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1、2 20 01 19 9全国1 卷完形目录目录1 1背景知识2 2话题与文体3 3结构与主线6 6译文赏析5 5精深解读4 4考点分布1 1背景知识背景知识CONTENTSCONTENTS02020404Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipisicingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporTITLEHERETITLEHERE01010303Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipisicingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporTITLEHERETITLEHERE说说起起乞乞力力马马扎扎罗罗山山,热


3、cingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporTITLEHERETITLEHERE01010303Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipisicingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporTITLEHERETITLEHERE但但是是,可可能能对对于于很很多多考考生生来来说说,这这篇篇完完形形只只有有“神神秘秘”没没 有有 “美美 丽丽 ”。这这篇篇完完形形,可可以以说说承承载载了了英英语语1卷卷最最多多的的亮亮(槽槽)点点。下下面面,就就让让我我们们一一起起来来探探讨讨下下这这篇篇完完形形填填空空,一一起起走走进进乞乞力力马马扎扎罗山。罗山



6、若若神神明明,流流传传着着许许多多精精彩彩而而美美丽丽的的民间传说故事。民间传说故事。Tips针对网上很多吐槽不知道是什么山针对网上很多吐槽不知道是什么山的考生,建议对于英语中一些常见的考生,建议对于英语中一些常见的人名和地名,大家还是记起来,的人名和地名,大家还是记起来,有时候那不仅仅是一个名字,更多有时候那不仅仅是一个名字,更多的可能是一个故事,一种文化。的可能是一个故事,一种文化。2 2话题与文体话题与文体话题话题热热门门话话题题新新课课标标话话题题人人与与自自然然下下自自然然与与环环境境一一题题。但但这这篇篇完完形形的的主主线线又又与与一一般般环环保保文文章章略略有有不不同同,这这篇篇


8、影响。则会对考试心理产生影响。3 3结构与主线结构与主线乞力马扎罗乞力马扎罗山的改变山的改变篇首篇首篇中篇中篇尾篇尾乞力马扎罗山的乞力马扎罗山的污染问题污染问题对上述问题提出对上述问题提出质疑,并进行验质疑,并进行验证、说明证、说明作者得出结论作者得出结论语语篇篇线线索索词词Para1waste, damage, disappear, changeotherdestinations,purerskepticalgothroughfiveecosystemsthebestexperience乞力马扎罗山乞力马扎罗山被污染被污染作者感到怀疑作者感到怀疑however,changeacleanmou

9、ntainefforts,payingoff环境已经改观环境已经改观Para2Para3Para4Para5五种生态系统五种生态系统deservethereputation?No结论结论Tips文章的结构和主线还是十分清晰文章的结构和主线还是十分清晰的,抓住线索词的,抓住线索词( (包括话题词汇和包括话题词汇和逻辑衔接词等逻辑衔接词等) ),就能比较清晰地,就能比较清晰地掌握文章的大意。掌握文章的大意。4 4考点分布考点分布考点分布考点分布数量数量动词动词8名词名词7形容词形容词4副词副词1Tips除了文章的选择越来越多样化,除了文章的选择越来越多样化,词汇的考查也是越来越灵活,词汇的考查也是

10、越来越灵活,范围越来越广。熟词生义、一范围越来越广。熟词生义、一词多义甚至低频词层出不穷,词多义甚至低频词层出不穷,这实际上提高了对词汇量的要这实际上提高了对词汇量的要求。求。5 5精深解读精深解读Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climbKilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They bringwith them lots of waste. The crowds might damage thebeautyoftheplace.Theglaciers(冰冰川川)aredisappeari

11、ng,changingthefaceofKilimanjaro.逻辑关系从线索词waste, damage, disappearing可知本段讲述乞乞力力马马扎扎罗罗山山面面临临的的问问题题:大量垃圾,破坏环境,冰川消失。41题根据might damage可知登山者“带来”大量垃圾,这这两两句句之之间间为为因因果果关关系系;42题其实指的还是“登山者”,只是换了种说法crowds,意为“那群人”;最后一句话中changing分分词词短短语语作作结结果果状状语语,“冰川在消失,因此改变了乞力马扎罗的面貌”,两者也是因果关系。品味Hearingthesestories,Imskepticalabo

