《新境界-综合教程1》课件 unit 7【基础教学】

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1、Staff Appraisal Unit 7新境界职业英语新境界职业英语 综合教程综合教程 Part I Text APart II WritingPart III Text BPart IV Reading SkillsPart I Text APre-reading ActivitiesReading of the TextGrammar ReviewTask 1Task 2Task 4 Comprehension Task 1 Task 2Vocabulary Task 3Task 4Syndicate ActivitiesTask 5Task 7TranslationTask 6Tas

2、k 3Task 1Task 2Comprehensive ExercisesMini Text Text AHome Phonetics ReviewWork in pairs. Talk about staff appraisal and answer the questions below.Pre-reading Activities Task 1Back1.Have you ever taken part in any activity on campus or outside campus? What was it?2. Do you think it is necessary to

3、evaluate how the work was done after you finished the activity?Pre-reading ActivitiesDiscuss with your neighbor and answer the questions below.Yes. I took part in a speech contest last month.Yes. I think it is very necessary. After I finished my speech, my teacher and my friends gave me a lot of com

4、ments on how I performed during the contest.Back3. What benefit can you get from the evaluation of your work? 4. Do you know anything about “Staff Appraisal” in a company?Pre-reading ActivitiesI got great benefits from their comments. I knew where I succeeded and where I failed during the contest. A

5、nd I knew how to improve myself next time.Its a kind of activity where a company makes evaluation on their staffs work performance. Back5. Who do you think will judge and evaluate staffs work in a company “Staff Appraisal”?6. What do you think is the purpose of “Staff Appraisal”?Pre-reading Activiti

6、esI guess it is the manager who will judge and evaluate his or her staffs work performance.I think maybe it has three major purposes: 1) to improve staffs work in the future; 2) to promote staffs personal development, e.g. to offer them some chance to get training in the area where they proved to be

7、 weak; 3) to enhance communication between the staff and the management.Backa) _ : write a plan, document, etc. in its first form, which will need to be revised later b) _ : the process of making a judgment or forming an opinionc) _ : the ability to do something welld) _ : affect the way someone thi

8、nks or behaves e) _ : the ability to create new ideas or things using your imaginationf) _ : make possible or easierPre-reading ActivitiesRead the following Mini Text and find the words or expressions that match the context meaning given. draft assessment competency influence creativity facilitate T

9、ask 2BackMini TextCOMPETENCIES ASSESSMENTCompany Name of Individual ManagerJob TitleName of Line ManagerJob TitleBackMini Text This assessment form is for discussion during the given managers performance interview with his / her line manager. Both the individual manager and the line manager should d

10、raft before the interview to facilitate your discussion. Mark the agreed results on each scale of following 11 competencies. A mark to the left side of the scale indicates that you have FULLY DEVELOPED in this particular competency for your role; on the contrary, a mark to the right indicates that y

11、ou may require SIGNIFICANT FURTHER DEVELOPMENT at this point. 1BackMini Text Both the Individual Manager and the Line Manager should keep a copy of this form, and pass one to HR Manager.The Competencies1. Clarity of PurposeFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further Development2

12、. Practical CreativityFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further3. Objective Analytical PowerFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant FurtherBackMini Text4. Market Orientation Fully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further5. Entrepreneurial Dri

13、veFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further6. Leading OthersFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further7. Developing OthersFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant FurtherBackMini Text8. Influencing OthersFully Developed for this Role |-I-|

14、 Requires Significant Further9. Self-Confident IntegrityFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further10. Team CommitmentFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant Further11. Learning from ExperienceFully Developed for this Role |-I-| Requires Significant FurtherBackM

15、ini TextIndividual Manager: _ Line Manager: _Date: _ Date: _BackPre-reading Activities Task 3Work with your partner and answer the following questions according to the Mini Text 1. What is the competencies assessment form for?2. How is this form filled in?The competencies assessment form is for disc

16、ussion during the given managers performance interview with his/her line manager.The competencies assessment form is filled in by marking the agreed results on each scale.BackPre-reading Activities3. Why should both individual and line manager draft before the interview? 4. A mark to which side woul

