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1、Lesson 61A bad cold1沐风教资feel /fi:l/ v.感觉look /lk/ v.看(起来)must /mst/ modal verb . 必须 call /k:l/ v.叫,请doctor /dkt/ n.医生telephone /telfn/ n.电话remember /rmemb/ v. 记得,记住mouth /ma/ n.嘴tongue /t/ n. 舌头bad /bd/ n. 坏的,严重的cold /kld/ n. 感冒news / nju:z / n. 消息2沐风教资headache 头痛earache 耳痛toothache 牙痛dentist 牙医stom

2、ach ache 胃痛medicine 药temperature 温度flu 流行感冒measles 麻疹mumps 腮腺炎aspirin 阿斯匹林3沐风教资feel /fi:l/ v.感觉look /lk/ v.看(起来)must /mst/modal verb . 必须 call /k:l/ v.叫,请doctor /dkt/ n.医生telephone /telfn/ n.电话New words and expressions4沐风教资remember /rmemb/ v. 记得,记住mouth /ma/ n.嘴tongue /t/ n. 舌头bad /bd/ n. 坏的,严重的cold

3、 /kld/ n. 感冒news / nju:z / n. 消息5沐风教资feel v. 感觉感觉 v. 觉得;感到;意识到觉得;感到;意识到 他今天感觉好点了。他今天感觉好点了。 Hes feeling a little better today. v.系动词系动词 “感觉起来感觉起来” 系动词系动词+adj. 构成系表结构构成系表结构 丝绸摸上去很滑爽。丝绸摸上去很滑爽。 The silk feels very smooth. 他他感觉病了。感觉病了。 He feels ill. 我感觉很好。我感觉很好。 I feel good. 他看起来病了。他看起来病了。 He looks ill.

4、6沐风教资感官动词,用来说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。感官感官动词:sound/smell/look/taste/feel 起来起来 系系动词+adj. 形容形容词作表作表语,构成系表,构成系表结构构He feels ill. He looks ill. 我感觉很高兴。 I feel happy.这朵花闻起来很香。 This flower smells sweet.她看起来伤心。She looks sad.这个蛋糕尝起来很棒。This cake tastes good.7沐风教资look v. 看起来看起来 系动词系动词+adj. v. 看,看,强调动作强调动作 see 看见看见 看到看到

5、 强调结果强调结果 look at sth 看某物看某物 try to do sth 尝试做某事尝试做某事 我尝试看黑板但是没看清。我尝试看黑板但是没看清。 I try to look at the blackbord but I cant see it. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过看见某人做过/经常做某事经常做某事 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事look for 寻找寻找 What are you looking for?你正在找什么?你正在找什么?look out 1,小心,小心 当心;当心;=be careful=watch

6、out Look out when you are crossing the street. 过马路时要小心。过马路时要小心。2,向外看,向外看 他经常向窗外看。他经常向窗外看。 He always looks out of the window. look after sb 照顾某人照顾某人 =take care of sb8沐风教资must 情态动词情情态动词的四个用法的四个用法must 与与have/has to 的区别:的区别:must “必须” 表示主观上认为“必须”,have/has to “不得不” 表示客观上不得已 我今天必须完成工作吗? -Must I finish the

7、work today?肯定/否定回答:回答:肯定回答:-Yes,you must.否定回答:-No, you neednt./ No, you dont have to.9沐风教资remember (反义词:forget) v. 记得;记住; remember sth 记住某物。 我记住了你的名字。 I remember your name. 记住医生的电话号码 Remember the doctors telephone number. remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还没做) remember doing sth 记得做过某事(已经做过了) 我记得关过窗户了。 I re

8、member closing the window. 记得关窗。 Remember to close the window.10沐风教资 Call v. 打电话,叫(人或车) Call the doctor. 请医生。 call sb at . 打某个电话找某人 打15083003268找我。 Call me at 15083003268. call sb (up) 给某人打电话 他经常给我打电话。 He always calls me (up). doctor n. 医生 看医生 see a doctor 去看医生 go to see a doctor 我女儿是一个医生。 My daught

9、er is a doctor.11沐风教资tongue n. 舌头舌头 让我看看你的舌头让我看看你的舌头 show me your tongue =show your tongue to meshow sb sth=show sth to sb 绕口令绕口令 tongue twister语言语言 母语母语 mother tongueshow12沐风教资1、 be in bed 生病生病卧床卧床 e.g. Jimmy is in bed. stay in bed 呆在床上 go to bed 上床睡觉 be on bed 在床上 床上有只猫。 e.g. There is a cat on bed

10、.13沐风教资问问怎么了怎么了Whats the matter (with sb)?=whats wrong(with sb)?=whats up(with sb)?=whats the trouble(with sb)?=whats the problem(with sb)?14沐风教资患病的表达形式have/has +a/an + 疼acheeg. have a headache have an earachehave/has + a + sore +部位eg. have a sore throat/backhave/has (+a) + 病症eg. have a cold/tempera

11、ture/fever have flu/measles/mumpsThere is something wrong with+ ones +部位我的眼睛出毛病了,我看不清东西了。eg. There is something wrong with my eyes.I cant see things clearly.15沐风教资Where is Jimmy?Hes in bed.Whats the matter with him?He feels ill.16沐风教资He looks ill.We must call the doctor.Yes, we must.17沐风教资Can you re

12、member the doctors telephone number ?Yes.Its 09754.18沐风教资Open your mouth, Jimmy.Show me your tongue.say, Ah.19沐风教资Whats the matter with him, doctor?He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams.So he must stay in bed for a week.20沐风教资Thats good news for Jimmy.Good news?Why?Because he doesnt like school!21沐风教资THANK YOU FOR YOUR LISTENING!22沐风教资



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