12、uttheplaceother destinations are described as “purer” naturalexperiences.Hearing these stories“听到这些”stories指第一段提到的waste,damagethebeauty和和disappearing,即“报道”(与第三段第一句的report同义异构)。本段的破折号是一种对对比比转转折折,对乞力马扎罗山的报道是“垃圾、破坏”,而其他目的地的报道是“purer”,作者的态度就显而易见了 skeptical。这是非常关键的一个词,可以说是点题之笔。后面三段进一步印证了这一点。但是skeptical作作

13、为为低频词低频词给此空增加了难度。品味逻辑关系Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climbKilimanjaro,thehighestmountaininAfrica.Theybringwiththemlotsofwaste.Thecrowdsmightdamagethebeautyoftheplace.Theglaciers(冰冰川川)aredisappearing,changingthefaceofKilimanjaro.attempttodosth:输出词块输出词块试图做某事试图做某事crowd:非正式非正式(含贬义含贬义)一伙人,一帮人

14、一伙人,一帮人face:一一词词多多义义(地地区区、机机构构或或活活动动领领域域的的)外外观观,面貌面貌(词汇意识(词汇意识-基本义到衍生义基本义到衍生义-隐喻)隐喻)品味词汇意识Hearingthesestories,Imskepticalabouttheplaceother destinations are described as “purer” naturalexperiences.beskepticalabout:认知语块认知语块对对怀疑的怀疑的skeptical:认认低频词低频词怀疑的怀疑的(skeptic+al)品味词汇意识However,Isoondiscoverthatmuc

15、hhaschangedsincethe days of disturbing reports of camps among tons ofrubbish.Ifindacleanmountain,withtoiletsatcampsandalong the paths. The environmental challenges aresignificantbuttheeffortsmadebytheTanzaniaNationalParkAuthorityseemtobepayingoff.从However和changed可知作者“发现”情况已经改变 作者看到的是座“干干净净”的山,a clea

16、n mountain,with结构进一步确定了这一点。最后一句中but是关键词,根据上文可知环境已经改观,那么为环保所做的努力定是“payoff”;综合来看,最后一句要表达的是虽然难度“很大”,但是“取得成效”品味逻辑关系However,Isoondiscoverthatmuchhaschangedsincethe days of disturbing reports of camps among tons ofrubbish.Ifindacleanmountain,withtoiletsatcampsandalong the paths. The environmental challeng

17、es aresignificantbuttheeffortsmadebytheTanzaniaNationalParkAuthorityseemtobepayingoff.disturbing:派生词派生词令人不安的令人不安的(disturb+ing);significant:熟熟词词生生义义相相当当大大的的(基基本本义义“意意义义重重大大的的”);payoff:输出词块输出词块成功,奏效成功,奏效品味词汇意识ThebestofaKilimanjaroexperience,inmyopinion,isnt reaching the top. Mountains are regarded ass

18、piritualplacesbymanycultures.Thisviewisespeciallyevident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through fiveecosystems(生态系统生态系统)inthespaceofafewkilometers.这几句是本段的主要内容攀登乞力马扎罗山最棒的体 验 是 , reaching the top和 第 二 段 的 other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences对此空都有提示。比较难的是view的选择,但是从其上一句很多山被“视为

19、视为”,可知这是一种“观点观点”。品味逻辑关系ThebestofaKilimanjaroexperience,inmyopinion,isnt reaching the top. Mountains are regarded asspiritualplacesbymanycultures.Thisviewisespeciallyevident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through fiveecosystems(生态系统生态系统)inthespaceofafewkilometers.experience:精精准准的的汉汉语语释释义义体体验验对对应应逻逻辑辑关

20、关系系reachthetopberegardedas:输输出出词词块块被被视视为为对对应应逻逻辑辑关关系系thisviewspiritual:构构词词法法精精神神(上上)的的(spirit+ual);语语义义衍生为衍生为-神圣的神圣的gothrough:输出词块;一词多义输出词块;一词多义穿过,经历穿过,经历品味词汇意识At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000meters, giving way to lands of low growing plants.Furtherup,theweatherchangeslowclou