17、d mean that you have done well for that particular competency? A mark to the left indicates that you have fully developed in that particular competency for your role.Both managers should draft before the interview because it facilitates their discussion.BackPre-reading Activities5. Who should keep c

18、opies of this form?Both the Individual Manager and the Line Manager should keep a copy of this form and pass one to HR Manager.BackPre-reading Activities Task 4Fill in the blanks in the following summary of Text A with words given in the box. clarify identify priority diversity interruptions entitle

19、ment BackReading of Text AStaff AppraisalSample Policy and ProcedureText AStaff AppraisalSample Policy and Procedure1. Purpose of Appraisal Para. 1 Appraisal allows the opportunity for the management and staff to look back and to look forward. Para. 2 The purpose of the appraisal interview is to cla

20、rify objectives, identify changes in the nature of the work done and possible new directions, help staff to make the most of themselves by reviewing their strengths and weaknesses,1BackText A increase the effectiveness of the organisation, feed into the overall training plan for the organisation, an

21、d identified training needs from each appraisal will be shown in the plan. The purpose of this is to enable the organisation to monitor the training needs of all staff annually, to ensure that identified needs are met (as far as possible). Para. 3 Ongoing training around equal opportunities /diversi

22、ty issues is considered to be a key priority for all staff, and staff and managers completing the appraisal forms are encouraged to reflect honestly on their / their staffs needs for training or development in this area.234BackText A2. Principles Para. 4 Each employee has a major role to play in the

23、ir own appraisal, and appraisals will be conducted in such a way that an honest exchange of views is encouraged, participation and openness are encouraged, and the employee is treated with respect and consideration. Appraisals are for the benefit of the employee and should be seen as an entitlement,

24、 not as something that is “done to” the employee.56BackText A3. The Appraisal Procedure Para. 5 The basis of the system is an annual interview between the employee and his/her line manager. Both the employee and their manager will complete a pre-appraisal form. The employee and the manager each give

25、 the other party a copy of their pre-appraisal form at least three days prior to the appraisal interview so that the points they contain can be considered. This exchange of forms must take place at the same time. As with supervision sessions, the interview will take place in comfortable surroundings

26、, free from interruptions.78BackText A Para. 6 The interview is to: review progress and priorities, explore and resolve any problems in these areas, discuss the employees potential and future training needs, set targets for future work and training if relevant. Para. 7 This active appraisal is a pos

27、itive way of helping people to develop their potential while carrying out their work. Benefits to the person being appraised include the chances to: discuss how you are getting on with the work in detail, find out the line managers views of your work,91011BackText A explore ways of working more effe

28、ctively, discuss your future within the organisation and how your career is developing, share views on how you see you are being managed, give feedback to your manager. Para. 8 The two parties should agree actions to be taken as a result of the interview. In order that there should be no misundersta

29、ndings and to provide a point of reference, the interview and agreements on action points should be recorded in writing, using the Appraisal Form so that these can be referred to in subsequent interviews.1213Back Task 1 ComprehensionWork in pairs and answer the following questions according to the t

30、ext.1. What opportunities does the appraisal allow?Appraisal allows the opportunities for the management and staff to look back and look forward.Back Comprehension2. List purposes of the appraisal interview.Purposes of the appraisal interview are to clarify objectives, identify changes and possible

31、new directions, help staff to make the most of themselves, increase the effectiveness of the organization, feed into the overall training plan of the organization.Back Comprehension3. What is considered to be the key priority for all staff?4. Why should the identified training needs from each apprai

32、sal be shown in the plan?The purpose of this is to enable the organization to monitor the training needs of all staff annually, to ensure that identified needs are met.Ongoing training around equal opportunities or diversity issues is considered to be the key priority for all staff.Back Comprehensio

33、n5. Why should the staff use positive attitudes to complete the appraisal form?6. How do the employee and manager ensure that the points they contain in the interview can be considered?The staff should use positive attitude to complete the appraisal form because appraisals are for the benefit of the

