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1、兼瓣旅后拌袖浑姆和矾藉碴择皖环示伐链嘲篱墟俐表葫霉猩袋勺朔于墒顷经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E1Chapter 1Introducing the economic way of thinking 诚亩揪丢睬截姬惟请剑婪范礼硼混的弟右护遣翠句嗓黑秒憋粗抉技行谓泄经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E13Key conceptsDefining the economic problemDefining the three types of resourcesUnderstanding e

2、ntrepreneurshipWhat are macro and microeconomics?The purpose of modellingWhat is ceteris paribus?Defining positive and normative economics蝴玲抖显府糟彝饶趋鞠尉鹤氦浮辅漓荧赁亲凉姿赛兽纂耸责湛铭舔拉瓣浆经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E14The problem of scarcityScarcity forces us all to make choices as we never have the

3、amount of goods and services we want:individuals: more clothes, etc.governments: more security, etc.Economics aims to explain what occurs as a result of scarcity because wants are forever greater than the available resources.瞳需冰息锚募思在蹦奸墩抑认皱毒沟迪乖讯戌术攫谐呵猪齿抡职悍狄抓冶经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday

4、3E15The economic problemScarcity is also called the economic problem Economists aim to show how individuals, groups and society can achieve the most wants given the resources at their disposal.壹党裁雾浦垂贰稳乖瘟官呜浓稼郴乌背仔抱矩补臭骡址娩皇谎崭耪庶帛袒经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E16ResourcesResources are the b

5、asic categories of inputs used to produce goods and services.Resources are also called the factors of production and are split into three main categories:landlabourcapital.邢浮暗堪繁稽尿碉处茨捉家烘滋琅捧澎阐命构浆韩裹袜李摇绷幌夺突刽戊经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E17Resources: landAny natural resource provided by n

6、ature used in the process of production, for example forests, minerals, wildlife, oil, rivers, lakes and oceans.May be renewable or non-renewable.膳铃媳经疡瘪泊蓟翱仓囊页淖想国彼咎蔑拧痈面繁忌聋刻乎谐猾姆傅空泽经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E18Resources: labourThe mental and physical capacity of workers to produce goo

7、ds and services, for example:farmersnurseslawyers.胸觅吞汀令抽锯缨殿黎谁砂睹冀线吟鸭戒诊棍坦隆骋晤疆痴诞羔掷撩凳搁经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E19EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship is a special type of labour: the creative ability of individuals to organise and manage the combination of resources to produce goods and

8、services.涕魁钱宾瓣深浆冉墒节传咸哪琶完挝业湛坤同宛殊致焦蛇颤芳少昨碌柔范经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E110Resources: capitalCapital relates to human-made goods that produce goods and services. Capital does not directly satisfy wants but is used to produce the goods and services desired, such as a factory that produc

9、e televisions.Money is not included in the economic definition of capital as it is simply a measure of value placed on goods.直咋奖到任比受草任州羌镶侈乌莉魏贬兵氢帽伴洲酬翱弘芜米愤慷肘酪枣经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E111Economics: the study of scarcity and choiceEconomics is the study of how society chooses to all

10、ocate its scarce resources to the production of goods and services in order to satisfy unlimited wants.碍斋坊再潭夜漏寞焙艇屉甲抢轿蒲摩嗜隧赖沉翁胡滥吊谰独斋亩衙硼杖背经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E112Two branches of economicsMicroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies decision-making by a single individua

11、l, household, firm, industry or level of government.Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies decision-making for the economy as a whole.添扦泪惋放脊牧洞肥补奖丛运驻硕览哩冠汐缅评嫡蟹涛缚氏鹃延踏贷算蝶经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E113The methodology of economicsEconomists (like other scientists) use sci

12、entific method.Scientific method is a step-by-step procedure for solving problems.1Identify the problem.2Develop a model.3Test the model.作咽丛括掷恕痹袜托衙砌总广早仔彬繁秋拦具宰泞仇寞皇覆雨咖庄钙蛇成经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E114The steps in the model-building process活旭嘱和蛋慢钧悄哥抡拣着闲腋秉胺毛坦陛纺剁层角刷秋孵芬此亚程并腊经济学Economics

13、forToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E115More about modelsA model is a simplified view of reality.It sets out the relationship between variables; causes and effects.A model is valid when it enables economists to forecast or predict the results of various changes in variables.味个忘撩睬摊嚣亚锐获博蝎难杖鹅捐晌仅炬崖患儿亩苟笋兢廉相阔

14、来雹泛经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E1Example: petrol consumptionIdentifying the problemPetrol consumption has fallen. Why?Developing a modelSelect variables price of petrol, price of cars.Express them verbally, graphically or mathematically.Testing the modelGather data which tells us how

15、 well the model estimates or predicts relationships.16兜霉箍菊譬吭匣趁酗蚀犀秉坠累其集紧偏帐喂密将底收姐识降郡堆狐渝嘴经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E117Hazards of the economic way of thinkingThere are two potential problems to be aware of:the ceteris paribus assumptionpossible confusion of association and causation.柄

16、木趋搀兵氰阵群恒途量枷诉酶桔焦初釉贴社贤靶疲驮沫湛霍绣散萨另牌经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E118Ceteris paribusCeteris (pronounced keteris) paribus is a Latin phrase which means other things remaining unchanged.Economists use this method as it enables them to see how a change in one variable affects the overall outc

17、ome.Imagine: if all the variables change at the same time, how would we know which one caused the change?瓤胜抓评昌狞检辙争统塔壮舶糟尖箭遮苑锯扑琴杭抉里滁跋怖藤剿诸叼懊经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E119Association vs. causationWe cannot always assume that when one event follows another, the first caused the second.F

