新人教必修3 Unit1-5词汇语法总复习课件

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1、Book 3 Unit OneKey words:1. 祖先祖先,祖宗祖宗2. 起源起源,由来由来3. 到来到来,到达者到达者 n.4. 国家的国家的,民族的民族的5. 赢得赢得,获得获得6. 独立独立,自主自主7. 农业的农业的,农艺的农艺的ancestororiginarrivalnationalgain independenceagricultural8.欧洲的欧洲的,欧洲人欧洲人9. 集合集合,聚集聚集,搜集搜集10.风俗风俗,习惯习惯11. 授予授予,判定判定12. 精力充沛的精力充沛的13. 衣服衣服14. 宗教上的宗教上的,虔诚的虔诚的European gathercustoma

2、ward energeticclothingreligious15.每日的每日的,日常的日常的16. 许可许可,允许允许 n.17. 愚弄愚弄,欺骗欺骗18. 溺死溺死,淹没淹没19. 可爱的可爱的,有趣的有趣的20. 明显的明显的,显而易见的显而易见的21.对对,双双,夫妇夫妇dailypermissionfooldrownlovelyobviouscouple重点短语重点短语: 1.发生发生,举行举行2. 饿死饿死3.缺乏缺乏, 渴望渴望,极需极需4.对对满意满意5. 使某人满意的是使某人满意的是6.许多许多,大量的大量的take place starve to death starve

3、for sthbe satisfied with.to ones satisfaction plenty of 7. 导致导致,通向通向.8. 为了纪念为了纪念9.打扮打扮,装饰装饰10. 穿着穿着11.开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑12. 欺骗某人做欺骗某人做13. 一到达就一到达就lead to in memory of dress up be dressed inplay a trick on trick sb into doing on ones arrival14. 授授/颁奖给某人颁奖给某人15. 因某事而羡慕某人因某事而羡慕某人16. 期望期望,期待期待,盼望盼望17.日夜日夜,昼夜昼

4、夜18. 好像好像,似乎似乎19. 即使即使20. 与某人玩得开心与某人玩得开心award a prize to sbadmire sb for sthlook forward to day and night as if / as thougheven if / even thoughhave fun with sb 21.未经允许未经允许/同意同意22.出现出现,到场到场23. 守信用守信用,履行诺言履行诺言24. 某人做某人做是愚蠢的是愚蠢的.25. 欺骗某人做欺骗某人做26.屏息屏息,屏气屏气27.上气不接下气上气不接下气without permissionturn up keep o

5、nes wordIts foolish of sb to do.fool sb into doing hold ones breathbe out of breath28.原谅某人某事原谅某人某事29.因某事向某人道歉因某事向某人道歉forgive sb for sthapologize to sb for sthmake an apology to sb for sthBook 3 Unit 2重点单词重点单词 1.消化消化,领悟领悟 2.2. 平衡平衡,天平天平3.3. 蛋白质蛋白质 4.4.苗条的苗条的,纤细的纤细的 5.5. 好奇心好奇心 6.6. 生的生的,未加工未加工的的 7.7.

6、 顾客顾客,消费者消费者digestionbalancepoteinslimcuriosityrawcustomer8. 弱点弱点,缺点缺点9.强项强项,长处长处 10. 平静地平静地 11. 轻轻地轻轻地,轻柔地轻柔地 12.有限的有限的 13. 叹息叹息 14.项目项目,条款条款weaknessstrengthcalmlygentlylimitedsighitem1)节食节食 2) 均衡膳食均衡膳食 3)应当应当 4)对感到厌烦对感到厌烦 be on a diet a balanced dietought to be tired of6) 扔掉,丢弃扔掉,丢弃 7) 被放过,(做坏被放过,

7、(做坏事)不受惩罚事)不受惩罚 8)说谎说谎9)向某人说谎)向某人说谎 10) 对进行研究对进行研究11)摆脱,除去)摆脱,除去throw awayget away with tell lies / a lie to sblie to sb do some research on.get rid of 12) 谋生谋生 13) 欠债欠债 14)欠某人的债)欠某人的债 15)怒目而视)怒目而视16)盯着)盯着earn one s living be in debt be in debt to sb / be in ones debt glare at stare at 17)对)对一瞥一瞥 18

8、)受益于)受益于 19) 把把与与相结合相结合 20)一包,一袋)一包,一袋glance at. benefit from combine with . a packet of 21.克服克服(困难困难,情绪等情绪等)22. 把把限制在限制在23.减肥食品减肥食品24.难消化的食物难消化的食物25. 好奇地好奇地26. 削减削减,砍伐砍伐27. 使使 不安不安get over limit .to slimming foodheavy foodwith curiositycut downupset sb 28.达到达到,共计共计29.把把 与与结合结合,合并合并30. 去除去除,脱下脱下31.

