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1、九年级 Units 3、41. sleep(v. ) _(adj. )困倦的困倦的 _(adj. )睡着的睡着的2. important(adj. ) _(n. )重要性重要性3. succeed(v. ) _(n. )成功成功 _(adj. )成功的成功的 _(adv. )成功地成功地sleepyasleepimportancesuccesssuccessfulsuccessfully4. medicine(n. ) _(adj. )医学的;医医学的;医疗的的5. worry(n. ) _(adj. )担心的担心的 6. energy(n. ) _(adj. )有活力的有活力的7. conf

2、ident(adj. ) _(n. )自信心自信心8. listen(v. ) _(n. )听者听者9. know(v. ) _(n. )知知识 _(adj. )知知识渊博的渊博的10. help(v. ) _(adj. )有帮助的有帮助的medicalworriedenergeticconfidencelistenerknowledgeknowledgeablehelpful【品品词自自测】根据句意用所根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Linda was so _ that she fell _ in a minute. (sleep)Every _ person always p

3、lans for his _. (success)The woman looked _, maybe she is _ about her little baby. (worry)答案:答案:sleepy; asleep successful; successworried; worrying/worried1. 代替代替_ of 2. 全神全神贯注;注;专注于注于_ on3. 担心;关心担心;关心care _4. 一点儿也不;根本不一点儿也不;根本不not. . . in the _5. 很多的;足很多的;足够的的_ of 6. 使使失望或沮失望或沮丧let. . . _7. 出版;出版;发

4、表表come _insteadconcentrateabout /forslightestplentydownout8. stay up _9. at present_10. in the way _11. get along/on with. . . _12. come up with_熬夜熬夜目前;目前;现在在挡道的;妨碍人的道的;妨碍人的与与相相处提出;想出提出;想出(主意、回答等主意、回答等)1. 不不应该允允许16岁的青少年穿耳洞。的青少年穿耳洞。Sixteen-year-olds shouldnt be allowed to _ their ears _. 2. 我我认为不不应该允

5、允许16岁的青少年开的青少年开车。I dont think sixteen-year-olds _ _ _ _ _. 我同意。他我同意。他们不不够稳重。重。 I agree. They arent _ _. getpiercedshould be allowed to driveserious enough3. 在我家我在我家我们有很多有很多规定。定。We have a lot of rules at my house. 我我们家也是家也是(有很多有很多规定定)。_ _ _. 4. 那将会是一个既那将会是一个既让老老师高高兴又又让学生学生满意的意的办法。法。That would be a go

6、od way to _ both teachers and students_. So do wekeephappy5. 如果你有一百万美元你会怎么做呢?如果你有一百万美元你会怎么做呢?What _ you do if you _ a million dollars? 6. 要是其他人都要是其他人都带礼物了礼物了(我我该)怎么怎么办?_ _ everyone else brings a present? 7. 你也宁愿待在家里看一本好你也宁愿待在家里看一本好书而不愿去参加聚会。而不愿去参加聚会。You _ also _ _ at home and _ a good book_ _ to a p

7、arty. wouldhadWhat ifwouldrather stayreadthan go1. refuse v. 拒拒绝;回;回绝Of course you should refuse! 你当然你当然应该拒拒绝! He refused _. A. to let me go B. me to go C. me going D. that I should go He _ my invitation but _ it. A. received; accepted B. accepted; receivedC. received; refused D. refused; received【自

8、主自主归纳】 refuse的用法的用法refuse可接不定式作可接不定式作宾语可接双可接双宾语(refuse sb. sth. )2. get along with与与相相处Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. 你的朋友你的朋友们也也许会会说你是个容易你是个容易(与之与之)相相处的人。的人。I find it difficult to get _ with the boss. A. along B. up C. out D. downThe students in our class get o

9、n very well with each other. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ the students in _ class get on with each other? 【自主自主归纳】get along with 的用法的用法(1)get along with =get _ with 与与相相处; 进展展(2)get along/on well with. . . 与与相相处融洽融洽(3)对get along/on well with的的well提提问时,用,用_。答案:答案:A How do ; your onhow3. come out 出版;出版;发表表His new

10、 book,What Would You Do If. . . ? came out last month. 他的新他的新书,如果如果, 你会怎么你会怎么办?上个月出版了。上个月出版了。When _ the books about the teenagers _ out? A. were; come B. did; comeC. do; come D. is; come月亮从云后面露出月亮从云后面露出脸来。来。The moon _ _ from behind the clouds. Spring comes and the flowers _. A. come along B. come ou

