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1、1 1奥迪奥迪奥迪奥迪AAAAAA二手车推广活动方案二手车推广活动方案二手车推广活动方案二手车推广活动方案 2 2目录目录Catalogue目录 / Catalogue第一阶段:信守标准 承启未来奥迪AAA二手车品鉴会 Stand By The Standard, Open The Future- Audi AAA second-hand vehicle appraisal meeting y活动内容 Summaryy活动亮点 Highlighty主要物料设计 Material designy后期媒体宣传 Media boom第二阶段:信守标准 承启未来奥迪AAA二手车(华星名仕)Stand

2、By The Standard, Open The Future- Audi AAA second-hand vehicle (Huaxing Mingshi)y活动目的 Aimy媒体投放计划 Media delivery plan3 3时间:08年8月16日地点:四川省成都,鱼凫国都温泉大酒店活动主题:信守标准 承启未来奥迪AAA二手车品鉴会 内容:奥迪AAA二手车业务介绍奥迪AAA二手车评估标准路试第一阶段活动/First stage activityTime: 16.08, 2008Place: Sichuan Chengdu, Yufu Hot Springs Hotel Theme:

3、 Stand by the standard, open the future- Audi AAA second-hand vehicle appraisal meetingSummary: Audi AAA second-hand vehicle introduction Audi AAA second-hand vehicle evaluation standard Driving experienceTime: 16.08, 2008Place: Sichuan Chengdu, Yufu Hot Springs Hotel 4 4人数:预计80人 (媒体6人;试驾嘉宾30-40人;家属

4、20-30人)车辆: 8台试驾车(2A4新/2A4二手;2A6新/2A6二手) 2台工作车(1台领航/1台押尾)人员安排: 试乘嘉宾 上午:奥迪AAA二手车业务介绍/鉴车 下午:路试 家属 上午:奥迪AAA二手车业务介绍/鉴车 或 自 由活动 下午:娱乐区:温泉/游泳Personnel: 80 (Media 6,clients 30-40,relations 20-30) Vehicle: 8 trial cars 2 service carsPersonnel arrangement: Clients: AM: 2nd-hand vehicle introduction 2nd-hand v

5、ehicle evaluation PM: Driving experience Relations: AM: 2nd-hand vehicle introduction 2nd-hand vehicle evaluation Free activity PM: Amusement: Hot well& swimming5 5执行方法: 车队共计10台车,前后2台分别为领航车、押尾车,中间8台为试乘试驾车。 每台试乘试驾车需配置1名陪驾员,后座可坐试乘人员。 每组人员可用2圈路试体会完A4或A6一款车型的新旧车体验,其方法如下: 第一圈:根据试乘试驾表上的试驾车型意愿,试驾某款车型; 第一圈结

6、束时:同款车型试乘试驾员交换,如:A4新车换A4二手车、A新车换A6二手车; 第二圈结束时即完成1款车的新旧体验。路试执行方法/Automobile driving testRundowm: 2 service cars on both sides, 8 trial cars in the middle. Every trial car has 1 coach. Every people has 2 rings driving experience: First ring: Choose trial car type. End of first ring: Change the new car

7、 model to a 2nd one. End of second ring: Finish the compare trial experience.6 6路试地图/Map7 7形式:鉴车要求:需保证二手车翻新后与新车差异甚小内容: 在奥迪AAA二手车评估标准讲解结束后,嘉宾移步至会议厅外摆放的两台同型号车处,进行有奖“鉴车”环节。 第一轮鉴车:根据静态观察,判断哪台车为新车,哪台车为二手翻新车。可同时选十位嘉宾回答,回答正确的嘉宾获得奖品。 第二轮鉴车:根据主持人提供的车辆信息,竞猜此辆二手车的价格。可同时选十位嘉宾竞猜价格,与礼仪小姐手牌上销售价格最接近的一位嘉宾可获得奖品。活动亮点/

8、HighlightContent: EvaluationStandard:Narrow the gap between new car and 2nd carIntroduction: This activity is after the evaluation standard explanation. First:Judge which car is the new one according to static observation. And Award the clients who get the right answer. Second:Guess the 2nd car pric

9、e according to the vehicle info. Award the client who give the nearest price.8 8形式:夏日娱乐选择内容: 在下午为嘉宾及家属开放娱乐项目:温泉、游泳池。家属可以游玩,嘉宾在路试等待时也可与家人共渡一个愉快的周末。活动亮点/HighlightContent:Summer amusementIntroduction: Set up amusement activities for clients and their relations, so they can have a nice weekend during wa

10、iting for trial driving.9 9上午:09:30-10:00 嘉宾抵达现场09:30-10:00 嘉宾签到/入场/填写试乘试驾表10:00-10:15 活动开始/领导讲话10:15-10:45 奥迪AAA二手车业务介绍10:45-11:15 奥迪AAA二手车评估标准11:15-11:20 活动合影留念11:20-12:20 活动环节:鉴车中午12:30-13:30 嘉宾用餐(自助餐)下午13:30-13:45 路试路线及流程讲解14:00-16:00 嘉宾路试 家属自由活动时间16:00-16:20 全体人员集合/填写意见表16:20-16:30 感谢词/主持人宣布活动结

