unit11 lesson1《world news》课件(北师大版必修4)

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1、Lesson 1Lesson 1World NewsWorld News What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment ? Why?Free talkThe issue about nuclear problem between Iran and the USA. Iraq problemOil priceRead the text First read the “Africa on G8 Agenda” and answer the first 5 questions, then read the “London wi

2、ns” and answer the last 3 questions.1. What does “G8” stand for? The worlds wealthiest nations.2. Which nations are in the “G8”?3. Why is this years meeting unusual? Discuss in detail the topic of Africa.Francethe United StatesBritainGermanyJapanItaly CanadaRussia4. What are some of the major proble

3、ms in Africa?No clothing,no housingstarvationNo water!No crops!No food!This is the result of no water.5. How can the G8 nations help Africas poorest countries? Cancel the debt of the poorest countries. Before read the “London wins”, lets appreciate a piece of video6. What important news were London

4、people reacting to at lunchtime on July 6, 2005?The announcement of the name of the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games.Cheering people in London streets7. How were they reacting to this news?8. Why did this news have historical importance? It is London that has the distinction of being the first ci

5、ty to host the event three times. Task 3: Complete the sentences in the table with these words.Have been, was , is , will be , was being, can be, is being, had been, is going to be The Group of Eight, or G8, (2) _ formed by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.Past SimplewasGrammar The new

6、s (3) _ celebrated by crowds in the streets. At 12: 45 UK time today, the name of the host city for (4) _ announced by IOC in Singapore. Reforms (5) _ demanded by people from all over the world.is beingPresent continuousPast continuouswas beingPresent perfecthave been Londons name (6) _ announced tw

7、ice before. , as the topic of Africa (7) _ discussed in detail. They want the leaders to so that the problems there (8) _ prevented from getting any worse. It (9) _ remembered as a historical meeting this year,Past perfecthad beenwill becan beis going to be Read these sentences from the text. Read t

8、hese sentences from the text. Find the phrase that says who the Find the phrase that says who the “doer” of the action is in each “doer” of the action is in each sentence. Is the “doer” important?sentence. Is the “doer” important? The group of Eight, or G8, was formed by eight of the worlds wealthie

9、st nations in 1998. The doer is eight of the worlds wealthiest nations. They are important because they discuss major problems that concern the whole world. the name of the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games was being announced by the International Olympics Committee (IOC) The doer is the internat

10、ional Olympic Committee, which is important because it decides which city will host the Olympic Games.Task 5: Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive. Use an appropriate tense.1. He _ just _ (offer) a job with a good salary.2. The ceremony _ (report) in the news last night.hasbeen offeredwas repo

11、rted3. I think cinema _ _ (replace) by TV and computers in the next century.4. This programme became very popular after it _ (award) the best TV Show of the Year.will graduallybe replacedwas award5. Her latest series of articles _ (publish) in a nations newspaper at the moment.is being published1. d

12、etail n. 详情、细节详情、细节 This problem will be discussed in more detail in the next book. 这个问题将在下一本书中详细讨论。这个问题将在下一本书中详细讨论。 We didnt give any detail about the program . 我们没有提供这次节目的具体情况。我们没有提供这次节目的具体情况。Language PointsLanguage Points v. 详细介绍详细介绍 The brochure details all the local hospitals and their faciliti

13、es. 这本小册子详细介绍了当地所有医院及其设施。这本小册子详细介绍了当地所有医院及其设施。2. look forward to +n (高兴地高兴地)盼望,期待盼望,期待 Shes looking forward to the winter holiday. 她正盼望着寒假。她正盼望着寒假。 look forward to + v-ing We are looking forward to having a party with you again. 我们期待着再次与你开聚会。我们期待着再次与你开聚会。3. come down to sth. 归结为归结为, 归纳为归纳为 It comes

14、down to me that I get more money instead of my leaving. 最后结果是给我加薪而不是我辞职。最后结果是给我加薪而不是我辞职。4. concern 涉及,牵涉(某人)涉及,牵涉(某人) The event has concerned a lot of important people, we must take it seriously. 这次事件已经牵涉到一大批重要人物,我这次事件已经牵涉到一大批重要人物,我们必须谨慎对待。们必须谨慎对待。5. delighted adj. 高兴的高兴的 I was delighted that he cou

15、ld stay. 他能留下来我很高兴。他能留下来我很高兴。 to ones delight n. 使某人高兴的是使某人高兴的是 To his delight, I can go abroad with my parents. 使他高兴的是,我可以和父母一起出国。使他高兴的是,我可以和父母一起出国。Homework International organization has provide a one-week camp for some African children with AIDS. Write a short 100-word news report for a local newspaper. Try to use the PassiveThank youThank you 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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