11、tC. come across D. come on 【自主自主归纳】come out的用法的用法(1)come out 可意可意为“出版;出出版;出现;(花花)开开”。 (2)come out 不能用于被不能用于被动语态。(3)come 的搭配的搭配归纳答案:答案:B comes/came out B4. We have a lot of rules at my house. 在我家我在我家我们有很多有很多规定。定。So do we. 我家也是我家也是(有很多有很多规定定)。I heard Yang Yang made an English speech at the class meeti

12、ng yesterday. _, and _. A. So she did ; so did I B. So did she; so I didC. So she was ; so I was D. So did she ; so did I You can read the English book. I can read it, too. (改改为同同义句句)You can read the English book. So _ _. 【自主自主归纳】so+助助动词+主主语/so+主主语+助助动词的用法辨析的用法辨析句式句式用法用法区区别关关键so+助助动词+主主语意意为“也也是是如如此此

13、”,表表示示前前面面陈述述的的情情况况也也适适于于后者后者前后两句前后两句为 _(相同相同/不同不同)主主语so+主主语+助助动词意意为“确确实如如此此”,表表示示赞同前面同前面说过的情况的情况前后两句前后两句为 _(相同相同/不同不同)主主语不同不同相同相同答案:答案:A can I5. You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. 你也宁愿待在家里看一本好你也宁愿待在家里看一本好书而不愿去参加聚会。而不愿去参加聚会。他宁愿在他宁愿在乡村工作。村工作。He _ _ _ in the co

14、untryside. Its cold today. I would rather _ at home than _ a walk in the park. A. stay; take B. to stay ; to takeC. stay; to take D. to stay ; taking【自主自主归纳】(1)would rather意意为“宁宁愿愿”,后后接接动词原原形形, 表表示示优先先选择的的一一种方式,其否定形式种方式,其否定形式: would rather not do sth. 。(2)would rather do sth. . . . than (do). . . 相相

15、当当于于would do sth. . . . rather than (do). . . 意意为“宁宁可可也也不不愿愿”,“与与其其倒倒不如不如”。(3)使使用用would rather . . . than . . . 句句型型时,要要注注意意“平平行行结构构”,即在即在than 的前后要用两个的前后要用两个结构相同的构相同的词或或词组。答案:答案:would rather work A. 单项选择1. (2012自自贡中中考考)I think teenagers should _ drive. They are not serious enough. A. be allowed toB.

16、 not be allowed toC. not allow to【解解析析】选选B。考考查查情情态态动动词词的的被被动动语语态态。句句意意:我我认认为为不不应应该允许青少年开车,他们不够认真。故选该允许青少年开车,他们不够认真。故选B。2. (2012四四川川中中考考)I like drinking wine. But people who drink wine arent allowed to drive. If I _ you. I would give up _ wine. A. were; drinking B. am; drinkingC. were; drink D. was;

17、to drink【解解析析】选选A。虚虚拟拟语语气气中中be动动词词用用were形形式式,give up doing sth. 放弃做某事。放弃做某事。3. (2011芜 湖湖 中中 考考 ) Zhou Ming likes reading English magazines. _. Its good for English learning. A. So do I B. So am IC. So I do D. So I am【解解析析】选选A。“so+主主语语+助助动动词词”意意为为“的的确确如如此此”;“so+助助动动词词+主主语语”意意为为“也也如如此此。”句句意意:周周明明喜喜欢欢读

18、读英语杂志。英语杂志。我也喜欢。它对英语学习有好处。我也喜欢。它对英语学习有好处。4. (2011安安徽徽中中考考)What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead ofC. together with D. out of【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:天天气气真真好好!我我们们应应该该去去观观光光,而而不不是是在在宾宾馆馆里里看看电电视视。because of 因因为为;instead of 代代替替,而而不不是是;together with 与与一起;一

19、起;out of 不在其中。故选不在其中。故选B。5. (2011雅雅安安中中考考) Kitty would rather _ to the park than watch TV. A. to go B. goC. going D. goes【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定句句型型的的用用法法。would rather do than do “宁可宁可而不而不”。 6. (2011北北京京中中考考) Many accidents _ by careless drivers last year. A. are caused B. were causedC. have caused D. wi

20、ll cause【解解析析】选选B。考考查查被被动动语语态态的的用用法法。句句意意:去去年年很很多多交交通通事事故故是是由由粗粗心心大大意意的的司司机机造造成成的的。由由时时间间状状语语last year可可知知,是是一般过去时的被动语态,故选一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。7. (2011黄黄冈中中考考)Mei will represent our class in the English Speech Contest. She is clever and can speak English really well. She will not make us disappointed. A.