11、束活动流程AM:09:30-10:00 Clients arrive09:30-10:00 Clients sign-in/fill-in trial driving form10:00-10:15 Beginning/speech by leader10:15-10:45 2nd car business introduction10:45-11:15 2nd car evaluation standard11:15-11:20 Photo time11:20-12:20 On-site car evaluationNoon:12:30-13:30 BuffetPM:13:30-13:45

12、Trial driving rundown explanation14:00-16:00 Trial driving time( clients) Free activity( relations)16:00-16:20 Personnel assemble/fill-in opinion form16:20-16:30 Ending words1010主画面/Key visual主要物料设计/Material Design1111主要物料设计/Material design车身贴/Car body sticker1212邀请函/Invitation主要物料设计/Material design

13、1313邀请函/Invitation主要物料设计/Material design1414证件/Card主要物料设计/Material design1515三折页桌卡/Table card主要物料设计/Material design1616易拉宝/Yilabao主要物料设计/Material design指示系统/Pointer1717媒体输出内容:奥迪AAA二手车业务介绍:品质。奥迪AAA二手车业务核心卖点;检测。110项检测,打消消费者疑虑;售后。获得与新车同等的4S服务,提升价值感受;放心使用。最终回归到消费者。活动优惠信息。经销商电话及地址。后期媒体宣传/Media boomMedia

14、boom:Audi AAA 2nd vehicle introduction;Quality- Core selling point; Examination- 110 items check, dispel consumers gaingiving;Service- 4S service same as the new car, enhance the worthiness;Securely use- all for the consumers; Discount information;Dealer telephone& address.1818媒体投放形式:报广: 全程投放四期1/2彩版

15、 每期同时选择两家媒体投放,2款平面稿 报广以硬广+软文形式呈现 媒体建议:成都商报星期一汽车版、 华西都市报星期一汽车版电台: 电台套播,10次15、6次15 投放时间:1个月 媒体建议:省交通广播电台、飞扬之声、 城市之音、岷江音乐台Media delivery form:Newspaper: color edition on 4 issues 2 media delivery- 2 Key visual Key visual& advertorial Media suggestion: Chengdu Commercial Newspaper car edition Huaxi City

16、 Newspaper car edition Broadcast: 1510times, 156times Period:1 month Media suggestion: Sichuan Traffic Broadcast, Voice of Feiyang, City Voice, Minjing Music Broadcast 后期媒体宣传/Media boom1919时间: 08年8月6日-08年12月31日活动方:奥迪西区代表处/成都华星名仕奥迪活动主题: 信守标准 承启未来奥迪AAA二手车内容:媒体投放促销让利目的: 提高“奥迪AAA二手车”在当地的知名度 扩大置换、促销新车、拉动

17、延修、售后攒利第二阶段活动/Second stage activityTime: Aug6- Oct31,2008Host: Audi FAW-Volkswagan automotive Huaxing mingshiTheme: Stand by the standard, open the future- Audi AAA second-hand vehicleContent:Media deliveryPromotionAim: Enhance Audi AAA 2nd hand vehicle repute Enlarge replacement, Promotion, Extend

18、repair circle, Gain profit.2020媒体投放形式:电台:在省市13家广播电台中,在选择收听率较高的主流频率省(101.7)、市(91.4、94.6、95.5)电台共4家,进行长期合作。每日套播6次。互动信息:不同阶段、不同主题、针对不同目标客户,制作不同的短信群发内容。 新闻平面:选择市域成都商报或省域华西都市报两大主流媒体合作,先期投放1月4次平面软文。互联网络:华星名仕网站二手车专页,与“奥迪AAA二手车网站”套链,后期视情况与“四川二手车网”、“成都二手车网” 套链。 Media delivery form:Broadcast:Cooperate with 10

19、1.7, 91.4, 94.6, 95.5,and broadcast 6times per day.Interactive info:SMS delivery on different themes& clients in different time.Key visual:Cooperate with Chengdu Commercial Newspaper& Huaxi City Newspaper, publish 4 times KV per month.Internet:2nd hand online info on Huaxing mingshi web, then cooper

20、ate with Sichuan and Chengdu 2nd hand vehicle webs.媒体投放形式/Media delivery form2121媒体投放形式/Media delivery formOutdoors advertisement: Two big propaganda positions already existed which using Huaxing ingshi carried on the propaganda.Its Underground parking garage, Washroom media.In shop handbill poster

21、notice: In the different stage, the different subject, the manufacture different shop front material and the knife flag and so on, echo correspondingly with the subject activity, dry hold the atmosphere 户外广告:利用华星名仕既存的“地下停车场”、“洗手间媒体”两大宣传阵地进行“奥迪AAA二手车”宣传。店内招贴:不同阶段、不同主题、制作不同的店宣及刀旗等,与主题活动相应呼应,烘托气氛 。2222



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