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1、Here comes a new friend. Who is she?今天有个新朋友悄悄来到了我们教室,猜猜是谁呢?今天有个新朋友悄悄来到了我们教室,猜猜是谁呢?TipsSing and act. (动作到位,声音洪亮.)Spread to wave.(摇摆双手,拉开距离.)Tips Hands up when you finish. (完成举手示意,小组完成最快胜。) Say and count. (快速描述五项不同能力。)Today, lets design our English party !今天我们一起筹备我们自己的英语派对吧!今天我们一起筹备我们自己的英语派对吧!Well hav

2、e an English party next _. A. Tuesday B. FridayWhen is the party? 你能帮我确定一下派对时间吗?你能帮我确定一下派对时间吗? Fridaynext Friday Tuesdaynext TuesdayWell have an English party next _.A. Tuesday B. FridayTuesdayWho can show on the party?谁能在派对上展示才艺呢?谁能在派对上展示才艺呢?I can sing English songs.I can dance.B:I can sing / dance

3、 / sing and dance.A:Wonderful ! / Cool ! / Great !.Tips Work in groups.(组长询问,组员回答并展示.) Check and help.(组长注意检查读音.)A:Hello, What can you do for the party?I can do some kung fu.Tips PK in groups, choose the best. (每组评选一名功夫小子,选出立马上台准备展示.) Ask and answer one by one. (组长组织,起立开火车问答并展示.)How about you? Good

4、pronunciation and action. (语音准确,动作到位.)singWhat can you do for the party ?What can you show? 你还有什么才艺呢?你还有什么才艺呢?I canIf you cant show, just do.不会才艺没关系,我们还可以做做后勤工作。不会才艺没关系,我们还可以做做后勤工作。 让我来选选热心的孩子吧!让我来选选热心的孩子吧!driverdraw picturesclockclean the classroom1.Read them in groups. 组内尝试,自主拼读。组内尝试,自主拼读。2.Find t

5、he rules, help others. 揣摩读音,互帮互助。揣摩读音,互帮互助。TipsCan you read them? clean the classroom the windowthe board?clean the classroomWell have an English party next Tuesday.What can you do for the party? Draw quickly. 模仿一笔画,边画边说。模仿一笔画,边画边说。 Show and say. 展示,击掌展示,击掌, 滚雪球方式问答。滚雪球方式问答。 TipsA:Well have an Engli

6、sh party next Tuesday. What can you do for the party?B: I can draw pictures. A: Wow, wonderful ! / Great ! . B: Thank you ! draw picturesListen and read. (听音跟读,模仿语音语调听音跟读,模仿语音语调)TipsRead and act. (动作伴读动作伴读)What can our friend do? Lets say with them !Tip Read like Minnie and students. 模仿角色语音语调,动作伴读。2

7、 min to prepare. (2分钟排练。分钟排练。)TipsEveryone can show for your party. (根据派对主题,组长组织,全员参与并展示。根据派对主题,组长组织,全员参与并展示。)English party is done. 英语派对筹备基本完毕。英语派对筹备基本完毕。Can you design more parties? 你的小组能设计其他派对吗你的小组能设计其他派对吗?You can use :Well have a party next.What can you do for the party?I can How about you?I can

8、 Wonderful ! / Great ! / Cool ! / Super ! Thank you !Real and full. 情境真实,情节完整。情境真实,情节完整。1Correct pronunciation. 语音标准,语调正确。语音标准,语调正确。1Right expression. 整合知识,表达流畅。整合知识,表达流畅。1Active and creative. 表演大方,具有创意。表演大方,具有创意。1Good manners. 礼貌待人,互帮互助。礼貌待人,互帮互助。1Do you want him?神秘嘉宾想参加你们的派对。神秘嘉宾想参加你们的派对。你们愿意他加入吗?

9、你们愿意他加入吗?He has no arms and no legs.His name is Nick.What can he do for the party?Clap your hands for him. 感动处,请你赞美和鼓掌!感动处,请你赞美和鼓掌!How can he make it? 他如何做到的呢?他如何做到的呢?I try, then I can.If you try, you can do many things out of your imagination.努力尝试,相信自己,你能做到很多超乎想象的事!努力尝试,相信自己,你能做到很多超乎想象的事!Yes, we can ! Try ! Try ! Try !I can? Can you try ? 你能试试总结今日所学吗?你能试试总结今日所学吗?What can you do ? ? ? ? Discuss and say. 先独立思考,再小组讨论总结。先独立思考,再小组讨论总结。 TipsHHo omme ew wo or rk k Finish writing the mind map.完成本课思维导图,学会总结。2. 2. 2. 2. Learn to show more abilities on the party. 练习更多派对才艺,并学会用英语表述。作业



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