34、 employee.The employee and the manager each give the other party a copy of their pre-appraisal form at least three days prior to the appraisal interview so that the points they contain can be considered.Back Comprehension7. What is the advantage of an active appraisal?An active appraisal is a positi

35、ve way of helping people to develop their potential while carrying out their work.Back Comprehension8. List two things that the person being appraised benefits from the appraisal interview.The person being appraised can discuss how they are getting on with work in detail, find out the line managers

36、views of their work, explore ways of working more effectively, discuss their future within the organization and how their career is developing, share views on how they see they are being managed and also give feedback to their manager. (Any two advantages from the above.)Back1. From the passage, who

37、 will find the appraisal useful? a. Employer.b. Employee. c. The organization.d. All of the above.2. What attitude should not be taken in the appraisal interview? a. Honesty.b. Untruth. c. Respect and consideration.d. Openness. Comprehension Task 2Choose the best answer to the following questions. B

38、ack3. Which is true of the time for exchanging the pre-appraisal form between the employee and the manager? a. At the same time three days before the appraisal interview. b. The employee submits it to his/her manager three days earlier. c. The line manager gives it to the employee three days earlier

39、. d. The manager and the employee exchange the form during the appraisal interview. ComprehensionBack4. What does the expression “done to” in “something that is done to the employee” mean? a. Forced b. Helped. c. Liked. d. Given.5. How often is the staff appraisal conducted? a. Monthly. b. Weekly. c

40、. Daily. d. Annually.6. The interview is to_. a. explore and resolve any problems b. discuss the employees potential and future training needs c. set targets for future work and training if relevant d. all of the above ComprehensionBack7. The person being appraised has the chance to_. a. find out th

41、e line managers personal details b. open up ways of working more efficiently c. decide on his personal promotion d. discuss how the salary will be raised8. The article is about_.a. company regulations b. company appraisalc. staff appraisal d. none of the above ComprehensionBack Vocabulary Task 3Back

42、1. It is important to _ the aims and objectives before we start to plan the project.2. The new findings suggest that women ought to _ their cholesterol(胆固醇)levels. Vocabulary Task 4Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Change the form where necessary. identify monitor annualmonitor pri

43、orityidentify relevantclarify reflectresolveBack3. The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a _.4. Could you _ the first point please? I dont understand it completely.5. The statistics _ a change in peoples spending habits.6. Companies publish _ reports to inform the public about

44、the previous years activities.7. The team _ the problem just in time so that it didnt turn into big trouble.8. For further information, please refer to the _ leaflet. Vocabularypriority clarify reflectannual resolved relevant Back Syndicate Activities Task 5Work in groups. Each member fills in the f

45、ollowing student self-appraisal form and presents it in the group. The group will discuss each members self-appraisal form and give evaluation in the form. Finally each group selects a member to present his form in front of the class. Making Appraisal of Yourself and Your PeersBack Syndicate Activit

46、iesSTUDENT SELF-APPRAISAL FORMReview period: from _to _Name: _Job: _QuestionsSelf-Evaluation1. Please list your most significant accomplishments or contributions in this termReference Answers:November, 2010Jack LiuStudentI successfully organized a photograph show.September, 2010Back Syndicate Activi

47、tiesQuestionsSelf-Evaluation2. Describe any factors, positive or negative, you feel may have helped or hindered in meeting your goals or objectives.The positive factor that always helps me to achieve my goals is my confidence and knowledge in the subject. However, what hinders in meeting my goal is

48、my incompetence in English language skills.Back Syndicate ActivitiesQuestionsSelf-Evaluation3. Have you successfully performed any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities? (e.g. social services, extra-curricular activities etc.)Yes. I have participated as a

49、volunteer for old peoples home visit every weekend which is an additional duty outside the scope of my regular responsibilities. Back4. What skills do you have that you feel could be used more effectively?5. What skills do you think you have learned from school? Syndicate ActivitiesI think I am good

50、 at convincing people. I have always worked in an office, but if I work as a sales person, I could use my skill more effectively.QuestionsSelf-EvaluationI have learnt computer skills at school and skills for networking and making friends. Back6. Describe the areas that you feel require improvement.

