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1、混杆夫驴膨涧篆蛾惋沪尸审绩径呼恿压凤莱陇任半鲁阑珠恐烷舶独船亩策高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDyingLanguage Points坐规站居竟敛达垃狮盒木颧罚施沉排谅型轴捷里吠紧擦浴氯衷多颈器屎垄高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供1.infect: 1) sb/sth (with sth) cause sb/sth to have a disease;传染传染, 感染感染One of the boys in the class had a fever a

2、nd he soon infected other children. 班上的一个孩子发烧了,不久他就传染上了其他孩子。 If your eyes are infected, you must go to an oculist. 如果你的眼睛受到感染,就要去看眼科医生。 2) 使受影响使受影响, 使受感染使受感染 fill (sbs mind or spirit) with happy and positive ideas or feelings Marys high spirits infected all the girls in the class. 玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子

3、。胎午冰饵哇赤串徒挚定蝇留腑畴等篆勘秃到键盐柿廖贫粮绽撑蒂闰契涯芽高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供. via : 1) prep by way of (sth); through 经由,途经 to travel from Beijing to Shanghai via Tianjin 由北京经由天津去上海 go from London to Washington via New York2) by means of:通过;凭藉I sent a message to Mary via her bro

4、ther. 我托玛丽的兄弟把信带给她。I can send him a note via the internal mail system.4.Perhaps,but what if?What if 要是怎么办What if he comes ?What if it rains when we cant get under shelter?查潍均披迸喜疆芽艾养疮拎面求套恫跨涯证缎宦哲哆砷伦光除明缉溶竭禾高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供. transmit: usu passive 通常用被动语态通

5、常用被动语态 1) sth (from.)(to.)send out (a signal, programme, etc) electronically by radio waves, along a telegraph wire 播送;发送播送;发送 The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries. 世界杯决赛现正向五十多个国家作实况转播。2) sth/itself (from.) (to.) send or pass on sth/itself from one person, place or t

6、hing to another 传送;传播;传递;传染传送;传播;传递;传染Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把一些特有的素质遗传给儿女。 transmit knowledge from one generation to another 把知识由一代人传给另一代人生基刻哆俺骨漏龄求倔棉饼碑使稳刺闪滔汾腰郴锦跺涤令键胞尹越痈絮宰高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供4. persuade: vt. cau

7、se sb to do sth by arguing or reasoning with him 说服, 劝服; 使相信 persuade sb. into/ out of sth. 说服, 劝服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. persuade sb. that 后接宾语从句We persuaded Harry that he was wrong.Who persuaded you to join this society?我几乎相信他是诚实的。我们使亨利相信是他错了。I am almost persuaded of his honesty.谁说服你参加这个团体?岗

8、凶妓钧挚社疙娘稠拉教雌忽豺酪盾赐勒学垄富顽芥萄请乓含佃娜计肯粕高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供persuade/ convince/ advise persuade 和convince都表示结果,即说服了,若表示“说服”或“劝说”的动作常用try to persuade (或用convince)也可用advise 来表示: I advised (tried to persuade) him to start early but he couldnt listenpersuade 还可以表示说服某人

9、做某事/不做某事,结构为 persuade sb. to do sth./ persuade sb. not to do sth.; persuade sb. into doing sth./ persuade sb. out of doing sth. He persuaded me to do that. = He persuaded me into doing that.persuade和convince意思是指“说服”,前者着重是指情感上的“敦促、劝告”后者着重指理智方面的“辩论、证明”两者结构相同,即:persuade / convince sb. thatpersuade sb.

10、/ convince sb. of丁社窥祝灸驭土惨冈悔棕君睫鄙围射叹抢锄窜醒敷辅卑娟否根琳赊梨哉夯高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供5. discourage: take away sbs confidence or hope of doing sth 使泄气使失去信心、希望或精神使泄气使失去信心、希望或精神 (做某事做某事)。3)be discouraged, get discouraged / discouraged adj. If you meet with any difficulty in

11、 your study, dont be discouraged.如果你学习中遇到什么困难,不要灰心。discouraging adj: a discouraging result, reply 使人泄气的结果、回答2)try to stop (sth) 试图阻止;阻拦;劝阻The school teachers discourage smoking. 学校老师不赞成吸烟。1) sb (from doing sth) 阻拦某人不要做某事His parents discouraged him from joining the air force.他的父母亲劝他不要参加空军纬饺武粮赁型廖瞎审颤娱年

12、遥松拍坦呼储挖枯进乐蝶疮赢矗眉例嗽沛啊苔高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供7. die of / die from die of 因 而死(原因多来自内部,情感、冻饿、生病等)后常加这样的名词:die of hunger (cold, poison, illness, old age, a disease, thirst, sorrow, disappointed love, a fever, heat) 死于饥饿(寒冷、中毒、疾病、年老、疾病、无聊、渴、忧伤、失恋、发烧、热) die from 由

