2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修5 Module 4《Carnival》(外研版全国通用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件外研版全国通用Module 4 Carnival必修必修5pretend to do sth. 假装做某事pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事pretend to have done sth. 假装已做了某事pretend that 假装词汇点击词汇点击1. pretend vi. 假装She pretended to be reading when her mother came in.当她妈妈进来时,她假装正在读书。词汇点击词汇点击1. pretend vi. 假装完成句子He _ to me.他假装对我友善。

2、When we saw Mary in the park, she pretended_ games happily.A. to play B. to be playingC. playing D. playpretended to be friendlyB词汇点击词汇点击2. memory n. 记忆,记忆力I have a bad memory for names.我不善于记名字。in memory of 纪念be impressed on ones memory 铭记,给某人留下深刻的印象have a good / bad memory for sth. 对某事的记忆力好/差bring

3、back memories 引起对往事的回忆词汇点击词汇点击2. memory n. 记忆,记忆力单项填空Such an old man should have such _.A. good memory B. good memoriesC. a good memory D. a good memories【解析】 C该句中的should 意为“竟然”,表示意想不到的情况。have a good memory 为固定搭配,意为“记忆力好”。We wandered in the woods,admiring the beautiful nature.我们在树林里漫步,欣赏着美丽的大自然。词汇点击

4、词汇点击3. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛;(河流等)蜿蜒知识拓展wander vt. 漫游于,徘徊wonder v惊奇,想知道 n. C 奇观词汇点击词汇点击3. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛;(河流等)蜿蜒完成句子He was _ the pyramid, wondering how on earth this wonder was built.他在金字塔周围徘徊,想知道这座奇观究竟是怎样建成的。wandering around词汇点击词汇点击3. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛;(河流等)蜿蜒完成句子 I beg your pardon? Your mind must be _

5、 when I was speaking, wasnt it?A. wondering B. wanderingC. walking D. speaking【解析】 B句意:麻烦你再说一遍好吗?刚才我讲的时候你开小差了,不是吗? ones mind is wandering 走神,开小差。 The social unrest has its origins in economic problems.社会动荡是经济问题引起的。词汇点击词汇点击4. origin n. 起源;起因知识拓展original adj. 原来的;最初的;首创的 n. 原件;正本in the original 用原著的语言

6、;未经翻译originate vi. 起源;发源originate from / in 起源于词汇点击词汇点击4. origin n. 起源;起因单项填空The earth was here long before the _ of the human species.A. origin B. resourceC. source D. evolution【解析】 A本题考查名词词义辨析。origin 起源; resource 资源; source 源泉;来源; evolution 进化;演变。词汇点击词汇点击5. freedom n. 自由During the school holidays

7、the children enjoyed their freedom.学校放假期间,孩子们享受着自由自在的生活。freedom to do sth. 做某事的自由freedom from worry 无忧无虑freedom of speech 言论自由in freedom 自由地freedom from 从中摆脱;不受之苦词汇点击词汇点击5. freedom n. 自由free adj. 自由的;空闲的,免费的free from / of 不受影响的;没有的for freefree of charge 免费set free 使获得自由;释放知识拓展The meeting came to an

8、end without any result.那次会议没有任何结果就结束了。短语精释短语精释1. come to an end 完结知识拓展end n. 末端 vt. & vi. 结束;终结at the end of 在末尾;在的尽头by the end of 到结束时,到末尾时end in sth. 结果为,以结果(告终)end up 结束,完事The meeting came to an end without any result.那次会议没有任何结果就结束了。短语精释短语精释1. come to an end 完结知识拓展end up doing sth. 以结束(尤指意料之外的)in

9、 the end 最后,终于put an end to sth. 结束某事end up with 以结束/告终make ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出短语精释短语精释1. come to an end 完结完成句子There is a bank _ this street.这条街的尽头有一家银行。We had studied English for three years _ last term. 到上期末,我们就已学了3年英语了。This game will _ tears. I know it.这场比赛将不欢而散,我知道的。at the end ofby the end ofen

10、d in短语精释短语精释1. come to an end 完结完成句子How does the story _?这个故事是怎样结束的? We were going to go out, but_ _.我们原计划外出,但结果却是待在家里看电视。end upended up watching TV at home短语精释短语精释1. come to an end 完结完成句子He tried many times to pass the exam and _ he succeeded. 他多次努力要通过考试,最后终于成功了。We must _ this foolish behavior.我们必须