51、7. List 2-4 of your career goals for the coming year and indicate how you plan to accomplish them. Syndicate ActivitiesQuestionsSelf-EvaluationMy English speaking skills requires improvement. I find myself fit to work as an IT technician or a sales person. I plan to brush up my computer knowledge an

52、d join extra lessons to learn to speak English well. Back8. Please evaluate yourself on the following factors: Performance AreasOutstandingVery CompetentSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementInd.GroupInd.GroupInd.GroupInd.GroupTeamworkInnovation/CreativityInterpersonal SkillsTime Management Skills Syndicate

53、ActivitiesStudent Signature: Group Leader Signature: Date: Date:Jack Liu2010-11-30Peter Panz2010-11-30Back1. One of the purposes of the appraisal interview is to _ _(为公司做出 全面的培训计划输入信息). (feed into)2. The purpose of appraisal interview is _ _ (使企业能够监测员工一年一度的培训需要). (monitor, annually) Translation Task

54、 6 feed into the overall training plan for the organization to enable the organization to monitor the training needs of all staff annuallyComplete the following sentences by translating the Chinese parts into English.Back3. Staff completing the appraisal forms are encouraged to _ _ (诚实认真地考虑他们在这一领域培训

55、和发展 的需求). ( reflect on )4. As with supervision sessions, _ _ (面谈应不受外界干扰) . ( free from ) Translationreflect honestly on their needs for training or development in this area the interview should be free from interruptionsBack5. A copy of pre-appraisal form_ _(至少要在 评估面谈前三天提交). ( prior to )6. The appra

56、isal interview is to _ _(探究并解决这些方面的任何 问题). ( resolve) Translation should be given at least three days prior to the appraisal interview explore and resolve any problems in these areasBack Translation Task 7 评估会之后,还需要做好以下工作: 1. 做会议记录或者总结。 2. 提供两份会议记录或总结,如果参评人员认为其如实记 录了会议讨论和达成的协议,则要求他们签名并上交其中 的一份。 3. 随

57、时准备解答参评人员对会议记录上的疑虑。有可能是 理解误差或记录不准。 4. 做一份检查目标进度的时间表。BackPhonetics Review Task 1Listen and repeat the following words, paying special attention to the underlined parts.Back1. tr treattreeintroduce tradition 2. dr dropdreamdrinkdry3. ts ratsseatscatsboots4. dz bedsbrandsseedsbirds5. h howwhowholebehin

58、d Phonetics Review Task 2Listen and pick out the word in each group which contains the same consonant as given.Back1. tr a. trip b. steepc. tipd. center2. dr a. dear b. judgec. drilld. door3. ts a. teeth b. artsc. tryd. those4. dz a. god b. guardc. goodd. goods5. h a. who b. whitec. wheeld. why Phon

59、etics Review Task 3Listen to the following sentences and underline the word you hear in the brackets.Back1.This meal is my ( treat / cheat ), so put your money away.2.The pop star was followed by a ( train / drain ) of admirers.3.( Cards / Cats ) are an abomination to him.4.These ( goods / goats ) a

60、re freely available.5.She tried to ( hide / wide) her feelings.Phonetics Review Task 3Back6. He ( tripped / dripped ) on a tree root.7. ( Pads / Pets ) can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.8. His ( fight / height ) makes him stand out in the crowd.9. I ( dread / tread ) to think what wil

61、l happen if she finds out the truth.10. I cant walk about in this ( heat / feat ).Phonetics Review Task 4Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying special attention to the underlined parts.Back1.Drowning man will catch at a straw.2.Hang up ones hat in anothers house.3.First try, and then tru

62、st.4.Health is happiness.5.Time tries truth.6.I saw lots of cats and kites.Phonetics Review Task 4Back7. Trust yourself, and another shall not betray you.8. He holds two birds in his hands.9. When a dog is drowning everyone offers him drink.10. He who hesitates is lost.Grammar ReviewConjunctions1. M

