2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Under the sea》(新人教版选修7)

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《2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Under the sea》(新人教版选修7)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Under the sea》(新人教版选修7)(81页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3 Under the sea(新人教版选修7)作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2011山东省济宁质检)你在网络上读到一篇关于“90后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post90s Generation”为题,用第一人称给二十一世纪英文报写一篇文章,内容包括:“90后后”的缺点的缺点“90后后”的的优点点 你自己的感受你自己的感受1.依依赖性性强强;2.自私;自私;3.贪图过舒适的贪图过舒适的生活等。生活等。1.渴望了解周渴望了解周围的世界;的世界;2.思想独立;思想独立;3.有很多新观念有很多新观念等。等。注意:1必须包括表格中的所有内容;2为了使文章通顺完整

2、,可以适当增加内容;3词数:120150左右。_点点考考锁锁 定定.重点词汇1_ vt.当场见到;目击n.目击者;证人;证据2_ prep.在对面adj.相对的;相反的3_ vi.& n暂停;中止4_ vi.逃避;逃跑vt.逃离5_ vt.拖;拉;扯6_ vt.催促;极力主张;驱策7_ n目标;靶;受批评的对象8_ adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的9_ adj.(口)好的;整齐的;匀称的10_ adj.每年的;按年度计算的n.年刊;年鉴11 _ n 住 所 ; 住 宿_vt.提供住宿12 _ vt.放 弃 ; 遗 弃 ; 抛 弃_adj.放纵的13_ vi.思考vt.映射;反射;思考_n映像;思

3、考;反映14 _ adj.意 识 到 的 ; 知 道 的_n意识15 _ vt.恐 吓 vi.受 惊 吓_adj.恐惧的16_ adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的答案1witness2.opposite3.pause4.flee5.drag6.urge7target8.vivid9.neat10.annual11accommodation;accommodate12.abandon;abandoned13 reflect; reflection14.aware;awareness15scare;scared16.sharp.短语回顾1sort_整理;分类2_the meantime在此期间;与此同

4、时3help_帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危险4be/become aware_对知道、明白;意识到5_down上下翻转6be scared to_吓死了答案1 out 2.in 3.out 4.of 5.upside6.death.句式填空1a timewhen引导的定语从句_(那个时期)the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.2be about to动词原形表示即将

5、发生的事情This was the call that announced_(捕鲸行动马上就要开始)3see.being done看到正在被As we drew closer, I could_(看到一头鲸受到攻击) by a pack of about six other killers.4Itbeadj.to do sth.The sea was rough that day and_(很难操纵船只)5where引导的状语从句The water was quite shallow but_(到了珊瑚礁的尽头,就有一个陡坡)to the sandy ocean floor.答案1It was

6、 a time when2there was about to be a whale hunt3see a whale being attacked4it was difficult to handle the boat5where the reef ended, there was a steep drop频频高高考考 点点give/bear witness to为作证;为的证人a witness to.的证人/证据witness to doing.证实;证明即 境 活 用 1 He _the traffic accident and felt scared.AwitnessedBrefle

7、ctedCresponded Dreacted解析witness目睹。reflect 反映;respond 回答;react 反应。答案A2accommodation n住所;住宿The hall can only accommodate 200 people.这个大厅只能容纳200人。The hotel provides accommodation for up to 100 people.这家宾馆最多可为100人提供住宿。make/provide accommodations for为提供食宿arrange ones accommodation安排食宿accommodate vt.提供住宿

8、;容纳;迎合,迁就;使适应accommodate sth.供应/提供某物accommodate sb.留宿;给某人提供住宿;容纳即境活用2The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to_over 2,000 people.Acontain BprovideCinclude Daccommodate解析accommodate给某人提供住宿。答案D3drag vt.拖;拉;扯Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into

9、 the depths of the sea.过了片刻,鲸的尸体就被虎鲸们迅速托向深海中去了。The battle dragged but the rainy season came in.战争拖延着,雨季却来临了。drag ones feet拖着脚走;拖延drag out拖出来;(使)拖延drag sb. away把某人拖走drag on(使)拖延;延长(声调、字眼等)即境活用3The injured bird walked slowly,_one wing along,which made us sad.Adragging Band draggingCdragged Dto drag解析现

10、在分词作伴随状语。答案A4urge vt.催促;极力主张They urged us to give our support.他们敦促我们给予支持。It was urged that he (should) be punished.有人极力主张他应受到惩罚。urge sb. to do sth.催促、力劝某人做某事urge sb. into doing sth.催促、力劝某人做某事urge that.极力主张;热心地要求It is urged that.极力主张have an urge to do sth.迫切要求做某事即境活用4 (2012福建六校联考)They urged that the