9、监视监视,侦察侦察32. 让某人一直做让某人一直做.amount to combine withtake offspy onhave sb doing sth1. Our teacher never looks tired . He is so full of _ . A. power B. force C. strength D. energy 2. I dont think you should _ , you should eat more instead. A. put on weight B. lose weight C. put weight D. lose fat 3. Ther

10、e is something wrong with the machine . Can you get it _ ? A. gone B. to go C. going D. to be going 4. The way he thought of _ the problem is quite reasonable. A. solving B. to solve C. to solving D. sovled 5. - I didnt takes notes at yesterdays meeting because I had left my pen at home. - You _ min

11、e. I _ it. A. must have borrowed , wasnt using B. may have borrowed , didnt use C. could have borrowed , wasnt using D. should have borrowed , hadnt used 6. Pop music is loved by lots of people , but it is not to evreyones _. A. smell B. favor C. sound D. taste 7. The young man, _ of working for oth

12、ers , is determined to start his own firm. A. being tired B. having tired C. to be tired D. tired 8. Dont have yourself _ there. Come and help me. - Where would you like to have the table _ ? A. sitting , laid B. sitting , lain C. seat , lying D. sit ,lain 9._ him and then try to copy what he does.

13、A. Mind B. Glare at C. Stare at D. Watch 10.What a pity! He _ the only chance of success. A. threw away B. put down C. gave in D. broke out 11. He _ to me that his house _ at the foot of a mountain. A. lay, lay B. lied , lied C. lied , lay D. lay , lied 12.She _ her son to get up at 5 oclock every m

14、orning. A. lets B. has C. gets D. makes 13. They _(尝到了失败的滋尝到了失败的滋味)味)for the first time. 14. He _(爱好爱好) poems. 15. This kind of apple tastes _ and sells _ . A. well , good B. well , well C. good , good D. good , well tasted of the failurehas a taste for8. I have something important _ , so I have to

15、go now. A. done B. to do C. to be done D. doing 9. Who would you like to have _ the blackboard ? A. to clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean Book3U3 RevisionWords:1.难以置信的难以置信的 _2. 不计报酬的不计报酬的_3. 耐心耐心 _4. 愚蠢无聊的愚蠢无聊的_5.确实确实,真正地真正地_6.鞠躬鞠躬,弯腰弯腰 _incredibleunpaidpatiencesillyindeedbow7.很少的很少的,微少的微少的_8.海湾海

16、湾 _9. 故事故事,传说传说 _10. 出现出现,外貌外貌,外观外观_11. 通道,船费通道,船费 _12. 幽默幽默,诙谐诙谐 _13.孤独孤独,寂寞寂寞 _tinybaytaleappearancepassagehumourloneliness14.人物人物,性格性格,特征特征_15.剧作家剧作家 _16. 十年十年 _17.仅仅仅仅,只不过只不过 _18. 现场现场,场面场面,景色景色_characterplaywrightdecadesimplyscenePhrases: 1. 打赌打赌 2. 处理处理 3. 大量的大量的 4. 前进,往下说前进,往下说5. 事实上事实上6. 偶然,

17、无意中偶然,无意中 make a bet on sth / that do with / deal with a large amount of go ahead as a matter of fact by accident / chance7. 盯着看,凝视盯着看,凝视 8. 放弃放弃 9. 导致,作出解释导致,作出解释10. 坦城地说坦城地说 11. 担心,关心担心,关心 12. 送送出去出去stare at give up account for to be honest care aboutshow out 13.冒冒险冒冒险,碰碰运气碰碰运气 14. 衣衫褴褛衣衫褴褛19. 对某人

18、失望对某人失望 20.值得做值得做21. 当当take a chance be / dress in ragsbe disappointed in sbbe worth doingwork as 21.以粗暴的方式以粗暴的方式/方法方法22.妒忌妒忌23. 即使即使24. 至于至于25.充满充满 26. 陷入困境陷入困境,惹麻惹麻in a rude mannerbe jealous of even if / thoughas forbe filled with get into troublepermit (doing) sthpermit sb to do sthmind sth / sb.

19、 be spotted by be about to dobe/ get lost be patient with27. 允许做某事允许做某事28. 允许某人帮做某事允许某人帮做某事29. 当心,小心某人当心,小心某人/ 物物30. 被认出被认出31. 正要做正要做32. 迷路迷路33. 对某人耐心对某人耐心be patient of sthWords : 1. Youll have to be _ (耐心的) with the young children . 2. To be honest , I don t like him at all because he is always_ (忌

20、妒的)of others success. 3. it happened about four _(十年)ago. - You mean forty years ago . patientjealousdecades4. Its bad _(礼貌)to talk with your mouth full . 5. _(难以置信), he has passed the final exam. 6. stop _(尖叫),we can hear you clearly. 7. Mark Twein had a good sense of _(幽默). 8. You cant get in with

21、out a _ .(通行证)mannersUnbelievable screaminghumourpermit1. I really dont know how to _ the naughty boy. A. do with B. deal with C. treat with D. play 2. I _ go shopping when the telephone rang. A. was about to B. was to C. would D. was going to 3. The teacher doesnt permit _. A. smoke B. to smoke C.