63、en _ women, old _ young, all joined in the battle. 2. _ you improve your work _ we will dismiss you. 3. He tried hard, _ he was still unsuccessful. 4. The days were short, _ it was December now. 5. I have read one of his novels _ a few of his plays. 6. His first response was to say no. Later, _, he

64、changed his mind. I. Co-ordinating Conjunctions (并列连词)(并列连词) Task 1A. Fill in the blanks with proper co-ordinating conjunctions.and and Either or but for however as well as Back7. I must go now, _ Ill be late for the party. 8. Though the sore is healed, _ a scar may remain. 9. Hes charming; _, I don

65、t trust him. 10. We should _ be bold, _ be cautious. 11. My sister is expecting me, _ I must be off now. 12. You were wrong. _, Im ready to forgive you. 13. It rained; _, the game was called off. 14. A man should have _ courage _ perseverance. 15. Microwaves are cheaper; _, more people can afford th

66、em. I. Co-ordinating Conjunctions (并列连词)(并列连词)or yet nevertheless not only but alsoso Still therefore both and hence BackI. Co-ordinating Conjunctions (并列连词)(并列连词)B. Arrange the answers to the above questions in the corresponding columns. FunctionsQuestionsCo-ordinating Conjunctions表示并列关系表示转折关系表示因果关

67、系1234567and; andEitherorbutforas well ashoweverorBackI. Co-ordinating Conjunctions (并列连词)(并列连词) FunctionsQuestionsCo-ordinating Conjunctions表示并列关系表示转折关系表示因果关系89101112131415yetneverthelessnot only but alsosoStillthereforebothandhenceBack1. _ he is still working on the project, I dont mind when he wil

68、l finish it. 2. When he went out, he would wear sunglasses _ nobody would recognize him. 3. She cut her finger _ she was cutting onions. 4. _ you dont want to go, we wont force you to. 5. Dont come _ I telephone. 6. They trembled _ their father should hear of it. II. Subordinating Conjunctions (从属连词

69、)从属连词) Task 2A. Fill in the blanks with proper subordinating conjunctions.As long as so that while unless Since lest Back7. She was _ moved _ tears came to her eyes. 8. Europe has less land _ Canada. 9. Its just a week _ we came here. 10. It gave him _ a shock _ his face turned white. 11. The job wa

70、s done _ we had expected. 12. The point is _ we should recommend him. 13. _ there is a will, there is a way. 14. _ happens, you must be calm and quiet. 15. Everything went on as usual _ nothing had happened. II. Subordinating Conjunctions (从属连词)从属连词) so that than since such that as whether Where as

71、if Whatever Back Task 2II. Subordinating Conjunctions (从属连词)从属连词)FunctionsSubordinating ConjunctionsExamples( from the above sentences)引导状语从句时间when, while, as, before, since, until (till), as soon as, once地点where, wherever原因because, as, since, now that, seeing that目的that, so that, in order that, les

72、t, for fear that, in case结果that, sothat, suchthat条件if, unless, suppose, supposing, so/as long as, so far as, on condition (that), provided (that)让步though, although, no matter, even if, even though, however, whatever比较than, as 方式as, as if, as though引导其他从句that, whether, whatB3, 91342, 67, 101, 5148 11

73、, 1512Back1. Write clearly _ your teacher can understand you correctly.2. Youll miss the train _ you hurry up.3. The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand. 4. _ he was in poor health, he worked just as hard as everyone else. 5. Give me one more minute _ Ill have fini

74、shed. Task 1Comprehensive ExercisesFill in the blanks with proper conjunctions.so thatunlessasAlthough and Back6. Hurry up, _ youll be late.7. We should pay attention to _ industry _ agriculture.8. We can surely overcome these difficulties _ we are closely united.9. Things have changed a lot _ I wro

75、te to you last time.10. Come _ today _ tomorrow. Comprehensive Exercisesorboth and as long as since either or 1. Write clearly _ your teacher can understand you correctly.2. Youll miss the train _ you hurry up.3. The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand. 4. _ he was

76、 in poor health, he worked just as hard as everyone else. 5. Give me one more minute _ Ill have finished.Back1. _ we have satisfied you, you have no grounds of complaint. a. So b. Since that c. Now that d. By now.2. Francis did the task _ his brother. a. as good asb. as better as c. as well asd. as