11、library_open during the vacation.Awas kept Bwould be keptCis kept Dbe kept解析urge 后的从句用虚拟语气 should be done,should可省略。答案D5reflect vt.思考;映射;反射She could see her face reflected in the water.她看见自己的脸倒映在水中。Take some time to reflect on your future plans.抽点时间仔细考虑你未来的计划。reflect sb./sth. in.在中映射出某人/物的形象reflect

12、on/upon沉思;思考reflection反映;反射;反照即境活用5Usually, a childs behavior is a(n) _ of his family environment, many studies suggest.Adescription BrecognitionCreflection Dexpression解析reflection反映。description 描述;recognition 认可;expression 表情。答案C6sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的,急剧的The teacher kept a sharp watch on the childr

13、en when they visited the zoo.孩子们到动物园参观时,老师紧紧盯着他们。He was rather sharp with his secretary when she got back late from lunch.他的秘书出去吃午饭回来迟了,他对她表现相当不客气。have a sharp mind/brain有敏锐的头脑leave a sharp impression留下清晰的印象have a sharp eye/ear/nose for对有灵敏的视力/听力/嗅觉at six oclock sharp在6点整即境活用6Theres a _increase in t

14、he number of the cars in my neighbourhood.Asharp BquickCaware Dslow解析a sharp increase急剧增长。答案A7rent vi.出租vt.租用n.租金This house rents for $800 a month.这间屋子月租八百美元。I have rented the house out to a very nice family.我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家。for rent供租用的;招租的rent sth.(from sb.)(从某人)租借或租用rent (at/for sth.)以一定租金出租rent s

15、th.(out)(to sb.)将出租给某人即境活用7Good evening, Mr. Green. Im sorry to bother you. But its the fourth of December today.Oh, Mrs. Baxter,_rent! Im sorry its late. Ill write you_check right now.Athe; the Ba; aCa; the Dthe; a解析第一空为定指;第二空为“数量一”。答案D8aware adj.意识到;知道的We are fully aware of the gravity of the situ

16、ation.我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?你知道你坐在我的帽子上了吗?be aware of sth.意识到某事be aware that知道;意识到be aware whclause知道;意识到make sb. aware that.提醒某人注意make sb. aware of.让某人注意到so/as far as I am aware就我所知即 境 活 用 8 The event has not only increased public_of world hunger, but raised a lo

17、t of money for the poor children.Adirection BcontributionCawareness Dloneliness解 析 awareness意 识 , 符 合 句 意 。contribution贡献;direction方向;loneliness孤独。答案C9abandon vt.放弃;遗弃,抛弃n.放任;无拘无束The game had to be abandoned due to the bad weather.由于天气不好,比赛不得不中止。He abandoned himself to despair.他陷入绝望中。abandon oneself

18、 to沉溺于;完全屈从于abandon a project/plan/scheme放弃一项计划、方案、设计abandon sth. to sb.把某事遗弃给某人abandon(doing) sth.放弃做某事即境活用9The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.Aabolished BabandonedCdeserted Drejected解析abandon抛弃。abolished被废除的;deserted荒芜的;rejected被拒绝的。答案B10flee (fled; fled) vi.& vt.逃走,

19、逃避;消失;消散The family fled from the burning house.那家人从燃烧的房子里逃出来了。He fled his hometown during the war.战争期间他逃离了家乡。flee from从逃走flee the responsibility逃避责任即 境 活 用 10The thieves have already_the city, so it is difficult for the police to arrest them.Afled Bran awayCescaped Dgot rid of解析flee逃离;符合句意。run away逃

20、跑;escape逃脱;get rid of除掉。答案A 即 境 活 用 11 When I_in the kitchen, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.Ahelped out Bfigured outCworked out Dfound out解析help out帮忙。figure out 弄清;work out 锻炼;find out 查明。答案A2be/become aware of对知道/明白;意识到Most s

21、mokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.大多数吸烟者清楚地知道吸烟的危害。【思维拓展】be/become aware that.意识到as far as Im aware据我所知make sb. aware of让某人知道lack of awareness缺乏认识raise awareness about提高对的认识即境活用12The headmaster didnt seem to be_ that there should have been so much dispute(争端) about the decision.As

22、ure BawareCactive Dsensible解析be aware知道,意识到。答案B3be scared to death吓死I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment!我自言自语地说它们并不危险,但是这样一点也不能抑制我那怕的要死的心情!即境活用13He was_to death on seeing the frightening scene.Ascared BscaringCscare Dto scare解析be scare

