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1、Unit 1Some Strategies for Learning English 第一单元:学习英语的策略公共教研室英语教研组英语教研组 郭郭 健健 说课内容 :教材教材 textbook教学目标教学目标 teaching purposes教法和学法教法和学法teaching and learning methods教学过程教学过程 Teaching procedure教学反思教学反思post-teaching analysisI About the Text 教材教材分析 TBA= Task-Based approach CLT=CommunicativeLanguage Teachin

2、g DIY=Do It Yourself教学教学原则原则类型:综合教育型(English for integrative purposes)旨在帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础。适用于各种专业的学生学习。目标:以培养学生的综合能力( integrative competence )为目标。结构特征:教材内容的编排和课后练习的设置体现趣味性,知识性,实用性相结合。尤其是加大练习量,帮助老师和学生在实践和互动中实现教学目标1.Improve the students reading ability.提高学生的阅读能力提高学生的阅读能力2. Provide good strategies of learn

3、ing a foreign language for the students. 提供学好英语的策略提供学好英语的策略和技巧和技巧Provoke the learning motivation of English for students;Help to build their confidence to enjoy English speaking培养学生敢于开口,乐培养学生敢于开口,乐于开口,善于开口的自于开口,善于开口的自信心,激发出学生学习信心,激发出学生学习英语的原动力。英语的原动力。 Teaching Purposes 教学目标教学目标知识目标知识目标1.Enlarge the

4、students vocabulary. 扩大学生的词汇量扩大学生的词汇量2.Strengthen the students capability of grammar and sentence structure. 掌握课文中的语法和句型掌握课文中的语法和句型结构结构能力目标能力目标情感目标情感目标1.Words :单词 strategy, industrious, continuous, momentary, grasp, master, memorial, stuff, likely, entrust, acquaint, focus, efficient, reduce, partne

5、rship, detailed, output, buddy, motive, summary, absorption2.Sentence Structures:句型According to / In my opinionnot only but alsoIt is true that but3. How to be a good English learner for young students ? Focal Points 重点重点 Teaching Methods 说教法说教法Ask and answer combined with pictures 问答法(配以图片展示)问答法(配以

6、图片展示)Fast reading and careful reading 快速阅读快速阅读+精读精读Explaining and learning讲授法讲授法Group discussion 分组讨论法分组讨论法Learning Methods说学法说学法Analysis of students了解学生Analysis of learning methods探讨学法 接受式学习+探究式学习( DIY) DIY=Do It Yourself Teaching Procedures教学过程1. Greeting 问好2. Lead-in 导入3. Fast-reading (catch the

7、main idea of the paragraphs and text) 快速阅读4. Explanation of new words and phrases 讲解生词和短语 first 45min5. Careful reading (find details of each paragraph) 细读6. Grammatical explanation and analysis of difficult sentence 讲解语法要点和句型结构7. Listening and reading (Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonat

8、ion.)听力和朗读练习8. Test 课堂练习9. Summary 课后总结10. Home assignment布置家庭作业 the other 45minNo.1.Lead in导入Q 1: Do you think it is necessary to learn English?你如何看待学习英语的必要性? What are your motivations (purposes) of learning English?你们为何学习英语?Q 2: Among English listening, speaking, reading and writing, which do you

9、think most useful.听说读写,你认为学好哪样最有用?Q 3: Share your experience or effective ways of studying English.说说你自己学习英语的经历Lead inQuestion 1: Do you think it is necessary to learn English?你如何看待学习英语的必要性? What are your motivations (purposes) of learning English?你们为何学习英语?Tips: serving as an international language,

10、 English plays a very important role in cultural exchange.intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation Lead inQuestion 2: Among Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing, which do you think most important?听说读写,你认为学好哪样最有用?听说读写,你认为学好哪样最有用?Tips: Listening Speaking Reading WritingThere are lots of languages

11、 without written form. The main function of language is to communicate.Language Acquisition Model(input+output)Lead inQuestion 3: Share your experience or effective ways of studying English.说说你自己学习英语的经历Tips1. Cultivate learning interests and practise. (Tell me,I will know it;Teach me,I will understa

12、nd it;Involve me,I will remember it.)2. Your unforgettable experience of talking with foreigner 3. Have good learning strategies and develop your learning efficiency.No.2.Fast Reading快速阅读1) What contributes to effective English learning?如何有效的学习英语?2) Are learning grammar the most important?学好语法就足够了吗?

13、 3) What is the greatest difficulty you have?你学习英语最大的困难在于? Have you worked out any solution?你又是如何应对的?4) How can we practice speaking English in everyday situations?如何在日常生活中练习口语?No.3.Explanation of New Words and Phrases讲解单词和短语战略计划Strategic planCram for a test通讯工具长期努力精通英语可持续发展投诉信Means of communication

14、Prolonged effortA good command of Eng.Sustainable developmentA letter of complaint 仓促用功备考仓促用功备考aaaa5 Please pay attention to: pronunciation intonation stress Reading aloud conclusion main idea of the passageparagraph1paragraph2paragraph3 topicsentenceNo.4. Careful reading 精读No.4. Careful reading精读It

15、 takes great diligence and prolonged efforts.Note 1: whilevarious strategies you can employHave you complained about your memory?You find it simply impossible to memorizeIt is not your memory that is at fault.If you cram your head with too many words at a time, some are bound to be crowded out.What

16、you need to do is to deal with words in ways according to how they occur No.5.Grammatical Explanation and Sentence analysis语法和句型语法和句型1. Not only, but also 不仅不仅而且而且2. It is true,but虽然虽然但是但是3. According to+sb./In sb.s opinion 在某人在某人看来看来;某人认为;某人认为.Grammatical Explanation and Sentence analysisIt is wron

17、g to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language and vice versa.龙龙 vs. dragonNo.6. Test 课堂作业Summary 总结Wrong concepts of learning a foreign language1. Students can pick up a foreign language within 3 to 6 months. 2. The only way to learn a language is to go to a nati

18、ve country.3. Students should repeat phrases and do exercises of continuously changing words.4. One can learn a foreign language well at home by self-study.Home Assignment家庭作业Composition 作文作文To Be A Good English Learner 我该如何学好英语我该如何学好英语Directions: You should choose at most three qualities of a good

19、English teacher and develop them with your own words. Your composition should be no less than 120 words.教学反思优点:本节课是一堂英语阅读课。本着“师生互动、共同学习”的原则,在“比较、归纳、分析、综合、操练”等教学过程中,注重培养学生的综合应用能力。不足点:阅读是一个过程,能力的提高更是一个循序渐进的过程。而阅读技巧是灵活多变的,阅读课仅限于课堂是远远不够的,其能力的提高也远非一日之功。在授课过程中,基础较差的学生可能会有一些障碍,不能按要求完成老师布置的任务,或需要在老师的辅导下完成指定任务。改进方法:在以后的教学中,我将不断调节授课策略,针对不同层次学生的学习特点,不断改进教学方法,让不同层面的学生都有一个自我展示、自我提高的机会。只有不断积累词汇,积累语法知识,掌握有效的解题技巧,才能真正实现阅读能力的飞跃。 板书设计板书设计 板书设计



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