77、best as3. It looks _ it were going to rain. a. that b. asc. as if d. like thatComprehensive Exercises Task 2Choose the best answer.Back4. The novel is 800 pages long, _ it reads faster than any shorter books. a. and b. yet c. or d. and but5. Do not make the same mistake _ I did. a. so b. as c. like

78、d. that6. _ he will come or not is still unknown. a. If b. Where c. That d. Whether7. You are certainly right, _ others may say. a. what b. whatever c. that d. asComprehensive ExercisesBack8. _ you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. a. Once b. At once c. Only d. Only then9. P

79、lease write me _ you arrive in New York. a. as well asb. so long as c. as far asd. as soon as10. The museum is _ far _ it will take us half an hour to get there by bus. a. such . thatb. as . as c. so.thatd. so asComprehensive ExercisesBackApplied WritingI. Notes of CongratulationsI. Notes of Congrat

80、ulations SituationTask 1Task 2II. Notes Asking for a LeaveII. Notes Asking for a Leave SituationTask 1Task 2HomeSituationAnswer the following questions by referring to the greeting cards.1. Who has won the Regional Best Salesperson Award? _ won the Regional Best Salesperson Award.2. Where is the not

81、e displayed? The note is displayed on _.Shirley Foethe Bulletin Board I. Notes of CongratulationsI. Notes of Congratulations Back3. When was this note publicised? The note was publicised on _.4. Who is congratulating Henry? _is congratulating Henry.5. Why is Henry being congratulated? Henry has been

82、 promoted to _.May 23, 2010 EddieSales Manager I. Notes of Congratulations I. Notes of Congratulations BackHere is the conversation between Nida and Lucy who work for Golden Watches Ltd.Task 1Lucy : Hello, Nida! I heard about your winning the Regional Best Salesperson Award. Congratulations! (She sh

83、akes Nidas hands.)Nida : I did win it. I was lucky enough.Lucy : Im glad you won, Nida. You deserve the honor. Im proud of you.Nida : Thank you, Lucy. I hope I deserve it.Lucy : Of course, you deserve it. You are really a bright person. I wish you would also win other awards in the future.Nida : Tha

84、nk you very much.I. Notes of Congratulations I. Notes of Congratulations BackYou are Sandy who was listening to the above conversation, and you want to send Nida a congratulation note. Write the note following the sample above.16 Aug., 2010Dear Nida,Congratulations on your winning the Regional Best

85、Salesperson Award. I am so proud and happy for your success. I hope that you will have evermore success in the future.Sincerely,SandyBackTask 2Bella wants to send a note of congratulation to her friend Linda on her salary hike. Here are two notes, which is a better one that Bella could send to Linda

86、?I. Notes of Congratulations I. Notes of Congratulations BackNovember 18Dear Linda,I wish you greater success and the best of health for the coming years.Im so glad to hear the good news.Sincerely yours,BellaNote 1Note 2November 18 Dear Linda,Congratulations on your salary hike. I wish you more succ

87、ess and better health for the coming years.Cheers,BellaNote 2 is better because it mentions clearly the reason why Linda is being congratulated. Also, it is written informally which is appropriate given their relationships as friends.BackII. Notes Asking for a Leave II. Notes Asking for a Leave Situ

88、ationRefer to the Samples and answer the following questions.1. Whats the reason for leave of absence in sample 1? Sue is asking Andy for leave of absence for _ _.2. How long is Sue asking for leave? Sue is asking for leave for about _.3. Which note seems unlikely to be approved? _seems unlikely to

89、be approved. delivery of her baby 3 months The 2nd one asking for a leave BackII. Notes Asking for a Leave II. Notes Asking for a Leave Task 1June 20, 2010Dear _,I am requesting _for 2 weeks next month because_next month. I need to be away for 2 weeks as there is some exam preparation to be done. _i