23、d to death被吓死。答案A4hold up举起,抬起;支撑;阻挡,使延误She always holds up her head when she walks.她走路时总是昂首挺胸。The chair was too weak to hold him up.椅子支撑不住他的体重。We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.我们在前往机场的路上因为堵车而延误了。hold down压制,抑制,缩减,垂下hold back踌躇,阻止,抑制,隐瞒hold on继续,不挂断,停止hold out伸出,维持,坚持,不屈服即

24、境 活 用 14 What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because I was_in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bkept backCheld up Dkept up解析hold up堵塞,符合句意。break up破碎;keep back扣留;keep up坚持,维持。答案CThe boss kept the workers working the whole night.那个老板让工人整夜地工作。We heard her sing two songs.我们听她唱了两首歌。即 境 活 用 15

25、If we have illegal immigrants_in, many local workers will lose their jobs.Acame BcomingCto come Dhaving come解析have sb. doing sth.让某人持续做某事。答案B即 境 活 用 16Do you mind me_your pen?Ause BusingCto use Dused解析mind后跟v.ing形式作宾语。答案B即境活用17There was_time_I lived on the farm happily.Aa; that Ba; whenC/; when D/;

26、that解析there was a time when有一段的时光。答案B 堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1Over the years, Chinas economy has been developing steadily,with an average _ growth rate of 9%.AannualBambitiousCabsurd Dtypical解析annual 每年的。ambitious 雄心的;absurd 荒唐的;typical 典型的。答案A2He _ for a cup of tea before continuing his speech.Adragged Bdiv

27、edCpaused Dsucked解析pause 暂停。drag 拖;dive 潜水;suck 吮吸。答案C3 Police caught up with one of the thieves, but the other three_.Ascared BfledCjogged Dresigned解析flee 逃跑。scare 使惊吓;jog 慢跑;resign 辞职。答案B4Our car broke down, and we had to _ it and walk the rest of the way.Aurge BconductCdivorce Dabandon解析abandon 抛

28、弃。urge催促;conduct 指导;divorce 离婚。答案D5Cars without security devices are an easy _ for the thief.Awitness BtideCtarget Dprofit解析target 目标。witness 证人;tide 潮汐;profit 利润。答案C6Seans strong love for his country is _ in his recently published poems.Arelieved BreflectedCresponded Drecovered解析reflect 反映。relieve

29、宽慰;respond 回答;recover 康复。答案B7The goat seemed to be _ of the dangers and started to run.Aaware BclumsyCfragile Dshallow解析aware有意识的。clumsy 笨拙的;fragile 易碎的;shallow 浅的。答案A8Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _ imagination.Aelegant BcautiousCawful Dvivid解析vivid 生动的。elegant

30、优雅的;cautious 谨慎的;awful 难受的。答案D9The final score of the basketball match was 93:94. We were only _ beaten.Atightly BslightlyCnarrowly Droughly解析narrowly 勉强地。tightly 紧紧地;slightly 稍微地;roughly 粗略地。答案C10 Keep your kids away from the _ knives. They may cut themselves.Apure BgrandCsharp Dfirm解析sharp 锋利的。pur

31、e 纯净的;grand 伟大的;firm 坚定的。答案C.短语填空let go; be terrified of; aware of; in between; help sb. out; upside down; sort out; draw near; in the meantime; hold up1He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didnt know how I could_.2She told me to _ the papers that could be thrown away.3The building work h

32、as been _ by the bad weather.4Christmas is_. Mother is busy preparing gifts for her children.5I like skiing and _,I know it is very dangerous.6When she came back home, she found her house had been turned _ by the burglars.7Its time someone made him _ the effects of his actions.8When the girl _ her f

33、athers hand,she fell down.9We have two lessons this morning, but theres some free time_.10I _ flying. Id rather go by sea.答案1help him out2.sort out3.held up4.drawing near 5in the meantime6.upside down7.aware of8.let go9.in between10.am terrified of.单词拼写1The citizens of the city_(催促) the government t

34、o build a new hospital some years ago and now their wish has come true.2 We can provide_(住 宿 ) for sixty people in our hotel.3China has a good_(声誉) with most countries all over the world, including developed countries and developing countries.4He has made_(整齐的) paths and has built a wooden bridge ov

35、er a pool.5The river is so_(窄) that many of the children can easily swim across.6Does this letter_(反映) what you really think of the issue?7The witness gave a very_(生动的) description of the accident this morning.8 Generally speaking, if you want to shoot the_(目标),you must aim at it a little bit higher because of the effect of gravity on the arrow.9Finally the game had to be_(放弃) due to bad weather.10He_(逃跑)to London after an argument with his family.答案1urged2.accommodation3.reputation 4.neat 5.narrow 6.reflect7.vivid8.target9.abandoned10.fled同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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