21、knock into us B. care about usC. let us down D. help us out【解解析析】选选C。make us disappointed“使使我我们们失失望望”,与与let us down意义相同。意义相同。. 词汇运用运用1. (2011包包头中中考考) Have you got any English books on those _(书架架)? 2. (2011贵港港中中考考)I believe you will _ (成成功功) if you dont give up. 3. (2011凉凉山山中中考考)Many Chinese student

22、s have come to realize the _ (重要重要) of learning English. 答案:答案:1. shelves 2. succeed 3. importance4. (2011杭杭州州中中考考)My mother is a teacher and she has t_ English in this school for 20 years. 5. (2011广广州州中中考考)My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h_. 6. (2011遵遵义中中考考)In order to improv

23、e Marys self-confidence, her teacher asked her to look at _ (she)in a mirror every morning and say “Im the best. ”. 7. They invited me to the party, but I had to _ (拒拒绝) because I was very busy. 答案:答案:4. taught 5. helpful 6. herself 7. refuse. 完成句子完成句子1. (2011本溪中考本溪中考)他昨天晚上熬夜到十一点半。他昨天晚上熬夜到十一点半。He _

24、11: 30 last night. 2. (2011临沂沂中中考考)Frank will come up with some ways to learn more English. (改改为同同义句句)Frank will _ _ some ways to learn more English. 答案:答案:1. stayed up until/didnt go to bed until/till2. think up 中中考考写写作作话题一一般般与与考考生生的的学学校校生生活活或或社社会会生生活活密密切切相相关关,例例如如对校校规校校纪的的认识等等。写写作作这类话题的的步步骤为:1. 陈述

25、述校校规校校纪的的具具体体规定定,时态用用一一般般现在在时;2. 阐述述这些些规定定的的重重要要性性;3. 说明明自自己己的的观点点。写写作作过程程中中注注意意段段落落间的的过渡渡,文文章的内容可作一定的章的内容可作一定的发挥。【典典题示例示例】(2011贵阳中考阳中考) 随随着着“创建建全全国国文文明明城城市市”活活动的的开开展展,贵阳阳中中学学生生英英语报正正在在开开展展校校规校校纪大大讨论。该报正正在在向向各各校校学学生生征征文文。请你你以以 “Rules of My School”为题,写写一一篇篇征征文文,谈谈你你对校校规的了解和的了解和认识。要点如下:要点如下:1. 你所知道的校你

26、所知道的校规(列列举3条条); 2. 你你对这些校些校规的的认识; 3. 请你你对改善校改善校规提意提意见。注意:注意:1. 文中不得出文中不得出现真真实的校名及姓名;的校名及姓名; 2. 词数不少于数不少于80。_【审题谋篇篇】 1. 本本篇篇与与学学校校生生活活有有关关,为议论文文,考考查学学生生在在运运用用英英语语言言进行行论述、推理方面的能力;述、推理方面的能力; 2. 人称:用第一人称或第三人称;人称:用第一人称或第三人称; 3. 主要主要时态:一般:一般现在在时态; 4. 高分模板:高分模板:【佳作佳作诵读】Rules of My School There are lots of

27、rules in my school. For example, we must clean our classroom every morning. I think its very necessary for us to keep it clean. And its good for our health. And another rule says that we have to wear school uniforms every day. I think the uniforms are ugly. In my opinion, we should be allowed to cho

28、ose our own clothes. We cant talk in the classroom. As far as I am concerned, keeping quiet is good for studying. 【名名师点睛点睛】 (1)符符合合材材料料要要求求,形形式式上上条条理理清清楚楚,过渡渡自自然然,合合理理使使用用宾语从从句句I think its very necessary for us to keep it clean. 和和被被动语态. . . we should be allowed to choose our own clothes. ,体体现了作者了作者较强强的英的英语表达能力。表达能力。 (2)for example与与in my opinion, as far as I am concerned等等插插入入语或或连接接词的的使使用用,使使文文章章过渡渡自自然然,增增强强了了文文章章的的连贯性和整体性。性和整体性。 (3)keep clean, be allowed to do, keep quiet等等词组的的使使用用也也为文章增色不少。文章增色不少。



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