90、f you grant me leave. _Complete the following note according to the situation.a leave of absenceI need to sit for the logistics and shipping examI will be gratefulMr. TaylorSamuelBackII. Notes Asking for a Leave II. Notes Asking for a Leave Task 2Allan is asking her manager Ms. Green for three weeks

91、 leave, as she will be having a surgery on September 1. If necessary, she will provide written documentation from the surgeon. Write a note of leave according to the situation.BackII. Notes Asking for a Leave II. Notes Asking for a Leave Task 2_( date)_,_Aug.15, 2010Dear Ms. Green,I would like to re

92、quest a leave of absence for medical reasons. I will be having surgery on September 1 and expect to return to work approximately three weeks later. I can provide written documentation from the surgeon, if necessary. Thank you very much for your consideration. AllanBackText BHow Horoscopes WorkTask 1

93、Task 3Task 2 Syndicate Activities Task 4Reading of the TextText BPre-reading ActivitiesHome118高级教学How Horoscopes WorkBack120高级教学 Para. 1 Astrology is the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives. The position of the sun, stars, moon and plane

94、ts at the time of peoples birth (not their conception) is said to shape their personality, affect their romantic relationships and predict their economic fortunes. 1Back121高级教学 Para. 2 What most people know about astrology is their “sign”, which refers to one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac.

95、This is a form of sun-sign astrology, which is the astrology upon which newspaper horoscopes are based. Each sign has certain characteristics; but the signs are also categorized in several ways. First, they are grouped by element: 23Back122高级教学 Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are associated wit

96、h action, enthusiasm and leadership, as well as an openness to change. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) embody emotion, sensitivity and compassion. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) symbolize practicality and a focus on material goals. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are the signs of t

97、he intellect. 45Back123高级教学 Para. 3 Here are the typical symbols used by astrologers to represent the sun signs: Back124高级教学 Para. 4 Signs can also be cardinal, fixed, or mutable, which are related to movement, resistance to change and ability to change freely, respectively. And finally, each sign i

98、s either masculine or feminine, alternating around the zodiac. This designation is not related to what most of us think of as gender, but instead to the Chinese concept of Yin and Yang, in which, to oversimplify a complex subject, opposing forces or traits both define and create one another.67Back12

99、5高级教学Signs of HoroscopesCharacteristicsAries - The Ram白羊座March 21 - April 20Cardinal, Fire, MasculineProud, youthful, impulsive, brave, competitive, arrogant, violent, energetic, impatient, adventurous and spontaneous, lively, passionateTaurus - The Bull金牛座April 21 - May 21Fixed, Earth, FeminineCons

100、ervative, loyal, stubborn, materialistic, resistant to change, possessive, sensual, charming but aggressive, patient and reliableBack126高级教学Gemini - The Twins双子座May 22 - June 21Mutable, Air, MasculinePersuasive, concerned with information, highly literate, curious, adaptable, absent-minded, smart, w

101、itty, outgoing, chatty, lively, energeticCancer - The Crab巨蟹座June 22 - July 22Cardinal, Water, FeminineCautious, protective, family-oriented, romantic, domestic, shy, thorough, moody, emotional, inventive and imaginative, pretty / handsome, excellent partners for life Leo - The Lion狮子座July 23 - Augu

102、st 21Fixed, Fire, MasculineProud, courageous, stubborn, extroverted, vain, ambitious, optimistic, open, organized, need order in their lives, tend to take over everythingBack127高级教学Virgo - The Virgin处女座August 22 - September 23Mutable, Earth, FeminineConservative, shy, prudish, kindly, uptight, skept

103、ical, smart, loyal, harsh, hardworking, dominant in relationshipsLibra - The Scales天秤座September 24 - October 23Cardinal, Air, MasculineExtroverted, analytical, unbiased, secretive, tactful, peaceful, generous, creative, energetic, and very social, cant make up their mind, hates to be alone Scorpio -

104、 The Scorpion天蝎座October 24 - November 22Fixed, Water, FeminineVengeful, sarcastic, courageous, tenacious, hardworking, intelligent, determined, protective, can be jealous and/or possessive, can become obsessive or secretiveBack128高级教学Sagittarius - The Archer射手座November 23 - December 22Mutable, Fire,