22、smoking D. to have a smoke4.Tom wanted to find a job in the city , but he had _ . A. no luck B. not any luck C. not a luck D. a bad luck 5._ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work . A. It existed B. They had C. There existed D. There had B3U4 Revision1. 猛烈的猛烈的,激烈的激烈的_2.水蒸

23、气水蒸气 _3.二氧化碳二氧化碳 _4. 氧氧 _5. 行星行星 _6. 一般地一般地,通常通常 _7. 生存生存,存在存在 _violentvapourcarbon dioxideoxygenplanetgenerallyexist8. 溶解溶解,解散解散 _9.传播传播,伸展伸展 _10. 使使失望失望 _11. 逐渐地逐渐地 _12. 减少减少,减轻减轻 _13. 用尽用尽,耗尽耗尽 _14. 呼喊呼喊,惊叫惊叫 _dissolvespread disappointgraduallylessenexhaust exclaim1. 把把.看作看作2. 合并成合并成3. 猛烈爆炸猛烈爆炸4.

24、 及时及时,迟早迟早5. 冷却冷却6. 在表面上在表面上7. 与与 不同不同8. 环绕太阳转环绕太阳转think of as combine into explode loudly in time cool down on the surfacebe different from go around the sun9. 从从中消失中消失10. 长成长成11. 下蛋下蛋12. 遍布全世界遍布全世界13.依靠依靠,依赖依赖,取决于取决于14. 阻止阻止做做15. 逃离逃离16. 振奋振奋,高兴高兴disappear fromgrow into lay eggsspread all over the

25、 world depend on prevent from doingescape fromcheer up17. 向前走向前走18. 跌倒跌倒19. 掌握掌握,理解理解,熟悉熟悉20. 对对有害有害21. 随着随着的发展的发展22. 用这些办法用这些办法 23. 对对失望失望24. 既然既然step forward fall over get the hang of be harmful to with the development of with these methods be disappointed now that 25. 突然爆发突然爆发,发生发生26. 利用望远镜利用望远镜2

26、7. 迫使迫使做做28.向某人解释向某人解释29.为为所知所知break outthrough telescopeforceto doexplain sth to sb be known to sb 语法语法:名词性从句之主语从句名词性从句之主语从句1.句型句型;2.主谓一致主谓一致 的问题的问题;Unit Five Canada The True North RevisionWords and expressions1.极端地极端地,非常地非常地 2. 稍微地稍微地,轻微地轻微地 3. 港市港市,港口港口 4. 海港海港 5. 使使恐怖恐怖,恐吓恐吓 6. 霜冻霜冻 7. 富有的富有的,富人

27、富人 8. 宽阔的宽阔的extremelyslightlyportharbourterrifyfrostwealthybroad1.合计为合计为,计算出计算出2. 定居定居,平静下来平静下来3. 对对有天赋有天赋4. 远至远至,一直到一直到5. 在远处在远处6. 一直一直,总是总是7. 而不是而不是8.在黎明在黎明figure out settle down have a gift for as far as in the distanceall the way rather thanat dawn9.被被包围包围 10. 去市区去市区11.枫树枫树12.电话亭电话亭13.去游览去游览14.梦

28、想梦想/梦见梦见15.向东走向东走16.流入流入be surrounded by / withgo downtownmaple trees a telephone boothbe on a trip to dream of / about go eastwardflow into17. 登上塔顶登上塔顶18. 俯瞰湖面俯瞰湖面19. 眺望眺望20.横穿加拿大横穿加拿大21.在在最顶端最顶端22.在在之内之内,不超出不超出23. 使使加速加速go up the towerlook across the lakelook overacross Canadaat the top end of wit

29、hin.speed up语法语法Noun Clause as appositive clause1.As we all know, the Antarctic is the coldest _ on the earth. 2. He was _ hurt in yesterdays accident. 3. Im _ sorry for my delay. 4. Everything suggests that he is to become the next Prime _. 5. _ is no problem on the Internet . 6. The _ languages of

30、 Canada are English and French.continentslightlyextremelyMinisterDistanceofficial1. He often takes a walk _ the hillside. A. as far as B. so far as C. as soon as D. as well as 2. _ I know , English is the official language in Singapore. A. As soon as B. As far as C. As long as D. As well as 3. He _

31、becoming a pilot. A. dream B. dream of C. dreams of D. dreams 4. The sunlight came in _ the window of the roof and lit up the whole room . A. through B. across C. on D. over 5. The novel is so bad that I can hardly _ what the writer is trying to say. A. find out B. figure out C. look through D. get

32、through 6. The painting looks better if seen _ distance.in the7. _ is the population of Shanghai? A. How many B. How much C. What D. How 8. He made a promise _ he would help when I was in trouble. A. when B. what C. which D. that 9. His suggestion _ to the cinema excited us all. A. that we go B. tha

33、t we would go C. when we would go D. which we had gone10. The news _ is spreading around the airport is _ a heavy storm is coming. A. what , / B. that , that C. / , that D. that , which 11.We all know the truth _ there is air , water and sunlight there are living things. A. where B. wherever C. that D. that where



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