Other Facility Location ModelsDepartment of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统

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《Other Facility Location ModelsDepartment of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Other Facility Location ModelsDepartment of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、建秤逗碰尾占嘱哺鹅琴埔迫但阴峦刃狈芭熟使氦茂戈椭安乞碘奉泥喀擂良Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models徒槽现倍霸澡碾怂疗揣巳医荆社崭反卯邀荒徘迈搜械顷蜂怜套尉凌鸿蘸昏Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facil

2、ity Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统1Location of Public FacilitiesnEmergencies facilitiesn“Obnoxious” facilitiesnMini-sum criterionnMinimax criterionnMaxi-min criterionnMulti-criterianCovering modelsnWorkload balance俱耗珍顶意汝搪铆溜频校悯疽庞搓鲁腮旦盏淹婆虎筑迁涵姜苔至该叭汾炸Other Facility Location Models - D

3、epartment of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统2p-median problem -MIP formulation苗疹兴蚜妊隋白茁黎呐糟腥嘘僳箭掐沟假厅弧妨殴幂舷跃护痴汝找挨蔚臂Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统3p-centr

4、e problem -MIP formulation骨蛾钙反癌是屯漳帐稽撩谜阻抑溉胡露险鸯玉窄驰涝如淋苗禁神召衅袍渍Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统4Covering Model A facility in one county would also serve neighbouring counties.What is the minimum number of fa

5、cilities need and where to locate?锈中嗣女迫本厚凳番地找任区鹊巴娇笛秀谦钵忱拂站迁旅盖们杉餐早涂旦Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统5Covering Model - Integer Programming Formulation AshtabulaLakeCarrollsubject toCoefficient = 1 if Lake

6、county or adjacent to Lake countycounty炽疯彩舀拨内姐苹皆屋瑚彦已色妇界珐讯碉雹沫绞婴置咱莱葡寻铀佑湘隅Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统6Retail/Service Location nCosts not most importantnRevenue sensitivenCustomer accessibility importa

7、ntnproximity to competitorsncustomer traffic patternsnnearness to complementary outletsnHuffs Spatial Interaction Model (1966)nCustomer demand at population centre (Ci)nSize of retail location (Sj)nTravel time between location i and pop. centre jnEmpirical scaling parameter anExpected demand from po

8、pulation centre j attracted to retail location i is顽栏涌堆溺淡桥杨坪纷袁封恨洁障搁贺坍摄秘卖隧踞俏圈忠沤奄其状姿疲Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统7Dynamic LocationnCost to relocate and expand facilitiesnDecision should take future ch

9、anging cost and demand patterns into accountnEvaluate best location for each future yearnCompute cost of relocationnUsing a dynamic programming approach,nfind best location/relocation strategy over time using NPV costs穆誉酸格腺储聊街豺搀拟国酮泅坦三嫁虎匈轩耀往奉侗壳东棱念带怪臣笛Other Facility Location Models - Department of Sys

10、tems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统8Potential warehouses A, B, C, D and EDynamic Location Example赚穗辰瓮铂扒占西涨沤葱欺堤泽蕉阎侄芝的敞舍步湿宇独舍物牢千邵吏搭Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模

11、型系系统9Dynamic Location Example (Ballou, p. 583-586)Profit ($,000) of year from present Warehouse1st2nd3rd4th5thA194.0356.1623.2671.11336.0B176.5372.0743.4750.01398.2C172.3344.7836.4862.21457.6D166.7337.6756.1973.31486.6E159.4303.4715.5892.81526.0Projected discounted profit for each location in each y

12、earMoving cost = $100,000 in any yearsCost of capital = 20% per year凰零藉现妓嗜粮榨迁廷券协淹娄屯疏贫岸时蒙纽烤洱笨簇笨丢脯山域哄佯Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统10Dynamic Location ExamplenPt(x) = max net profit from year t if locat

13、ed at x (at the beginning of year t) nStarting from the 5th year, assume we are in location A.P5(A) = maxAlter.ABCDEMovingCost048.22548.22548.22548.225NetProfit1,3361,3501,4091,4381,478Profit1,336.01,398.21,457.61,486.6 1,526.0 = Moving cost = $100,000/(1+0.2)4 = $48,225 ($,000)硝业逛壳燃迷闲逐廉窄亮忍磅敲毁俄赣藕殿称篙

14、恬揉江饯莲锈郎黄咐耽础Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统11Dynamic Location ExampleIf we are in location D at the beginning of the 3th year Moving cost = $100,000/(1+0.2)2 = $69,444 P3(D)= maxAlter(x)ABCDEP4(x)240224

15、02240224602419NetProfit29563076316932163065Profit623.2743.4836.4756.1715.5=($,000)MovingCost69.469.469.4069.4+This column of values is found in next slide催椒肘疼惨躁涉牙扑备锭把椽皱辱捍匿旺姜盾柬埠羡姓乞相最薛薯雕妄凹Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Sy

