Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》Reading-课件11(35张PPT)(人教版必修3)

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Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》Reading-课件11(35张PPT)(人教版必修3)_第1页
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《Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》Reading-课件11(35张PPT)(人教版必修3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3《The Million Pound Bank Note》Reading-课件11(35张PPT)(人教版必修3)(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、TheMillionPoundBankNoteThe first place Id like to go?restaurantActing: Ss act out Scene 4.Task 1:The Million Pound Bank Note What would happen to Henry at the restaurant? (Before eating)A.He was not taken seriously. B. He was treated politely. What would happen to Henry at the restaurant? What did t

2、he hostess feel when Henry came into the restaurant? How do you know? She felt very impatient and looked down upon Henry because of his poor appearance. “Why, look at him, he eats like a wolf.”(Before eating Eating) What would happen to Henry at the restaurant? (During eating)Answerthequestions 1. W

3、hat does “Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money” exactly mean? 2. Before Henry took the note out of the envelope, did the waiter serve him politely? Why? You are in rags. You cant afford it. No, he didnt. He served Henry impolitely. Because he thought Henrywas a poor man who was not able to pa

4、y for the meal. What would happen to Henry at the restaurant? (After eating) When did the hostess and the waiter change their attitude to the customer?_A. At the beginning of the story. B. Before they saw the large note.C. At the end of the story. D. After they saw the large note.D At the sight of t

5、he customers note, the owner and his waiter got very _. A. frightened B. angry C. worried D. shockedD Why were the owner and hostess shocked when they saw the million pound bank-note in Henrys hand? Because they never thought that the bank-note belonged to such a person in rags. 1.The owner looked d

6、own upon Henry when he noticed Henrys appearance. 2. Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot.3.When Henry saw the million pound bank-note, he was happy and proud of it.4.The owner didnt believe that the bank- note was real and he asked Henry to get out o

7、f the restaurant.TFFFTrue or false How was Henry treated beforeand after he showed them the one million pound note?The great change of their attitude how Owner Waiter HostessThat ones reserved.Well, we will have to take a chance.if you pay the billMy goodness! He eats like a wolf.Itll cost a large a

8、mount of money .Again, everything?Whats there to wait for?Before Henry shows his million pound bank-noteOwnerHostess WaiterIm so sorry, sir, so sorry.Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all.Just having you sit here is a great honour! bow ScreamsAnd you put him in the back of the restaurant

9、!bow.bowAfter Henry shows his million pound bank-noteThe great change of their attitude whyWhosebehaviourchangesthemostduringthisscene?Giveexamples. What kind of person is the owner, why?Complet the chartHenryThe owner Before showing the noteHad a good meal and waited to pay Treated Henry coldly,imp

10、atiently and rudely After showing the noteShowed a large bank-note and got a free mealTreated Henry warmly and respectfullyThe writer mocked(讥笑;嘲弄讥笑;嘲弄) the phenomenon“money worship” Whosebehaviourchangesthemostduringthisscene?Giveexamples. Theownersbehaviourchangesthemostbecausehestopsbeingrudeandw

11、orryingifHenrycanpayforthemealandbecomesover-politeofferingHenryafreemeal. What kind of person is the owner,why?Heissomebodywhoisonlyimpressedbyhowmuchmoneysomebodyhas. The Million Pound Bank Note BeforethenotewasshownAfterthenotewasshownBeforeeatingDuringeatingAftereatingpoorappearance;lied;reserve


13、ssof_.Thewaitertoldhimthemealwouldcosthim_.Aftereatinghisfirstorder,Henryaskedformoreof_.enveloperestauranthameggssteakbeera large amount of the sameWhenHenryopenedtheletter,hefounditwasa_.Hewas_buttheownerandthewaiterwere_.Theownerwasnotsureifitwas_orfake.TheycouldntbelieveHenrywhowas_couldbesorich

14、.Atlast,thenotewasprovedtobereal.million pound bank-notesurprisedshockedgenuineinragsAfterknowingthatthebillisgenuine,theowner_HenryagainandagainforhiscomingtohislittleeatingplaceandevenaskedHenrytoforgetthe_.Theowner,hostessandwaiterall_togetherasHenryleft.thankedbillbowDiscussion1.What can you lea

15、rn from the text?2.Is money everything?What can we learn from this story?We shouldnt judge people by appearance.Money is everything in the capitalist society.Britain in that film was a really money worship society.Is money everything?Idontthinkmoneyiseverything,butwecantdowithoutit.Forexample,moneyc

16、antbuyushappinessandagoodeducation.Andforanotherexample,moneycantbuyusgoodhealthandalonglife.ButwecannotIs money everything?livewithoutmoney.Weneeditforourdailynecessitiessuchasfood,clothesandtransportation.Whatsmore,weneedittoliveabetterlife.Inshort,weshouldlearnthevalueofmoneyandmakethemostofitsadvantages.1.Withthemillionpoundnote,Henryhadafreemealattherestaurant.Intodayssociety,canthishappen?Why?2.Summarizetheplay.Discussion同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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