Module 4《Great Scientists》课件6(22张PPT)(外研版必修4)

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1、Module 4Great Scientists 漫画欣赏 画面描述 A boy is standing high on top of a pile of books,looking far into the distance. 寓意理解 Reading books can help to broaden our horizons,and to improve our understanding of the world.As a Chinese poem goes,“To enjoy a grander sight,climb to a great height.” 你能否对此加以扩展,写一

2、篇120词左右的小短文?重 点 单 词1support v支持;支撑;资助;维持;供养;养活;证实;(戏)替当配角n.U支持;拥护;供养;生计He hurt his ankle,so he had to be supported home.他伤了脚踝,因此不得不被人搀着回家。She supports two children.她供养两个孩子。美国传统I hope to have your support in the election.我希望在选举中得到你的支持。【思维拓展】(1)support sth.在方面支持某人support on靠支撑(2)in support of sb

3、./sth.支援某人/某事(3)supportable adj.可维持的;可赡养的;可忍受的supporting lady/man(戏剧中的)女配角/男配角即景活用Such_the case.I couldnt help but _ him.Abeing;support Bis;supportChas been;supporting Dbe;supported解析:cant help but后面to不能省略,所以B项正确。答案:B2escape n逃,逃亡,逃跑;vi.逃脱,避开,溜走;vt.逃避,避免;疏忽,忽略The thief made his escape.小偷逃走了。All the

4、air escaped from the balloon.气球里的空气都漏光了。美国传统You cannot expect that something may escape the teachers attention.你不要奢望有什么能逃过老师的注意。【知识链接】escape(doing)sth.逃脱(做)have ones escape cut off被切断逃路escape from(out of)sp.从逃脱;逃走escape from reality逃避现实make ones escape逃跑即景活用In the great fire,he was lucky to escape_.

5、Ato be killing Bkilling Ckilled Dbeing killed解析:句意:“在一场大火中,他非常幸运没被烧死。”escape跟动词ing形式作宾语,句子的主语是kill的承受者。答案:D3search n搜寻,搜查;vt.& vi.搜寻,搜查The customs officer searched my bags for drugs.海关官员检查了我的行李,看有没有毒品。He searched through all the drawers for the missing papers.他搜查了所有抽屉,寻找那份遗失的文件。She searched her room

6、 for the missing money.她在自己的房间里找丢失的钱。美国传统【思维拓展】search sb./sp.搜身/搜查某地search sb./sp.for sb./sth.在某人身上寻找某物,在某地寻找某人/某物search forlook for搜寻,寻找in search of/in ones search for寻找search through把仔细搜寻一遍即景活用A group of soldiers went into the woods_the missing pilot.Ain search of Bsearch for Csearched of Dsearche

7、d for解析:句意:“一队士兵走进树林去搜寻失踪的飞行员。”横线处不是谓语部分,排除B、C、D。答案:A4measure v量起来,测量;n.尺寸;措施,办法What are the measures of that window?那扇窗的尺寸是多少?美国传统It took drastic measures to clean up the harbor.整顿港口需要采取有力措施。美国传统The tailor measured him carefully before making a coat for him.裁缝在给他做外套前仔细地为他量了尺寸。【知识拓展】be measured in以测

8、量,计算take measures采取措施make 量体裁衣,定做measureones own measure 即景活用You have to measure your determination_of other people.Awith what Bwith that Cto what Dto that解析:句意:“你必须把自己的决心与别人的比较比较。”考查measure sth.with sth.用法,答案是B。答案:B经 典 短 语1earn ones living谋生You cant expect to earn a living(be paid enough mon

9、ey to live on)from your painting.你不能指望靠画画来维持生计。剑桥高阶He earns his living by doing odd jobs.他靠做零时工来谋生。【思维整合】 谋生earn a fortune发财即景活用同义句转换He earned his living by teaching.He made his/a living by teaching.2come to power开始执政,当权,上台When Hitler came into power,things for Jews were getting worse.希特勒掌权后,犹太人的情况变