105、 MasculineDaring, proud, impatient, dual-natured (refined and intellectual as well as bestial and passionate), extroverted, progressive, eclecticCapricorn - The Goat-Fish魔羯座December 23 - January 20Cardinal, Earth, FeminineNeurotic, introspective, inhibited, conservative, fatalistic, methodical, prac

106、tical, ambitious, good-looking, humorous and funny, patient and wise Aquarius The Water Bearer水瓶座January 21 - February 19Fixed, Air, MasculineIntellectual, connected to civilization, rational, individualistic, iconoclastic, tolerant, optimistic and honestBack129高级教学Pisces - The Fish双鱼座February 20 -

107、March 20Mutable, Water, FeminineEmotional, self-sacrificing, adaptable, religious, versatile, talkative, creative, impractical, sensitive, generous, kindBack130高级教学_ 1. Astrology is the study of the influence that the sun, stars, moon and planets have on human lives._ 2. The signs are also categoriz

108、ed by element as cardinal signs, fixed signs, or mutable signs._ 3. According to their movement and ability to change, signs can be grouped as fire signs, water signs, earth signs and air signs._ 4. Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) embody emotion, sensitivity and compassion. Task 1Refer to Text

109、B and decide if the following statements are “True” or “False”. Work with a partner. FTFFBack151高级教学_ 5. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius belong to Fixed Signs._ 6. People who belong to Cancer are conservative, loyal, stubborn, materialistic and resistant to change._ 7. People who belong to Water S

110、igns are said to be emotional and sensitive._ 8. People who belong to Air Signs are likely to be intellectual and wise.TFFTBack152高级教学Task 2 Back153高级教学1. The countrys constitution _ the ideals of freedom and equality. 2. Your assessment grossly _ the problem. 3. The new board will work to restore t

111、he companys _. Task 3 Work with a partner, and fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.embodies oversimplifies fortunes alternate intellect oversimplify fortuneelement embody categorize resistanceBack154高级教学4. The population _ according to

112、age, gender, and occupation. 5. Our new management system includes two essential _. 6. There has been a lot of _ to this new law. 7. It is normal that sales often _ between high season and low season. 8. These activities are designed to develop a babys _. is categorized elements alternate resistance

113、 intellectBack155高级教学Task 4 Syndicate ActivitiesAction 1Identifying Your Character Associated with HoroscopesHoroscope is an interesting topic; the following activities help you to learn more about it. There are totally 12 signs of horoscopes, which are mainly grouped by the date. Find the sign of h

114、oroscope which you belong to, and answer the questions below.Back156高级教学Your birthday:Sign of horoscope:Your personality: BackFree Answer. Free Answer. Free Answer. 157高级教学Task 4 Syndicate ActivitiesAction 2Work in groups. Compare each members personality with that of his / her sign of horoscope giv

115、en in Text B. Write down their similarities and dissimilarities in the following form.Back158高级教学Action 2BackFree Answer. 159高级教学Telling the Difference between a General Idea and DetailsReading SkillsHome160高级教学Read the following paragraphs, and try to find out the general idea and the details to su

116、pport it.Back161高级教学Paragraph 1General Idea: _ _Details: 1. The profits from its sales enable us_ _ 2. Create _and improve _ _, allowing us to return value to our shareowners.Trademark Coca-Cola is the oxygen for our Company to invest in innovating new products our market presencenew marketing strat

117、egiesBack162高级教学Paragraph 2General Idea: _ _ _.Details: 1. We worked to ensure that we _ the crisis in an even stronger position; 2. Communicate with our consumers and _; 3. Invest in innovation; 4. Enhance our distribution, _ _around the world.We entered 2009 with a simple and clear purpose: to con

118、front the global economic uncertainty by focusing on what we could controlcame out of retail customers sales and production capabilities Back163高级教学Paragraph 3General Idea: _ _.Details: 1. English is_. 2. American is _ _. 3. Pop culture is _. American pop culture has spread around the world a universal language a world leader in movies, music and magazines easy to package and export Back164高级教学Thank you !165高级教学



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