外研版英语九年级上Revision Module A 教学课件(谷风校园)

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1、2016“”.RevisionmoduleA- Kate1沐风课教“”Grammar and speakingComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words or expression in brackets.1.When she _ (be) at school,she _(win) lots of prizesin sports.2. The telephone _(ring) while I _ (listen to) music.3. Mr Lane _(keep) working for a month, altho

2、ugh he was very tired.4. When Tony and his mum _(visit) the museum last Sunday, they _(buy) lots of postcards in the shop.waswonrang was listening to keptvisited bought12沐风课教“”1Wouldyoupleaseleaveusyourphonenumber_wecankeepintouchwithyou?2Thelittlegirlwasveryhappy_hernewfriendgaveherabeautifulpresen

3、t.3ThesongHealtheWorldwas_popularinthisschool_everyonecouldsingit.4Heplayedthematchyesterday,_hewasill.2Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box. although because but since so that so that until so that because so that although3沐风课教“”5Jacksgrandfatherisseventyyearsold,_hestill

4、goesswimmingeveryday.6Jamesdidnotstopplayinggamesinthecomputerroom_hisfatherfoundhimthere.7Mr.Carlsonhasworkedinabookshop_heleftcollegein1999.butuntilsince4沐风课教“”Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewardsandexpressioninthebox.Everybody was dancing (1)_ the music wasplaying.(2) _there was plenty

5、to eat, I ate very littlebecause I was so excited. (3) _ the clock showed tensecondstomidnight,peoplestartedtojointhecountdown.(4)_ it struck midnight, we all called out “HappyNewYear”.Themusiccontinued(5)_twooclock.Thenwewenthome.3 although as soon as unilt when while whileAlthough whenAs soon asun


7、veenoughmoney.46沐风课教“”d)Thenotebookssheusedarestilltoodangeroustotouch,sotheyarekeptinaspecialbox.e)Althoughthefamilydidnothavemuchmoney,shestudiedveryhardsothatshecouldbeascientist.Answers (page 51) 1. e 2. b 3. a 4. d Marie Curie7沐风课教“”Completethesentenceswithyourownideas1AssoonasIgothome,_.2Whent

8、hebuscame,_.3.WhenIwastalkingwithMsWang,_.4Hebecameanationalheroafter_.5Whatwereyoudoingwhile_?6Ididnotfinishtheworkuntil_.5 I took out my textbooks and started my homework.I said goodbye to my family. I had an idea for my history project. leading his country to independence. I was clearning the kit

9、chen very late at night8沐风课教“”Writesomerulesfortheschoolbus.Schoolbusrules1._.2._.3._.4._.5._.6Dont talk to the driver while the bus is moving.Stay in your seat.Dont shout.Dont throw things off the busWait until the bus has stopped before you get off.9沐风课教“”Nowworkinpairsandtalkabouttherules.Addmore

10、rulestoyourlistandtakeoutthelessimportantones.-First,dontmakephonecallsontheschoolbus.-Ithinkthisoneisnotveryimportant10沐风课教“”VocabularyInmy(1)_,itisveryimportantforusteenagerstolearnhowtotakecareofourselves.Also,thereisalways(2)_ofhouseworktodo,butwe(3)_ do not help our parents do it. Good(4)_,such

11、 astidyingupourroomseveryday,canhelpourparentsa lot. With a basic (5)_of cooking, we canmake sure we do not go hungry when our parents areout.Itiseasyforustolearnto(6)_thingsbetter.Complete the passage with the words in the box.7 habits knowledge manage opinion plenty simplyopinion plenty simply hob

12、itsknowledgemanage11沐风课教“”Completethepassagewiththeexpressionsinthebox.Scienceisthemostenjoyablesubject,(1)_.Ialways(2)_chemistrylessonsbecauseusingthelabisfun.Butthelabcanbedangerous,soyoumustalways(3)_ the teacher. She may have somethingimportanttotellyouaboutsafty.8 against the rules at least in