22、系At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000meters, giving way to lands of low growing plants.Furtherup,theweatherchangeslowcloudsenvelopthemountainsides,whicharecoveredwiththickgrass.IcounttwelveshadesofgreenfromwhereIstand.base:精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义基底,底座基底,底座(此处指山脚此处指山脚);abruptly:低频词低频词突然地;突然

23、地;givewayto:熟熟词词生生义义被被替替代代(基基本本义义为为“给给让让路路,让位于让位于”,此处引申为,此处引申为“被被取代取代”);envelop:课标外词课标外词笼罩;笼罩;shade:熟熟词词生生义义浓浓淡淡深深浅浅,色色度度与与twelve构构成成句句内内逻逻辑辑关系。关系。品味词汇意识Above4,000metersisthehighlanddesert:gravel(砾砾石石),stones and rocks. Finally you climb into an arctic-likezone with permanent snow and the glaciers t

24、hat maysoondisappear.最后描写海拔4000米到山顶的生态系统:高原荒漠和雪山。highlanddesert与gravel,stones and rocks构成句内逻辑关系;permanent与arctic-like zone构成句内逻辑关系。permanent:低频词低频词永久的永久的品味逻辑&词汇跨学科知识储备跨学科知识储备DoesKilimanjarodeserveitsreputationasacrowdedmountainwithlinesoftouristsruiningtheatmosphereofpeace?Ifoundtheoppositetobetrue.

25、最后一段明确作者态度:人满为患,垃圾遍山,对这一“美誉”,乞力马扎罗山“担当不起”。deservethereputation名不虚传,实至名归名不虚传,实至名归品味后置定语后置定语宾语补足语宾语补足语逻辑&词汇Tips1. 1. 整篇文章,不论是句内,段内还是段落间,整篇文章,不论是句内,段内还是段落间,逻辑性都比较强,这是完形填空的题型特点。逻辑性都比较强,这是完形填空的题型特点。所以任何一词,一句都不可怠慢。所以任何一词,一句都不可怠慢。2. 2. 低频词较往年偏多。对于低频词,一般都低频词较往年偏多。对于低频词,一般都不够重视,出现频率低也就容易忽略,且难不够重视,出现频率低也就容易忽略

26、,且难于记忆。在此总结两个记忆低频词的方法:于记忆。在此总结两个记忆低频词的方法:构词法和词源。构词法和词源。3. 3. 一词多义和熟词生义依然是考查的重点难一词多义和熟词生义依然是考查的重点难点。死记硬背是记不完的,只有掌握了释义点。死记硬背是记不完的,只有掌握了释义的内在规律,才能举一反三融会贯通。的内在规律,才能举一反三融会贯通。6 6译文赏析译文赏析每每年年约约有有4万万人人试试图图攀攀登登非非洲洲最最高高峰峰乞乞力力马马扎扎罗罗山山。这这些些登登山山者者带带来来了了大大量量的的垃垃圾圾,破破坏坏了了乞乞力力马马扎扎罗罗山山的的美美。同同时时,冰冰川川也也在在不不断断消消融融,改改变变



29、随之之改改变变。在在目目所所能能及及的的范范围围内内,我我看看到到了了12种种深深浅浅不不一一的的绿绿色色。而而海海拔拔4000米米以以上上就就是是遍遍地地砂砂石石的的高高原原荒荒漠漠了了。继继续续向向上上爬爬,终终年年的的积积雪雪和和即即将将消消失失的的冰冰川川,让让你你仿仿佛佛置置身于北极。身于北极。品味人人满满为为患患,喧喧闹闹嘈嘈杂杂,乞乞力力马马扎扎罗罗山山是是否否担担得得起这一起这一“美誉美誉”?我想答案是否定的。?我想答案是否定的。品味7 7原文对照原文对照原文出处:http:/ is the silliest thing Ive done in my life, Ann say

30、s as she emerges from her tent.I should have done it when I was much younger.Tomorrow youll think it was worth the effort, Maria responds.Its a bitterly cold night in January.Im at Barafu Camp on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, with Ann Austen, a 69-year-old New Yorker and Maria Nielson, 55, from Swe

31、den.In the midnight darkness I watch them join a line of 200 headlamps, slowly ascending the last slope to reach the highest point in Africa - 5,895 meters (19,340 feet) above sea level. (Kilimanjaros official elevation is the subject of dispute - the preceding figures are the most commonly cited.)品