18、or example, assume exports from Indonesia rose last month. Two events might be associated:The hole in the ozone layer grew last month.Currency movements reduced the cost to Australians of buying Indonesian goods.But are they both possible causes?室扁糟欢考权袜训唯闪祟再越遇玩兼求绅袖漳岁撮疼疫如拨高孙壬腺心幂经济学EconomicsforToday3E

19、1经济学EconomicsforToday3E120Why do economists disagree?Economists agree on many things.As in other professions, disagreements occur.One explanation for disagreements is the difference between positive and normative economics.罪民炳坤陡述坍雍恋箭矢镊鸽古钥平惶橡怠熔饯渣伴刺埔敦残足咀矢微搭经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E

20、121Positive economicsPositive economics is an analysis limited to statements that are verifiable.Positive statements are testable they can be proven true or false.ExamplesAirbags save lives.Smoking is harmful to your health.寺裙荆凳轻绍皆允碎信尔闺氓谜矫铱渊惠叼匆垮酌伊理实讫峰叔碉辖咆扯经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3

21、E122Normative economicsNormative economics is an analysis based on value judgements.Normative statements cannot be proven by facts to be true or false.They express opinions good, bad, ought to, should.Examples:Every teenager who wants a job should have one.The government should allocate more money t

22、o education.芯谈汉活始吧诛窄蛇蝇象挡勒木察阻砷朴券排甄减谭渭赞鼠它六酚唁吸悟经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E1Appendix to Chapter 1Applying graphs to economics即铣号奈囱伐贫卤系廊氮催杰鲸硷塞兹茄琳把当伪夏葵尺杂屏痛超臆鄙坊经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E124Key conceptsWhy use graphs in economics?What is a direct relationship?What is an

23、inverse relationship?What is an independent relationship between two variables?How do we measure the slope of a line?How do graphs show three-variable relationships?佣铂生头孵机进欲号拜渊儡棠谰膛勉姿辉脊浆锗睫碴野刽哭烙卷猩栏徘彭经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E125Graphs in economicsGraphs are one of the simplest ways

24、to present, aid and help us to understand relationships and to see economic concepts at work.Graphs help economists to understand the relationships that exist between variables.You should learn to draw, describe and interpret them.雷竹闪漱搀谭丸气母稠帮惶赐挑舀茄涤瓜孝聂古窃鞋拨彝图戒胸幌捅辱迭经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学Economicsfo

25、rToday3E126A direct relationshipA direct relationship is a positive association between two variables.When one variable increases, the other also increases.When one variable decreases, the other also decreases.Note the line on the next slide has a positive slope.徊创浓聪统期规绳肋蹦浇啡蛙防毫和观很膀抨痉骗冻菊诣嘻丸升纵悯雨古经济学Ec

26、onomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E127A direct relationship诈沮谩钟蹈暴庭阂很眯平臀赘闪扣又鞍甫戌仇隙盐陀郭砾煞煎熊爵鹊拒敌经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E128An inverse relationshipAn inverse relationship is a negative association between two variables.When one variable increases, the other decreases.When one var

27、iable decreases, the other increases.Note the line on the next slide has a negative slope.舅池汛桃欺汤酶退扁帐综夯阶所雕茂尘祷罗吵躬肃拔丢蛋粪题拟缝购拈库经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E129An inverse relationship嫡函赐澳清铬重厚临宣薯屡猩齿里颂听潘哈总俄滁泌唾排痒稚笨打结韭骤经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E130An independent relationship

28、An independent relationship is a zero association between two variables.When one variable changes, the other remains unchanged.辨俘差缮拳序臀映滔储族煤执铰杉浑芽砧梨陪吻伙劝芹桩最蝴魏棍别煤暇经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E131An independent relationship癣扒骗消制鹤罗孰蠕肯既朋胚南题瓜升百挡拆劲择坛县悍硅蛹叭庐音然焊经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学Economic

29、sforToday3E132The slope of a straight lineThe ratio of change in the variable on the vertical axis (the rise or fall) to change in the variable on the horizontal axis (the run).Slope = rise/run = vertical axis/horizontal axis = Y/X惰障圣噬视唇拟堵银雇峦壤渍叠疾供芜塌菇盏庆绰躲躁中扳碴厢第魔赞赐经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学Economicsfo

30、rToday3E133The slope of a curveA straight-line relationship is a linear relationship.The slope of a curve changes from one point on the curve to another.To determine the slope of a curve at any point, draw a tangent to the line at that point, and measure the slope of the tangent.迹棚暗凑住愚竟逗事绊兑秉誉熊向鉴誊碑定午

31、捞胎原剪练吭山缄滓帧劳苇经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E134The slope of a curve塌宙福簇枪棱妖叉琐氛妈黄脊第磋进酥菌分饲奠帜于闸玫夹捍戍收历酉骂经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E135Introducing a third variableHow can a model drawn in two dimensions show the impact of changes in a third variable?We must distinguish betwe

32、en movements and shifts.Movements along a graph show changes in one of the variables on the graphs axes.Shifts show changes in other variables.瘴肮涩偏闺肋削你辑吊溜饰匀慧跺妮疆燎柔棵蚀何晓垫便社局咯醒降轩中经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E136A three-variable relationship洪睫陋窜舞狗票琐涸鞘抽婚温签桨配硅涪氏葫取百籍呸焉蘸狙老谜荧蘑蛔经济学EconomicsforToday3E1经济学EconomicsforToday3E1



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