10、得更糟糕了。When did the Party come to power?这个政党什么时候上台的?Its not in your power to cancel the order.你无权取消这份订单。剑桥高阶【相关链接】in power当权have/hold power over sth.对有控制权beyond ones power不能胜任,力所不能及out of/outside sb.s power to do sth.做某事超出某人的能力put.into power使执政/上台fall into ones power落入某人的控制中within ones power有能力;力所能及即

11、景活用Up to this year,our Party has_for 57 years.Acome to power Bin power Ccome into power Dbeen in power解析:come to power上台,为一瞬间动作,而in power表状态,C项同A项,所以D项正确。答案:D重 要 句 型1.Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.它的产量比巴基斯坦所种植的其他水稻产量都要高很多。much修饰比较级,意为“得多”。He is muc

12、h older,but much more energetic than I am.虽然他年龄很大,但是比我精力充沛。That book is interesting,but this one is even more interesting.那本书很有趣,但这本书更有趣。 (1)比较等级的修饰语。比较级前可用a bit,a little,rather,some(肯定句及表请求或建议的问句中),any(否定句或疑问句中)等表示“稍稍,一点儿”;用much,far,a great/good deal,a lot,lots,a good bit等表示“得多”。注意:在作定语的形容词比较级前一般只用

13、far或much。在修饰或代替复数可数名词的more前不用much,而要用many。除quite better外,quite,very,so等不可修饰比较级。用still,even,yet表示“更加”,其中still只用于肯定句中。表示确定程度的修饰语,如分数或有关长度、时间、重量等名词词组通常放在比较级前,也可由by引出且置于比较级之后。(2)以比较级形式表示最高级概念。比较级thanany other单数名词。比较级thanall the other复数名词。比较级thananything(anyone)else。【相关链接】最高级前可用the very,the second,(by)fa

14、r the等修饰。Guangzhou is the third largest city in China.广州是中国的第三大城市。即景活用Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes.The job is_I could do myself.Aless than Bmore than Cno more than Dnot more than解析:句意:你需要帮忙吗?露茜?需要,这项工作我自己做不来。A项意为“少于”;B项意为“多于”;C项意为“仅仅(only)”;D项意为“不多于”。根据句意选B项。答案:B22/3 of the worlds population regula

15、rly eat rice.世界人口中有三分之二的人经常吃大米。2/3是分数。分数的表达法前面不带整数的分数一般用文字表示,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子超过一时,分母的序数词要用复数,即加s。one fourth四分之一three fifths五分之三two thirdstwothirds三分之二前面带有整数的分数用数字表示,但放在句首时则用文字表示。Your bag is 2.5 times the weight of mine.你的书包是我的书包的2.5倍重。Two and a quarter inches of rain fell over the weekend.周末降雨量达2.2

16、5英寸。two and three fifths二又五分之三英语单词中分子与分母之间的连字符可有可无。注意:1/2 a half或one half;1/4 a fourth/one fourth/onefourth/a quarter/one quarter。百分数一般读作percent,在句中可以作主语、宾语、状语等Seventy percent of the students in our school are boys.我校70%的学生是男生。(复数)More than 71% of the surface of the earth is covered by water.超过71%的地

17、球表面被水覆盖。(单数)【温馨提示】分数或百分数作主语时,谓语的人称和数根据被修饰的名词来决定。At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke.目前大约38%的中国人吸烟。(复数)Fiftyfive percent of the area is covered by trees.这个地区的55%是森林。(单数)即景活用_of the land in that district_covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifth;is BTwo fifth;are CTwo fifths;is DTwo fif