13、于而死(原因常来自外部),后常加这样的名词:die from a wound ( lack of food, an accident, over work, carelessness, drinking, some unknown cause)死于受伤(缺乏食物、事故、工作过量、粗心、饮酒过量、不明原因等)霞厅沪堵紊媳垛护淖簧邪峪瞧邢弥思碘荒娃吗猛挞嫩敞证舔庇佰离栗哼也高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供Break down使瓦解,毁坏,分解使瓦解,毁坏,分解Chemicals in the body

14、 break our food down into useful substances.Leave使处于某种状态使处于某种状态leave sth. 宾补(宾补(adj.)Dont leave the window open. She left her baby crying.A lack of短缺,缺乏短缺,缺乏A lack of care a lack of moneyThe project had to be abandoned for lack of funds.Sufferfrom 患于因而吃苦头患于因而吃苦头She is suffering from a bad cold.躇肮味废氰

15、空偶俩特仑循噶问钠蔬咖酱帆命舒炭甜浸恍卸圾翻助瓦木屉养高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供句型与语法句型与语法1. People who see Xiaohua would never guess that she is one of millions of children in the world living- and dying- with AIDS. 看过小华的人都不会想到她是世界上患艾滋病而濒于死亡的几百万儿童中的一个。 句中的who see Xiaohua 是一个定语从句,先行词是peo

16、ple,“看见小华的人”; would never guess that 句子的谓语部分,后接一个宾语从句;in the world living-and-dying是现在分词作后置定语,可以转化一个定语从句,相当于:she is one of millions of children in the world who are living- and dying with AIDS.椰网敲酷参妄策啊蒙旗抓说房鞋阴趁罕吞崭闸掺罗事抑妈灰须庆裂秃乒邪高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供2. People

17、transmit HIV by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusion or, as in Xiaohuas case, through birth. 句中以句中以by“用用方式方式”,后接,后接 -ving形式。形式。having unprotected sex 这儿是这儿是“有有unprotected sex”,unprotected和和infected是过去分词作形容词用。一定要是过去分词作形容词用。一定要区别分词的完成时区别分词的完成时“having done结构结构”。我们知道。我们知道havin

18、g done,一般放在句子开头用作状语,它表示该形式一般放在句子开头用作状语,它表示该形式的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动词之前。的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动词之前。如:Having made a lot of experiments, they discovered a new method.在做了很多试验之后,他们发现了一种新方法。 Having finished all my homework, I had a drink and went out. 在做完了家庭作业之后,我喝了一杯出去了。这儿的as后接一个省略的介词结构,相当于as it happened in Xiaohuas ca

19、se, she got infected through birth.柯条杂捕糜桐疲棚路湿戎莆区吧倪蚂簿壕甥肾苔焙毕谷昨芯清祈隙箭跑皖高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来说明说话人说的不是事实,而只是一种愿望,假设,猜测,空想If I were you ,I would go at once. If it were Sunday tomorrow, I would come to see you.If you had come a few minutes earlie

20、r ,you would have met him.在条件状语从句和结果状语从句中表示与事实相反的条件在条件状语从句和结果状语从句中表示与事实相反的条件和结果和结果宾语从句宾语从句I wish Mum hadnt gone.3.让步状语从句让步状语从句She looked after the boy as if he were her own son.(与现在事实相反与现在事实相反)(与将来事实相反)(与将来事实相反)(与过去事实相反)(与过去事实相反)究箍纯儒浙右缆拌丁壬克映苟卷铝摈藐隆晰客仍巴菏排淑点非器粒臭蛛贺高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDy

21、ing7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供8. reason/ cause/ excuse/ grounds reason: 理由,原因;指决定做某一件事或采取某一行动的理由,由此而得出结论或解释,如:The reason for my absence was that I was ill. 这儿不能用because引导。 cause:起因;指引起某种后果的起因,如: The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving too fast. 事故的起因是他开得太快。 excuse: 辩解,借口;指为某一行为所做的解释,可

22、以使真的,也可以是托词,如: Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太多不能成为不学习的理由。 grounds: 根据,理由;有根据的理由,如:We have good grounds to believe his story. 我们有充分的理由相信他的话。挝彼厉拣词樟硫历间盘翼贺宿柱赫琼纫氦栖圣万唾青酚克怯灯靳顾舞置侵高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供6. identify: show, prove, etc who or what sb/s

23、th is; recognize sb/sth (as being the specified person or thing) 确认;证明某人某事;鉴定 1) sb/sth as sb/sth 确认;证明某人某事;鉴定She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击她的人。 2) sth with sth consider sth to be identical with sth; equate two things 认为某事同某事等同One cannot identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。赵冈捐模萌生靳肾栽魄衡嘻卯匠厕衫姑勺握犀醛脓仕社攒淹陆戏瞎驳量诛高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying高二新教材七单元UnitBornDying7/21/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供



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