2012高一英语优化课堂精品课件:unit 3section ⅳwriting(新人教版必修1)

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1、Section Writing原句 1It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entireMekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 首先想到沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。点评句中的“It is/was. that/who.”是强调句型,用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语等。仿写是我明天要去机场接我的朋友。_昨天我在湖里看到的就是天鹅。(提示:天鹅 swans)_It is I who/that will go to the airport to m

2、eet my friends.It was swans that I saw in the lake yesterday.原句 2Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。点评这个长句是由三个简单句合并而成:She didnt know the best way of getting to places.She insisted it.She or

3、ganized the trip properly.合并之第一步:句中的内容即是句中 it 指代的内容,我们可以用 insist that.将其合并(insist 后接宾语从句要用虚拟语气)。合并之第二步:句和句之间存在“尽管但是”的关系,故可以用 although 来引导让步状语从句将其合并。仿写尽管他非常忙,但是他仍然坚持要每天做运动。_Although he was quite busy, he still insisted that he (should)do exercise every day.尽管他们很穷,但他们坚持每年都要捐一笔钱给慈善机构。(提示:捐一笔钱 donate a

4、sum of money; 慈善机构 charity)_Although they are very poor, they insist that they (should)donate a sum of money to charities every year.原句3A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matterhow hard it is.不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作。点评“no matter how/what/which/when/where.”意为“不管,无论”,用来引导让步状语从句。仿写不

5、管天气如何,她每天都要步行十英里。_不管他工作多么努力,他就是得不到提升。(提示:得到提升 get a promotion)_No matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles every day.No matter how hard he works, he cant get a promotion.旅行游记本单元出现的相关词汇:travel (n.& v旅行), fare (n.费用), be fond of (喜爱), prefer(vt.更喜欢), determined (adj.坚决的;有决心的), journey (n.旅

6、行;旅程), view (n. 风景;视野vt. 观看), temple (n. 庙宇;寺庙),dream about (梦想), take a bike trip (骑车旅行), valley (n.山谷;流域), altitude (n.海拔), beneath (prep.在下面)本单元出现的相关句式:1It is/was.that/who.正是2Once.一旦3 To climb the mountains was hard work but as we lookedaround us, we were surprised by the view.上山很艰难,但是当环顾四周,我们惊讶于

7、眼前的景色。4At one point we were so.that.在某个时刻我们如此以致5We can hardly wait to see them!我们迫不及待地想要见到他们!旅行游记是记述游览经历的文章,是记叙文的一种。它是比较常见的作文体裁之一,主要有写一天的游历、写游览某个景点或某个城市等。旅行游记都要有一个清晰明了的顺序,即作者的游览路线。同时,游记还应突出作者对景观的独特感受,融情于景,使外在的自然风光与作者内心的特殊感受相结合,从而更强烈地打动读者。Today we visited Qinghua University.Early in the morning we ar

8、rived at the gate of QinghuaUniversity, where we were warmly welcomed by an oldprofessor, who then showed us around the campus.In the library,we saw some university students reading attentively in the readingrooms.After that, we came to the lab building.At the end of thevisit, the old professor gave

9、 us a lecture on science, whichinterested us very much.Time passed so quickly that before weknew it, it was time that we had to say goodbye to theprofessor.Since then, I have worked harder at my lessons than usualand made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua University., 结构分析:本文按照时间顺序完整记述了游览清华大学的过程

10、,其中early in the morning, then, after that, at the end of 等时间状语使文章过渡自然,脉络清楚,文章的最后作者表达了对这次清华大学之旅的感受。亮点点评:1时间状语(early in the morning, then, after that, at the endof 等)的运用,使文章条理清晰。2使用定语从句,如句。3使用“so.that.”句型,如句。4使用“it is/was time that.”句型,如句。游记通常为记叙文,在写作时要注意以下几点:1一般应包括以下若干要素,即游览的时间(when)、地点(where)、参加人员(w

11、ho)、交通工具(how)、在景点的活动(what)以及自己的感受(feeling)。2常用一般过去时。但在描写景物或议论时,也可用一般现在时。3文章结构要清晰,注意按时间或地点的顺序,将文章的要素有机地结合起来。必背词汇traveler/tourist (n. 旅 游 者 ), route (n. 线 路 ), hotel (n. 旅 馆 ),service (n. 服务), transport (n. 交通), ticket (n. 票), price (n. 价格),luggage (n. 行 李 ), map (n. 地 图 ), go sightseeing ( 去 观 光 ), b

12、yair/plane/train/boat/bus/car/bike (坐飞机/火车/船/公交车/小汽车/骑 自 行 车 ), famous (adj. 著 名 的 ), interesting (adj. 有 趣 的 ),mountainous (adj.多山的), friendly (adj.友好的), splendid (adj.辉煌的), history (n.历史), souvenir (n.纪念品), expensive (adj.昂贵的), place of interest (名胜), a variety of (各种), go shopping (去购物), tired (a

13、dj. 疲劳的), comfortable (adj.舒适的), enjoyable (adj.愉 快 的 ), enjoy oneself/have a good time/have fun ( 玩 得 开 心 ),be/feel at home (感觉自在的), be familiar with (对熟悉), geton/off (上车/下车), go by (经过)常用句式1Today I paid a visit to.with my.今天我和我的一起参观了2There are many places of interest in.such as.在有很多名胜,如3Time passe

14、d quickly before we knew it, so we had to.时间不知不觉过去了,我们不得不4How glad/happy/excited I feel today!今天我感到多么高兴啊!【小试牛刀】请根据下列表格中的内容写一篇游记,介绍去年暑假你的青岛之旅。时间去年暑假旅行人员 我和我的家人交通方式 坐火车所见所闻 1.充足的阳光和新鲜的空气令人舒适;2.我们在海边见到像天一样蓝的大海,在沙滩上享受日光浴(bath in the sunshine on the beach);3.我和妹妹捡了很多色彩鲜艳的贝壳,我们也买了很多有趣的纪念品打算送给朋友;4.我们吃了很多美味的海鲜,住在一家干净、整洁且价格不高的旅店里。感受我们玩得很开心,我还想再来青岛。写作内容写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2作文的开头已经给出,不计入总句数。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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