32、味But Im waiting.Id learned from a local that while most groups trek to the summit overnight, hundreds at a time, to catch the sunrise from the top, the best time to climb is around 10 a.m. when the crowds, and the clouds, clear.I know the mountain, this is my mountain, Sifael Malle tells me.Its a go

33、od decision.Were alone on Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Kibo crater, one of the three volcanic cones that comprise the mountain.Three champagne corks are the only sign that others had been here earlier.Without Malles local knowledge, however, it could have been different.品味TourismimpactThe Overse

34、as Development Institute (ODI), a British think tank, estimates that every year 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, bringing with them tons of waste and other environmental threats, including water contamination and soil erosion.The crowds threaten the beauty of the place, which cultural nar

35、ratives depict as a symbol of solitude and peace.The glaciers are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.Local porters are often underpaid and climb without adequate equipment.Hearing these stories, Im skeptical about the place - other destinations are described as purer natural experiences.

36、品味However, I soon discover that much has changed since the days of horrific reports of camps among open-air latrines, trash littering the landscape and congested trails.I find a clean mountain, with toilets at camps and along the routes.The environmental challenges are significant but the initiative

37、s implemented by the Tanzania National Parks Authority seem to be paying off.The ODI calculated in 2009 that tourists spend just less than $50 million per year around the Kili experience.Some 28%, $13 million, is considered to directly benefit the poor.The ODI says this is the most successful transf

38、er of resources from international tourists to impoverished locals theyve witnessed.品味ThelocalviewTake, for instance, my local guide.Malle comes from a poor farming family that lived by a road used by tourists.In previous years, hed rush toward the jeeps that drove by, hoping to receive gifts.We dre

39、amed of owning those cars, he told me. But the reality is poverty, few jobs, often unstable and underpaid.The dreams get easily forgotten. I tried to keep mine: to live a better life, to start my own business and to be able to support others.I begged guides to take me on the mountain, even for free.

40、 They told me I was too thin, incapable of carrying the weight.品味They asked for my climbing equipment, and laughed as I did not have any. I persisted and found a guide who employed me.Malle became a porter in 1999. He went back to school to study tour guiding and botany.In 2006, he passed the govern

41、ment examination and became a licensed guide.I soon thought that with my experience of the mountain I could be a better tour operator, as most of the existing ones have never been on the mountain.He set up us his own company.I sent hundreds of messages to people announcing my new company, and gradua

42、lly people started to respond.Kili Base Adventure was born.Kilimanjaro is offering entrepreneurial opportunities that were impossible a decade ago.品味Conquestvs.experienceThe highlight of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my view, isnt reaching the top.A simple, aimless wander on a mountain trail might no

43、t seem to have the drama of a summit ascent.But mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures, not least for their natural attributes.This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers venture through five ecosystems in the space of few kilometers.At the base is a dense rainfor

44、est.It ends abruptly at 3,000 meters, giving way to alpine heathland, abundant with giant heathers.品味Further up the weather changes - low clouds envelop the slopes, which become covered with tussock grass and sporadic giant lobelias.Here the greens are less vibrant but more varied than in the bright

45、er forest below.I count 12 shades of verdant green in a three-meter radius from where I stand.Above 4,000 meters is the highland desert: gravel, stones, rocks and cliffs. A place for ascetics.Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone, with permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.品味C

46、leanclimbDoes Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with long lines of tourists spoiling the atmosphere of solitude?I found the opposite to be true.Throughout my climb the trails were empty and, on the summit, I was alone.My secret, of course, was the local knowledge provided by M

47、alle and tailor-making my own climb.The tourism industry sells standardized packages: everyone follows the same route, does the same thing, walks at the same time.I didnt - my sense of satisfaction came from the connection with the spirit of a beautiful and legendary place.品味8 8声临其境声临其境Every year ab

48、out 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They bring with them lots of waste. The crowds might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.However, I soon discover that much has changed since the days of distur

49、bing reports of camps among tons of rubbish. I find a clean mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off.The best of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my opinion, isnt r

50、eaching the top. Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures. This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, giving way to lands of low growing pla

51、nts. Further up, the weather changes low clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert: gravel stones and rocks. Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone with permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace? I found the opposite to be true.



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