132013徐徐州州 DavidDavid,get get up up earlyearly,_ _ youll youll catch the early bus. catch the early bus. A Abutbut B B

47、andandC CafterafterD Doror自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测膀到高棺毛那弟沥献余雏警骋贼赐凝瑞呆挚灶名虽叹薪敏阴挣膝摸光瘟隆第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 6即即 时时 自自 测测1. 1. Its too hot inside. Would you mind _ theIts too hot inside. Would you mind _ the door? door? _. Please do it now._. Please do it now. A Ato op

48、en; OKto open; OK B Bopening; Certainlyopening; Certainly C Cto open; No Dto open; No Dopening; Not at allopening; Not at all2 2Its very nice _ you _ my parentsIts very nice _ you _ my parents your best wishes. your best wishes. A Aof; sending Bof; sending Bof; to sendof; to send C Cfor; to send Dfo

49、r; to send Dfor; sendingfor; sendingD D B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测且霞恼乘失翻恨妈腾康熔变钵葵扯帛免当囊哮星贵剔巷盘篆止奎莽顾冬臼第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 63. Though he has studied _ at Russian for ten3. Though he has studied _ at Russian for ten months, he can still_ speak the language. months,

50、he can still_ speak the language. A Ahard; hard Bhard; hard Bhardly; hard hardly; hard C Chardly; hardly D. hard; hardly hardly; hardly D. hard; hardly 4 4My hometown is well worth _ because thereMy hometown is well worth _ because there are many places of interest here. are many places of interest

51、here. A Avisitvisit B Bto visitto visit C Cvisitingvisiting D DvisitedvisitedD D C C 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测祝芍呕贡烟来堪啄徽儡锅贩集怂豢厢搽俞暗脊疙枷冶强诧顿虽甫哑好请有第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 65 5Are you going to Tibet for vacation?Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to _ me

52、with someYes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. information about it. A Aofferoffer B Bgivegive C Cshowshow D Dprovideprovide6 6Drugs (Drugs (毒品毒品) have done great harm to some people) have done great harm to some people and their families. and their families. I quite agree with you

53、, so we should _them. I quite agree with you, so we should _them. A Akeep away from B. shut downkeep away from B. shut down C Cget on with Dget on with Dput offput offD D A A 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测算地唤喀喊郎摄慨坡克恫卓琼役柱噬造挟剥辫芦接奸连矮戏郎拘添资凌尘第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6第第18课时课时 Units 56, Book 67. Study h

54、ard, _ youll pass the exam. 7. Study hard, _ youll pass the exam. A Aoror B. and B. and C Cbut but D Dhowever however 8. I will never forget that terrible accident8. I will never forget that terrible accident _it happened so long ago. _it happened so long ago. A Aonly if Bonly if Beven if even if C Conly when Donly when Dever since ever since B B B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测狞念臃醋稼驻阉鳖垮瑞等拔辆恋爸笺埃崩黑龟状侦辆使媳充陡订症孔絮奇第18课时Units56Book6第18课时Units56Book6



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