13、my opinion look forward to on our own pay attention to tidy up in my opinion look forward to pay attention to12沐风课教“”Andineverylesson,thereisoneveryimportantsafetyrule:Wemustalwayswaitfortheteachertoarrivebeforewestartwork.Itis(4)_for us to work (5)_.We must also keep the lab clean, so we(6)_attheen

14、dofeachlesson.Ittakes(7)_tenminutestodothis,sowehavetostaylongerandspendsometimecleaningthingsafterthelessonfinishes. on our own against the rules tidy up at least13沐风课教“”ListeningandspeakingListenandnumbertheplacesaccordingtoDaming”sroutethroughthemuseum.9Answers (page 53) 1.Wonder Room 2. Technolo

15、gy Room 3. Print Room 4. Space Room 5. Restaurant 6. Library 7. Shop14沐风课教“”Listenagainandwritenotestoquestions.1WhendidDamingvisitthemuseum?2WhichroomdoesTonylikebestatthemuseum?3Whichroomhasjustopened?4Whatinformationcanyoufindinthenewroom?5WhydidDamingbuyabookforTony?6WhatdoesDamingthinkaboutthem

16、useum?10Daming visited the muesum yesterday.Tony likes the Technology Room best.The Wender Room has just opened.You can find information about the wonders of the world there.Daming bought a book for Tony because its about the history of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece.Daming thinks the muesum is

17、 really good.15沐风课教“”Workinpairs.Askandanswerthequestions.1Whendidyoulastvisitamuseum?2Whatdidyouseethere?3.Didyoulikeit?Why/Whynot?4.Whatkindsofthingswouldyouliketoseeinamuseum?1116沐风课教“”ReadingandspeakingReadtheemailTinawrotetothreefriendsinChinaanddotheactivities.12Hi,How are you all?You know I a

18、m going to China soon for a two-week holiday and I am really looking forward to seeing you all. Of course, I really want to see some of the famous places there, like the Great Wall. And I know that there are a lot of other ancient buildings and beautiful places to see. I recently read about the big

19、changes in China over the past few years. The new cities have grown so quickly and the old cities have changed so much, so I am sure there will be a lot to see.17沐风课教“”PleasecanyoueachsuggestsomeplacestogosothatIcanhaveaperfectholiday?Lotsoflove,TinaNow read the replies Tinas friends sent her.18沐风课教



22、eetheTerracottaArmy.Therearealsoalotofotherplacesofinterestinthiscitybecauseithasalong history. Let me know when you willarriveandIcanplanourtrip.Lotsoflove,Fanxing20沐风课教“”Hello Tina,What good news! At last you are coming to visit us herein China.I know you are really interested in animals, so Isugg

23、est that we visit Chengdu, a beautiful city in SichuanProvince. We can see pandas in the park near Chengdu. We can also visit Du Fus Thatched Cottage (Du Fu Cao-tang), one of my favourite places there. Du Fu was one of the most famous poets in Chinese history. He livedthere for some years. Afterbhe

24、died, it became a place for people to remember him. It is a traditional Chinesegarden as well as a beautiful and quiet place, excellent for reading and thinking.I hope you like my suggestions Love,Weiwei 21沐风课教“”Work in pairs. Discuss placesyou would suggest for Tinasvisitandgiveyourreasons.22沐风课教“”


26、rld?SaywhatandwherethemountainsalongtheLiRiverSaywhyshapesofthemountains:stranger,special.SaywhathappenedandwhenstayedwithmyuncleandauntinGuilin,tookaboattriponeday1424沐风课教“”Writeapassage.UsethenotesyouhavemadeinActivity14tohelpyou.Myfavouritenaturalwonderisthemountainsalong the Li River. They have strange and specialshapes.MyuncleandauntliveinGuilin,soIwentthereforaholidaylastsummer. OnedaywetookaboattripontheLiRiver1525沐风课教



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