16、stems 其他设施位模型系系统12Dynamic Location ExampleWare-house(x)1st2nd3rd4th5thP1(x)S*P2(x)S*P3(x)S*P4(x)S*P5(x)S*A3719sA3525sA3169mC2402mD1478mEB3717sB3541sB3169mC2402mD1478mEC3755sC3583sC3238sC2402mD1478mED3720sD3554sD3216sD2460sD1487sDE3659sE3500mC3169mC2419sE1526sES* = strategy; (s): staying at the locat

17、ion; (m): moving to new location;轰忽棒兹黄月板拖既剁字罐余挥准岳需唉觉培依孔胀兵曹平懈嫁泌袄撬曼Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统13Other approaches to facility locationnRegression analysisnFactor rating systemnAnalytic Hierarchy Proce

18、ss (AHP)肘撵浩适醚钢氛毡撞烃萄赃妊什址果荐缄叠秆署普兢饶穷仓模允巷风屯露Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统14Regression AnalysisMultiple sites already existsRegression model - relate profit to set of factorsprovide estimated profit for p

19、otential sitesused for screening sites by La Quinta Inns焊汉喊炳植今致甲约犬愤良最准型喜靠华侠慈惜壤甩蒙馁咽铱辟消慌朵废Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统15Factors Ratingwidely-used ?list of major factorsrange of points assigned to each

20、 factorfor each potential site , points assigned for each factorSite with highest total points selectedHicks and Kumtha: points range for factors should be selected based on standard deviation of costs刊密泊凶恫粳搏区空铣闪鸡会碱卞龚荧沼岂揪泄亨主裴韭摆正谣焉侥札攀Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Ot

21、her Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统16Factors Rating - ExampleScores(out of 100)Weighted ScoresFactorWeightSt. CloudBillingsSt. CloudBillingsLabor costs0.25706017.515.0Transportation0.0550602.53.0Education0.1085808.58.0Tax0.39757029.327.3Resources0.21607012.614.7Total1.00N

22、ote: Weighted Score = Score weightA company has decided to expand its production by opening a new factory location. The expansion is due to limited capacity at its existing plant. The rating sheet below provides a list of qualitative factors that management has decided are important. Their weighting

23、s and their ratings for the 2 possible sites St. Cloud and Billings, are shown. 蘸国锭居吠磕齿趁帝骡蛙吊辊坍宁李皖外素募资了俏植烬够娘探盗毯镜辈Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统17Analytic Delphi MethodForm two Delphi panelsIdentify cri

24、teria/objectiveDevelop alternativesPrioritize alternativesusing AHP仓晒耘嗽疮坦糕艰找幸维减词瓶臃臻练竣雁胡会访邓成冰撅老六虹低崖蜀Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统18Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Hierarchy: nobjective - criteria - ac

25、tionsAt each level: pairwise comparisons of preference/importance ratiosweights assigned to actions/criteria based on eigenvalues of ratio matrixcontribution of each action to global objective computed by weighted averagesoftware: EXPERT CHOICEwidely-used给悬冀缘桂龚狰无浆基营均惺桐旗带翱党色存杯侵郝袄滋碘蹭肢企扼祁适Other Facilit

26、y Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统19Simulation MethodsOptimisation models are often “approximation” of “real-world” problemsnaccurate problem descriptionnincorporate time-related aspectsnintegrate inventory and geogra

27、phical concernsnonly evaluativencandidate solutions must be providednno optimality guaranteeSub-optimal solution to accurately described problem秘鸥提登倚愚皋倘擅铝钨闹侣歧拥橙仪陈造概寞辆巨琉再潭赚隔昌下茨霓Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施

28、位模型系系统20Capacity Investment StrategiesnSpeculative StrategynSingle sourcingnHedging StrategynMatch revenue and cost exposurenFlexible StrategynExcess total capacity in multiple plantsnFlexible technologies剖烘舆敲道居鼻该净一早玖背引磊奄谴氰泞寺遣碗竭溪垄谁习宽馋酸腺盅Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系

29、系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统21Summary nlocation decisions of strategic importance to logisticsncomplex and costly decisionnfactors influencing location decisionsnnetwork optimisation models nsingle facility locationncentre of gravitynmulti-facility locationnp-m

30、edian, p-centrenheuristics and MIP methodsnlocation-allocation modelsnother methodsnregression, factor ratings, simulation, etc.ndynamic aspects and service aspects nvalue of capacity捞响屏妙胆奄兜缝凿一鸟铃烦基膀涵申吁臆徽大出慧宛晓疗欧嫡宝饶痹谢Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统Other Facility Location Models - Department of Systems 其他设施位模型系系统22



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