18、ths;are解析:五分之二的表达方式为:two fifths;谓语和land保持一致。答案:C高 考 经 典 解 读 【例1】 His sister left home in 1998,and_since.(2009全国,26) Ahad not been heard of Bhas not been heard of Chad not heard of Dhas not heard of【解题方法指导】 本题考查现在完成时的被动语态。句意:“他的妹妹自从1998年离开家后一直杳无音讯。”根据句意,指从1998年后到现在一直没有音讯,故应用现在完成时,排除A和C;又因他的妹妹和hear of

19、之间是被动关系,故排除D。答案:B教材原文对照The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China. (P32)【例2】 Some of you may have finished unit one._,you can go on to unit two. AIf you may BIf you do CIf not DIf so【解题方法指导】 本题考查if从句的省略。句意:你们当中可能有些人已经结束了第一单元,如果这样的话你们可以开始第二单元。s

20、o代替前句意思的肯定情况,而not代替前面意思的否定情况。答案:D教材原文对照If possible,record your radio programme. (P40)阅读理解中长难句的理解技巧 近年来高考英语阅读理解题加强了对长难句的考查,阅读材料中出现了不少省略句、复杂单句和复杂复合句以及非谓语动词形式、独立主格结构等高级语法,有的复合句还采用多种从句叠现的复杂句型,来增强句子结构的复杂性和语境理解的难度。要正确理解原文并解答试题,考生必须闯过长难句理解这一关,扫除阅读障碍,提高解题信心。 技巧一:利用句子成分分析法理解长难单句 一般来说,在阅读时没有必要对短文进行语法分析,但根据语境含

21、义分析句子是理解长难句的最有效方法。例1:With their shining brown eyes,wagging tails and unconditional love dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence,according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City.点拨:该句含33个单词,理解难度也很大。分析语境和句子成分可知,With their shining

22、brown eyes,wagging tails and unconditional love为with复合结构作原因状语,needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence为过去分词作后置定语修饰listeners,according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City为介词短语作条件状语。句意为:根据盐湖城ITA(的结论),这种狗长着明亮的棕色眼睛,摇动着尾巴,拥有不附加任何条件的爱心。因此,这种狗可作为初学者获取自信心,而且不会妄加评判的忠实听众。技巧二:抓句子核心

23、成分,简化长句 分析长难句的核心成分,从句子层次入手,先抓主干,再理枝叶。例2:I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates good will between the nations,and that if only the common people of the world could meet one another at football or cricket,they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.点拨:该句为主从复合句,主句

24、为I am always amazed,整个后面部分为时间状语;在时间状语中,分词saying带有两个that引导的宾语从句,与saying一齐构成分词结构作people的补语;在第二个宾语从句中,又有一个主从复合句,其中they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield为主句,分句if only.or cricket是条件状语从句。句意为:人们说体育运动可创造国家之间的友谊,还说如果各国民众在足球场上交过手,就不愿在战场上互相厮杀。每当我听到这么说时总是惊愕不已。 技巧三:用单句重排法准确理解复合句 当复合句中有很多从句叠现时,

25、可以用单句重排法进行简化。例3:Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group,often have lower selfrespect,and regard reading as a headache.点拨:分析语境逻辑及句子结构可知,that引导宾语从句,宾语从句的主语又带一个who引导的定语从句,宾语从句的谓语由三个并列动词构成,分别为are often afraid o

26、f,often have,and regard可排成单句,简化如下:1In the opinion of specialists,some children read below the level of their fellow pupils. 2They are often afraid of reading aloud in a group.3They often have lower selfrespect.4They regard reading as a headache.句意因此明朗了:一些读写专家认为,有些阅读能力低于同龄人的孩子不爱在小孩群里高声朗读,他们自尊心很强,常将读书看成头痛的事。技巧四:用还原法恢复句子原貌 追根求源,恢复其本来面貌,是我们准确理解长难句的好方法。例4:Excused from recycling because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute(垃圾道)?点拨:该句为省略句,可还原为:Are you excused from recycling because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute?住在有垃圾道的高楼上就可以不参与回收利用垃圾吗? 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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