11、终止这种愚蠢的行为。in the endput an end toThe ladies were dressing up for the fancydress ball.女士们正精心打扮去参加化装舞会。短语精释短语精释2. dress up 打扮,装扮知识拓展be dressed in 穿着短语精释短语精释2. dress up 打扮,装扮词语辨析 dress, wear, have on, put on词语辨析例句dress后跟sb.表动作。Mum is dressing me.妈妈正给我穿衣服。wear后跟衣服,表状态。Im wearing a pair of beautiful shoe

12、s.我穿着一双漂亮的鞋。have on后跟衣服,表状态,但不用于进行时。Mary has on (is wearing) a new dress.玛丽穿着新连衣裙。put on后跟衣服,表动作。I put on my shirt and went to school.我穿上衬衫就去上学了。短语精释短语精释2. dress up 打扮,装扮完成句子用dress, wear, have on和put on填空The modern girl was _ in red and _ a fashionable sunglasses.The kind lady always _ a happy smile

13、 on her face.dressedwearswore短语精释短语精释2. dress up 打扮,装扮完成句子Mary _ _ her best blue dress at present.Now _ _ your overcoat and follow me to the post office.is wearing/has onput onThis class consists of 30 boys and 20 girls.这个班由30名男孩和20名女孩组成。短语精释短语精释3. consist of( be made up of) 由组成;由构成知识拓展consistency n

14、. 一致性;连贯性consistent adj. 一致的,连贯的consistently adv. 一致地;连贯地consist with 与一致;与相符This class consists of 30 boys and 20 girls.这个班由30名男孩和20名女孩组成。短语精释短语精释3. consist of( be made up of) 由组成;由构成知识拓展be consistent with 与一致;与相符be composed of 由组成consist in 在于短语精释短语精释3. consist of( be made up of) 由组成;由构成完成句子The be

15、auty of the picture _ its balance.这画美就美在色彩的和谐。The committee _ nine members set out for the disaster area immediately.A. consisted of B. consisting ofC. made of D. made up forconsists inBYou ought to give up smoking.你应该戒烟。短语精释短语精释4. give up 放弃知识拓展give in 屈服,投降;成交give away 赠送;泄露give out 分发;精疲力竭 give o

16、ff 发出give back 归还短语精释短语精释4. give up 放弃单项填空The Chinese government has recently passed a new regulation forbidding supermarkets and stores to _ free plastic bags to shoppers, in order to protect the environment.A. give off B. give inC. give up D. give out 短语精释短语精释4. give up 放弃单项填空【解析】 D句意:为了保护环境,近来中国政

17、府通过一项新规定:禁止超市和商场给购物者免费发放购物塑料袋。give off 发出(光、热、气体等); give in 屈服,让步; give up 放弃; give out 分发。根据句意,选D。By the time of the rehearsal she knew her lines more or less by heart.到最后彩排时,她几乎把台词都背下来了。短语精释短语精释5. more or less 或多或少,大约知识拓展no more than (only)仅仅;不过not more than 不多于;不超过once more (once again) 再一次By the

18、 time of the rehearsal she knew her lines more or less by heart.到最后彩排时,她几乎把台词都背下来了。短语精释短语精释5. more or less 或多或少,大约知识拓展never more no more 不再the morethe more 越越more than 超过,很People make fun of her because she wears such a strange hat.人们嘲笑她,因为她戴着一顶那么奇怪的帽子。短语精释短语精释6. make fun of 捉弄,开玩笑知识拓展play jokes / a

19、 joke on sb. 愚弄某人play a trick/tricks on sb. 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧I thought he was playing a trick on me.我认为他在捉弄我。短语精释短语精释6. make fun of 捉弄,开玩笑laugh at sb. 讽刺/嘲笑某人for fun 为了消遣(for pleasure)in fun 开玩笑地;闹着玩have fun 玩得开心(enjoy yourself)What fun! 多好玩啊!(How enjoyable!)短语精释短语精释6. make fun of 捉弄,开玩笑单项填空Nobody wants t

20、o _ especially in public.A. make fun of B. be made fun ofC. making fun of D. made fun of 【解析】 B根据上下文可知,应是不想“被取笑”,因而选be made fun of。If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.句型探究句型探究(1)put sb. into prison (prison前无冠词)send sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱be in prison 坐牢如果他们违犯法律,就要被判处长

21、达两年的监禁。If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.句型探究句型探究(2)up to达到(数量,程度);至多有I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能坐4个人。直到Up to now, hes been very quiet.直到目前,他一直很安静。Its up to sb.(to do sth.)由某人决定(做某事)If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.句型探究句型探究单项填空 Whose suggestions should we take? _.A. Thats OK B. Up to youC. Im sorry D. Its your turn 【解析】 B考查交际用语。Up to you.由你决定。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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